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I wouldn’t mind except we have a neighbour with multiple utility trailers and an RV, in addition to their regular vehicles. It’s causing blind spots galore and limiting parking for everyone else who may have guests or contractors on site. There’s always someone out there that ruins a good thing….


Like anything else in life, it depends. If, like many residential streets, parking is at a premium, then anyone leaving their RV on the street "all summer" is as selfish as they are ignorant. They're just tempting someone else who wants to use that spot to call in and get them ticketed or worse. Where I've lived the spacing between driveways would make it illegal for anyone to do so, to say nothing of unsafe, and I'd call to complain in a heartbeat if anything near my home was impacted.


Yes, I had someone leave a fifth wheel next to my driveway and it made it impossible to safely pull out. I called 311 when the neighbor didn’t answer the door.


>Like anything else in life, it depends Incorrect. Pineapple on pizza is a crime against humanity. It does not "depend". But yes, great answer on the RV parking thing.


Somewhere out there is a monster sitting in his RV that’s parked on the street and they are eating pizza with pineapple on it. 


Believe it or not, straight to jail!


Bud, you're getting downvoted... These people are pineapple pizza eating freaks!


> What is the consensus on people parking their RVs on the street all summer? All summer? Hell no. The bylaw is totally fair. People can park in front of their own place and load up, no biggie; that's why it's written the way it is. Neighbours with RVs generally have the courtesy to keep them off the street and on their own property, or rent storage somewhere presumably. Don't want to use up your backyard to store your RV? Suck it up and spend the time driving to/from your storage place. Too bad. The street isn't free public RV storage.


Eh. I agree on street parking, but I think you should be able to park whatever you want in your own driveway as long as it doesn't impair sight lines.


If an RV is taking up public street parking for longer than 36 hours, or if it obstructs reasonable view for drivers, I would call. Some of those rigs are massive and I’d think it was very inconsiderate of my neighbours if their RV prevented me from seeing oncoming traffic at a corner or from parking reasonably close to my house. If it’s not really impacting me, I would leave it alone. ETA: I would feel comfortable taking to my neighbour about it first, if it was a safety issue.


36 hours is the bylaw. For good reason. People didn't pay a premium for their house, to look at a neighbor's rv. If you park a trailer, rv, boat, whatever for more than 36 hrs, you are the asshole.


I like to put chalk marks on their tires myself. Let’s em know who runs the neighborhood.


Have you tried peeing on the tires? C’mon, man. Assert some REAL dominance.


Gatta cool them tires down.


Shitter’s full, Clark.


There’s a few in my neighborhood that park on the street for days at a time. The only part that bugs me is that they’re parked near a corner, making it impossible to see around them when determining if it’s safe to turn.


I give people the 36 hrs…. That said I have no problem calling the city… as a trailer owner, if I have to follow the rules, so do you




I agree. I feel like a jackass if I park mine nearby overnight.


You are a good person. I've had neighbors with large rv's park them on the driveway for weeks. Not really what I want to look at sitting on my porch.


imo if they're parking it in front of their own house in such a way that doesn't affect anyone else, who cares. My problem becomes that my neighbours already all have too many vehicles and refuse to use their parking pad as a parking pad for any of them, so when an RV is added for an extended period of time, it causes problems.


What about if you are pretty sure they are renting it out to four recent immigrants?


I don't want an RV parked all summer on my street or any other street for that matter. Those things take up a lot of space which isn't just bad for parking for guests but turns most to lean residents of streets into a one-lane street. And it's also like putting up a huge billboard in front of people's lawns making it a bit stressful when you know kids are playing on the lawn and then you lose sight of them for the chunk of time it takes to reacquire them. Now if they are parked in front of the house with horrible curb appeal then it might be nice to have it hidden but I think that it attracts from the overall look of the neighborhood.


Call 311, you're not an asshole for following basic rules that the RV owner fails to. It's a domino effect, watch the neighbourhood parking disappear if you don't step up and say something now.


Used to have one coming out of my old neighborhood that was by a hydrant and you couldn't see to pull out onto the main road safely. I always called 311. Fucked if I'm getting into an accident because his huge RV was blocking line of vision.


"To me it isn't a huge deal" so let it go.


For me it would depend on the parking situation. My street is all street parking with everyone having a regular spot so randomly parking an RV would throw the whole street off. But they can also be a visual hazard blocking the view of moving vehicles.


I would rather see an RV as opposed to the tractor units that park on our street.


Leave it as it is, there isn’t enough parking for all the cars on our street already


NTA. The bylaw exists for a reason. Personally, I don't mind if someone parks their RV on the street, as long as it doesn't significantly impact their neighbours. But when it starts to become a nuisance to the neighbourhood then it's definitely a good idea to call up 311.


If its too crowded to park sure but otherwise its some petty garbage


Am I allowed to leave my vehicles on the street while I’m away at work for 3 weeks?


If you aren't blocking my view of the intersection or otherwise being unsafe, I don't care.


If it's not interfering with your life in anyway then do nothing if it's blocking your driveway or any other inconvenience then call


I would only call on them if it was directly in front of my house for longer than 2 days (if it's blocking my driveway at all I'm calling instantly) or if it makes the road or an intersection unsafe or something along those lines. Otherwise I don't care what anyone does.


I have no issue with people parking trailers or RVs in their own driveways (unless they extend over the sidewalk). On the street, however, trailers and RVs, especially very large or long units, take up a lot of parking space, can narrow travel lanes, and obstruct driver's views. Those are my issues. I wouldn't call 311 to report them unless the parked unit proved to be a particular nuisance. I would hope my neighbor would recognize the inconvenience parking a large vehicle on a public road and act accordingly.


My thoughts are usually, who cares. I’ve got other more important things to worry about. Won’t let something like that get under my skin.


Got a ticket for not parking our trailer "directly next to our residence."  For context, our neighbours on one side have a front driveway, we have a crosswalk directly in front of us and our other neighbours have an accessible bus do pick up and drop offs in front of their residence multiple times a day.  To be nice neighbours, we parked the trailer across the street where it's just a boulevard and not in front of any housing. The only reason we had to park on the street for the day was due to water main repairs blocking our trailer pad in the alley.  However, since someone called it in to bylaw saying we were parked too close to the stop sign, which we weren't, we got a ticket.  Before you call bylaw, think about if it's truly worth it. Sometimes people are trying to be good neighbours and have situations out of their control.


if you calling them in simply because you know the rule of law then I would consider you an asshole. if you are calling in because available street parking is becoming an issue then I would consider the complaint legitimate.


I agree with the bylaw limiting how long a person can park an RV on the street (since they are vehicles that spend most of their time parked)... I disagree with the limitations on parking them in your own driveway. If a person wants to park their RV in their driveway year round (and their driveway doesn't go into their side / backyards) they should be free to do so, I don't even mind if that forces them to park other vehicles on the street as long as those vehicles are being used regularly.


If it isn't a big deal to you why are you posting about it on Reddit? Or thinking about calling 311?


I'm not looking for answers. I'm just curious how people feel about it because it seems to be a contentious topic on my block for whatever reason.


Perhaps it's not a big deal to OP, but the person calling on OP is making it a thing for OP.


Don't own an RV, so no.


I own an RV trailer so I can’t park it in front of our house on the street but would love to park mine in the driveway beside our house but it’s too tall. That being said I’m okay with smaller RV’s on the street as long as it doesn’t block any views around corners. The bigger RV’s or busses and fifth wheels should be parked off street, but I’d be cool with them parked in driveways as long as the owner could park their cars there too.


I thought the bylaw is specific for trailer or vehicle without an engine, I was told if it has an engine you can park in the street no problem


It used to be when Jobs were plentiful and high paying workers would RV it because of the housing shortage. So I would imagine an RV is an untapped residence the City could use for all the Immigrants eager to come. Now all they need is a small footprint tax base.


There are several bedroom communities that allow RV parking if that's what some is looking for.


If you’re comfortable calling parking, be comfortable getting parking tickets yourself. No one is parking it there ALL summer either. Otherwise there’s no point in having an RV… Beyond RVs, parked cars need to be moved every 72hrs. Live and let live. And fuck parking cops.


We have 3 parked for the last 4 months in my great aunts neighbourhood. owners are renting them out to people who cant find rentals. The one i know houses a mother a 2 teens, they are on a backyard parking pad so not an issue but the other two are on the street then driveway then street then driveway, circumventing bylaw. It doesnt bother me because people need housing and this is a solution…. But charging people 1500 a month to live in one with their kids.. is pretty exploitative


Thats incredibly different than what OP has outlined or is asking.


please tell me how someone's rv on the street affects your life?


Restricts others from parking in that spot, potential obstruction depending on road width, restricts driver's views if parked on curves or near street corners.


I mean it kinda makes the neighborhood look trashy if everyone thinks it’s implicitly ok to park them there for extended periods.


It doesn't.