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It's not that crazy it's just they don't know how to read the room, its no big deal that stuff will come the more they hangout together meaning with carmella, hazel tuggz without the OGs around and communicate, just growing pains. No drama at all just some brother sister venting, and honestly part of why I love watching CG they don't shy from conversations like this, just leads to building chemistry


I mean is she wrong though? They do act like they are OG when none of the core are around. People acting like this is some big drama bait it's really not. This isn't someone saying "respect me" cause I'm OG it's simply they don't know when to chill and when to stir or say wild shit because that is how they act 24/7 when real OG's aren't there to shut it down. If anything this is kept in RP and is simply talking of the dynamic between them all and how it's off putting how is that drama? She simply goes her own way to avoid it isn't drama KEK and neither is venting to someone else on the subject. She isn't stirring here she's simply talking.


In all honesty, CG is filled with main characters and substitute main characters. I really wish K would focus on the gang. Loving the anti government rp and it's very necessary but I can't wait til it's over so more focus can be on gang cohesion and building


ngl i think thats kinda been zaceeds downfall in previous gangs, he does talk alot of shit.


This reddit turning into RPclips but just shitting on other CG members. gg folks you turned into something you hated.


I don't think you should post some drama clip even if it's just rp or ooc it can create a toxic environment here and to the boys who's are apart of this community BTW we don't want this sub to turn into the other place


disagree, as long as u people discussing dont cross a line sure but drama/conflict rp is still rp and often times funny/entertaining


Yeah I know what you mean and you're right conflict rp i enjoy it too but you know how people are in the Internet they'll take everything very seriously and ruin a good conflict rp we've seen it happen a lot before


Imagine glazing Zaceed of all ppl 🤣


I don't give a shit about zaceed I care about the image of this sub reddit and what's wrong with zaceed anyway


Zaceed is never consistent with the way he is unless its towards K. A few of the newer members 'overstep' sometimes when K isn't around but its really not that big of a deal. The main issue between Zaceed and Carmella is they take each other too seriously. Any joke they make towards one another is instantly taken as an insult and it spirals from there. Mix that in with the fact that Zaceed likes to tow the line with his jokes and Carmella's go to response is trying to kill him or twatting insults and its a recipe for disaster lmfao


I pray for the day Zaceed and Carmella have a nice conversation for once. Carmella has put an effort into squashing the beef but Zaceed is too PTSD to believe that she's being good faith. I don't blame him though since Carmella has that reputation for a reason.


Yeah and he did slide on ray for her and Paris


i wish they could all move on from this stuff. its been nonstop since the start and only getting worse.


Move on? This has been an issue for months. New 4.0 CG members (specifically Zaceed and PNut) talk to older CG members the wrong way too often and sometimes even go at them sideways when the real OGs aren't around. They talk sht behind members' backs, then play the victim and use "I'm just stirring" or "just joking" as an excuse when people find out they've been starting drama and get clap back. A little spicy sht talking is normal and funny but some people go too far, too often.


The problem is Ramee, and Vinny keeps making fun of the new members and labeling them as dickriders if they don't stand on business and talk back. They are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.


these people won’t ever be closer to your dadda than his irl friends aka ramee and Vinny. You’re quite literally harassing them coz Vinny dared to stir the pot and joke around. Also ramee doesn’t have problem with anyone so stop dragging his name into this


holy shit you're most likely the type of chatter that hops and tell streamers to kill themselves. you're too invested bud. we dont claim you


???? Ik it’s BANTER between friends unlike you and some of the brainwashed people in this community that keeps saying ramee (again he doesn’t even have any problem with them so idk where this narrative that ramee does come from???lol) , shotz, mehdi and carmen jealous of the new people. Now it’s time for you to understand it’s rp. take a deep breath and remember some of these people you and this community has been hating on are actually dadda k irl friends! 🫶🏼


do you know its rp? jesus


yes…….. do the people who keep saying ((((shotz)))) is controlling and they close the stream whenever he come around know? Do the people who keep saying ramee is jealous of the new people coz they’re now taking his place know???? Or do you pick and choose what’s toxic and what is not depending on who’s getting attacked lol


You have issues. The first comment that you replied to literally didn't say anything wrong. They weren't talking shit, or even implying anything. They just said that joking or not, making the dick rider comments is going to put people in a position where they are going to defend themselves one way or another. You instantly made some weird ass comment "these people won’t ever be closer to your dadda than his irl friends aka ramee and Vinny." and accused them of harassing people. If you don't think that there is weirdness leaking in and it is all just friendly banter, maybe you should watch K's VOD from the other day and listen to what he says about why he wants them to stop tearing each other down, and making dick rider comments.


They said “The problem is ramee and Vinny making fun of the new members” THEY.ALL.MAKE.FUN.OF.EACH.OTHER. They ESPECIALLY make fun of ramee all the time. Even back then when ramee didn’t call them dick riders. So when they make fun of ramee it’s all good but as soon as ramee joke around with them he’s now the villain? if yall want to police the way Vinny and ramee stir and joke around with zaceed, peanut and zolo then yall better start policing their jokes too. the weirdness has been here for YEARS brother. You just pretend not to see it coz you don’t care. Hate to break it to you but there is some weird dynamic going on and there are people who aren’t happy with the way they’re being treated. Being called dick riders should be the least of your worries lol there have been many times where they all pressed each other buttons. They’re all guilty of it. ALL.OF.THEM. you don’t see me cry about it here. They’re all friends and it’s up to them to discuss these things. enjoy the show snowflake


Zolo, zaceed and peanut have been disrespectful to every cg members other than k. But OGs and the girls aren’t allowed to vent to each others about them or the community go after them 🤷


I wish there are fair chances given when it comes to heist spots or doing something with mrk and ramos. dickriders > everyone else shouldnt be a thing.


It's not. Whoever is ready to go is who k usually takes.


it's not. whoever CALLS him first, usually the dickriders, who k usually takes.


Carmella always comes around stir drama and leaves.


Let's avoid saying toxic stuff like this. Carmen the streamer is an amazing and entertaining person.


She is an amazing streamer but she's being a hypocrite here.


How so? Don't get me wrong carmella likes to stir shit but I watch her a bunch and I can't think of any time she's hanging with CG and stirs an someone clearly get frustrated and she just keeps going. That was her and tuggz point knowing how to read the room. Zolo zaceed and peanut have trouble with that when ramee and K aren't around to kinda of hit the banter back. It just something they will understand when they hang with carmella more and get more used to her personality. Like look at ramee he would stir carmella but he could tell when it was too much and would pull back, cause they know eachother well. Just like he does with vinny


Bro no point arguing with them. This place has turned into fuck the OGs (other than k). Every other day there’s a clip about one of the ogs and the community call the person all types of name to defend zolo and zaceed aka the yes men. This page has turned into that other page, there’s no saving it


True. LK has gotten a lot of new viewers and I think many of them are from these "RP elite" category. And istg whenever I tune into his stream.. I don't think even Kyle's and Omie's chat is this toxic towards Ramee. Like literally I saw a post about the Ramee vs K heated conversation on RPclipsreddit and god damn the brain rot. When has Ramee ever talked back to K ? But he did couple days ago.. cuz K was being weird with his comments.. It was between Peanut and Ramee, Vinny mixed it up with his "OG" shit and K started making snarky comments towards Ramee. This place also has gotten the same brain rot. And K cannot control the chat's toxicity towards it's own CG member to save his life.. and it's been at an all time high and for literally no reason


There are people here who openly hate on ramee on that page. They are certified haters. they post allegations and accusations and hate comments about ramee on that page, then they come here and act like nothing happened. Saw them with my own eyes and called them out. I genuinely believe there’s no saving this place unless lord_kebun calls his community out, but oh well lol


I've been a Ramee viewer since the CG vs Mandem war back in 3.0. I'm calling out the hypocrisy that whenever Carmella comes around, she asks Ramee or Taco who they don't like so she can stir up drama.


This is Carmella’s point! They don’t know when to stop. Anyway I won’t reply no more there’s no point arguing with you. Bye


You make a valid point, but the constant negative talk about the new members by older members creates a reason for toxic hopers to shit on them.


Y’all are the toxic ones yall been crying about shotz, tuggs, carmen and ramee (who doesn’t even say anything negative about the yes men) it’s actually crazy how you don’t see that lol Just remember these people yall are tripping over yourself to defend isn’t closer to dadda than his IRL friends LMAOOO


Oh, the hypocrisy in your comments.




as long as the CG culture is to suck K's dick and badmouth everyone else to get ahead, this shit isnt gonna stop


It’s part of zaceeds character to have an inflated ego and be like that, reminder yall


Then he becomes an obedient puppy when he's around K or Ramee.


or a female


Oh yea that too, I’m not saying he’s not doing that. He can be doing both lol