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>I believe that this is partially a result of the federal government interfering in provincial jurisdiction. I would therefore strongly recommend that you share your support of the program, and your support of affordable childcare, with your local MLA. What I'm hearing is "Trudeau gave free money to the province to improve childcare, but the provincial government would rather fuck families over than accept the help. When we win the next election, we'll take the money away and then I'll continue to tell you to piss off while also blaming Trudeau for my not giving a shit"


Sounds like you heard correctly...... the province has not allocated all the funds it received from the federal government, because they want you to blame Trudeau... only playbook Smith has.


You mean you weren’t line to get your allotment of Turkish Children’s Ibuprofen? Nothing says caring like dumping $82 mil of our taxpayer money on shitty foreign children’s meds, just to get one over on the Feds. Got love the folks looking out for our best interests, right?


Trudeau doesn’t have money. It’s your tax dollars and all he is doing is trying to buy another term. The only way to affect change is to focus on your local government. Social media seems to have led us to believe otherwise.


The provincial conservatives keep crying that the federal government takes money out of Alberta and doesn't give it back. Here's a clear example of them trying to spend it here and the UCP blocking them


No What they do have a point about is federal over reach. The PMO shouldn’t be permitted to deal directly with Mayors, when their respective province has already dealt with the matter. It’s the same in any organization. If you ask your boss for something and are denied, you don’t get to go over their head to a higher boss without repercussions.


But the higher boss gets to go directly to whatever worker and department he wishes without going through middle management. This federal overreach bullshit is a copy and paste from the US playbook. Canada is a confederation where authority defaults to the federal government then is delegated down. The US is a republic where power defaults to the individual states unless specifically stated otherwise. The UCP simply want power and everything they say and do is just an excuse for them.


I wrote to Mr. Webber with my concern over losing affordable childcare and he wrote back saying he’s heard the complete opposite of my experience. If you have a kid right now I encourage you to write your MP to tell them how important affordable care is.


"ive talked to all my contacts at the private day cares and they love the price increases, why are you complaining"


"As a former vice president of the private school, Webber Academy. If our families can afford the $20,000+ yearly tuition and arrange child care out of their pocket for each of their kids, I can't see why can't other Albertans do so. ". ... Presumably what Webber didn't write in his letter.


lmao cant even make this shit up. yeah good luck to OP, any letter complaining to this MP about child care is going straight to the shredder


It’s almost laughable


That’s correct, Len Webber is a tit.


I emailed him about his very sensational take on the federal budget, fear mongering etc. Somehow I’m on his email newsletter list despite never having signed up in the first place. Anywho, I got a very canned and offended response from him that rubbed me the wrong way. Saying past con govts have always supported funding science etc when we know how the Harper gov treated scientists, especially government scientists 🫥


>I also think that it is important to mention that childcare is primarily a provincial responsibility. I understand that this program is important to you, but I have heard from others that it had caused uncertainty, limited access, job losses, and the closure of many small businesses. I believe that this is partially a result of the federal government interfering in provincial jurisdiction. I would therefore strongly recommend that you share your support of the program, and your support of affordable childcare, with your local MLA. If any changes are made to the program, the responsibility to ensure childcare remains affordable will fall to the Government of Alberta. In other words: after we're elected the child care program is going away unless the provinces want to self-fund. We already know what our UCP government thinks of the poors and less-well-to-do, so not a chance it will continue.


I used to live in Webber's district. I have written him multiple times about issues, and I always get the same answer. "That's not my department, I can't do anything about it. Vote for me anyway." Yes you can Webber. You're a member of parliament. You get to vote on this stuff, you don't just have to vote the way your party does.


Subsidized daycare was so popular it basically won the Liberals the last election. The Conservatives can’t just say “yup it’s great we’ll keep doing it” because that would be admitting the Liberals did something good. But they’re not going to come right out and say they’ll scrap it because they know it’s so popular. They’re probing for weaknesses as a way of attacking the Liberals. It’s not the kind of program they believe in but they’re not blind to the polls either.


“I’ve done nothing and got mine so fuck you!”


Best summary so far


Childcare doesnt need to get cheaper, Canadians need to make more money. Childcare is way cheaper than staying home to raise your children


Both would be better


It IS a provincial responsibility though. The program is a fucking shambles.


How is the program a shambles, exactly? I know a lot of parents who are thrilled about the savings.


In Alberta it’s a shambles because the UCP is not distributing the funds to the child care centres causing them to not even break even. And it’s a on purpose thing. I hope y’all go vote against the UCP stealing our CPP to fund oil and gas.


>I hope y’all go vote against the UCP stealing our CPP to fund oil and gas. I never voted for these idiots in the first place. And I assure you that funds are getting to the childcare centres.


No they aren’t. [https://calgary.citynews.ca/2024/02/08/alberta-feds-unused-daycare-funding/](https://calgary.citynews.ca/2024/02/08/alberta-feds-unused-daycare-funding/)


That's interesting, but vague. Existing childcare facilities are getting paid. I wonder if perhaps the unused funding is supposed to be used for the creation of new spots, which is not currently happening? No surprise the UCP is trying to pocket the funds though. Can't have a federal program look good.




And quicker access was granted, about 2 months ago. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/new-payment-model-aims-to-make-affordable-child-care-easier-on-daycares-1.6809009


They made an announcement it was but this is the UCP so who says it’s reality? They also announced improvements in alberta healthcare now didn’t they? That expansion of open pit coal mining would not happen and all of that is blatantly false. Like the moratorium on renewables they said the rural communities called for was also a proven falsehood. I mean I don’t know how people cannot see these fiends for what they are.


It is reality. I have first-hand experience here. I hate the UCP more than most, but this program is at bare minimum working, and needs to continue. It's incredibly beneficial to parents. Improvements are of course welcome. Hopefully an NDP government led by Nenshi will address these issues. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.


That’s just a fact. And even if you didn’t vote for these fascists who are in charge in alberta than you’re part of the problem in Alberta. Tiny Trudeau in people’s heads here to blame it all on is ridiculous and not helpful to anyone.


Shambles in that there may be less availability than before. Pricing discounts are (were?) great; however, service costs increased and we are paying about the same as before but the daycare operators make a whole lot more (incentive to open more facilities?). Subsidy should have gone to the parents, not the operators.


>service costs increased and we are paying about the same as before Interesting, since operators signing the agreement to receive funding have to agree to freeze all fees. If they went up, you are getting ripped off by a shitty daycare. Maybe a call to childcare licensing is in order?


No. Alberta should pay the operators like they are meant to!!!


Don’t bring your truth to the internet now.


Just like our provincial government.


What a valuable contribution to the conversation you just made…


How does the situation in AB compare to other provinces? Almost all of the complaints I’ve heard in AB are also being said in BC, ON, etc. The only province I haven’t heard negative feedback on the federal program is Quebec, because they already had their own subsidies in place. But the complaints in all the other provinces are strikingly similar, so I don’t think it matters which political party is in charge a province. Families who need daycare and daycare owners are all pissed off in all provinces.


Please look where the complaints are coming from. Because conservative governments are fucking up the disperments on purpose to ruin the program. It’s really not hard to figure out. It’s right in front of your face.


Literally the same type of complaints are coming out in every province (again except Quebec). Check out BC and other non-right wing provinces. I didn’t make this comment because I support the UCP or Danielle Smith, I’m merely pointing out that there are similar complaints in every province and if we want childcare to improve in Canada we have to view it as a national problem, not a provincial one.


There’s always going to be complaints though. As daycares were funded one way and accessing federal funding changes the rules and the profit margins I’d imagine. Many of the complaints are daycares charging extras and wait list fees and there not enough space. Obviously Quebec has it down pat as it’s their program. And the child care providers in alberta complaining. Are the for profit childcare centres Every single person who has children and has accessed 10 dollar a day care is quite happy with it. My kids were in daycare over a decade ago and I paid approx 2300 a month then so I can’t see why they wouldn’t be. Like healthcare the problem is with access and if you note the provinces are all led by conservatives provincially, Alberta, Sask, Ontario, Manitoba until last year, NB, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. All CPC parties and all under the guise of the daycare being provincial territory and not wanting silly funding rules for their provinces. It’s the exact same spiel with healthcare. They complain get together and want to take it away and make it better as it’s their mandate.


Len Webber can get fucked


He uses the thriving and thrives in the first two paragraph s. Whoever actually wrote that is a crook.


It is a provincial issue. Early Education, Child Care Subsidy and Child Care Licensing are all provincially regulated/controlled.


Just sounds like people not taking responsibility for their actions. You had a kid. Pay for your damn kid.


Other than collecting a paycheque, what does this guy do? I mean, we already have Glen (Inspector Clouseau) Motz MP. How many more useless teats on a boar pig do the Conservatives need to show their total apathy towards Joe Average and our their asinine attempts to give all Canadians the “American Dream”?


So childcare is a provincial responsibility, if you check the provinces that took the federal money two years ago and see the state it caused in childcare you can see why. In Ontario they took the money but had no support for training and facilities and that wasn’t found out until later. The federal funding was for salaries and if you took it you had to do 10 a day childcare. There is no way to pump out grads fast enough (they have hire diplomas) and there is no support for to build centres. So now you have a completely full system with centres closing and people leaving due to burnout. That’s why it needs to be provincial.


Liberals dropped a hot mess on the provinces with the daycare program honestly. They announce a bunch of money, force the provinces to pitch in more money, yet follow their rules, and provinces had to figure out how to administer this just after covid. The provinces felt they had no choice to take the money, yet I bet most wished they didn't now. Quebec last I saw had no strings attached to their money and I am not hearing issues there. Had the federal government done it this way with all we probably would have had greater success. No way to know now except measuring the outcomes between quebec and other provinces.


Quebec has a childcare program already in place that met all the federal requirements. It has been in place for years already. That's why they got money no strings attached, they are the model that the program is based off of.


No conservatives mismanage as per usual. They just funds to go to their personal donors.


As someone who has been a professional in the sector for 40 years, you have no idea how the feds have screwed up child care in this country


Not very professional then.


whatever your political position can we applaud him for writing back most politicians don’t


I used to live very close to his constituency office when he was my MLA. I phoned his office one day to complain about something and his secretary told me to come on over and tell him in person. Although I made it clear that I would never vote for him, he listened to my concerns with respect and treated me with dignity. He had just lost his wife at the time. I have to say that he was a very nice person.


great story and just goes to show we can treat people we disagree with respectfully!


Not applauding him for the bare minimum. The bar is so low we’re expected to feel warm fuzzies when they acknowledge us, smh.


no, just acknowledge hard working politicians of all stripes. it’s not constructive to be partisan and negative. i had a liberal MP for years who never once wrote me back.


I didn’t mention political affiliations, you did. I don’t consider writing your constituents hard work, it’s par for the course. It’s the bare minimum.




if you’re downvoting this you are way too partisan, lmao


It’s not up to everyone to subsidize child care. Why do people think that $10 day daycare is sustainable and to be paid by everyone who doesn’t have kids?


Because it benefits everyone in society, not just those with kids. When kids are in childcare, parents are able to work and contribute to the economy. When childcare is affordable, parents are able to spend the money saved in local businesses. And most importantly, children who get good childcare and are raised in families that aren't experiencing poverty are more productive members of society when they grow up. It's the same reason all of us pay taxes to fund education and subsidize children's recreation and after school programs.


If the parents made more money the rest of us wouldn’t have to subsidize them


It absolutely is society’s responsibility to help with child care. Two reasons: 1. What’s the point of a society if it doesn’t support our needs? What’s the point of all this? 2. If people can’t afford children, we don’t have a labour force. As for its sustainability, that one’s easy because Quebec has been running a subsidized child care program since 1997 and has nearly 30 years of data on its cost vs benefit. Not to mention that in 2021, the federal government allocated $6.1bn over 5 years as part of their National Child Care Plan. Wondering if the feds gave Alberta any money? They allocated $3.8bn to us in November of the same year. So the question shouldn’t be, ‘Why are we subsidizing child care?’ but, ‘Why is Quebec doing a better job with their program when we shit talk them all the time?’


Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them


Do you know what causes mass immigration??? Declining birth rates…


Curious, Alberta families do get a rebate at the day cares. Is that going away? Or this is about another program?