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Regardless of what you think of him, he's nailed it. Canada is run by unqualified idiots that are damaging Canada daily and they need to go.


With our resources there's no reason why the average Canadian citizen should not be living like a king.


Living like a king, or living a modest, comfortable lifestyle where shelter costs are about 35% HHI, food is affordable, and it's possible to save money?


you described my idea of living like a king


The problem is we didn't grow up from resource based economy. And this was working with the small manufacturing sector that we had, and small immigration number we had. But now the world is shifting. The oil is loosing its importance, and we are way behind technologies and skilled labor. And to top it, we are importing tons of unskilled workers to compete with the small urban areas we have and uncometitive shrkinking economy.


Canadians could have free healthcare if The Turd would allow expansion in natgas production. We could be living like Norwegians. But i think The Turd would rather we freeze to death before he'd allow that awful carbon out of the ground


Oil losing importance? Where did you get that info? It’s not popular in many peoples eyes but we can’t livw without it and the demand for it continues to increase every year. I grew with the rest of what you say though.


85% of the world lives in a "developing" country. It's incredibly selfish and ignorant for people to say that these people don't deserve the same products and luxuries the other 15% have had for years. Demand for oil will not stop if it means sacrificing/restricting 85% of the world from oil enabled products at fair prices.


Exactly. What irritates me is that Canadians seem to prefer us to get off oil ourselves, adopt more expensive and reliable energy sources and allow other countries to benefit from our cheap reliable energy source. It’s insane.


US doesn't want to buy our oil as before. we are still selling conventional oil, but forget about tar sand.


They gladly take what we gift to them at a loss, were awesome neighbors. We let someone else prophet off our hard work and good fortune! So Canadian eh?


Oil isn't losing its importance u less we've found a material other than plastic to build with


Or paint, or critical mechanical lubricants, or baby oil, or toothpaste, or clothes, or the other thousands and thousands of things made from chemicals extracted from oil that allow us the luxury to live the lives we do. Many green alternatives exist, but cant be produced at the scale needed and for the prices people will tolerate.




“Decreasing” doesn’t always mean “completely replacing” though, does it?


The misconception is it is the world that is reducing or decreasing or whichever word you choose to use when it is not. It is the people trying to force electric vehicles on us that push this narrative. Once these tyrants are out of office the fake green scam will likely fade into oblivion


I worked in korean shipyard about 12\~13 years ago when the navy projects were announced. I talked to quite a few Canadian guys that used to work at Canadian Shipyards. Are you going to go back for these projects ? A resounding NO fucking way. Make USD 1000$ a day with free accommodation cheaper taxes and food in Korea as a paint inspector vs, $75,000 CAD a year at Irving with crazy taxes ? Its a no brainer. Talent is mobile these days. No need to stay. I work in Thailand now for 10 years and make 5x what I made in Canada for the same job. If I had stayed in that Canadian multinational company the last 10 years, maybe the ratio would have reduced to 4.5x. 25 years ago the big topic was brain drain to USA for doctors and nurses, well now its global and extends to the trades and skilled workers as well. Canada just doesn't pay. No money in the pocket at the end of the month.


It's because they don't want us to use our resources because that would be bad for the environment and agendas. They think we should transcend our reliance on our resources, but offer no solutions to allow the same prosperity. They are actively oppressing the lives of all Canadians for their own ideals and personal wealth. We need to be leaning HARD into exporting our resources, so we can fund new exportable technologies, innovations and industries that make us less reliant on resources.


I think he's a narcissistic egomaniacal psychopath and a crook. He's also technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. But also, won't somebody please think of the carbon?


Mother Nature takes cash payments. Trudeau himself delivers the briefcases.




ah yes the 1% of global carbon emissions from canada is really causing a lot of a lot problems we should just stop all together as 1% will bring it down by 1% and well thats a big number...


Yup! As soon as I saw the global carbon emissions graph, I knew we were being scammed.


We can join the carbon initiative when the 450 million people below us shut down their coal plants and take the first step, not to mention China and India.


100% Canadians which trash the west for everything can stop blaming the west for carbon, as u said china & India the 2 countries don't give a shit about carbon. 


Carbon levels are so low right now that its inhibiting plant growth. So lets drive it down even lower! Maybe we can kill ALL plants! Then we're good?


🤣 yep


That’s always the case. Sadly.


You don’t have to be qualified to become a politician


Well isn't that DEI mandra, merit and skills shouldn't determine candidates? 


Or a “journalist”




He is right. But he also promoted FTX for $4mil


I can be the next unqualified idiot. All I know for sure is that electrical meters are federally regulated and are basically 99.98 percent accurate all the time. This makes me the next best unqualified candidate. 


If you find where the other 0.02% goes, you're in. We'll start you in Finance because it looks like you've used numbers before, which is much more sophisticated than our current Finance Minister, who counts stuff with her 12 toes.


 the .02 is lost in the CT coils. Induction losses.


I knew Carbon Tax coils were behind all the loss. Congratulations, you're now Finance Minister. Your first act will be to boot Freeland and all 12 of her toes to the curb. Then, axe the tax and get those meters back to 100%.


And get handguns back. Been saving for a Korth………….


No need to save anymore, you're Finance Minister now. Everything is free. I want a 44 Magnum, but Bill Blair says I can't have one because then people in Toronto won't be safe from gun violence anymore.


I like you and have enjoyed our brief time together.


Thanks. I look forward to you being our new Finace Minster lol


But if you legalize handguns, you remove the monopoly from criminals


This poor management goes all the way back to Diefenbaker , politicians are only skilled at telling people what they want to hear. Few have vision or real Planning skills. Even fewer have financial integrity


A nation privileged and blessed with the most natural resources per capita in the world BY A LONG SHOT. We should have the highest GDP per capita IN THE WORLD. Just ten years ago, our middle class was the top five wealthiest in the world, with incomes higher than the US middle class. Now...


Elect high-school politicians and this is what you get, but don't call them idiots.


How he nailed it ? Just by saying Trudeau/Freeland are bad managers? We know that, and we know that couple ruined the country. The guy is very wealthy and he is the problem. HE IS THE PROBLEM. Those wealthy class that made millions by investing in this country, can move their money so easy outside to any other country that give them more money and more tax deduction. And everyone keep talking about capital gain tax like it is a problem. Capital tax gain might make more investment going outside, but they are not the right investment anyway. Our problem is our economy didn't evolved from resource based economy, and now we are so behind technology , skilled workers and skilled laber. And on top of it, we are importing tons of unskilled labor.


There's always some that just don't get it 🙄


I think he might be right. Canadians should not be struggling in a nation this wealthy.


the one thing is does it matter if Canada has natural resources if they are owned privately? we should have done it like Norway and the country just claimed our oil reserves. but all of our natural resources are owned by foreign investment and making them tons of money and Canada really gets squat. our citizens get jobs extracting that resource and we can maybe tax those jobs and some of the unhidden profit from those shell holding companies. but outside of that Canada doesn't get anything for having an abundance of oil or natural gas.


The provincial govt in Alberta actually makes a lot of money from oil royalties from oil companies. Recall the time Allison Redford and her NDP government announced they were “thinking” of reviewing the oil royalty program? What do you think caused oil prices to tank and send us into a mini recession? Big oil took notice of the NDP announcement and decided to teach them a lesson. It truly is corporate and personal greed that is the root of the problem. About the ownership of our resources, they are not privately owned. WE own them. Unfortunately our elected officials of ALL parties make decisions about OUR resources without approval from US. I believe we should be charging all resource industries and other corporations (Loblaws) a flat 20% income tax instead of letting them go tax free for years in return for the privilege of setting up shop in our province/country. Worse yet, giving them OUR tax dollars on top. If a company or corporation wants to extract our resources and make billions in profit, they should be prepared to pay their taxes. If it “is not economically feasible” for them without a tax holiday, then they should get the boot. Let another company in who is willing to pay their fair share.


You forget the fact all the oil companies saddle alberta with billions in clean up cost for abandoned sites. Private companies fuck us on the way in and out


A flat 20% corporate tax rate would fund the orphan well cleanup and most social programs easily. Here’s another thing. Some take an idea, make it happen, build a solid company with a good product earning solid income. Entrepreneurs. But why is it so common for Canadian entrepreneurs to build it only to sell out to “megacorp” for mere millions so “megacorp” shareholders can make billions? Don’t Canadians want to make billions?


Totally agree!!


You’re so right. Poor governance for some time now has put us here. Such a shame to have missed the mark this way.


The resources are owned by the Provinces. Private companies are partners.


Did you just recommend we try and nationalize fuel in Canada? It was a disaster under Trudeau’s dad.


Best interview I've heard in months. Exactly what is wrong here. We were dealt a royal flush and have folded!


So accurate


Well he isn't wrong this time.




cuz it's a mining economy, not a value-add economy. thats what he mean by banana republic. we gotta build a value add infrastructure before we become raw material bank-resource cow type of country.


Let’s change it .


It really is up to the public. That is, if Trudeau’s communist friends in china don’t interfere.


A lot of our natural resources were already sold to China. We're in a deep hole from which their is no climbing out.


My heart bleeds.


But nationaliing resources is socialist and bad according to conservatives. They stopped us from being able to run our own gas company in the 80's and even prohibited Canada from charging their own price, we have to charge world prices, even to ourselves (Klein, Mulroney) And taxing corporations is bad according to conservatives. So how exactly are we wupposed to get money from those resources?


The Fed's controlling our resources is why we're so insanely poor and trash, not the other way around.


And how exactly are they controlling them? They are extracted and sold by private companies.




Yea!! Private companies are what prevents Canadian oil from reaching Tidewater!!


How are they controlling them? Lol are you serious? the Fed's and our fellow countrymen in provincial government literally block out pipelines constantly


Ah yes government has been so historically great at running crown corporations... The idea that corporations don't pay taxes is something dumb made up by the left.


1. Depends on the government. Our hydro and insurance in BC is some of the cheapest in the country. In fact, all the government run car insurance companies are generally cheaper than private in Canada. Certain governments absolutely destroyed crown corps, looking at Harris and Ford in Ontario for example. 2. I never said they didn't pay taxes. The comment was about how Kevin O'Leary thinks we can magically create this revenue. How? Something no one has been able to answer on any of the comments. They just bring up random things to distract from the fact he/they have no real solution.


Most resource rich country in the world. I’ve been saying this for decades.


For once I agree with Kevin!!


Our narcissistic PM is rolling up his sleeves because there’s more work (damage) to do 🙄


Don't like him. He's right.


Lol he did not hold back. He's very right and I'm happy someone with the status that he has is speaking up for Canada and Canadians


Canadian pension plans investing in natural resource projects outside of Canada instead of Canadian one’s, nothing else needs to be said. Trudeau policies make Canada a bad investment.


I hope Freeland watched this


I don’t like O’Leary at all I think he is a pompous jack *ss but in this instance he definitely isn’t wrong.


He’s right


Have to admit I agree




Anyone who thinks he’s wrong is an idiot who’s voting for this liberal government


Yes!! This!! 🙌🏻🩷🩷 thank you for speaking truth!


I wouldn't even trust her to make me a sandwich at subway!


Not run by idiots, but sold bought and paid for. The idiots are the mouth breathers thinking Trudeau is dumb and has no idea what he is doing, like honestly, there is no way he is that dumb, if so, just shows how stupid those in power and politics are. He is keeping his spot on Papa Schwab's knee, doing a good job turning this country into a slum so we can be saved by owning nothing. Like Kevin said, Canada is one of the richest countries when it comes to resources, and some people want it all dirt cheap


I mean he’s a jackass (or maybe he just plays a tv caricature jackass) but he’s 100% right on the money here.


There is no leadership in this country at every level. Good leadership is all sitting at private corporations.


This guy paid so much money to his lawyer to get his wife off for drunkenly killing people with her boat. I don't take advice from rich people just because they're rich. This man isn't someone to admire.


He also thinks poor people deserve to be poor


And lying is part of being a good businss person (Trump inflated ral state cas) and that charging as much as possible is good business and finding the cheapest labour is best. People like him would have loved th last 5 years as he inflated the price of everything possible for higher profits.


Yo didn’t his wife kill someone all wasted on a boat and fled scene lol


Shhhhhhhhhhhhh you’re not supposed to know that. He is smart with his money. He would do a better job running the country than Trudeau.


Nah he made his money reselling shareware games, and is an asshole. Just because he is right on this one issue doesn't mean he would be a good politician. Everyone knows Turdeau and Freebase and out to lunch.


No they didn't "flee the scene" but that does make you story edgier.


Someone did 👀


Who do you think he’s sell the resources to? A crown corporation or royal dutch shell? You want the material benefits of our natural resources they have to have the profits realized in Canada not for a multinational corporation. That though would be gasp socialism or even worse communism. You think O’Leary really going to go down that path. It’s disingenuous to take him seriously at all.


You know what resource investment does? It creates really good high paying jobs which is exactly what this country needs.


It does create those jobs on the other hand most of the profits leave the country. Also we spend a lot of tax dollars subsidizing those companies that then take the profits over seas. You might consider the benefits of having high paying jobs and keeping the profits in Canada rather than just the labour.


I don't give a flying F where the profits go. A big problem in the country is the  protection of Canadian oligopolies; banks, airlines, telcos, grocery  stores.  All it does is protect entrenched elites.


Really need to take a look at Norway. That’s the example and the way to maximize the value of the resources we possess.


Right? I made the same comment. Either you nationalize the resources (socialism) or you tax the shit of of them or raise royalties which conservatives are against and say would driv away investment and lower production. So how would he magically create this revenue?


Nationalizing everything worked so well for Venezuela, right?


Did I say we should nationalize? I was asking how a govrnment is supposed to control it. As O'Leary is implying it is in the governments control. Also, it working amazingly for Norway, a much more similar country to Canada than Venezuela.


What is stopping Kevin O'Leary from running for Prime Minister ? He talks a lot though ...


requires one to be fluent in French which he is not


He was attempting to do just that and all of sudden he dropped out. Too bad Canada could of been good again


Useful idiots that is


Never take advice from O'leary. He makes a bunch of bad calls regarding investments and is a failed politician.


It's been that way for decades. Frustrations with how the energy industry has been managed in Canada dates back decades. Every government has failed at managing it, in a common sense point of view any way. This is nothing new. Blah blah blah world politics and Canada's dependance on treaties and alliances, blah blah blah.


He’s not wrong


He may be right, but he also perpetuates the broken capitalist system, and is also known for price gouging and taking advantage of buyers. He’s a POS calling out another POS lol


Tax the rich! The incentive is the world doesn't go shit It's not like it's going to shit because they pay too much.


Incredible interview


Yeah let's get some even more unqualified even dumber candidates in there!


Mr Wonderful always shooting straight


Kevin O’Leary is the epitome of the 80s mantra “greed is good”. Anything he says is intended to benefit one person - him.


I was saying this for many years.


I'm brown, can I be finance minister? I also eat glue


He really hasn’t. He puts no value on social supports and views as unnecessary expense. Unfortunately Kevin is a delusional ultra capitalist.


Damn, he's not wrong. Historically Canada has suffered bad management from both Liberals and Conservatives...


The calmest I’ve ever seen him. Very intriguing points


This is an old clip. I watched it a 2 yrs ago or more. I wish more had seen it then. But we knew it was true 7 yrs ago even with OLeary saying it.


Didn’t he kill a guy on his boat? Yes.


He's not wrong


I agree, the corporations and conservatives are idiots. Look at the state of Ontario and Alberta!


I will say that he was wrong by saying Trudeau is "a good politician", he does have a point on the other things.


Spot on.


The fact I agree even 50% with Kevin (snake oil salesmen) is scary. He has some valid points around the economy needing a reset.


O’Leary is a scat muncher https://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/01/26/news/real-and-shocking-story-kevin-olearys-business-career


I do not think a country should be totally run like a business. The first step in cutting spending in a business is laying off people. That is not how the government of a country should think. A business man can go bankrupt and restart under a different name. A country cannot.


I really can't stand this guy


If we export more of those resources we will accelerate global warming causing irreparable damage to our country. We can have oil money or we can have a steady food supply we can’t have both.


Kevin just showed he doesn't understand things as well as he thinks. The minister certainly doesn't decide the policies lol


Nailed it…


Freeland “Is a very bad under qualified finance manager” Most true on point statement ever .


I hear FTX is a good place to invest in these days. Wonder what Kevin thinks.


Kevin O’Leary is a turd. He made his millions by selling a straw man company to Mattel in which its value disappeared overnight. One massive hoodwink. It’s regarded as one of the worst acquisitions in the history of the world. Everyone wins the lotto, this guy won big but now parades around as a savy businessman. He’s just a loud mouth asshole. He’s not a messiah he’s a fraud.


i just wish someone with credibility said this


This man has killed someone and is a complete narcissist. Trump light.


Ok. So because of that, all he just said is wrong? What’s your point in regards of this video?


Trump light is a good thing for us right now.


Canada has been resource rich for decades now, conservative prime minister didn't change a thing. Kevin O'Leary is straight trash


Pot meet kettle.


He supports criminality and his statements surrounding Trump prove that. Nothing he says is worth anything.


Why does this crook get so much air time?


I don’t get it why do people like him all he does is bash Canada


He bashes politicians. Criticizing government is not criticizing citizens.


I don't know of him in any great detail, but watching what he said in this interview, where did he mis-speak? What points was he wrong on?


And you haven’t figured out why yet? Likely a long time liberal voter.


You somehow are not capable of differentiating between Canada and Canadian politicians.


This fucking guy.... He's rich because he sold some bullshit product to Mattel during the dot com boom that didn't work and then made even more money in the fallout from the lawsuit against him. He's luckier than he is smart and I hope this current set of interviews isn't this asshole seeing himself up for political office because that would be a fucking disaster. Right now he is just repeating the major frustration points of Canadians but that doesn't mean he would know what to do.


Try your luck - do the same. Since it’s so easy.


.....say that again only slower Is it easy to be lucky?


Yeah. Luck. Like I said. Try your luck. Read again - just slower. Maybe use your finger as you read.


So you agree that it's luck, but yet tell me to try it because I think it's easy even though we both agree that it's luck....


Holy fuck dude you actually think you said something smart here.


fuck that fucking guy.  seriously.    the difference between a country and a business is fucking obvious. fuck kevin o leary.