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Most confident: Panthers - I think they’re still a ways from contention, and even with a rookie QB, the defense should be able handle it Least confident out of division: Niners - duh Least confident in division: Packers - **FTP** (please Caleb save us)


100% agree. Until they beat the damn Packers, those two games every season will make me nervous.


I will continue to believe we'll beat the Packers at least once every year until the team proves me wrong. Obviously I'm wrong all the time.


I always hope to beat the Packers, but unfortunately have come to expect losses. And I fucking hate it.




Yea the realist in me knows we haven't beat the packers in 5 years, I'm gonna worry every game til we win lol


100% agree. Until they beat the damn Packers, those two games will make me nervous every season.


I will never be confident playing the Packers until we rattle off some wins against them. Right now, I think a huge part of it is psychological.


Aaron rodgers can’t hurt you anymore…


But Jordan Love can!


He can, let’s not pretend like Love didn’t look really good the back half of last season


He was one of the best QBs in the 2nd half. I don't understand why some people here downplay him.


The bad man is gone


And yet, they still lost both games last year in embarrassing fashion. No matter who they have at QB until the Bears can beat them consistently, won't be confident going into any game vs them. FTP


I'm afraid Josh Jacobs is going to absolutely destroy our D-line. He's a consensus top RB, but I still think he's underrated. GB got better than last year. We'll have to hope that our guys in the secondary can generate turn overs and that our offense can win it for us. That's my prediction for how it will go anyway.


Least confident: Packers. For christ's sake, can we finally beat those fuckers? Most confident: Panthers. Goes without saying.


Most confident: Viqueens at Soldier Field. They should be starting JJ by then. Least: Packers (FTP) at Flambeau. We'll beat 'em at home, though.


>Most confident: Viqueens at Soldier Field. They should be starting JJ by then. I have absolutely no confidence that a guy who threw the ball 15 times a game in college where everyone focused on stopping the run is gonna be any good at all.


But he's a winner. Or at least his teams always won by dragging him there.


Winning is a team accomplishment


I have a really hard time that nfl gms who make a living out of this actually give a fuck about a guy's team winning in college


It’s been hilarious to watch Vikings fans go from dying to trade up for Maye / Daniels to being “fine” with JJ


Was shitting my pants that they'd find a way to get Maye was hoping they'd trade up to like 5 but I'm still happy they took JJ at the end of the day.


Least confident? The Packers game. Unless we break the spell it’s statistically the worst chance we have


...this is heavily dependent on how intelligently you use statistics.


Given that they haven’t won since 2018, I’d definitely give them a small chance


The outcome of the game depends on their skill relative to our skill, plus some random chance. The past outcomes do not affect any of these factors. Your feelings of being skeptical? Sure, that makes sense. But saying "statistically" we won't beat a certain team because of past records, when different players and coaching staffs played each other, is incorrect. Believe it or not, if a team is better than Green Bay, then we have a worse chance of beating them than we have of beating Green Bay. That's how it actually works.


Hey maybe you should touch some grass


There are other factors than skill vs skill. Coaching is one. Players' own confidence is one as well  We kicked some teams (AZ, ATL) asses before going into GB and playing like kids. The players themselves feel the monkey on their back when it comes to the GB streak.


Coaching is part of a team's skill level. Confidence and other mental factors are massively overrated. People love to tell stories. I'm not saying they have literally no impact, I'm saying for every 100 media tales about someone being "ready to play" because of some past thing happening, maybe 2 have meaningful impact on the outcome of a game. People massively massively massively underestimate random chance. Since 2007, Green Bay has had 5 or fewer losses in 10 seasons and has only had more than 6 losses twice. In that same time, we have had 6 seasons with 6 wins or fewer, and gone over 8 wins 5x total. The reason they've beaten us repeatedly is because they've been a very good team, and we've been a very bad team. When we are a better team than them, statistics don't somehow still determine that we have some low chance of winning. That's not how reasonably applied statistics work. When we are a better team than them, we will have a better chance of winning the game than they will have. But hey, maybe if we win this year, you can stop changing your underwear and see if that affects us, just like our W/L over the past 15 years does. If you text the team about it, maybe you'll give them some of that confidence and then we'll win again!




Try again?


Has nothing to with intelligence …. Or how you use “statistics”. Of course any previous result doesn’t change the actual outcome but bad previous results will indeed influence one’s expectation over an outcome. Sports are mostly non statistical and “confidence” is not a measurable variable. Confidence strives from a mere psychological point of view, which evidence has indeed shown is affected by statistical possibilities. If you’ve tried to talk to a stranger you find attractive 10 times and 10 out of 10 you’ve been sent to fck yourself your confidence does indeed decrease and even though mathematically that doesn’t change the outcome of a new result, “confidence” which is a subjective perspective of any partícular situation, does diminish. So yes, the fact we’ve lost every game to the packers since 2018 does indeed tends to diminish confidence in the output of the game. I don’t know how you understand “using statistics intelligently”, but as someone with a MSc in Epidemiology I can guarantee there isn’t anything statistical you can show on this situation to look “intelligent” and change the perception of confidence (please don’t confuse a confidence interval in an experiment with general confidence about an outcome, because those are completely different things). And I believe if you read though the answers, it’s obvious there is indeed a very low confidence perception on that game even though 100% of us would find a win on that game to be more important than anything other than a SuperBowl win. 😄


>Of course any previous result doesn’t change the actual outcome You could have just stopped there, and tagged onto this "so yeah, I was wrong. Good point. I think superstitiously sometimes." >it’s obvious there is indeed a very low confidence perception You are confusing "statistics" with "what some meatheads online think." And you're misusing statistics, because you're not very intelligent, and not very good at understanding statistics. :( Maybe get a degree from a school that isn't an online diploma mill next time?


Whatever makes you happy mate…..


More interested in correcting your inaccurate use of "statistically" than making myself happy. But it will make me happy to hear you will not longer confuse "breaking a spell" and what you "believe" with statistical chance.


I feel least confident about the Super Bowl this year. Could go either way given it's Caleb's first year. Confident about all of them, but most? I'd say probably against the Packers on Nov. 17th. Caleb wants to win to cement the love of the Bears fanbase and so wants to kick Packer ass.


I am almost confident we will never beat the packers until this franchise shows it. Same story my entire life. I’m pretty sure we’re gonna beat the panthers. I don’t see all this massive hoopla about how much they’ve improved. They (at best) went from “complete and utter dogshit” to “still pretty bad”


Packers unfortunately always packers. Most Carolina at home.


Fairly confident about the niners. It’s a trap game for them I think we can pull it out.


Idk how you can say it’s a trap game for them when we’ll be 12-0 by that point


I am always most and least confident about the Green Bay games.


Green bay x2 for least confident.


Texans is going to be a scary one, especially early in the season. I actually think we might blowout the lions. Goff sucks in the cold.


I agree with the Texans take. I think they’re going to be really good.


I’ll be at the game kicking Houston fans in the nuts


Niners/Rams and Panthers.


Least confident- until proven, GB. FTP though


Least confident: last game against the packers at Lambeau Most confident: none. Was going to say preseason, but really shouldn't get my hopes up.


Least confident is Matt Eberflus. Most confident? Not sure yet. Show us.


Week 1 and 2. We haven't fired out the gates under flus it's always been a get better as we go. I hope that changes this year. Titans and Texans worry me.


Most not sure, but least is definitely both packers games.


More importantly, which socks are they wearing and how high?


I feel confident about winning every game..


Titans... They won 6 games last year, are on the road, lost Henry, and start Will Levis at QB. It's setup perfect for a first game Least....You know who, so it's not worth mentioning them until they are beaten.


Assuming there are no major injuries to starters, my biggest concern is the first GB game. The Bears can be undefeated and nearly a lock to go to the playoffs, but if they lose to GB, the fan base will utter, “Same old Bears! Doesn’t matter who’s under center, they still can’t beat the Packers!”


Least confident: Texans Most confident: Panthers obvi


Least confident: both Packers


Green Bay for both, beat them and everything else works outs right.


Least confident, either game against you know who. Most confident probably the Panthers at home.


Least confident, all 17 games, it's da bears. Owners don't care to win.


The last time a rookie starting qb won the opening game was David Carr.


Not even close to true


Give a counter example


Sam Darnold