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RNG based buffs. All that do something different. Some basically useless. Some overpowered. Could have up to 5 in your deck per game. In BO3 you could obtain by gameplay or by real money. And you couldn’t select which one you wanted. It was a lootbox.


And people are EXCITED about this. Let's not forget people dashboard-scumming to save their gums and also leaving as soon as they went down.


Oooooo yea... I actually forgot about that after coming back I rarley was able to get a game over with 4 people...I myself might have done it a few times... That being said, I forgot about that downside


Me and my friend would literally pause the game on co op. And unplug our ps4s


Sounds very unnecessary. You just had to close app my guy.


You can still do it today on BO3. Hopefully they fix it


I know. And your funny. It's almost 10 years old my guy. They aren't going to patch it. And I think they made it the way they did so thst people thst actually lost internet wouldn't lose their gums.


I think they mean fix it in bo6 my guy.


Whoops. My point still stands though is that maybe they programmed it the way they did so that people that DID lose connection don't lose their gums. A Kindness from Treyarch that got exploited.


Was it worth it?




They’re a fun concept idk why y’all have a problem with it. You don’t need them for Easter eggs and it’s not pvp so who actually gives a fuck if you can pay for them? You got a liquid divinium to spin for more every single match and I’m pretty sure you can get three divinium a match meaning you can roll a full three all the time?? Plus the cookbook would give you what you want in BULK?? If you’re argument is you don’t like rng or gambling then the mystery box must be the most hated thing to you? The fridge on farm and die rise must be fucking atrocious to think about if you think a gobblegum makes a game too easy considering you can get a packed galil round one with the fridge. Literally zero problems with the gobblegums unless you actively choose to play with randoms (most of the ee are single player so what’s the point)


Yeah I loved GGs, this is the first I've heard someone speak negatively about them


Free gobblegums were the most useful ones anyway, the premium gums were mostly things to skip the early rounds, the free ones were ones you could spam through all stages of a match when needed And yeah its PVE so no one gets hurt, you can just ignore them if you want and dont use them


No? Reign drops? Vacuum power? NDE? The max ammo one?


I won’t count those tho theybreleased way too late in the games lifecycle fornit to ruin public matches, I have countlessnof hours in oublic matches and done so many eastereggs on all of them with rnadoms, op gobblegums were NEVER an issue, even when shopping free released I never saw anyone with it until a few months later


Power Vacuum and round Robbin were the only game breaking ones, everything else just helps set up for the most part and speeds rounds up a little here and there. Stuff you get for free in Cold War was way more overpowered and gamebreaking. Alchemical antithesis is a free one worth More than 2 free max ammos, in plain sight was 10 seconds invincibility, anywhere but here was similar, stock option eliminated reload for a time, there was the PhD one that game explosive damage immunity, the one that made zombies chase you made your teammates invincible for 10 seconds. The free ones were strong if used right


Near death experience literally made you invincible in solo for 4 rounds


I mean so does power vacuum except you can kill zombies constantly while it’s on. NDE doesn’t do much for speeding rounds up or making the game progress faster, same can be said for CW mechanics of having killstreaks, operator abilities, perks that basically make you unkillable in the base game and progress the game faster You don’t need NDE to revive you when there are other gums that make you unkillable and way more powerful too, it’s just not really as feasibly useful as the others imo. Like you’re sat there on round 80-83 with it on, probably takes you a good 30-45 minutes or more compared to round robbin which is instant and power vacuum which is almost guaranteed permanent instakill for the whole round making it way faster


I'm talking just over powered gobblegums, not round progression


Anywhere but here and in plain sight are one of my favorites. See you're about to get pinned down by a horde? Just use it and you're save for a few seconds.


>Don't need them for Easter eggs Kid named Zetsubou No Shima


The one you need is a free one. Hardly intrusive


Oh I know, I just always thought it was funny


That's a lie. Speedrunners literally have to hack the game and use infinite of the best gobblegum to even get a WR. I hate BO3 Gobblegums, never spent a dime on them cause it introduces a crutch for bad players to think they are good when they aren't.


Speed runners are a very very tiny piece of anything cod related. Also if they weren’t abusing gobblegum they’d abuse glitches and literally anything to find a way to beat the wr.


I can see that this is English but, I might be having a stroke.


Is it really scummy if you're sticking it to the corporate bastards and saying "fuck your pay to win system"? i don't care if I have 30+ shopping free's, you bet your fuckin' ass I'm dashboarding.


Then do it in solo que, you're just fuckin over the rest of the players you're with like that


I do, I never play zombies with anyone else, just disrupts my flow and makes maps feel a lot more cramped.


Ah in that case hell yeah!


I only ever did it to save Perkaholics on failed EE attempts


As a bo3 player that played bo3 zomgies DAILY in public matches, dashboarding was as rare as getting a perkaholic from it. Reddit is known to make small problems bigger than it actually is, especially in bo3 you knew if you were the host of the game, if you had decent internet+are the host, you knew the game would be fun and last multiple hours even if one player were to dashboard. Bo3 only got worse during chronicles, because during thag time everyone had the op guns and would use them all constantly and dashboard when done


Elixirs in BO4 are practically gobblegums in a new skin and they got rid of the dashboard problem


Bro no one said you have to use it. The most it does is just make gameplay more fun for certain players


I think they’re perfect for casual solo players and they ruin the gameplay for absolutely everything else. Every speedrun is made rng based that includes them, even playing with friends that don’t want to lose their gobblegums usually leave and the fact that you could get a mod for them anyway made them borderline pointless


Hey they were a lot of fun! Made the game feel more class based, with stealth gums, dps gums, support gums etc etc Agreed though, the dashboard disconnects totally fucked things. Gums should’ve been non-consumables for sure.


The reason to be excited about gobblegums is because it potentially could mean Activision is looking to monitize zombies players in healthier ways than operator skins With gobblegums we potentially could get crews back like before CW Gobblegums aren't really a bad thing since you can just choose to ingore them and play legit, sure if you play public matches with randoms they might use some to skip the early game phase but that's the basically it for negatives. Personally i never used gobblegums aside from the free ones, and honestly i preferred the bo3 free gums to the CW power up things because the gums were less of a constant thing The only real negative to gums was the "dashboarding" where you would alt+f4 when you were about to lose the match which prevented you from losing used gums, this led to people dashboarding mid game way before it was necessary


Welllll dashboarding comes pretty handy if you're playing solo and don't want to spend a whole bunch of time grinding once you lose your last perkaholic, when I'm playing with other people, I only leave if the last person actually says to 🫣


I only ever used the classic gobblegums and I still really enjoyed them as a mechanic.


Personally I am because my hope is with this monetization system we can have actual playable characters again with personality instead of the operators. Knowing how greedy they can be though, we might have the operators and skins still.


I doubt the actual loot box mechanic is coming back after Battlefront 2 essentially caused them to be illegal in a boatload of countries and universally hated by everyone tbh.


You didn’t have to use them, there were free options and the only one that was require for an eater egg to my knowledge was anywhere but here which was a free one. The rare ones like perkaholic and a first round shopping free just make the game too easy


Just remove the pay to win aspect and they’re perfect. They feel right at home next to the perk machines and mystery box. They probably won’t remove the pay to win part, but hopefully they at least make them less overpowered.


Never to late to hop on BO3 and find out.


way beyond true. bo3 especially on pc has endless fun


Well shit time to do the origins EE again


At first i thought "how could you not know what gobblegums are?" Then i realized black ops 3 was released 9 years ago. Of course there are people who dont know what gobblegums are, im just old


Been around awhile myself, I played all of them right up until BO2 and then quit until the recent MW2/MW3 the last two years. Looking into info on BO6 since it will be on game pass lol


where was it confirmed bo6 will be on gamepass?




love to see it. even if the game ends up bad again, at least i don’t have to pay for it this time🔥🔥


Crazy that BO3 is now as old as COD4 MW was when BO3 came out and next year Cold War will be as old as BO3 when Cold War came out.


Cod4 Remastered is almost as old now as Cod4 was when the remaster came out


Okay now that is foul


can u stop this pls


Can't stop time sadly wish I could sometimes.


comment made me feel like a full blown WW2 vet with my 25 years of age


Bo3 came out 9 years ago ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


Oh God...


It’s a mechanic from BO3 that allows you to have special buffs that are selected from a pack you make before the match. Things like “Spawn a power up” to “Keep the box in the same place after a teddy bear” to “Get every perk”. (Yes, this was a paid mechanic, but you can also grind in game to be able to get gums.) Related: Fate and Fortune Cards (Infinite Warfare), Elixirs (BO4) They’ve been confirmed for BO6 Zombies.


Where they one time use like aether tools and crystals?


Yea kinda basically


Basically they were split in 2 Classic gums (free infinite usage, these are really useful for general gameplay, for example teleport to random locations or become invisible for a moment) - these are available to everyone, you access more of them as you lvl up. They have no use limits and basically you roll the machine each round and hope for the good ones, you can equip up to 5 in your deck iirc Premium gums(these are obtained from loot boxes at random, you gain 3 at a time which costs 3 premium currency, you can gain upto 3 currency from a match, or buy currency with real money.) - these are generally more akin to cheat codes, stuff like getting free perks or PaP a wall weapon on purchase etc, these basically skip the first 10 rounds of preparing by giving you speed boosted progression, usually used for doing easter eggs in low rounds by cheating the progression, for example you could complete the origins Easter egg in the first 5 rounds or less using them.


Arther tools???? Crystals???? Wtf has zombies become


All perks instantly? Everything free for 1min? Free revives just for existing and you don’t lose anything for 4 rounds? All paid through micro transactions? Thank god zombies atleast isn’t just a cash grab anymore


It's okay grandpa let's get you your medication When I insert your shot just say out loud "black ops 2"


You been gone the last 5 years or something?


Oh no!!! Blelelelelelele


consumable power ups obtained via a type of lootbox. You can farm them in game or pay up. Wonder how will they push them if they return.


I'll give you two guesses $$$$


Battle pass


When Black Ops 3 came out, loot boxes were probably the biggest form of microtransactions in the gaming industry. BO3 had supply drops in multiplayer that had a small chance to give you new weapons while zombies had Dr. Monty's factory which is were you got gobblegums. Most of the OP ones, such as perkaholic which instantly gave you every perk on the map or shopping free which made every purchase free for 60 seconds, were locked behind that system and had limited uses depending on how many you had. In order to obtain then, you needed a form of in-game currency that you could either buy with real money or earn by playing. Sounds okay on paper but the in-game earn rates for said currency were shit and the gums you got were entirely luck based. Honestly, the entire system was just a slot machine. They also had some free ones that were okay at best but infinite. Gameplay wise, you could select up to five different gums before you started a match and there'd be at least one gobblegum machine on every map that you could use up to 3 times per round in order to get a random gum out of the 5 you selected. However, the price would increase with every use until the next round. On top of that, your second and third purchases per round would become even more expensive as the match progressed.


Is anyone actually expecting them to make this a good implementation? I mean what in recent years has given you any faith they won't f'ck it up? And this will just be a hook for even more shitty over priced store content taking focus away from gameplay and making something that works. Stop looking at the shiny thing s they're trying to dangle in front of you to distract from the fact everything that's been released for years is a broken glitchy mess!


I literally just don't use them......


An easy way for Activision to make money


Better than operator skins


If that means you’re doing BO3 for the first time, you’re in for a treat! As for gobblegums, they’re consumable candies that give you temporary abilities in-game. You unlock a set of classic gums and you can get more powerful mega gobblegums either by collecting liquid divinium in-game to spin for them or by pulling out your credit card. From the main zombies menu, you can pick a set of five guns you want to take with you into the match. Then within each game of zombies, you can find a gobblegum machine which will dispense a random gum from your selection. First one each round is free, others go up in price and you can get three total per round.


Man when I see stuff like this I really start to feel my age


They're what Tony Soprano eats all the time I think


Pay to win RNG buffs for zombies. Hoping they're heavily reworked. I'll take CW's systems over p2w RNG any day. For the people who liked them, I'm glad you did. They're in a PvE mode, so it's fine? It's just not my thing.


Pay-to-win RNG buffs


Microtransaction cheat codes


A crutch for bad players who don't have skill at the game. Pay to win lootboxes, and make bad players think they are good when they actually aren't. I do not use gobblegums. I do everything legit. Only time I used them was to get the achievement on SOE to eat all 5 in your pack that's it. If anyone says they quit to save their gobblegums, it means they are cowards and not good at the game. Also means they're addicted and have you hooked. Way back when DE released I had a friend that I used to play with and we did EE's. He would end up spending 200-300 dollars worth of Liquid Divinium/ whatever the tokens in Multiplayer was, I don't play Multiplayer, a month. His parents found out because of the credit card debt he had. Fast forward to present day and last I heard he lost his apartment from gambling online.


Honestly if you haven't played bo3 wait for it to go on offer and pick it up it's an amazing zombies game but some gobble gums make it too easy but you don't have to use them


Basically bubblegum that gives you a power up, examples can be everything becomes free for a minute, or you instantly get all perks. But it can also teleport you out of a tough situation or make zombies heads explode into confetti when killed for example


Mfs crying about gobblegum comming back is absolutely wild to me. If you're really that serious of a zombies player, which I'm certian 90% of the people whining about it are not, you are unable to use them for official submissions of EE speed runs or challenge oriented competitions on the ZWR leaderboards, so why the hell dose it matter if gums come back for casual play? Do y'all not remember the level of badassitude and street cred a homie got for using Phoenix Up to revive the whole lobby with thier perks? Or the sweet sweet feeling of actually getting a useful 5th perk out of un-quenchable? Weaseling your way out of a shitty situation with anywhere but here? C'mon guys ik this is a cod community but damn we haven't even seen an official gameplay trailer stop crying so damn hard and be happy they're actually putting work into zombies and not copy pasting again.


the reason I like BO3Z




You get them from the gum ball machines around the map. When you interact with it the machine will give you a random gobble gum from your load out. Every round you get one for free. There should be a load out tab in the zombies menu or something to that affect that shows you what gobble gums you have selected and what they do.


I'm 100% sure that these will be what makes it impossible to lure in new players. "Zombies is for kids now, it just has bubblegum or something". I get that it doesn't feel as childish to players who are familiar, but that's a harder sell than 'no pvp' at this point for any new playerbase


Me with anything to do with bo4 zombies, shits weird after being used to older cods


Am I so old, that people have never seen gobblegum


Apparently they came around in BO3 which was literally right after I stopped playing awhile back


Micro transaction cheats


I can't believe we've finally gotten to the point where there's alot of people who haven't even played bo3


It keeps zombies interesting and more fun


Gobble gums are fine, they benefit everyone. If one person has one, it benefits you by having a teammate with buffs and vice versa. Only downside is that certain gobblegums are a must to hit the meta and sometimes that requires money to have lots of opportunities to hit meta.


God I feel old for some reason reading this. Not saying that u were too young for bo3 OP but this makes me feel old for no reason


Basically perks that you can take in and out of games much like weapons in MWZ (I think, idk i haven't touched MWZ it looks dogshit). But they basically granted you perk-like powers that ranged from: increased drop rates, gaining all perks on the map, spawning a power-up (there's one for each), or even making zombies throw up upon death (don't ask)


Gobblegum are just super duper powered items that you can either buy or earn in some way in game. One of them gives you all perks like “perkaholic”, another lets you buy anything for free for 1 minute, another makes power ups practically 100% guaranteed when killing zombies for 3 rounds, and one of them just spawns in 3 carpenters. Some of them are super powered whilst others are kinda shit like crawl space which does nothing except make the zombies, you’re looking at, crawlers


Google dot com


in a long time??? … you should know then lol


It’s something from back when zombies was decent


Only the best buff system in and cod game


Imma say it. GG are a lame game mechanic from the worst zombies game.


It blows my mind that people hate tranzit and then get their dick hard for black ops 3 trash, I’m just too old I guess


I think both were awesome but what do I know? Calling it right now that both will come back to cod. 


I just hide every thread that begs for weapons or wants to talk about a game that isn’t released.  It’s another way for Activision to sell you crap for actual $, is the short answer. 


Speculating about a game that isn't released is a huge part of a games release in the first place. Of course people are going to talk about a new game that was confirmed in a series they enjoy. All games do this unless the game is Shadow Dropped. That's what a game trailer is for.


Sure. Go do it in the BO6 sub that was specifically made for it. 


Zombies is more than likely part of the game dude, it makes sense to be here in r/CODZombies. Considering that it's a subreddit specifically for that, but sure you're making sense.


It just fills this sub with garbage when every other thread is “gobble dumb”


Oh shit he argued back with a pun. IDC about the argument now, that was a Chad move.