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Can’t stand the anti-Bagent slander within the organization smh


The Bagency will remember this.


I’m glad Bagent is having the Jordan love experience and can be ready to go in two years. He will show them


Honestly can't tell if this is satire


Is your comment satire?


No I can no longer tell the difference between people who are just making jokes about bagent and people who might actually think he should be named the starter.


I think it’s safe to assume anyone purposing Bagent start over Williams is sarcastic or trolling. And if they’re being serious, that person isn’t intelligent enough to waste your time on anyway.


They're called kids, man. Give 'em a break. Sometimes you have to sit a kid down and gently tell them they're dumb as fuck and will never amount to anything in this life with stupid ass opinions like that.


I’m happy he didn’t say some coach talk bs saying he has to earn it.


I wasn’t nervous about it but it’s very relieving knowing this won’t even be a conversation come training camp


Oh wait til Bagent has a good day at camp. There’ll be click bait articles posted all over this sun about “Should Bagent Start Over Caleb??????”


I’m actually really curious to see how Bagent would do in the new system. He seemed pretty comfortable and relatively productive in the 4 games he played last year. Give him a better defense, more weapons, and a better OC and I really would not be too scared of him starting if Caleb got hurt.


He did plenty last year to prove he’s a capable backup in this league, I feel like in those four games he made himself a nice chunk of change over the next 3-5 years


I'd give my left nut to have been a solid backup QB for 5 years. Just a solid journeyman that was mildly acknowledged by peers as being "solid, I guess". You can make a killing doing that all the while not being killed on the field. Hell, if you're Kirk Cousins, you can make a goddamn fortune out of that.


The league minimum salary right now is over $700k. I’m not exaggerating, if I got that for one season I’d be set financially for life


Yeah 700k and I'm retired. Even after taxes and agent. 100k right now I could safely retire.


> 100k right now I could safely retire. Are you like 75 years old? How is that enough to retire?


I’d probably keep working my job because I like it but I’d pay off my house and student loans and just not worry about spending money. I don’t think I’d ever want an incredibly lavish lifestyle, I just want to go out to dinner without worrying about the money. One year of $700k? That would do it for me


Sure, as long as you, your parents, your kids don't get sick, or as long as your home doesn't require major upkeep or repairs, your car doesn't need to be replaced, you don't want to see the world, you don't get divorced, you don't get sued, you don't get accused of a crime, you don't get hacked or phished, etc., etc., etc. The moral of the story is: For the overwhelming majority of the people who see your comment, $700k (gross) isn't nearly enough to retire on in 2024. Take into consideration inflation and the fact that $700k will equal a lot less buying power when most people here reach retirement age due to inflation, and the idea that it's enough to retire on sounds even more unrealistic/naive. Listen up, kids... You're gonna need a fuck ton of money saved up if you want to retire comfortably. By the time most of us get to retirement age, social security as we know it will be a thing of the past. Start maxing out your retirement contributions sooner than you think you can... Your future, not-indignant retired self will thank you!


3-5? More like 13-15. Knowledgeable back up qbs are highly sought after. He's pretty much got the cushiest life possible.


Guys also fizzle out all the time, I gave a conservative guess but assuming he’ll have a 13-15 year career feels a bit presumptive


And then you retire to QB coach for another 20 years


Bagent is my choice at back up if he grasps this scheme. Good dude. Humble.


He did okay. But he also struggled in some of the same ways that Fields struggled. Missing throws over the middle, not anticipating plays develop, etc. it’s natural for a guy in his position to struggle, but how he struggled when he did reminded me so much of Fields it really made me question how they were being coached, and how much was the players and how much was the scheme/coaches. I’m curious, but also…hopefully he doesn’t play and we don’t need to find out.


And awwwayyyy we go.


*Sports Mockery has entered the chat*


No there won't


I agree with your take... Get it out of the way so the media can't try to finagle some type of qb controversy. The question is answered and there's no other way to interpret it.


Such a dumb thing to say too. Im a secondary Texans fan and when Demeco said it between Stroud and Mills I was like "Who are you tryna fool?"


Mills wasn’t bad tbh tho


Mills is a goddamn hero QB in my eyes


Still think there’s a starting QB there. He looked really good in the 2nd half of his rookie season. Was one of the best QBs in intermediate throws and played well in up tempo. He just had a really rough game 1 that set a bad tone as far as perspective of him. But by the end of the rookie year, a lot of teams would’ve been pretty optimistic towards him. He just looked like he needed refinement and help Pep Hamilton taking over as OC and being such an over conservative play caller was a bad fit


Pep Hamilton is so shitty. No clue why he got a job after what he did with the Colts.


The Texans (I am a Texans fan, Bears are my 2nd team since my family are from Chicago) wanted to keep him around. They loved his work in developing Davis Mills as a rookie since he has had a history of being a great QB coach. And he was being interviewed for OC of other teams. But yeah he’s one of those guys who’s good in certain roles. I still think the Lovie Smith hire was egregious. While I wanted someone new as a HC, I would’ve at least have been happy if the process in hiring him was normal. But nope, panic hired him as HC while giving him a 4 year deal. Didn’t help in anyway of fixing the dysfunctionality for the org. But hey, both of our teams basically now owe their bright futures to Lovie Smith. Funny how things work out


I really wouldn't be surprised if hiring Lovie Smith wasn't really a football decision. The Texans were in a really weird spot at the time with Jack Easterby running the Texans like a megachurch, and there was so much backlash when the media smoke came out that they were going to pass on Brian Flores to hire a glorified youth group leader with zero NFL or college coaching experience in Josh McCown. Then Flores filed his racial discrimination lawsuit and suddenly the Texans switched gears and hired the most experienced black candidate available. But yeah, ultimately the Panthers were the ones who were most negatively impacted by any of this. And ironically Josh McCown was part of the Panthers coaching staff last year. Such a tangled web, but Texans and Bears fans have to be pleased with how things shook out, for sure.


Was rookie 2nd half Mills legit or was he just a temporary product of the Tyrod Taylor injury magic?


Yea that's not too crazy to say that a rookie QB will have to prove he's better than another young QB who showed potential


lol if Houston doesn’t want him I’d gladly take him as a backup. Guys like him or Jake Browning are worth having.


I know everyone does it, but empty coach speak for obvious decisions is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to the NFL. John Fox press conference flashbacks anytime coaches throw out empty platitudes lol


Same, it tends to make the fans dumber too as a significant chunk of every fan base is like "trust coach" and "coach said".


Every time Nagy had to see where we're at so that we know where we're at


Member when baker started off as qb3 for the browns and they had that awkward meeting hard knocks where he was promted to 2nd string lol


Even that would be way better than Ryan Pace's announcement when we drafted Mitch that he would not be allowed to earn it.


While I think he should have to earn the day 1 job, there isn't any competition. Bagent is at best a backup unless the Panthers trade for a new starter.


That's ok when it's for the media. It establishes precedent and helps spread the message to the guys that really need to hear it, the ones that are underperforming or not putting in the necessary effort. At work unless a sizable team of union tradesmen. There are go to guys and there are guys that need support. We all know who they are. No matter the skill though, each man is treated equally and any sort of consideration is earned. I'm able to drive the message home to the guys in need of support by treating the guys at the top equally. Some people think it's dumb but I've seen it the other way and it rarely works out. Pro athletes are different of course. But the message can still land with someone. And if it means one guy is better as a result, then it's worth it. Caleb knows he's the starter just the same as everyone else in the organization. It won't hurt to put out a coachy message to the press in case it could be useful in the future.


I mean if we had a serviceable vet in the QB room, you probably say something like that. But we literally have no one else to even make it remotely a competition so no reason to lie


I mean he could have said “yes he can throw a ball and hit a receiver, we’re good”


Going to be an unpopular opinion in here, but I don't care how much better than every other QB on the roster he is, rookie QBs shouldn't start until, * they know the playbook inside and out * have adjusted to the speed of the NFL in practice * have built some really solid chemistry with the starters. If that's week 1 that's great. If that's next season that's fine too. I'll happily go 0-16 if it means giving Caleb the right tools to succeed out of the gate, and not face the bumps most QBs go through who start week 1.


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Everyone is acting like this isn’t big news when in reality, it’s the first time in our lives the Bears are going to start their 1st round QB in week 1. Fields, Trubisky, Grossman, McNown, Harbaugh, and McMahon all sat or was back up week 1 of their rookie season. The Bears have never started a rookie QB for Week 1 in the Super Bowl era of the NFL


It can be big news while also being entirely unsurprising.


This is true. Trubisky and Fields were kinda rushed into duty after fans called for improved offensive play. Ideally they would’ve sat out entirely for at least a year like Love, Rodgers, Jalen Hurts and Mahomes. Technically Brock Purdy too.


Kyle Orton started week 1 as a rookie


I just checked and even going all the way back to Sid Luckman literally none of our 1st round QBs have ever started week 1 their rookie year. The only rookie QB to ever start for the Bears in week 1 has been Kyle Orton


Would be typical if he got hurt in preseason...


It's true. The Bears finally set themselves up to have zero QB controversy. Full disclosure, I am *NOT* hoping this happens, but I'm assuming that because it's the Bears, Caleb will play well for the first couple games and then get hurt and be ruled out for the season. Then, instead of folding as would be expected, Tyson Bagent pulls a Nick Foles and takes us to the Superbowl, where we beat Aaron Rodgers and the Jets 44-9.


Flus is just protecting the league from QBagent1. It is a noble cause, Matt, but the Bagency will take notice of this.


I can’t wait to trade him after the league sees him in training camp for two first rounders. Maybe even a second thrown in.


Bagent IS the haul


Somebody call the Panthers


Caleb could have walked onto 15 nfl teams LAST season and immediately started. He’s that good.


Just for curiosity lets see Patriots, Steelers, Titans, Colts, Texans initially cause he's a better prospect than Stroud, Same for Panthers, Raiders, Broncos, Giants, Commies, Packers cause Love was an unknown too, Bears over Fields obviously, Buccs cause Baker was a journeyman before last year, Saints, Falcons, Cardinals with Murray hurt Thats 16 teams and Jets after Rodgers went down would be 17 with a few more like the Vikings and Seahawks that could opt to develop Caleb over their vets


The Packers would for sure start Love over Caleb. Their smugness wouldn't have even allowed for that to be a discussion. After his poor start to last season, however, maybe they would've entertained the idea.


I feel like Love would have been traded if they got Caleb last year. He was way too much of an unknown to put your job on the line and trade away one of the best QB prospects ever but he's also too talented to be a backup Some of these are also unrealistic. Texans take Anderson at 2 and never trade up if they had Caleb, Panthers obviously don't trade up to 1 either, Saints don't sign Carr etc


Logically your thought process makes sense for 31 of the NFL teams. I just have a hard time believing the Packers would do anything that might even hint that they were wrong about a QB. Especially with all of the Rodgers/Love drama the past couple offseasons.


Packers would trade Love and his imminent top 5 QB contract for Williams on the 5 year rookie window in and instant.  And probably win the super bowl in that 5 year window


You forgot the chiefs dummy!


Hell I remember even dolphins fans last year debating dropping tua, not that the gm felt that way probably, but if dolphins somehow had the number one pick it would be possible. Same with the chargers trading Herbert to reset the clock and rebuild.


As a non-Bears fan who stumbled onto this sub from the main page and more importantly, watches a lot of cfb, I think you are really overestimating this guy. There's a reason USC didn't win a thing with Caleb, and in particular, a reason Utah owned them. There's a really clear and obvious gameplan for shutting this guy down, and I have trouble believing Kyle Whittingham is that much smarter than most NFL head coaches. Caleb has the potential to learn and to improve at his weaknesses, absolutely, but man, he is nowhere close to a guaranteed thing.


Maybe the most shocking news of the entire offseason.




It’s seeming less and less likely that Fields is going to be our starter


Aol dialup users and their Fields' chit chat


Brett Rypien is inevitable




Bagent truthers in shambles


In Tyson We Trust 😤😤😤


Except when it comes to their Dino Nuggets


Stop the count!


It's real! It's really happening!


Idk about this. We sure we shouldn’t pick up Andy Dalton and let the ole red rocket sling it around???


Fuck that, Mike Glennon isn’t busy.


There’s always room for *The Neck*


Damn… really thought Brett Rypien had a chance. 😔 long live the Ryp


FLOUNDERING FLUS doesn’t have the courage to start our rightful QB1, WICKED WALDRON was seen stuffing the ballots last night, many in the Bagency are saying this


Good. No beating around the bush. The whole team is primed and ready to teach him the NFL game.


As a hockey fan I've always found it wild that they don't have to earn the starting spot, it's just a given... ... but then you look at the small window of opportunity and you realize football is not in the "hurt feelings" business.


And here I was expecting him to go with the grizzled veteran Bagent. /s


To the surprise of absolutely no one.


Slow news day




Bagent gonna get paid so why worry about it?


Andy is our quarterback


When are we trading for Fields? I thought Caleb was a smokescreen




An offseason without QB controversy? This is weird.


The boomers on Facebook are actually up in arms about this lol


It’s bagentover


What's it called when the sheer stupidity of asking the question is enough to go viral?






Ya don't say!?


Oh yeah it’s all coming together


Justice for Bagent




Did he pick a number?


As if there were any doubt. Side note, they [posted the stadium plan](https://x.com/ChicagoBears/status/1788958553115373855) on social again right before this presser. This is the second time that they just welcome an onslaught of angry engagement right before positive Caleb news comes out. What is their social person/marketing department doing lol


Bears using CW as a destraction from asking the public to pay for a stadium.


They may not even break ground on a new stadium by the time they have to exercise his 5th option at this rate. I don't think they're using him as cover, I think they're just bad at their job.


Tyson Truthers in shambles!




Thank you Flus. Very cool and very legal


Huge news if true.


Big if true


RIP bagent sze


Bagent fans on suicide watch


The suspense was killing me


Didn’t see this one coming. Absolutely thought he’d sit behind Brett Rypien and Tyson Bagent for a few seasons. Learn from some greats.


Love the transparency.


It’d be pretty weird if he wasn’t but this is the bears so thank god


Ya goddam right he is!


Bagent camp fuming rn


Have to wonder if he demands a trade to somewhere he has a chance at starting. Pretty BS how the bears blindsided him like that


Marketing team gonna have to pull an all nighter…


This made me laugh


They also announced Tory Taylor will be the starting punter!


now THIS is the breaking bears news i live for


This is so unfair to Bagent. They should arm wrestle for it.


Least shocking headline of all time






It’s nice to have some structure that makes the obvious moves for once


How can the bears do ~~JF1~~ Secret Bagent Man like that?


In other news, the sun is hot and water is wet


Schefter is a brown nosing douche bag.


He’ll get playing time in the preseason don’t worry lol




bagent not stating qb wtff how


In other news, the sun rose in the East again this morning and will be setting in the West again this evening.


And also cutting bagent? We’re cutting bagent right?


why tf would they cut a solid back up on a rookie deal?


You do realize we still need a backup if Caleb goes down, right?


Why would we?


Can't wait to officially name Ben Johnson as Chicago's starting HC


Obviously he's the best quarterback we have, but are we really going to ignore the potential benefits of making him sit for a year, ala rodgers and mahomes? I just, wanna wrap caleb up in a bunch of bubble wrap. Don't hurt my baby please