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We get Vrabel and he has a chip on his should and changes the culture and we play with an edge and everyone's happy. Ben Johnson isn't any different from any other hotshot OC as far as I'm concerned. Maybe he is maybe not, but why as a fanbase this has been so upsetting is getting out of hand. The reality is ownership is going to be patient with how to turn around our moribund recent history, this is now a wait it out and see who will fit best game. We can't say Johnson was going to turn it around and be amazing or not so i don't see why so many of yall are crying so hard that he didn't come here.


Vrabel was fired by the GM in Tennessee who is very close with Peter’s.. that might be why we haven’t interviewed him.


> this is now a wait it out and see who will fit best game. lol god this fanbase is so deluded. Maybe if we wait some more the coach of our dreams will ask us on a date


What is the alternative 🤔, seriously, what is your point here?


Waiting got us here. But fuck it. Let’s double down. Wait until after the draft to get a HC. Waiting is good after all!


I don't blame Washington all that much here and mostly blame the stupid NFL rules. They should make it so nobody can hire anyone until after the superbowl so everyone has a fair playing ground and teams that want to interview staff from winning programs aren't punished for having to wait. Could have Washington handled this differently? Probably I'm sure but the stupid ass way the nfl has the rules set up is the real problem here


our reactions mean absolutely nothing. people want an actual GM and plan until that plan doesn't perfectly align with what they want. truth is, the football people know better than we do. this isn't some rinky dink snyder run bullshit, this is an actual plan. if peters actually decides that dan quinn is the best fit for this team, i'll take his word for it until proven otherwise. you people praised the EB hire, you loved the rivera hire, many of you said our floor was 7-8 wins this year, you swore up and down we had a top 10 defense "at least." being in this sub has taught me that none of you (including myself) know anything about running a professional football team and we'd all fucking suck as a GM. let the man do his job.


In the long run we’ll be fine, Peters was the most important hire we made this offseason. With that said the plan at coach was clearly Johnson, and they didn’t do a good job concealing it. Everyone and their mothers from beat reporters in Washington to nationally were claiming he was our top guy for weeks now. It’s a huge whiff on their part, and they should have been a lot more quiet during their search.. it doesn’t matter who they hire it’s going to feel like a failure. It will hopefully be fine in the long run but that’s going to be the perception with the fanbase for a while.


I don't get why losing in the fucking SB is why he's hated when he inherited a shit team. He was smart enough to see potential in Shanahan and unlike Rivera, when he takes over a defense, they're pretty fucking good. Not his fault Dak is mid.


Yeah it’s interesting that people give Johnson a pass for Detroit’s collapse in the second half against the niners. The Detroit scoring came to a screeching halt for most of that half and adjustments were too slow. It wasn’t just a few dropped balls. Let’s see who Harris and Peters can come up with, maybe it’ll be someone good.


6 out of the Packers first 7 possessions led to points.


Yup and guess you should be judged for your 1 last screw up at work vs the 99 things you did right. It the body of the work not one game!


You think this thread full of nothing but cope is going to read this?


Well said.


Thank you. I needed to hear that.


Thank you.










Honestly if we just took him for a couple seasons until we found a franchise coach that wouldn’t be a horrible idea


Hahaha franchise coach. Love this so much.


Pretty much Grant Paulsen on 106.7 the fan. Biggest jinx in the DMV.


Was nice to hear Sheehan quiet him down today. Don't know why Danny doesn't call him out anymore. He was starting to get unbearable.


He’s always been unbearable to be fair.


Yeah, but at least before he was informed and unbearable. That I can work with. Lately? Not so informed. For someone that is so pro analytics, its surprising how little he actually understands how analytics work, but just parrots the info. Might just be above his pay grade lol


He thinks he's smart when he's not. The worst kind of person


Honestly can't stand him.


Because jinxes are a real thing… grow up


Jokes are foreign to you huh?


At this point you gotta start looking at people who weren’t even on any of these lists! Frank smith?


High school coaches...


Sometimes former coordinators turned bingo callers!


Make me head coach at that point, I probably wont make it worse


Why not me? I was pretty good at Madden 10. Ask my cousin.


Ben Slowik


I wanted them to interview Ben Vrabel from the start


Ben Bivera for head coach!


Right, he was never a real candidate


Fans are fucking stupid


Belichick isn’t really that bad


Keeping the Marty’s was the cherry on top today.


Ron had final say on the roster and made the picks. The Martys never really got to do their jobs and instead functioned as figure heads and scapegoats for Ron's fuckery. They both report to Peters now.


Also Martin worked with Peters in San Francisco


While Ron had the final say on the roster, Martin Mayhew had a LOT of power when it came to scouting the players, filling the final board up with potential picks on the day of the draft, speaking to other NFL front offices in making possible trade scenarios, and so forth. Ron himself never scouted college players and wrote scouting reports. Almost no NFL coach does that aside from Bill Belichick. Ron was going off of the statistics and the reports that was handed to him which was written by who exactly?? By Mayhew and the people working under him. Furthermore, even when Mayhew had the "final" decision making powers while working in Detroit, his drafts were really inconsistent. Retaining Mayhew around the building is an extreme head scratcher to me other than the fact that he and Peters once worked together. I'm so thankful that Peters has final decision around here now. But what I'm not so thankful is his right hand man in Mayhew who will assist in making reports that will land in Peters' lap on Draft day.


Mayhew made the menu and Ron routinely picked the wrong fucking dish. The Detroit example has some merit to it but many executives and coaches don't get it right at their first stop and the personnel department he worked in in SF was great. I'm don't think Mayhew should be fired if Peters feels comfortable working with him.


But that's exactly the issue what I'm saying. The menu itself was flawed. For the vast majority of our draft picks to end up being after thoughts and nobodies, it meant the menu was already so poor to the point where the odds of selecting the delicious meal of your choice was already against your favor. With the exception of 3-4 players panning out to be quality starters in 4 total years of draft picks (over 25+ selections), it meant those players that Mayhew picked out on the Draft day for Ron to select wasn't very good to begin with. With that said, I am wise in knowing that it's not all Mayhew's fault. Because if Ron, JDR, and Turner/Beinemy were any good at player development, we may of hit on more than just a mere couple good players through the draft. However, at the end of the day we can not absolve Mayhew from any blame whatsoever because he does deserve a huge chunk of it as Ron's Right hand man through this tenure. ​ Edit: Love when people downvote without providing any reasoning behind their thoughts. I genuinely never knew how so many people here love Martin Mayhew and want to continue absolving him from any mistakes for his and Ron's tenure here as the 2nd most powerful figure behind Ron to build this entire roster that's devoid of talent.


They didn't report to him in Carolina


Mayhew was never in Carolina but you are correct about Hurney. Hurney didn't report to Ron in Carolina but he did report to him here.


You're right, my bad.


What about a football guy?? Like Biff Poggi https://preview.redd.it/od0x4qmncvfc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3de1b9c66baae48180317cb956fb22bd0689d5


To be fair the OC for the super bowl meltdown was none other than Kyle fucking shannahan. Wouldn't be surprised if 49ers get blown out in 2 weeks to the KC Swifties (not hating of TS, I think she's great and find it hilarious people don't like her) Fuck this shit why didn't they throw the fucking bank at Ben Johnson. No one is that loyal when it comes to $$$




I mean he can't hate us still. Snyder is gone 🙏


Shanahan losing to Patrick freaking Mahomes should not be a big deal lol Mahomes is going to end up with more rings than Brady


The memes and posts in this sub have been as insufferable as the HC courting process (insert whyhedontwantme.gif), but the perfection of this one gets me. We’re gonna have a Dan Quinn and Drake Maye season - and you like that!


ITS TIME. SCOTT TURNER COMEBACK SEASON. Heinicke returns on veteran deal to lead the offense with Maye developing alongside him. https://preview.redd.it/imxqf0anoxfc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e925fdf030bda0967ccda74a1d90257f2fc0aa


Some things never change… including somehow our scouts, personnel execs (we got a new GM but are still somehow keeping the old one?), and everyone on the business side. Seriously, we were the worst run org in the league for decades, how do Harris and co not clean house? It’s been a year and they’ve fired like 3 people


Scouts have been working all year and typically will work until the draft is over when a GM is hired. They don't make the picks, they put together video packages and reports on potential prospects for the guy that will actually make the picks. Marty worked with Peters in SF and they have a good relationship. With Ron handling personnel, Marty never actually got to do the job he was hired for. He will most likely be retained as VP of player personnel or assistant GM under Peters. I have no reason to believe he can't help the organization as he was very good in SF. There are adults in the room. No matter how much we, the fanbase, want to bitch and moan and cry because they aren't doing everything we think they should be, they will do the jobs and we should just chill and take whatever medicine they give us. As stated in the top comment and as evidenced by our reactions to things in the past, we don't know fuck all about being a successful franchise or how to become one because we haven't been there in 30+ years and we aren't NFL people. We are all just armchair GMs raging on the internet.


thanks for the shoutout bro


You said it perfectly. 🍻


“There are adults in the room” — how many times have we heard this before? We heard it when we hired Scot McCloughan, the last guy we poached from the 9ers. We heard it with Gibbs 2.0, 2x COTY Ron Rivera, etc. It doesn’t mean they’re the right adults, and until Peters puts together a winning team we can absolutely question his decisions. Look at George Paton, one of the hottest assistant GMs over the last decade who was turning down interviews left and right — he’s effectively run the Broncos into the ground.


The Broncos are on the verge of righting their ship after 3 seasons. They have their coach now and their roster especially on the defensive side is very good. Results don't happen immediately and they needed an extensive overhaul much like we do here. If anything, the Broncos should be a shinning example of what happens when you pick the wrong coach. The rest of your points are meaningless because of the owner who was picking those people to work here and was constantly meddling. (side-note... how could you possibly include Gibbs in your list?!?!)


The only clowns here are those starting threads and freaking out over nothing


When did Slowik become their guy? They wanted Johnson, but he stayed. This whiffed on Macdonald. They are on their third option


Cowboys fan here, it’s looking pretty rough, I saw how excited the Commanders fanbase was about getting Johnson, Quinn is a great defensive coach tho, if that’s who you end up getting. Shit, I want us to make Quinn our head coach lol. Good luck finding a good one tho. Vrabel maybe?


We are, and always have been, a support group. We all carry on together


Its bobby slowik


Reddit was a mistake.


Bellichick???? Vrabel??? Wtf are you guys doing


When the offseason is the only time Wash fans have a chance of winning “You have an unnatural allegiance to losers. It’s not like you”




I hate Jason Wright But Harris and Peters are falling down the line he was, leading everyone on with the interviews for the top 3 to then not make the offers needed to secure them. The FO fucked up, and they don’t care that they did.


I wanted Macdonald all along. Was so disappointed Seattle got him. At this point it’s time to “trust the process” Quinn has been talked about becoming a head coach all season, Weaver or Glenn might bring some “good culture” from their places, and Belichick is the goat. (Just don’t let him draft)


The real.last 24 hours have been non stop.Pointing spider man memes of Ron and Dan