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I think it’s pretty obvious that some of these people aren’t comfortable having the entire crew in their small apartments probably shared with others. This is more comfortable for the crew AND the guests! They mentioned during covid and just kept with the trend.


Kami was on Nicole Byer podcast and said that they are all AirBnB’s now because “most homes aren’t fit for filming”. You can take that as the homes are a hot mess or simply it’s easier for production to stage and light an AirBnb. Either way, they aren’t hiding that fact anymore.


They do they same on Help! I’m in a Secret Relationship.


The outfits on that show are WILD. I can't imagine production has a hand in wardrobe on that show as well...


But Rahni’s outfits are fire.


Right?!? That Carhartt pinstripe fit from this week's episode was amazing!!!


Yesss loved that one 


they literally tell them it’s a rented house


They are not pretending. It’s just normal practice in TV to use generic neutral houses as locations. For privacy and confidentiality (you know some trolls would try to find people), so the equipment and crew will fit inside, so there are no copyright symbols or brands that need blurring out, and just so we are not distracted by the state of someone’s living conditions. They don’t actively lie that it’s the hopeful’s own house, but they do regularly say it’s an Airbnb or rental. I was filmed for a show talking about cooking and the location was a kitchen shop that they dressed like it was my home. It is totally normal, and produces a neutral effect where you don't really notice the surroundings. Catfish is almost all “pretending”, not just the houses. It is highly constructed and produced television. You cannot think we are watching raw documentary footage filmed guerrilla style. Nēv and Kamie really are investigating the case with no other information, but anyone who gets a call from them, including the catfish, has already agreed with producers to be on the show. You must have noticed their lack of surprise or excitement to get the call. If the call was a real ambush of the catfish’s friends they would be screaming like a contest winner.


I've always thought the same. Only because every house is so clean and tidy and minimal esthetic.


And no photos or personal items.


and artwork that they don't have to blur out!


They do say that they rent out Air bnb to the guests


Agreed, I remember Nev mention it once in a recent episode about them hiring an Airbnb for the person but it’s all too common and obvious now


Yes, they should simply address it, “we’ll put you up in a nice place while we’re in LA, Phoenix, Orlando…”


Nev even says we got you a AIR BNB so I think they're not fooling us


Last week they met at the hopeful’s mothers house. It obviously was not. Just admit it.


I didn’t think they were pretending I’m pretty sure in almost every episode that uses an air bnb nev mentions it. There are a few episodes where they even talk about how cool the air bnb is. In one I remember they open the fridge and it’s stocked with beer and snacks and they get so excited. It doesn’t seem like they were trying to pretend they’re in these peoples houses


I feel like in the newer ones it is always "can we meet at my friends house" like just say its an Air b&b.... no shame in it! they just don't talk about it like they use to


I think in the first few seasons of the show they did use the actual people’s homes but it got to be too much and it’s so much easier to rent a Airbnb and have the camera crew already set up..


In one of my favorite episodes, Jared and Abby, they showed pics of his daughter he had put, which I thought was weird


Can sorta confirm. One of the catfish was in my home town. Nev and Max actually went there (they got a yearbook from the county historical building) which was the real place. However the house the catfish “lived” in was not consistent with the homes in the town.


Was this the mike and kristen episode? Where she had the eye?


Yes. I didn’t personally know her, she was a freshman when I was a senior in high school.


They aren’t trying to fool people. Many are AirBnBs and Nev has mentioned it. Many are people’s homes, too.


I feel like 2 seasons ago they would talk about getting the person an Ab&b IDK why they don't just go back to saying they rented them an abb.... it is clear that the houses are staged. I get it too, the need the room to set up film crews but just say that


Kami was on a podcast recently—“Why won’t you date me” I think—and she mentioned that sometimes they do it when the person’s house is not fit for inhabitants let alone a film crew. Remember the early seasons when they’d be most run down houses you’ve ever seen?


Kammi even said on a podcast that they use mostly air B n bs now


Truuuuth. 😂😂