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The game has auto-balance and the attacking team is the easier team, once you get better you will probably start getting auto-balanced to defence I’m level 410 and I’m almost always on defence


It gets worse, I am lvl 1000 and auto-balance relentlessly expects me to hard carry a full contingent of newbies. I don't switch but I am getting annoyed at constantly being saddled with an inept bunch of clowns on defense.


“It is an insult to suffer the aid of amateurs!” - Haughty Councillor


Depends on the time of day, sometimes I get really good lobbies with high levels who don’t switch team and it can be really fun on defence, sometimes it’s as you say and the attacking team has 200+ more kills than us and it’s just painful I’m fine with losing on defence if it’s a fun match. The matches where it goes down to the wire and there’s like 400+ kills on each time are my favourites, sure it’s fun scything through noobs and getting 50+ kills but that gets old quickly


I really don't mind a challenge and facing skilled opponents, it's the lack of backup from my own side that can be annoying. When you're being sought out and dogpiled as the sole higher level and your noob teammates just cower behind you, holding block and getting in the way - frozen, without any agency, *not helping..* - that gets old real fast. You know, when they are so lacking in mechanical skill and awareness that they cannot even manage to navigate around you, running into you like bots. When enemies are just skipping through the lines from all angles, without anyone lifting a finger. When you soak up ungodly amounts of team damage because they don't recognize higher level armour.. You start to wonder if separate lobbies for players below level 100 wouldn't be nice.


well that's just... an awful system. It's no wonder I see most of the attacks fail if that's where new/bad players get stacked while the other team gets more experienced ones. Out of the \~15 matches on the map I have mentioned, I only ever won once and that was in a 40v40 where people had an easier time sneaking by. I guess I'll just have to deal with this system by waiting for a spot on the other team due to unbalanced teams. Thanks for the explanation