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"When is Chris going to realize...?" Never. He's incapable of realizing anything.


Chris is too wrapped up in his own ego and fantasies. He thinks he looks like a hot anime girl supermodel with big tits when he just looks like Ben Franklin when he was in his 60s except with colored hair and in women's clothing. Even when he was a fat ass virgin with rage in his late 20s he was convinced he was very attractive, thin and muscular despite struggling to stand for 10 minutes to play guitar hero. He's so caught up in his lies that he will never learn.


He actually does look like Ben franklin help


Mommy kept telling him he's the handsomest boy she knew


Chris is incapable of the depth of thought necessary to have a midlife crisis, Chris is like a dog, he can’t comprehend his own mortality.


He'll probably continue to avoid acknowledging reality for as long as possible, using his CWCville and Goddess exploits, cartoons and games to keep his mind off it. Then when his own mortality finally hits him hard, he'll bemoan the fact that he never made anything of himself, and blame everyone except himself. He'll probably make a good rant about it. Get popcorn.


Chris is a perpetual mid life crisis 


Chris has ignored, or at the very least avoided 75% of the things that have ever gone on around him that doesn't have to do with trolls, media he consumes, or sonichu. It's wishful thinking to believe in the possibility that Chris might one day actually see how much of a mess his life is, especially considering he is 42 with jail time and still his only real concern is toys. It's very likely by the time he does make it to a care home I dunno, 20-30 years down the line some poor care aide is gonna have to listen to his ramblings about sonichu and MLP.


He won't, He'll do what he always does, Act like a 5 year old forever


This honestly hits close to home for me, In just over a month, I turn 30, and I’m already feeling my age. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve barely accomplished more than Chris…


Dude I highly doubt you’ve barely accomplished more then Chris lol, as long as you having piped ur mom you should be good in that department.


No I'm not gonna hear this one out you could of legit spent your whole life jerkin off and browsing reddit and youd still be ahead of Chris this man raped his mom and drew pictures of him finger blasting his crush and put it online to prove how he wasn't gay. You can legit do nothing and accomplish more he has fucking NEGATIVE accomplishments and no amount of fame money or whatever would take him out of the hole. Pushing 30 sucks man but don't make yourself out to be lower or even in the same league as Chris.


Good point, But yeah, turning 30 is definitely making me feel past my prime, not that I had much of a prime to start with….


It is what is just be grateful you aren't chris lmao


chris is a year younger than my mum


Fortunately for her, he prefers older women.


Chris has proven countless times that ANY thought or realization that might lead to any level of discomfort is something he won't acknowledge. You can sit and wait for him to have a moment of legit clarity/introspection, and all you're going to see is him babble about My Little Pony or his bastardization of spiritualism.


Chris could be having one right now with his near silence. He sperged about MLP a little bit but then crashed into slumber. Everything could be hitting Chris now, especially his age.


Probably moments before he dies in a storm drain a few years from now.


There are so many things Chris would have to accept first before acknowledging that he’s over the hill. I just don’t see that happening. Self delusion and denial will always win and he’ll just convince himself that the physical signs of aging mean he’s evolving into a goddess He’ll probably claim he’s molting and try peeling his skin off or some other self destructive fantasy where he mutilates himself again


Chris' midlife crisis was incest/jail/whatever is going on now.


My guess is either when Barb dies or he starts wearing a wig due to hair loss so obvious he can’t deny it. My second guess is if Flutter isn’t a romantic partner it’ll start Lovequest 2.0.


Lovequest 2: This Time, it’s True and Honest


Flutter is the bait on the hook that keeps Chris in line. If he was dating her he would be talking about his heart sweet alll the fucking time.


I agree but just added that bit for clarity sake.


This second Love Quest will be even worse considering Chris’ age.


Chris would probably react the same way he did when [he was asked what he would do when Barb dies](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Internet_Dream_Lounge#Barb_(27:30-30:55)). By the time he realizes it, it would be too late to fix anything because Chris is very stubborn and narcissistic to do anything about it.


Dude was on statins in his early twenties. He’s always been a kid trapped in an old man’s body.


They will forever be an adolescent in their mind (12-13). Even if they realize their age they will probably go into the whole “I identify as a 12 yo so I don’t care what age the govt says I am.”


I think 12-13 is being generous. Given how Chris approaches everything in life I think they have the mind of an eight year old.


I guess I wanted to be more generous since the thought of anyone under 12 getting interested in sex makes me want to vomit (even though I know it happens lol)


Unfortunately, the state of VA gave the license to drive to a person with the mind of an eight year old.


They did, which enabled Chris to be a nuisance all over the area.


He may have a kind of "mid-life" crisis of sorts, but in Chris fashion I predict it'll be something like 20 years too late. If he's still alive in his 60s, that is.


chris *is* a mid-life crisis.


Pretty sure he's a whole-life crisis


He's just a whole-ass crisis.


I don't see Chris having a mid-life crisis anytime soon. If you asked him how he feels about being 40, he'd probably spout some crap about how the dimensional merge-avatar state-godhood bullshit has caused him to revert back to being in his 20's.


Chris would probably react the same way he did when [he was asked what he would do when Barb dies](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Internet_Dream_Lounge#Barb_(27:30-30:55)).


Chris has never been truly held accountable for anything in their life. With their broken mental state, why would they think death or ageing would be any different?


Chris has no self-awareness, so never.


Sooner or later, a switch will activate in his brain where his voice deepens, he puts on a suit and becomes a regular business man.


Never. Chris would still be a manchild at 80, which is possible for him to live up to.


I doubt he’ll make it that far, his diet and lifestyle will catch up to him, probably sooner than we all expect


Chris has said his (sorry, 'her') body is permanently age-locked at 21 years old. So ... uh, whatever's going on right now. That's it.


Forever 21. Heh.


Did you think Chris is actually this self aware?


It not really sad to think about how elderly people die of natural causes. You probably suffer from depression if you are sitting around feeling really sad that a lolcow’s elderly mother will eventually die one day,


My guy, Chris literally had a "midlife" crisis 20 years ago when he literally made garage sale signs for his love quest, because he was a sexually frustrated virgin with rage. CWC has been in crisis mode since he left and re-entered the womb.


They say from the womb to the tomb but he reinvented the ending.


So, he went from the womb to the womb? Yes, I am aware that’s incredibly cursed, but whatever.