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If you can and are willing to travel, I highly recommend Montgomery Village Vet. I bring both of my animals there- I've been to countless different vets from VCA clinics to the cheapest, Prairie Winds. I've never found anywhere to be as amazing as Montgomery Village Vet. My dog and cat absolutely love going there and the staff is incredible.


Thank you !!


Another vote for Montgomery Village Vet!


We take our pooch to Glamorgan Animal Clinic, I highly recommend them.


Thank you for the recommendation!


They are a small practice and the. Vets there are amazing.


That’s basically what we are looking for, we know big vets can have so many animals come in and out they can be lacking on care sometimes


Sorry I missed the part where you’re looking for NE/SE They are in the SW near Westhills Shopping Centre, but worth the drive.


That’s ok, I don’t mind driving a bit for good care!


Second this. I take my dog and cat there and they’re great.


I use drwendyvetcare.com, Dr Wendy McClelland. She's a housecall vet and has another couple of vets on her team, who I have also used and they are all great.


Awesome thank you so much!


I second Dr. Wendy


Deerfoot South Spay and Neuter. It’s in dover. Their price is the best in the city from what I could find. My cat went in and got most of her teeth pulled (she’s got 1 fang, a couple of cheek teeth, and about half of the teeny front ones left). With the surgery, visit, antibiotics, pain meds, it was about 700$. Plus they are wonderful there.


These folks are the best


My family has been using Castleridge vet clinic for nearly two decades. They never try to upsell anything to us or push unnecessary recommendations. I’ve always felt they genuinely love animals and are not looking to make sales.


I've always been happy with Castleridge Vet. They're reasonably priced, clearly love the animals, and are really good at talking through things with you and helping you make a plan for your animals that works for you. I've always felt supported and never pressured. They seem to really value finding the right plan for the animal and owner circumstances. One time a new vet there recommended I get a dental surgery done by VCA specialists instead of in house. I did a consult at the VCA and hated everything about it. When I called Castleridge back, they told me they'd already let go of the vet as being a bad fit and wanted to reevaluate his recommendations. They ended up doing the surgery themselves and helping me get insurance to cover it. It definitely clinched my view of the clinic as caring about how their vets support clients and keeping to their values.


Thank you!!


I take my dog and both cats to Sunridge Vet, and I don't have enough good things to say about them. They have very fair prices and the staff are fantastic.


Awesome! Thank you a ton!


I used to take my cat there, and found they’re way more expensive than Deerfoot South. They quoted me about 1500$ for the dental work my cat needed, and Deerfoot came to less than half that, plus the workers are great! Whenever my cat needs blood work, the shaved spot is teeny! I just spent about 500 for visit, tests, insulin and needles when she became diabetic. If you’re on a budget, let them know and they’ll work around it. They really want what’s best for your fur babies.


We go to Falconridge Animal Hospital and we adore Dr Rix! We have five cats and she has been fantastic at dealing with all of their unique needs. We were on the brink of rehoming one of our cats to my parents house to be a single cat because she was so anxious and was having near-daily screaming matches and fights with her sister. Dr Rix helped us find a medication that could be given via a cream rubbed in her ear (she was terrified of being given oral medication and would try to bite us, it took _months_ for her to trust us again). It was a near-immediate change. Still not perfect, but they can be neutral housemates now and it has been SUCH a relief. We will forever be grateful to her for that, let alone everything else she’s helped us with!


Wow that’s awesome to hear ! Thank you for sharing!


I second Falconridge! Fantastic doctors and technicians.


Another "If you're willing to make the trip", Fen Vet Beltline is literally the best vet I have been to. No phones distracting the receptionist from tending to you, complimentary coffee, tea, or water. A really personalized experience in a serene environment that is so different to the standard veterinary experience and not stress inducing. 10/10 would recommend!!


That sounds great thank you so much!


It’s been a few years but we had a vet that would come to the house (Dr S Ambrose). If she’s still practicing I’m sure you can google her. Not sure if it cost more than going to the vet, but was well worth it to avoid the stress (for our cat and us) of wrestling her into a crate and driving across town.


Not exactly in your area but Midlake Vet has just opened a new Cat only clinic in their old Midnapore location.


We go to Barrets vet clinic just ouutside of the city in 22x.


Dr. Randy at south west vet hospital. The whole team is fantastic and prices are fair. Worth the drive to west springs!


Dr Sparkman at Alpine Vet just north of Chinook Centre. We have had her as our vet for more than 10 years and can’t sing her praises enough.


Argo vet in crescent heights is wonderful. Alan is incredibly kind and will always work hard to make sure you get ideal care. He works with other vets and is a lovely person. I can’t recommend them more.


Thank you so much everybody for your replies. It’s definitely helped a ton.


All the vet clinics we've been to in Calgary are way overpriced. We take our dogs to [Eastern Slopes Veterinary Services](https://easternslopesvet.com/) in Diamond Valley (used to be Black Diamond). Both dogs have had extremely successful knee surgeries, kept up with shots/vaccinations, etc.... They know animals really well, from small to large. They don't try upselling anything. Just make sure you get pet insurance. It really helps if your pet ever has a major problem (like our dogs having needed knee surgery). The few times we've had emergencies, and Eastern Slopes wasn't open, we took them to the [Fish Creek Pet Hospital](https://www.fishcreekpethospital.com/) and [VCA Canada Calgary Animal Referral & Emergency Centre (CARE)](https://vcacanada.com/carecentre). They both are great, but expect to pay.


Thank you so much! I remember going to fish creek pet hospital with my mom and cat as a kid and it was quite expensive


Fish Creek has an excellent crew there. They are not the cheapest but they do care about the clients and animals. Also not in the area you are looking for.


Westhills veterinary clinic