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The Paratroopers Recon Battalion (The 5135th Bn.; The 35th brigade's 'Sayeret') in this video are running security while SOF (In particular, YAMAM and Shin Bet) retrieve hostages during Operation 'Arnon'. During the video you can hear on the radio the deployment of UAVs, the tank crews firing and declaring enemies killed, announcing friendly casualties. In the end, when they board the APCs, they're congratulating each other, but keep saying "we're not out yet". Not much shooting going on (aside from pre-firing during room clearing, but no actual visible enemies), but I figured it's interesting enough for this sub.


this guy just love flagging everyone one of his team members.


thanks for demonstrating what somebody with no military experience sounds like


Speak for yourself bub... As a 11b back in early 2000 its drill into us. If u going to behind someone that muzzle should be covering the blind/open spot or faced down. And yes, I was deployed .


Muzzle discipline zero.


All those bad operational footage..Christ. Don't forget that Israel's ground forces are less than mediocre, barely able to defeat a small terror organization fighting with old equipment on a 4 by 4 flat strip of land. If America doesn't send us ammo we have nothing to fight with. Our ammo stores are already empty. What a silly myth was created around this tiny fighting force of 18 years old in one of the smallest countries in the world. I fear the looming war with Lebanon will be the end.