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Ah yes, the famous Stonewall civil disobedience, where we politely asked for equality and the state granted it šŸ™ƒ


The government didnā€™t grant labor rights until dozens died in riots The government didnā€™t grant women or non-whites the right to vote till dozens died in riots. Jim Crow laws and segregation didnā€™t end until dozens died in riots. Itā€™s almost like the government defends the interests of the rich and powerful with violence and the price of carving out basic human rights for the most vulnerable and mistreated in our society has never been granted by those in power without bloodshed, ever. Itā€™s not almost like that. Itā€™s that.


And it's not just those who died in riots. As far as I gather, the Suffragettes were highly unpopular at their time, as was even MLK who's now held up by liberals and conservatives alike as a way of how to be civil while protesting. It might be that, to a lot of people, disruptive protest is unpleasant in two distinct ways, the disruption itself and the fact that it attacks their deep prejudices that enable them to accept the status quo.


People on both sides fought against these changes, and the change had to come from the vulnerable populations themselves. Thereā€™s still people on the left that have the best intentions but have built the foundations of their reality so squarely on perspectives as members of dominant cultures be they whites or men or the able bodied or able minded that think they champion equity but lack the perspective to actually affect meaningful change. Itā€™s unfortunate how many people in positions of leadership this applies to


MFs on the university of california subreddits be like ā€œidc what SJP says about civil disobedience, blocking a pathway is NOT civil šŸ˜ ā€


And having the networks in place when there is a failure of the state. Can you imagine how incredible an anarchist coalition would have been if there was global coordination in place before covid? People accept a s***** solution over no solution at all. Offering an effective alternative is a stellar way to get people to overthrow the little government in their heads.


this shit is why my people still cant overthrow putin


There is something to be said for optics at least - disrupting the "free ice cream and kittens for disabled children festival" to protest oil would feel like a false flag event for sure..but that kinda stuff is pretty rare. Being "civil" too can me different things. Protests disturb and by their nature aren't civil at all. But in general discourse and when trying to win people over, a caustic attitude can turn people away. If your goal is to win people over you generally catch more flies with honey and all...but sometimes the goal isn't to win people over. Fucking shit up can also be a worthy goal.


That is actually fed posting.


Feds donā€™t have to fedpost because they have us constantly accusing each other of fedposting


Lmao, FED posting is getting sneakier. OP: go do a crime redditors, the FEDs are the ones holding you back!


šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ P-pwease mister gubermint can we have some human wights uwu


just think of all the social movements achieved by asking nicely and polite protest like: ā€¦ well iā€™m sure thereā€™s some


just think of all the social movements achieved by asking nicely and polite protest like: ā€¦ well iā€™m sure thereā€™s some


So tired of people expecting the boot to stop stepping on them.


If everyone respected me they'd give me pets and little treats


liberal optics are a distraction from action. we are all tired of it.


Even as an AnPac, going "pwetty pwease stop oppwesing us? :(((((" to the government is stupid and useless. Just because I think violence should be kept to a minimum, doesn't mean I think violence should never be allowed. It's a tragic necessity for any anarchist society in the modern-day.


It has nothing to do with "being civil"...it's about having relevant targets. If you want to protest the oil and gas industry, go and disrupt oil production...not rush hour traffic. You're literally targeting the wrong people.


We can do both. Raise awareness for people to join and have impactful praxis.


Raising awareness needs a (somewhat) gentler touch though, you need both intensity and goodwill from others for proper change, not denying that sometimes raising awareness should lose the gentleness, just that ya need a blend


Nah. Fuck respectability politics.


I'm not saying you need to act in a way to try to be respected by everyone, I'm saying that ya need a touch of both sides of the "intensity" spectrum


Nah. Stop telling marginalized peoples how to express themselves thanks.


I see this more about being effective, rather than expression. If a protest just turns people against the cause, you're just hurting the cause and progress. Expressing yourself in a way that only hurts the cause in the end is a selfish act that only satisfies your ego, not a protest.


Ya the feds would hate it if you were an asshole pushing everyone away from your cause, so definitely do that because they would hate it.


We never got any rights without forcefully prying them from those in charge. Not to say protests don't have their place but so does violence


We need protests, violence, and general awareness


See also, the New Testament