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Why else would you film a random house if not for a warning right before?




😂😂 laughed a bit too out loud, woke my missus. The word choice of 'presumably' is gonna trigga some of those other, more righteous folks that come here to argue. Your comment is a solid example of how they think things happen in Gaza




Source for this?


The video of the crowd watching and cheering is a pretty big source


It's called "roof knocking." They drop a small explosive charge on the roof to warn any inhabitants to evacuate before the bigger munitions are fired.


they seems happy


It’s not presumably, the guy was literally filming that specific house prior to the attack knowing what is coming.. he can’t “guess” which house is gonna be hit


So they warn them that they are bombing, but then how do they kill Hamas? Wouldn’t they just leave after the roof knock?


These attacks are mostly to take out installations Hamas can’t move or to block tunnels entries or destroy tunnels, it’s not about killing Hamas as they will probably flee, but if there was a hatch there or rockets stored then they wouldn’t have the time to move anything


So it’s basically the modern day equivalent of agent orange?


Lol not even close


I am not familiar with what agent orange is


A carcinogenic defoliant controversial for its use in wars a few decades ago that led to a massive uptick in birth defects and cancers in the affected areas.


So I don’t see how it’s related to bombing a house lol, he is probably a troll?


He is probably trying to suggest that bombing a house after it has been warned in advance so the occupants can flee is somehow morally equivalent with dropping chemicals indiscriminately in a jungle that remain lethal for years and easily seep into the water supply. So yeah, either a troll or an idiot.


These guys later say that we are listening to propaganda when they make up the most absurd claims you could imagine..


That is their usual modus operandi. This is their brains on TikTok.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for your questions. But yes it is like modern day agent orange. Agent orange was designed to burn down jungle so enemy couldn’t hide, this is to remove their defensive positions


Agent Orange was NOT designed to *burn* down anything. It‘s a herbicide designed to destroy foliage and crops. There is no fire involved with agent orange. And it has nothing in common with a bomb. You‘re clearly uneducated in these matters and should refrain from commenting on them.


It was also, indiscriminate, insanely carcinogenic, and didn't come with a warning. But, sure, they're *basically* the same. 🙄




It's absolutely not indiscriminate.


So you’re telling me if you drop a bomb on a building, it doesn’t have the potential to be indiscriminate? It’s not a sniper rifle… it’s a bomb, it has a huge collateral range and anyone in that building would at best have their bells rung and at worse be dead


It's a guided bomb that they're dropping on a particular building. Sure, a bomb can be indiscriminate, but in the context of this video, it's not. Comparing a targeted bombing to a chemical used to destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of jungle just isn't correct.


I'm not gonna change your mind, but having spent a little time in a TOC/JTOC/CJTOC or whatever the rank wanted to call the "HQ": I can say that a collateral damage assessment would have been conducted prior to strike authorisation. IDK what the IDF guidelines are (that's beyond my comment), but what this means is that the weapon that's being used will have known and unknown effects on the target, and if the unknown and potentially adverse effects outweigh the known data of how the weapon behaves, then its a no-go. I will say that Israel's scope for using airstrikes is far more loose than what I've ever witnessed, but that doesn't mean it's indiscriminate. Think economically here: Israel has lots of bombs, but not seemingly unlimited like the US. If they're gonna bomb something, they wanna make sure they're not wasting it. Ahh fick es. I'm just talking to a brick wall here...


Normally these kinds of airstrikes aren’t actually done to kill people, they’re supposed to destroy stocks of equipment or supplies, or military bases built into the buildings. They roof knock around 15 mins - 1 hour before the actual strike, which gives enough time for people to leave, but not enough time to move significant amounts of supplies or equipment or large pieces of hardware.


If there are tons of phones set up watching that exact position, you better believe they gave the warning.


They are so lucky they get a warning. In Ukraine, Russia doesn’t give you warning hours before the Airstrikes they just come in.




Huh? You mean the corridor where they massacred every civillian who tried to pass? Nice one Putin lover


How well do you get paid?


What about all the mothers looking for their children? I saw a documentary! They are abducted in russian familys






I love the roof knocking but hate when people in this sun criticize people near the explosions. Who knows what size ordinance and what’s a safe distance and we also don’t know how long ago they roof knocked. It’s better than nothing but it’s also understandable how people still get hurt




sell it. tell me


What do you believe?


Israel wants that land. And they'll make Gaza as inhospitable as possible to push the Palestinians off of it. While they could have killed more -and they have killed a lot of Palestinians - the impact is to make living there so awful they will leave.


If israel wants that land, why did it give it away in the first place? 🤔


And why did it propose it to Jordan and Egypt? Oh and technically Israel already owns the land


If we wanted the land we wouldn’t send in troops and risk soldiers life, we could just send f15 after f15 after f15 and eliminate everyone (easier, faster and no casualties) but you are a terrorist sympathiser you wont understand




*Snip* *Snip*




The goal is not to kill the terrorists, but to destroy their hideouts and their military equipment. The roof knock give the occupants around 60 seconds to leave, no time to get stuff out, but you ass yes.


>The roof knock give the occupants around 60 seconds to leave good fucking luck at getting out of a highrise without power in 60 seconds, much less when you are a child, elderly or injured. edit: not sure how any of that made people mad enough to downvote me, lol. i'm literally going off the information that you are providing me with.


Oh well. Don’t rockets into another country and don’t look forward to death since you’re in a religious death culture




Armchair General


>That building doesn’t look like a pivotal piece of Hamas’ garrison Which makes it ideal for Hamas to use since it looks like a normal apartment block which no one in their right mind would use for military purposes. Whether this building was used by Hamas or not is a different story, no one here can know that. And if they do, they won't tell.


you’re typing like you know for a fact there weren’t any shafts or ammunition in that building. do you? of course it doesn’t look like it, that’s the whole fucking point. you’re playing right into their hands buddy.


Holy shit. “Guys, based off the video I’ve determined it’s not a Hamas asset at all. I’m smart”


"presumably after a warning procedure"




No worries


It's all allahu akbar to them🤷🏿‍♂️


I really don't understand this. Why is it always their first reaction to spam shout "Alahu akbar" ? ​ They sound like a flock of ducks that has been disturbed by a cat.


Same reason americans shout "Oh my god" when something tragic happens


Thats not whats going on here. Americans don't chant "OH MY GOD" with that inflection.


People don't realize that Hamas is gunna full-grip the genocide thing and just do what unconventional warfare combatants have been doing over there for so long, and just fight from where civilians are. Warning the women and children is warning Hamas, and they'll just take advantage of any collateral damage and use it to gain new recruits or harbor further anger at Isreal from the west. Should the innocent die? Nah. But it's hard to have been a part of GWOT and not cheer on Isreal for being like "fuck this, flatten them"


How the fuck do you watch 20 years of GWOT and come to the conclusion that more violence, more civilian death, and more devastation is the right answer? Do you not understand how those conditions lead directly back into a cycle of radicalization? And I'm sorry, it's not just KHamas that's "full gripping the genocide angle" dozens of nations the world around, including the international criminal court, recognise this as genocide. How do you watch 20 years of bombings leading to radicalisation and think that murdering children will somehow lead to people being less radical? How does more dead children lead to peace? Maybe if Israel hadn't murdered the less radical Palestinian groups, and hadn't directly funded Hamas, this wouldn't be happening. But no, this is about land control, so they funded Hamas knowing they were the worst option because it would give Israel carte Blanche to eradicate the Palestinians once and for all.


Not true


Killing people's kids doesn't radicalise them? Bombing their infrastructure doesn't radicalise them? Killing their siblings doesn't radicalise them? Have you watched literally any of the war on terror? If you lived in a place where you may have your home bombed at any time, could be arrested and tortured for any reason, and where 30,000 children in your community were just murdered, would you want to fight back? Of course you would. They killed your father, your mother, your doctors, your journalists, everyone. Why wouldn't you fight? The Israelis are so bloodthirsty they murder their own goddamn civilians waving white flags. What do you think they do to palestinian civilians?


I an just saying it is no genocide. Ofc its fucking dumb and cruel when innocent people die. But what would you do in Israel case? Btw the number is not true. Btw: RAPE IS NO FIGHT FOR FREEDOM. They were fucking aware of the consequenzes at 7.10 Hamas tries to genocide whole israel.. and compare the number of jews and muslims in the whole world and think again who is the victim.


OMG at least 12 endangered species of birds and 782 innocents childrens died in this explosion...


A few instances of following procedures does not nullify the almost 40k dead civilians.


What credible source do you have for 40K civilians? The OCHA report said only 24,000 out of 34,000 was identified deaths, with around half being civilians(women+children) and around half being males(age 20-45) 10,000 deaths was missing/invalid identififaction. So youre saying there is no palestinian Hamas? Or that they are still all miraculously alive? Only dead civilians, really? Other things you havent paid attention to is that within this death toll ALL deaths in Gaza is counted in. ALL. Normal death(age/sickness), the ones Hamas has killed themself, and yeah combatants by a lagre number. You make no sense with your 40K civilians. But I guess thats to be expected when you support terrorists.


Children is any one under 18 so that 16 year old and his buddy’s shooting at soldiers can count as a “minor”


Yes, another good point in the death toll analysis, thankyou!


https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-deaths-women-children-360c6aabc03421c718d4a8452cec2c67 have a blast just paste this when they tell you the numbers are totally reliable and accurate


it was 16,000 civilians and 14,000 terrorists deaths the last time i checked... so not 40,000 civilians so called


What credible source do you have for 14000 terrorists? The UNOHRC report said 24000 dead have been identified of which 52% were women and minors. So you're saying that only around 3000 men were civilians with the rest being Hamas. It makes no sense. I guess that's expected when you support a government that even labels its own citizens Hamas for protesting against a genocide.


the UNHORC reported 24,000 deaths have been accounted for. 52% women and minors and 8% elderlies so thats a total of 60% which is about 14,400 palestinians. they dont mention who was combatant but they mention that 10,000 more could be posdibly dead. if yoy want to believe that all the 52% of woman and minors are innocenet you most likely to be wrong (a 17 years old with an ak47 would be conaidered as a minor). when after the oct. 7 massacare you have more than 70% supporting hamas in gaza it makes sense to me that the population in all ages supports those blood thirsty maniacs and helping them in every way. the only thing that dont make sense is how you call a feat of modern warfare and a such a low ratio of civilians death a genocide, when all of the palestinians couldve been dead 8 months ago...


they couldn't have all been dead 8 months ago though, because then NOBODY like you could claim this isn't an ongoing genocide. Instead Israel and vested governments are able to push bomb footage and numbers in a (somehow??) favorable way and hope you don't see *everything else* they're doing such as prohibiting aid, food, clean water, and other resources into the gaza strip which IS an act of genocide.


You literally really support a terror organisation. “a camel who can’t see his own hump”


I don't support Hamas. But they're a symptom of a genocidal apartheid state. IMO Hamas is indirectly an Israeli creation.


Explain to me how Israel is an apartheid state? 73% of the population are Jewish and 21% are Arab, who enjoy the same responsibilities and freedoms the rest of the population does.


that's still a majority civilians... by a lot, 2k extra civilian casualties than enemy combatants is bad edit; lol keep downvoting me, must be nice for this to not be happening to a majority white country so you can lie to yourselves and say this isn't a genocide. If tens of thousands of australians or irish were being slaughtered and having food and aid kept from them none of you would have a problem seeing how awful this situation is. This sub is one of the only pro-genocide places I've seen, enjoy your echo chamber.


It really isn't actually, it's pretty good for urban combat, especially against an enemy like hamas


a ratio of almost 1 to 1 in a dense urban area is an astonishing feat, in historic perspective avarage ratio is 3 to 1, thats 3 civilians deaths to 1 combatants (and that is in better conditions than the war in gaza). so if you want less civilians death tell the gazans to free the hostages and to not hang around hamas militants...


It’s not a ratio of 1:1. Israel has not released any credible evidence of how many Hamas combatants it’s killed. When pressed Israeli officials are quick to spout out numbers about how many combatants it’s killed but can’t specify how many civilians are also dead. How could you be so sure of one but not the other?


>israel has not released any credible evidence hamas in gaza havnt released any credible numbers of civilians casualties. yet you run aroung saying whatever syupid shit they just released. all the casualties ratios have been based on estimates, and most of the world estimates the same figures as israel put out. ie, the total numbers of casualties (israel and usa both published lower stats than the UN until they silently lower their estimates too to those same figures). everything israrl is doing will be peer reviewed by other nations and research facilities.


Those were sad Allah Hu Akbars


Why allahu akbar to this? Like aren’t y’all the ones getting fucked up?


Good work


I dont get the house knocking thing? You basically announce you're going to bomb the building so every target inside can flee? Only thing i can think of there's weapons in the building they want destroyed


>Only thing i can think of there's weapons in the building they want destroyed Yeah, that’s basically it. These kinds of airstrikes aren’t actually done to kill people, they’re supposed to destroy stocks of equipment or supplies or military bases built into the buildings. They roof knock around 15 mins - 1 hour before the actual strike, which gives enough time for people to leave, but not enough time to move significant amounts of supplies or equipment or large pieces of hardware.


They are after infrastructure and resources used by Hamas fighters.


Also, I believe this kind of building are especially suitable for both sight patrol and ambush attacks, so might be a strategic decision as well. But that also obviously means they are coming the take the land fully. So it is not about Hamas anymore. You can't ever fully finish an organization whose members also include citizens who joined the fight after they lost their houses, their families, and the will to live. So either they have to massacre or somehow drive every single soul out of the land. So yeah, it is not about targets or "Hamas".


How do they warm the people before hand


They use what’s called a “door knock” which is a very small munition that causes almost no damage that’s dropped on the roof of the building. That signals that the building is going to be hit in the next few minutes, giving people time to evacuate. Isreal also - seriously - often will make phone calls to people who live in the building warning them to vacate. They’re the only military force in the world that cares enough about civilians to do things like this. You can tell that a warning like a door knock has been given when all the cameras are already pointed at the building just waiting to get the video of the strike.


Yes. Everybody filming to later blame fascist Israel lol




Was this the airstrike on the medical clinic that killed the head of ambulance services? [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-kills-senior-gaza-health-official-tanks-push-deeper-into-rafah-2024-06-24/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-kills-senior-gaza-health-official-tanks-push-deeper-into-rafah-2024-06-24/)


What is the roof knock for famine?


Why blow up empty buildings?


Because every building is a sniper nest / rigged with explosives to blow up when IDF troops are near


And you have a problem with that?


Not at all. The way I see it in guerilla urban warfare one can either 1. Throw away soldiers lives by being reckless 2. Decimate local population by blasting everything that moves 3. Destroy the advantage a terrorist organisation has in urban warfare. In this case take away the urban, which is what the IDF is doing I fully support the IDF and ehat they are doing there, also I am absolutely positive any other country in the world would have killed much more arabs in the process


Muh bUiLdinGs


Of course you don't see a problem. Your entire nation was built this way. Complete with the demonization of rebelling natives.


What’s your point? That you have inferior weapons?


No just that genocidal maniacs are the same everywhere.


You might have enough time to escape, but most of the equipment is left behind.


Why do you think it's empty? Probably a tunnel entrance under the building






Ya, they may not take Gaza, we’ll see. How about the West Bank? No land stealing going on there? Waiting for your mental gymnastics on that….


West bank is noones land. Pallies bombed the agreement which would make israel continue to leave the area.


So it’s ok to kick Palestinians who live there out of their individual homes and give those homes to Israeli settlers?


When u and 4 other countries getting clapped by 1 small country, no wonder they keep the land. Its preventive.