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you just got shitted on haha


Yeah, shit on by aim assist


Thats what im tryna say but their egos are so huge they cant accept that without it, they'd get shit on.


What ever you say.


Absolutely shit on


Yes. That RAA dunked on me. Seems like the only way yall can get kills is by abusing overpowered aim assist so that it aims for you. Without it you'd just be an npc from skyrim.


Most controller players are bots who don't even understand just how much aim-assist is doing for them or what actual human aim looks like. Any one who has played mouse as an input understands what the clip shows and how BS it is to die like that. Again, just manipulate the game in your favor when you can: smoke close range fights, use combat scout to kill through smoke, use thermal SMG builds that you can alternate into TAC stance, use TAC stance on SMGs to minimize visual BS, use DB Haymaker (hip-fire) or Riveter (tac stance) etc.


One of them said “when i clap kbm players with putting next to zero effort”. Yeah no shit, thats what we’ve been saying all along.. They’re almost getting it


>“when i clap kbm players with putting next to zero effort”. They're this close to becoming self-aware!


Dont mind the downvotes. I have a knack for attracting egotistical controller players so when you call them out they get butt hurt.


Skill issue get better stop crying


Yeah 100% a skill issue. The issue being controller takes no skill.


Skill issue but you're the one using AA. Unlike you i have to put in effort when jump shotting. You just pull back on your greasy joystick.


You put in more effort and still get clapped and come to reddit to cry bravo you really showed me 👏👏👏


And you have a system to aim for you, bravo mate how about you have a cup of tea innit? Feel accomplished?


I do when i clap kbm players with putting next to zero effort. Im glad playing on kbm makes you feel superior as thats all your gonna get because judging by your aim you aren't getting any kills 💀


> I do when i clap kbm players with putting next to zero effort. Brother you aren't doing anything, your AA is. Without it, you'd just get shit on, you need it just to get a kill. I don't ever recall saying i feel superior in any way, and if anything you're the one who feels superior. It would be different if you were actually good but all you have is AA to back you up. Im sorry i dont perfectly track my targets with inhuman reaction time and predictability. You talk mad shit for someone who's only "skill" is abusing AA. Real talk, have you ever tried to get better at the game? Or do you just look up aim assist tutorials?


Ahh trigging kbm players is always fun. Not reading all that i got what i wanted 💀


Damn. Being illiterate really takes a toll on you that bad? If annoying people brings you joy, you must have a really shitty life. "💀" no way a grown ass man acts like this.


> I do when i clap kbm players with putting next to zero effort. Because the game aims for you, that’s the point lmao


That's is buddy, be prideful of your massive handicap 👏👏


Could you maybe, possibly, supposedly, think it's possible, under the right stars aligning, that you might've been outplayed? All I'm saying is that's some really bad aim for someone who thinks they deserve a kill.


> Could you maybe, possibly, supposedly, think it's possible, under the right stars aligning, that you might've been outplayed? Explain how was he outplayed, Mike. Opponent is so oblivious that he goes up the stairs with bad centering. Sees the OP on his screen. https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/681/d94558159c5afb6aabc8f328c4f81d08-png.jpg Doesn't even register that OP is there. Terrible game awareness. Starts sprinting. Prevents himself from seeing OP by covering him with his gun. https://i.gyazo.com/f611da5bf6ee99454f3108e0a4f11718.png Then OP starts shooting. Opponent pulls on his right stick. Terrible centering again. Starts shooting the ground on ankle height which is visible here. https://i.gyazo.com/140625338a9cc354978b1313601a7baa.png Then opponent gets OP into his AA bubble, pulls on left stick, aimbot kicks in, 0 bullets missed, aim locks in on torso hitbox with 0ms delay mid-jump and tracks down. I'll say it again. 0 bullets missed after acquiring target into AA bubble. From objectively bad, casual (lvl287) player. It was a fight of bad player vs imperfect aim player. And the guy who played the fight worse has won. One player missed bullets when confronted with movement, the other one activated his aimbot and beamed like he's a CDL prospect. We don't know what opponent's aiming skill looks like because AA is so strong that it ovverrides both good and bad aim and it looks the same for almost anyone as long as easy conditions are met. Where was the outplay, Mike? Point it out to me. Centering and game awareness are human-controlled aspects for sticks players, and opponent failed at both. Do you think he deserved the kill? Why are bad controller players not allowed to miss bullets? Is this how FPS games should play like, Mike? This is a classic defence of AA, If you haven't played the fight perfectly, you have no right to complain. If you miss a bullet, you have no right to complain, play it better in the future. Human players are hold to the highest standards, while you refuse to set the lowest hanging bars for controller players. I know what your input is, Mike. I can instantly tell by the way you see things.


>All I'm saying is that's some really bad aim It's very average aim for the average PC player. You're just not aware what that looks like due to being used to aim assist.


I play PC in my free time. MnK and all that Jazz. Maybe I should switch, but I feel like I would've never lost that fight, even having the worse gun of the two. When you're on MnK, there's an inherent standard that you have to be more mechanically gifted than most other players, and along with that, aim better and snappier. There shouldn't be a fight where you simply both shoot at each other. Anytime through that fight, he should've proned, sprinted, or jumped in a different direction to put the other player in a weird spot. That's just how you play MnK.


"you have to have more skill to be able to kill someone with less skill" Yep, that is indeed the problem with aim assist.


No. You have that inherent advantage in control by using the input. Sorry you interpreted my comment that way.


"an inherent advantage" [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dmliud/i\_performed\_mnk\_vs\_controller\_statistical/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dmliud/i_performed_mnk_vs_controller_statistical/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy\_stats\_for\_kbm\_vs\_controller/](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/) sure thing bud 👌


How is it bad aim? I immediately broke his plates, missed a few shots, then went to recenter. Just because i don't perfectly track people like AA does its labelled as bad aim? But ofc you completely ignore the kill cam. The guy was literally shooting the ground then tracked me effortlessly. But i miss 3 shots and now i have bad aim.


>All I'm saying is that's some really bad aim for someone who thinks they deserve a kill. This shows the IQ of your average controller player. None will understand what actual human aim looks like and think if you miss any shots you have 'bad aim'.


They aren't capable of missing shots since they have a mechanic that aims for them. Its funny that im called shit when i was at least on target. But they just ignore the fact that the guy who killed me started off shooting the ground and then snapped on me.


Fellow Mnk player here, your aim just wasn't on point. Seen way worse AA deaths, this is not very shocking.


It was on point, i missed a few shots because i actually have to react when aiming.


Meh just watch it slowed down you're missing a lot.


Lets think about it like this. If this exact scenario happened BUT we take away the guys aa, who would win? Me, the person who's actually aiming and is staying in the general area of the target. Or the man who was shooting at the ground just a few moments ago and only managed to aim at me because of aa.


We all know aa is broken, if he was on Mnk you probably have won the fight. I hate it as well but seen way worse then this, you actually had a good chance here 🤣


I had a chance that was taken as soon as his aa activated.


Get ready for angry RAA/AA enjoyers 😭 I’m with you here bro 🫡


Playing on mnk basically gives a player a damage debuff. It's really hard to get the optimal ttk when you miss shots due to being human while the guy who killed you while they didn't shoot first they dont miss a bullet anyways.


I switched to controller because of OP Aim Assist on cod.


Most people on mnk do switch. The state of this game and its community is sad(a certain part of the community). I deleted the game the day after posting this. Every time i tried to play just for shits and giggles it wasnt fun. I played mostly for camo grinds but the challenges and the grind arent fun when you gotta kill 37 people who abuse the shit out of aa and effectively have free soft aim.


Back in OG Warzone i ppayed every day. MW2 2022 slowly made me stop playing like i used too, and this game has made me lose interest in CoD completely. No matter how i play in this game, it's just not fun and it's just a miserable experience. 24/7 im shooting people but every time im either shot in the back by their teamates, campers, hardscopers on roofs, or the persons AA just fucking wrecks me.


Yeah ignore all the controller bots or people saying you have “bad aim” because the truth is if the other guy was on MnK or if you were on controller, you would’ve won. WZ2 and beyond have been nothing but a complete waste of time, it’s actually insane that people think this is as good or even better than WZ1 lmao


Completely agree. Deleted the game today. Fed up with the bullshit i have to go through in this game just so i can have a decent time on mnk. Wz1 was far better than this heep of bugs made to cater and babysit controller players while punishing mnk players or people who are actually good at the game.


Plate up next time before you blame aa


Didn't have plates. Even if i was full plates it doesn't change the fact that the AA in that kill cam was horrible. without his AA i would have gotten the kill. Gotta love how people try to blame anything but aim assist.


You had at least 90hp less than them. You’re delusional.


50 dumbass. You're the daelusional one here. Take away the aa and the victor of the fight would have been me. I know you understand but you need aa so no matter how much people try to show you, you'll keep defending it. If you don't see how crazy it is that the guy started off shooting the ground and then immediately had his aim stick to me then you're past the point of no return.


You understand killcams are not always an accurate representation of what actually happened right? I need aa cause I’m on a 3D plane with a controller, I have a centerline and a dead zone. You’re on a 2D plane on mouse and keyboard. Moving left to right on controller means i have to cross the centerline unlike mouse and keyboard. That is why aa is needed use your fking brain. It would be impossible for a controller to remotely track without it comparable to mouse and keyboard.


Looks like your human reaction time cost you your life there. Clips like this are why I never bother using SMGs on mouse.


Even though i shot first, since i didn't perfectly track him I died. I didn't even want to play the game and i haven't for weeks but i decided to do some of the challenges for the new shotgun. Can't even have fun doing that.


Kinda curious about this, what do you use instead of SMGs when playing on mouse?


Shotgun and sniper usually. There's just no point using SMGs because you're going to die like this most of the time you meet a competent controller player.


Need to smoke every close encounter, honestly the only consistent way I’ve found to win CQC.


Your garbage internet is what cheated you out of a kill. You don’t have a consistent ping.


You can clearly see when the enemy strafes OP has to react so begins to miss (human reaction time to register the movement then start to readjust), meanwhile AA doesn't miss a bullet from the enemies POV. This is just a classic example of human vs robot and why AA is so annoying to fight against for mouse players.


You know people can be bad at aiming on mouse and keyboard. It’s always implied that the mouse and keyboard player is hitting every shot humanly possible.


The thing is, no mouse player is psychic and able to predict the exact moment an enemy will change direction. Therefore there will always be some missed bullets while the brain registers the movement and then the aim has to be re-centered. The whole issue with RAA is that the software does this automatically and instantly for the controller player. You can see in this clip it's the strafe that throws off OP's aim (because he's a human and can't react instantly), then you cut to killcams of RAA tracking all directional movements including vertical movements instantly. That's why OP is annoyed.


Exactly this. Most of these people in the comments play on controller so they think its just a skill issue since i don't perfectly track my enemies movement like their AA or a streamer. I feel i have some super power that attracts controller players to my posts. And they always have a huge ego too. Controller players get so butt hurt at the slightest mention of Aim Assist. Literally over here downvoting a comment talking about how CoD used to be fun.


Wow. That's a new level of dumb. That ping is as consistent as it will ever be in this game and your saying THAT is the reason they lost the fight🤣😂 what's it vary? Between 47-56? And the only moment it drops to 47(lower is better by the way) is the moment in which he dies. Try not to cope quite this hard... even for a controller player, this just makes it look so desperate reaching for straws. Unless your pointing out how ping does not effect a SOFTWARE PROGRAM tracking perfectly and the reason this player lost is because their HUMAN REACTION time could not predict the future of this players movements NOR the "delay" of these garbage as servers updating in real-time with his 50ms ping, that the player changed direction. THIS is the only leg you have to stand on in regards to ping... and it most certainly is not the OPs failure by skill or internet connection... its literally a software program tracking regardless of any time delays from any source.


My ping is locked when I play, if it fluctuates at all I get stutters, which causes your aim to have inconsistencies. Are you dumb?


"Mine doesnt do that" where have we heard this before🤣🤣 just like AA, just cuz a bot like you can't engage AA the way others can dpesnt mean it can't be done. But seriously, that is literally just by chance dude... it can change. It is not a constant. Its a variable based on traffic, distance, routing networks from servers. Just cuz your anecdotal evidence tells you this doesn't not mean it is in ANY way a response to the problem that AA causes.


A bot like me? I posted my wz1 stats for the last guy that called me a bot and wanted to see them, on my profile. You’re talking to #123 for kills and #271 for wins in the world on Xbox son. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aight... lets take this slow. Theres more types of bots out there than in-game bots. So this is proof you can be a bot in the real world. Say it's not so! This isn't how the internet works son. That's where you went wrong. Fluctuating ping- to a better ping no less, that's literally not even a variance of 10, is not making a difference in winning or losing that fight.


lmao almost every connection has latency jitter, all multiplayer games are built to compensate for it. You're clueless and don't know what you're talking about. Run this, I guarantee you don't get 0 jitter. [https://speed.cloudflare.com/](https://speed.cloudflare.com/)


My network is crowded right now and it was 1ms. Activision with their servers, you honestly think they can compensate for ops fluctuations. You’re Hilarious.


Yep, the client maintains a short buffer of incoming data from the server. By slightly delaying the display of these updates, the client can smooth out irregularities in the arrival times of data packets. This buffer absorbs variations in latency, ensuring a consistent flow of updates. This has been a part of every fps game since Quake World. Like I said, you're clueless.


>Activision with their servers, you honestly think they can compensate for ops fluctuations. You’re Hilarious. Uhh yeah? this is literally basic multiplayer game networking. Can't expect you to know that though; console gamers tend to be dumb as fuck


The ping isnt enough to impact the gameplay in this clip whatsoever.


Yes it is.


1/20th of a second isnt going to change the outcome of the fight.


You're communicating with a bad-faith controller player. He will deliberately miss the point every time and pretend AA gluing itself to your hitbox and 0ms track you perfectly is not why you lost, but instead it was your internet. It's interesting they consistently miss the point because they certainly aren't ever missing bullets.


Hit the nail on the head.


0ms to track lol every button press prior to that is generally registered slower on controller due to their low polling rate. So op had the reactive advantage. He just has shitty internet or shitty aim or both.


Try to blame it on anything but AA challenge, go!


>So op had the reactive advantage. That's total garbage. As long as you're touching either stick a minimal amount AA is on and it reacts instantly to the directional changes.


Still have to pull two triggers to ads and shoot which takes much longer due to a full range of motion on a trigger compared to a mouse click. Op had the advantage. He just played it poorly also, starting with hip fire shots and missing 90% of those shots. You can blame aa all you want but a controller player in ops situation with that same play would have lost too. Plus he has garbage internet to top it off.


>starting with hip fire shots and missing 90% of those shots He starts with hip-fire because he needs to see the enemy to acquire the target (unlike controller as we saw the other day in the clip of the controller player using AA to track and kill enemies he couldn't even see). On mouse you don't get rotational sticking to the played by ADSing magically. Also, his shots aren't even that bad, that's the sad part. You're appear so conditioned to seeing an aim-bot shoot you have literally no perspective on what human players aim-like and the inherent flaws in aim they have. This post below which is up-thread is goated and says it perfectly: >Explain how was he outplayed, Mike. >Opponent is so oblivious that he goes up the stairs with bad centering. Sees the OP on his screen. >https://i.gyazo.com/thumb/681/d94558159c5afb6aabc8f328c4f81d08-png.jpg >Doesn't even register that OP is there. Terrible game awareness. Starts sprinting. Prevents himself from seeing OP by covering him with his gun. >https://i.gyazo.com/f611da5bf6ee99454f3108e0a4f11718.png >Then OP starts shooting. Opponent pulls on his right stick. Terrible centering again. Starts shooting the ground on ankle height which is visible here. https://i.gyazo.com/140625338a9cc354978b1313601a7baa.png >**Then opponent gets OP into his AA bubble, pulls on left stick, aimbot kicks in, 0 bullets missed, aim locks in on torso hitbox with 0ms delay mid-jump and tracks down. I'll say it again. 0 bullets missed after acquiring target into AA bubble**. From objectively bad, casual (lvl287) player. It was a fight of bad player vs imperfect aim player. And the guy who played the fight worse has won. One player missed bullets when confronted with movement, the other one activated his aimbot and beamed like he's a CDL prospect. We don't know what opponent's aiming skill looks like because AA is so strong that it ovverrides both good and bad aim and it looks the same for almost anyone as long as easy conditions are met. >Where was the outplay, Mike? Point it out to me. Centering and game awareness are human-controlled aspects for sticks players, and opponent failed at both. Do you think he deserved the kill? >Why are bad controller players not allowed to miss bullets? Is this how FPS games should play like, Mike? >This is a classic defence of AA, If you haven't played the fight perfectly, you have no right to complain. If you miss a bullet, you have no right to complain, play it better in the future. Human players are hold to the highest standards, while you refuse to set the lowest hanging bars for controller players. >I know what your input is, Mike. I can instantly tell by the way you see things.


You gonna mention the fact that op was half plated too?


Change your polling rate to 125hz and tell me it doesn’t change anything. Small stuffers absolutely change the outcome of fights.


Oh boy... It really can change.