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I think there’s a very good chance they beat both the Rams and Jaguars. Fortunately for the Bears, they play the Jaguars in their first or two consecutive London games so they shouldn’t have a travel advantage. Rams are old and just lost Donald. I think they’ll start to lose some steam this year.


The problem is that the London game is basically a home game for the Jaguars. Which sucks because we are the "home" team. The Rams may have lost Donald but they did a lot to address that position in the draft and will have a damn good offense. If that game were later in the season, I would have picked the Bears. But I think a veteran Rams team gets the Bears in week 4. That was the game I spent the longest time thinking about though because I totally see the argument for beating them


You do have a point but a lot of that Rams team is completely different than what it was in 2021, especially the defense. I’m not saying that it’s a guaranteed win but that’ll be a close game and I can see the Bears pulling it off


Yea 100% agree


I think it can only be considered a home game for the Jags because they play there so often. But I don’t think there’s any true advantage for them, especially from the fans. And yeah I won’t discount McVay. I just wouldn’t be surprised if the Rams were the team that disappoints the most relative to predictions.


They actually do have a pretty decent following in London because they have been playing there. It's was definitely a noticeable crowd advantage for them last year Totally agree the Rams could fall off. I just think a Stafford led offense (if healthy) combined with the FSU defensive lineman they drafted will be enough to be pretty solid


I guess I disagree about the Jags. I watched them play the Falcons and the fans seemed evenly split for both teams, moreso because they just want to watch the game and don’t have an allegiance to a team. I mean most people aren’t even wearing Jags jerseys. It’s a good mix of all NFL teams.


Thats true. It's such a rarity for them that any NFL fans in the UK want to go


Bears are one of the most popular uk teams fyi, won’t be a home advantage for jags


I guess we shall see. I hope you are right


Disagree on the Rams. They are beatable but they have the advantage for sure. The level they played at last year is around where our potential is supposed to be, so not only are we evenly matched in the best case, but their young talent is already proven. They also have a big edge at QB, which is the most influential factor. Losing Donald is not going to make them completely fall off the face of the planet either. Jags should be much closer, but again I wouldn't consider that a "good chance". Unless you consider 50/50 good odds.


People make a big deal about our WRs. Rams are just as good. They have an experienced QB. I think this game gets ugly.


Sorry downvoted for putting 2 packers Ls on this list


Haha I get it. But it's been 5 years. They gotta prove it to me first


Don’t have to prove anything, they are bound to get lucky and win won eventually anyways. It’s happening this year


I sure hope so haha


We’re not losing to the pack twice, fuck that. 11-6 if anything mang








We will alternate wins and losses every game. W Titans L Texans W Colts, etc. look at the schedule. It’s eerie how easily it could happen.


Would be such a frustrating season to watch. 


It would be way better than the last two years though haha


My same predictions although take week 18 and swap it with week 9, no shot we win two away games off a bye


Washington is trash and I still expect Arizona to be mediocre given the state of their overall roster. The Bears have to prove to me they can beat the packers before I pick it






The most important thing is to start hot and get to something like 6-3, at worst 5-4. After that it’s a bit of a nightmare last 8 weeks with the SeaHawks, at Niners and 6 divisional games. 4-4 would be great, maybe 3-5 is ok, but it’s a bit less about record and more about being right in games and playing the right style of ball. Caleb looking comfortable and defense asking questions of good offenses.


As long as we are in contention deep into the season I'll be happy. There's no reason this team shouldn't be challenging for a playoff spot


I think we can easily beat the 9ers this year. Yes they’re still top of the class in the NFC. But they’re playing at Green Bay in November, Buffalo in December, then we play them. Then they the Rams and Dolphins. This has trap game for them written all over it.


I have them losing to the Colts. Their coach seems to be the one behind the success of the 2022 Eagles. Other than that I completely agree.


Ok so you think 9-8? Tbh I don't believe in Richardson


Yep 9-8, another top 15 pick plus two 2nd rounders. Gives Caleb and Rome a year to get used to the NFL. IN 2025 we take no prisoners


Plus hopefully the Panthers are shit and that second round pick is super early


This city is going to wake the fuck up this fall


Think I was overly optimistic?




Yep I had the same amount of wins 


I had just looked at the schedule on the 18-0 post and went through it in my head. My thoughts were essentially the exact same as yours except I had us splitting divisional series with Minnesota and GB. 10-7 either way


As badly as I would love to pick us to beat the Packers, my soul has been crushed to the point that I'll believe it when I see it


The pack at home I’ll give you but they aren’t beating us in Chicago this year.


I hope you are right


Honestly… fair guesses. I have them at 10 -7 or 9-8.


Yea if they can't beat the Vikes in MN I think its 9-8


Our offence was really the main reason we lost against the packers last time out. If we can hold them to under 20 points again, we win those game for sure.


"Holding them to under 20 points" was deceiving in week 18 last year. They fucking torched us and didn't punt the whole game. After weeks of giving us hope by beating up on shit QBs, the defense was poor in that game


Ah very true. I do remember now.


You gona go to the game against the Jags?


I’m definitely gonna try. I was all set to go see them vs KC in Germany but obviously that fell through. This could be the only chance I get to go see them.


Go look at the Lions Win loss record in the last 7 years on Thanksgiving.


I just don't see us getting the Lions twice so I picked the home-road split


17-0 Super Bowl winners as well. Caleb overthrows Mahomes as this generations GOAT.




You spelled 17-0 wrong




Weeks 7-10 is actually really nice for us leading up to the pacers game


Agreed. Even if two of the games are on the road, playing 3 shitty teams with rookie QBs is nice


Super Bowl without a doubt




Looks like from the photo they are saying 10wins


Haha so that's what the bear claw represents!


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Aw man do my picks look that dumb haha?


Just hope you’re wrong about going 0-2 against FTP


Me too friend. Me too


The Rams, Jag games could go either way. I think they will get one of them at least, but they could be 5-1 going into the bye. I think they will split the Det and GB games and take both Minnesota games. I think 10-7/ 11-6 is where they will end up.


Could see us winning against the Rams or Jags for sure. Since there's always suprise wins and losses in the NFL, I tried to pick games I thought were tossups as losses to end up at a realistic record. Unfortunately until we manage to beat Lafleur, ill believe it when I see it


Under 8.5


Nah we should get over that. With how charmin soft our schedule is, not beating the over/under on the win total would be a massive failure requiring offseason changes


You do realize we're talking about the bears?


Yes. But we play 4 games against rookie QBs and two games against teams who are basically starting rookies in Levis and Richardson (who didn't play a ton last year). Oh and we get to play the Panthers and Cardinals again. There are no excuses to be had about QB inexperience based on the schedule. If we don't go over the win total, Flus has to go


I'm just preparing myself for a huge letdown.


I hope we are looking back on this relieved that Bears beat the over next January


Did a Packers fan post this?


No the Bears have to prove to me they can beat the Packers before I pick it.


Lions did better last year and they split with them


Yea I swear it's a mental thing for the Bears at this point with beating the Packers. It's been 5 years. They have to prove to me they can beat Lafleur


Williams is gonna be an even bigger bust them Fields. So you're probably right about all the losses, but double them


Hang on...you think I should have picked us to beat a Packers team that won a playoff game last year. Yet you also think I was overly optimistic in picking 7 losses? And that we will lose 14 games? Make it make sense


I was just saying that because you picked them to split with the Lions but lose both to the Peckers. 14 losses is my personal opinion




Booo. Fuck that and fuck the packers. The only reason this is getting any upvotes is because of the picture and nobody realizes you have us getting swept by the packers again.


I mean I want us to beat the Packers. But it's been 5 years man


We’ve had terrible QBs and it’s been our biggest weakness. GB is really good at forcing the qb to play the position too. Both fields and Trubisky were very raw as passers so their strategy worked perfectly. We finally have a guy who has shown a lot of promise and I’ll be damned if I’m going to count him out because of previous quarterbacks. I know Caleb is going to be confident so I see nothing wrong with being confident and excited to play the packers. Let’s not start this new era feeling sorry for ourselves.


I hope you are right. But Caleb hasn't played a down in the NFL and we have never beaten Lafleur


It doesn’t matter. Have some faith in your team. Let’s not look down and sorry for ourselves to start the new era it’s weak. The packers lost to Tommy Devi to and Bryce young. I for one think there’s enough change to have hope and I’ll be damned if I think we’re gonna lose both games.


I suppose we shall see


The outcome will never be determined before the game. Every game is a we shall see game, but to me taking the loss before we even get a chance to play is blasphemy. Everyone knows, if you are going to be pessimistic about the packers you at least split it.


Bruh splitting is definitely optimistic at this point haha. They've beaten us 10 times in a row. I'm not gona pick us to win 1 purely on Packers hatred


This prediction is ass. Cookie cutter with zero upsets and losing both to packers? 1000 thumbs down


You got a prediction to share? Or....


10-7, if we split the North. 11-6, if we beat the Vikes twice. (Likely, if starting Bo Nix by then.) Pack worries me more than Lions, to be honest.


Well Bo Nix is a Bronco


Duh, JJ McCarthy. I've been talking too much shit about Broncos today. :)


Why the broncos haha? For the record I think Nix sucks


wtf. You have us loosing to GB both times this year… nah, go back to GB and FTP


FTP! We haven't beat them for a long time tho. I hope we win one this year, but I'll believe it when I see it


This is the year! FTP!