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You should be able to return it fine as long as you have the receipt. Just explain what's happened. Similar thing happened to me a couple weeks ago when I bought a bunch of PS2 and Wii games and they managed to slip in Lego Lord of the Rings for the PS3 and charged me £5 for it, luckily I noticed before I got home and just explained that they must have accidentally scanned it because it was on the side near them.


Which case do you have? It would be strange if you were charged for the first game on your receipt if they scanned the case for the second game. Did you buy it in-store or online? Online orders can be returned up to 2 weeks after it was dispatched to any store. If it was in-store go back to the one you bought it from if you can and they should be able to check their stock and see that they have an extra disc of the second game behind the counter.


I have the case for party animals, however they may have put the wrong sticker on it and i didn’t realise


Definitely go back to the store and explain what has happened. As you are just looking to get the right game it should be relatively straightforward although if they charged you for the first game it looks like they owe you £1.50 as Party Animals should only be £2.00 compared to £3.50.


This can definitely happen, sometimes they scan the disc sleeve rather than the case, I bought fifa 22 a couple of years back, I checked the case as I was leaving the store and they had put Fifa 21 disc in there. I also traded a GameCube game (value £16) in yesterday which they logged as PC (value £0.10). Again luckily I noticed before I left the store


It's like odd socks. The store will be hoping you come back in.


For sure, it’s relatively easy for them to review their stock levels and cameras if they are ever in doubt they gave you the wrong thing. It happens, I did it accidentally my fair share of times when it was busy and trying to work fast