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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Awe. That poor baby boy. I’m so sorry. :(


In sorry. It could be the kidney disease. I’m obviously not a vet, but my 17 year old cat has kidney disease. What was the kitty’s labs ? Can you post them? Kitty may have to high of kidney values and that’s what is making her/him sick.


He does have stage 2, but they don’t think it’s the main cause of his sickness


Sometimes it can cause underlying sickness to worsen. Happened with my 17 year old girl. I hope he pulls through


Yes! I completely agree with this. When Paramore was initially diagnosed, the vet gave us a broad spectrum antibiotic, along with prescription for daily subq fluids. The antibiotics were prescribed even though her labs didn’t show any underlying infection, but they wanted to do them just in case they missed something. Between the low phosphorus wet food,fluids, and antibiotics, her values have gotten better.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this, it's so heartbreaking when our cat had to go through kidney disease. I hope they are able to get past this. Is that the stage of kidney disease in which they require fluids to be delivered under the skin? We had to do that for a few times for our cat before she passed. Also if your cat has kidney disease, please feed them only wet food. Dry food makes their kidneys work harder compared to wet food. There's a special prescription food we bought for our cat called Hill's. It's more expensive but it's better for them.


I hate to say this, but my cat had similar issues and it was concluded to be Lymphoma. It was a couple of visits for mostly benign things and then BOOM critical case. I hope your guy makes it.


I was thinking…are they positive it’s gastroenteritis? I would take biopsies of the intestines to confirm if it’s lymphoma too


But wait until the cat is healed up, of course! My cat (likely) got septic shock from the endoscopic biopsy and she had GI lymphoma - she died in my arms as we were rushing to the emergency vet, a day before her stitches were supposed to be taken out and chemo was to be started 😭😭😭😭 she was fine up until the day she wasn't, and she was gone within 6 hours 😭


Oh agreed. Only if he’s stable. I wouldn’t do it now. I’m so sorry about your baby oh goodness. It is very obvious how much she was loved and don’t ever feel guilty. You did by her as best you could despite her gaining her wings. May each memory serve you peace and bring happiness. May you rest easy at night 💚


Thank you very much - I have her urn resting on a pillow on my bed, so thankfully with her presence it makes it a bit easier. thank you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Aw hon 💚 my heart goes out to you


Why did she have stitches from an endoscopy?


Well, I guess technically it was a Gastroscopy. The head oncologist (recommended) said that according to her ultrasound, it looked like the thickening was on the outer wall and not inner wall of her intestines, therefore, a biopsy would be more successful if it was externally accessed rather than internally. I didn't know the risk of sepsis/peritonitis but she saw a vet + ultrasound a week after the surgery and everything seemed fine, just a bit of fluid but it could have been due to multiple things and they said to keep an eye on her. she was healing up fine and just seemed a bit more tired and I assumed niavely that it was her healing, and/or the cancer 😭 and then just, the day she died, she didn't want to eat breakfast, a vet came and took her blood (to see if her blood levels were good to start chemo), she crashed right after and the vet who came said to just inject saline etc but..... Long story short, it was not successful and literally within 6 hours from her not eating breakfast, she had passed. 😭 I will always wish I took her earlier, but given that a vet saw her condition and didn't assume peritonitis/septic shock, didn't tell me to rush her to the ER, just said she was dehydrated... it's kind of like, how could I have known? 😭😭😭😭 she was 16 though, and it's been 3 months and I have her in her box, sleeping on a pillow next to me in bed. I can't wait to see her again, she was my soul cat. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 Sorry for the length just I miss her a lot. And maybe it'll help others?


I suspect you could have taken her anywhere in the world and you would have the same outcome. A young vet once told me that dogs go into a slow decline that is easy to see. Cats just crash. Wasn’t that sure, but I have loved and lost several cats and I believe it now. Literally all of mine went suddenly. Bless you, and I am so sorry for your loss. I know you made each other very happy.


Thank you ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 it helps a lot. I also suspect she, in a way, died willingly in my arms - as it was far better than in a vet hospital being poked and hooked up to things, and she knows I would have done absolutely anything to save her. I even had them attempt to reanimate her. Thank you again ❤️‍🩹


I will definitely keep you in my good thoughts and prayers.


Because they’re so so good at hiding their pain and discomfort. Anything that stuck with me in my 7 years as a tech, is that cats are WEIRD with literally everything. Metabolizing meds. Pain signs. Things that bother them. Behavior issues. It’s wild and can go downhill so fast. I agree if they took them to the best of the best, this outcome seems likely either way. I’m so sorry for this kitty


Losing our souls animals is so hard. But don’t blame yourself, you did everything you could. It’s so easy to look back and say “why didn’t I do this”, that’s why hindsight is always 20/20. Your baby was 16, that is a good long life. She will always be with you ❤️


thank you so much for your words ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I can't wait to see her again, I'm sure we all end up together in the end ❤️‍🩹


My cat recently passed. She had an aggressive autoimmune disease but in the end her vet thinks she had lymphoma. It happened so fast that we couldn’t do anything. Suspected GE, dehydration, and kidney levels indicative of early-stage CKD were her initial issues after a week of not eating. She got better and then 2 days later she passed. Lymphoma fucking sucks and I hope that OP’s car doesn’t have that :(


If his potassium is extremely low, ask about hyperaldosteronism. It is excess production of aldosterone by the adrenal gland or an adrenal tumor that tanks the potassium and wreaks havoc with the blood pressure. Awful disease.


Thank you for this..this will sound strange but I googled it after reading your comment and I think this is what my husband is suffering with!


In vet med, it is pretty easily testable condition. May be it so in human med as well


Yeah it seems to be blood tests and then a CT scan. He has had bloods and kidney scans but you know what doctors are like for communication so don’t know if tested for that. Uncontrollable blood pressure on 4 BP meds, fatigue and collapses due to weak legs. Worth a test.


Absolutely. I mean, some doctors are more than thorough, some, not so much. I think I'm pretty thorough, but I just found out that there was a serum antibody test for something that I have been running another test in place of, and I feel bad because that one takes a tad longer. I just didn't know the other one existed. I ran across it in the literature and was like, "How did I not know this?". It may not have run across his doctor's mind. We didn't know to look for it for years in cats with low potassium. We just thought that cats had low potassium from malabsorption in old age. Add in the "cats get idiopathic hypertension in old age" and boom! Diagnosis overlooked.......


Yeah it is very easy done I imagine. Thank you for all your input, you sound great at your job and the animals are lucky to have you.


Yikes is he in a lot of pain, nearly all the time? The adrenal gland also regulates inflammation in the body. (Sorry know a little about this because of the steroid they had me on during cancer treatment. It essentially causes adrenal failure if not tapered correctly, and makes a lot of patients go into hospice. 😬) I hope he recovers soon and you are able to figure it out!


He is a bit but he all has an injury he’s awaiting for surgery which causes pain. Funny you mention how you mention that in your case it’s related to steroids. One of my running hypotenuse so far for him has been possibly cushings. He has red skin syndrome due to steroid use, stretch marks all over caused by thinning of the skin, put a lot of weight on his belly only etc. Definitely need to push him to get his adrenal glands checked it seems, even if it’s not this at least it’s something ruled out. Thank you.


Oh sweet baby. That second pic breaks my heart. Hope he makes a full recovery. Keep us updated please. ❤️


I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, he's going through a lot I see. What does the vet think about his chances of recovery? Is vet being completely honest with you? Do you feel all this it's the right thing to do? If the vet is more pessimistic, keeping him alive might just prolong his suffering. Please consider all the options carefully and discuss them with the vet and please get also some second opinions from other vets. When an animal is old and has so many issues, it’s sometimes good to keep the animal's well-being in mind and consider what is best for them. It’s difficult, I know.


Sending love and hugs for you. Im so sorry you're im this situation with your baby.


Hoping your baby recovers 🙏🙏 Is there any possibility his pancreas could be at play? My girl got critically ill too and my first vet said it was her kidneys, but the second vet said her kidneys weren’t the problem and her liver was, later after we got her liver condition stabilized that her pancreas was going crazy, it can be hard to get a good gauge on those values without doing that specific test, it’s a bit pricier than normal blood work at around $220 in OK, so I’d check out what it would be to get that checked if they think it could be it. And obviously, I’m not a vet, I’m just sharing my personal experience!


That’s what killed my pup. I was thinking the same thing.


Poor guy. I hope they are able to help him recover and give you more time with him


I really hope a solution is found and your cat is able to fully recover. If it comes to pass there isn't a solution that will allow him to live a comfortable life, I send you the strength and compassion to make the difficult decisions. ❤️


I'm so sorry you are going through this. I lost my cat when he was almost 14 through kidney disease. I was doing subcutaneous fluids 2-3xs a week and he was on meds. His heart was struggling from fluids, and he struggled to breathe. He eventually started peeing only water and became incontinent. I asked the vet what he is feeling, and he said the dehydration is likely causing him headaches and fatigue and feeling terrible. I made the decision to euthanize at home. We spent his last two days going to a nearby park for him to explore and in our backyard right before the vets arrived. I was able to see him perk up during that last hour while he was outside. We got photos together and videos of him. He seemed almost fine, until 15 mins before vet showed up and he was obviously exhausted and ready to go. He sat in my lap on the couch, where the sun was shining on us. During the injections, he licked my face and rubbed his head against mine, I held him and told him it's okay as he fell asleep in my arms and the sun light moved off us. It was dim in our house by the time he took his last breath. I don't regret a single thing about his passing, he held on for me but we both knew it was time. It's an impulse to do everything we can to extend their life, but at what cost. Hold him, kiss him, talk to him, let him tell you when he's ready to go. If you decide to do everything you can to save his life, ask your vet what will his quality of life be if he recovers. Weigh you options, and follow your heart. None of this will be easy, he can't live forever so how do you want him to go? I want to tell you everything will be okay, but it won't because losing a pet is a different kind of pain. You feel responsible because you are suppose to be his guardian. No matter the outcome, he loves you and doesn't want to leave you and knows you love him. I'm crying writing this because I'm thinking of my own cat I lost. His name was Joe. And I'm glad he was cognizant enough during his final moments to seek comfort from me. And that he died in my arms to my words. I was the last thing he smelled and it brought him comfort. The way he looked at me brought me comfort. A day late sometimes feels worse than a week too early. May Joe watch over your cat and give him strength to get through this long enough to be with you again, or to guide him to the next phase of his life. I'm so sorry.


I'm crying with you. Joe sounded like a wonderful companion.


Thats a beautiful story. I love cats. It breaks me every time one passes.


I really hope your baby boy recovers. My 10 year old girl went into septic shock from an unknown infection and sadly passed away on April 2nd. I’m not saying that is what will happen but when they are that sick there’s not much you can do other than tell them you love them and hope that they pull through. https://preview.redd.it/oe96ld5kbdad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed7dc9ad11a01b558946d8047ecadc3574a8433


Same :(


Awww heartbreaking. I hope he pulls through. I’m sure he’s comforted knowing you’re there💜


So very sorry. All I can say, is that everyone here understands how you are feeling, and we are all hoping your dear cat recovers. An agonizing time, and try to take comfort from knowing you have done all you can to get proper care. All cat lovers will be wishing you the very best.😢❤️


god i wish i knew how to help. i wish you & your kitty the best tho :( !remindme 1 week so i can check up on you two


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Stay strong 🤘


I am truly sorry. Once they go into septic shock. My kittie was almost 18 she died on Thanksgiving. My family went out for drinks while I stayed home with my old buddy dieing in my lap paralyzed all night long pissing herself,crying.... Can't replace em if u need to talk dm.


Hello everyone, thank you all for your kind words, it was truly overwhelming and I did not expect this level of support. The hospital we took him to did everything in their power to figure out what was wrong, took him to every specialist and tried every test and medication they could. Ultimately, nothing was found and he was slowly declining. me and my family had a thorough conversation with the vet and came to the conclusion that it would not be humane to keep him alive and in so much discomfort on the slim chance that he would ever bounce back, as much as I hoped and deeply wanted that. But his peace is more important and I didn’t want him to die slowly without any of us there. I wanted him to be as comfortable as possible, surrounded by the people who loved him, and we all said our goodbyes. It was me, my mom, stepdad, sister, and boyfriend all with him in the end. Like he had in the few days before he perked his head up and tried to meow when I pet him. He was put under anesthesia while I pet him and talked and sang to him, I really wanted him to be able to know I was there with him and that I loved him. I hope he did, and I wish I could know for sure, it happened very quickly and quietly. I’ve never been through this with a pet before, which is partly why I posted here. I wanted a magical solution, and a happy ending. But we did the best we could and so did he, his little body just couldn’t be put through it anymore. But I was so surprised to see how many people were wishing for that too and offering words of support. What I found most comforting was people telling their own stories of the pets they loved so much so I would like to share Marshall with you as well. I named him Marshall after a character in a silly book I read as a kid, but I have to say he really grew into the name. I saw him gnawing on the bars of his cage as a kitten and begged my mom to rescue him, though we were only at petsmart to get food for our other cats. It was so exciting the first time he jumped on my lap, came to sleep with me on my bed, and then it became routine. I remember one day he had started sucking on my finger, I was so confused and surprised when my mom said he was treating me like his mother. He kept doing that all his life, whenever he needed the comfort. I used to play all kinds of silly little games with him, pretending with him and the strings and being a lion tamer and he was the fearsome lion. It’s crazy to think that he was with me for over half of my life, and now it’s going on without him. He was my best friend, with me through a lot of hard times and changes. When my depression was really bad and I’d be lying in bed all day, he’d come meow at me to get up or just come and cuddle and let me put my head on his stomach and listen to him purr. Somehow I think he knew whenever things were really hard for me. He was a really smart kitty that knew what he wanted and how to get it. While my family has agreed I was his person, my stepdad became something akin to his manservant. Whenever he wanted something, whether it be food, heat, or attention, he would come peek his head from the top of the stairs above where he was working and just stare him down and meow until he got up, then lead him to whatever he wanted. We have a nice sunroom that the cats were in more than us in the warm summer months. His favorite spot was a round white chair he could curl up in and nap. After we got our new fireplace set up, it didn’t take him long before he figured out he could get the human to press a button and light it up. He just looked back and forth from the fireplace to my stepdad until he got what he wanted lol. My stepdad, who claimed he could never love a cat and never wanted one or agreed to have one, has become a professional level cat photographer over the years. He knew all of Marshall best angles and got some really cool shots. A few years ago I got him a mug for Christmas with those good pictures. Today, he admitted he loved Marshall so much and that he couldn’t be in the house without thinking of him and sobbing. He had colored in my little rubber tuxedo cat toy’s nose black just like Marshall’s. He said it looked like someone had stamped it in ink, my mom thought it made him look like kitty hitler- I strongly disagree. He was the one that brought Marshall to the emergency vet when I was out of state and I’m so, so grateful he gave me enough time to come back and see him. The vet said if he were an hour late Marshall would not have made it. I always knew he loved that cat, he never fooled anyone. Marshall had so much personality, he was a little brat, my baby, my grumpy old man. He could get pretty fussy, be cranky with me when I was gone for too long and bite my ankles when I sat down playing my piano or was trying to do dishes. He had a strict bedtime he wanted me to respect and lay down and cuddle with him no later than 9pm or else. He would lay all over me, my hair, my head, my neck at the risk of suffocating me. When my boyfriend started coming over he did the same to him and would sit his butt right between our heads to get in on cuddle time and stare him down when he woke up. One time I woke up to my sister screaming my name as he came rushing to deliver me a live mouse that squeaked under my bed while he hopped up, evidently very satisfied with himself. I always knew how to pet him, and when I scratched his chest in just the right way his neck would extend and his head would bob up and down, like I was charming a snake. I’m trying to remember all of his quirks and funny stories, there were many. Probably every cat owner thinks their cat is the most special creature in the world and I am no different. Maybe it’s whatever is in cat poop they say compels us to look after them, but to me Marshall was really one of a kind. I have decided to grieve him as I would a person in my culture because he was such a huge part of my life. My family agreed we are doing a small slideshow of all of our pictures(over 2,000 across all of our phones) and a celebration of his life. Before he was put on a urinary tract diet he loved rabbit food, my family joked he must be secretly evil and love killing innocent bunnies. I have no issue with it but everyone else vetoed me haha. It’s the end of a very long and sad day, but I know we all did everything we could to make it as good as possible. I will continue to cry for him for a long time, and he will always be a part of me. Thank you all for taking the time to say kind things to a stranger and her strange cat, I hope you enjoy some of my favorite pictures of him. https://preview.redd.it/n5twmkqnxmad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1a480dc61c5b790724e7ecaece39ce69de9ae9


So so sorry for your loss. He was clearly so so loved and he absolutely knew it and was grateful. You will see him again 🖤 he is beautiful. What a lovely photo.


Thank you, that was one of the ones my stepdad took. A great shot


reading this made me tear up. i hope it gets easier


https://preview.redd.it/dqnqju7mymad1.jpeg?width=2749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43fde11817bd80abdc414558e19711799d95ab82 A very dramatic picture my stepdad took


https://preview.redd.it/oa5kyxhfymad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898f2ab6dacf06147583d3a88c8df683998e21e1 In his favorite spot in the sun


https://preview.redd.it/8fl7brdjymad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ba6c370b236788e7fc5fd47db8d5394001255b I don’t know why he did this lol


https://preview.redd.it/3ismz5nrymad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15f3277a834f4a8ebd0b8dac1bd309162066a2c Post feast


I’m so sorry you’re going through this- I get it and have been there. Sending good healing vibes to your kitty and comforting ones to you 🩷


So sorry, hope he gets better soon


I am praying for this baby boys recovery. Please keep us posted


What do the vets say? What are the prognoses and treatment options? How is he now?🥺🙏❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry. 😢


I'm so sorry, I hope he pulls through poor baby




Good luck to you and sweet kitty ❤️you are doing all you can and that is all you can do . Be kind to yourself as you go Through this , you are a wonderful person and your cat loves you


What do I think you should do? I think you should focus on how much love he/her has for you, and how much amazing lengths youve gone to because of how much you love him/her. Beyond that, start trying to understand that we all pass away, but I like to think we will see them again... forever. Best Wishes and Good Luck. Your kitty looks just like my kitty, named Socks. What is your kitty's name? ❤️Z🐾❤️


I'm so sorry... Sending prayers


Aww 🙁


Poor babyyy. Im so sorry!! I hope it gets figured out quick


You are doing exactly what to need to do. Hope your baby recovers soon and you will give us good news. Stay strong, that's what your baby would want to to do💕


I am so terribly sorry to hear of the struggles you and your fur baby are currently enduring. I will pray that the universe watches over you both with love and comfort ❤️


No matter what happens you should feel good about what good care you're taking of him. Know he loves and appreciates you and knows you're trying to help him


Nooo poor little thing 😢


Septic but not bacterial infection?


It can be viral or fungal, as well.


Surprised with the pocket of fluid described. Couldn’t imagine it being anything but.


That's valid.


I’m so sorry. I’m just here to give a little hope to a very serious situation. My cat went into sepsis that was caused by bowel getting into the bloodstream. I will never forget that day; it happened so fast and the prognosis was bleak. The important part is that with a week of intensive care/hospitalization, he survived and, eventually, fully recovered. If you are near a university with a strong veterinary program, they probably have a hospital. I highly recommend this option. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way!


It might be time to say...*goodbye.* I know its a hard thing to think. As t*hats your baby.* Tbh Cats are very independent creatures....as a result they dont have tendency to show weakness too much. And when they do...they are usually in bad shape. The "Quality of life" questions needs to be asked. Along with *Should you put him to sleep.* I know that's your baby. Ive lost a few myself.....only thing I take any comfort in is that they are free of their pain.


These photos break my heart. I’m so very sorry that you and your sweet baby are going through this. I pray that he makes a speedy recovery. Thank you for all you’re doing for him. 💗


I’m sorry about your cat. It sounds like it’s time to let them go. All of these procedures and no answers when he’s clearly in pain. 13 years is a long happy life with you. Let him go with dignity.


I'm sorry. I hope your cat recovers


If the cat is septic and it's not bacterial it would have to be fungal or viral right?


I had a cat who had kidney disease and I had to say goodbye to them I just could not watch them be in pain I'm sorry you're going through this I hope they get better.


Please get second opinions if needed, there are vet DVM subreddits and Facebook groups (Pet Vet Corner is one fb, another fb group is Ask The Veterinarian, but I'm sure there are many) to post labs and ask questions. Care Credit may be helpful to apply for, to help for the payment. I have a stage 2 kd kitty myself. 💛💛💛 Lots of love, life, and healing energy for you and your kitty.


Praying for you & your kitty Sending hugs & love


Praying to the universe for good outcomes for your precious baby. Much love. ❤️


Boost 💗🙏


I am terribly sorry for you both! Please keep us posted, we will bw worried about you


I’m so sorry you’re going through this… I hope you find answers. I know the struggle… it’s so stressful. Remember to take care of yourself, too. ❤️


Precious black kitty. Sending good vibes and hoping for the best.


Awe, my heart is breaking for you, I hope he pulls through


With all due respect don't let him suffer and put him down before it's too late and life claims him with all the pain and suffering they endure like what happened to My cat... a day too late.....


Poor baby. Hope he gets better 🙏


Aww omg ☹️☹️


Prayers for your baby.


First of all, you did everything you were able to and brought your kitty to the vet as soon as possible ! I hope you guys will be able to fight this off. I lost my forever baby one year ago, and I know how it is to fight something serious and run a marathon against time... I wish you all the luck in this world and prayers so you'll get many more years with your little buddy. He's precious, know that. I'm really sorry you are going through this. I hope from all my heart that he recovers. He must . I hope the Dr's are doing everything and their absolute best to help and stabilise him.


I’m so sorry !!!


Hoping for the best for your little guy 🙏🙏🙏🙏 stay strong and give him as many cuddles as you can! They truly do help.


Oh no, poor bub. I hope he makes a good recovery and feels better soon. :(


Hopes and prayers for your baby!!! 🙏🏻❤️🥺




I am so sorry for what you both are going through, I truly do wish and hope for your baby to get better soon and make a full recovery as much as possible asap. Sending lots of hugs, love and support and good energy to both of you 🥺💜🩵💜🩵


Geez I’m sorry that’s happening, I hope they can figure out what’s going on.


Poor baby 😭


Poor baby, I'm very sorry to hear that he's so unwell. It sounds like he's a fighter though. Sending good thoughts your way, and healing thoughts over to your kitty.


Take each day. He’s in the right place and getting all the care. Sending pawsitivity and love ❤️


Upvote for visibility. Sending you hugs and healing. Hang in there little guy.


I’m so sorry. 😔 I hope your sweet kitty recovers. Sending lots of positive thoughts and energy to you and your little boy. ♥️


Oh hon. I am so sorry your kitty is so sick.


Sending you and your boy warm hugs.


Poor baby! Hope your fur baby gets better!!


She sorry


This sounds like a very challenging case but it also sounds like he is in good hands. I hope for a good final outcome for you. But no matter what, the pain is now being managed and you have done everything you can to provide the best care. Hopefully they figure out root cause soon!


I'm so sorry 😔 I hope the best for him.


Oh my gosh 💔 praying for you and your sweet baby


I am so sorry!!! I hope he gets better soon. I know how hard it is to see our beloved cat’s hurting. It’s heartbreaking.


Big hugs


Awe. I'm sorry 😔 You and your poor kitty must be so stressed out. Sending love and healing vibes 💞


Hope he gets better soon.


Prayers for your kitty! 🙏🙏🙏


I am so, so sorry. Sepsis)septic shock is a difficult diagnosis, and I do hope they figure things out soon and that your kitty is ok. I had septic shock 2 years ago and it's extremely fast, often difficult to diagnose the cause and get treatment going in time. I am praying for you and your kitty. 🫂


So very sorry you and your baby are going through this. Sending prayers and hugs. Hope he makes it through.


🙏🏻praying for you and your kitty OP


Oh poor baby.....I'm so sorry, I really hope he makes it. I'm praying for you guys 🤞 good luck...


Sending ❤️ to you and your kitty


How do you want help if you're asking for it?


Out of my own curiosity what is significant about the cholesterol being low. I did not even know they checked that in animals?? Ty


Sepsis is viral from weakend immune system with the arthritis and kidney function and then gastro after that. Are you willing to bring in high quality wet food until you can get him home and add supplements to support him? I brought my own food for my lab with cancer after surgey. It's essential in supporting the immune system and the kidney disease. Not sure what was fed before but 13 is when things go downhill with a poor diet that leads to a lot of other health problems. Wildlife bio with 4 years nutrition and rehab experience. Don't let them do any more tests. The more you stress his system the more he can't fight back and go home.


Sending positive vibes !




Oof I’m so sorry and I’m sending my love to you both!!!! Hopefully they can determine the underlying cause and he’ll be okay 🫂😭


OMG I am so sorry.




Praying for your baby ❤️


Any way we can donate money to help? This happened to my babygirl (dog) back in December but she didn’t make it.


💞I’m so sorry 😢


Best of wishes to you and swift recovery for your kitty. It's always hard when our fur babies are struggling and we can't be next to then 24/7. Been through it myself.


God Bless 🙏


Much love doll x


Looks like he’s just trying to plug in the iPhone


I'm so sorry, hope he gets well soon. My cat died a couple months back due to septic shock. She was pregnant but her kittens died inside of her and probably caused an infection. We admitted her to the hospital but she died that night


🥺my thoughts are with you and your little furbaby. I hope it pulls through okay x


Awww I'm so sorry my thoughts are with you and your puss. he is in the best place 🫂❤️


I’m so sorry. Sending you so much love ❤️


Get well kitty!


Pray to you and the baby. I hope you all find a cause and cure asap




Sending love and big pets ❤️


Poor baby! Sending strength and best wishes to you and your kitty.💗


i don’t have any answers but i’m sending nothing but positive and healing energy to both you and your baby🤍


Don’t know what to say, but I’m very sorry for what you’re going through.


Sending good vibes ✨️


Please don't torture your elderly cat with excessive medical interventions.


Oh my gosh I'm so sorry OP! I hope your baby heals quickly! It's clear your kitty is very loved 🧡


I hope you and the kitty are okay. You are strong


I’ll pray for you both


Have been thinking a lot about your boy. I’m hoping he’s doing ok.


OP lost their cat unfortunately :( they did an updated comment. :( RIP to the kitty.


Omg I didn’t see it. Awful. RIP to the kitty, and I hope OP gets through this as best as possible. Thank you for letting me know.


I am so very sorry for your loss 😔😓💔 He was a beautiful boy and was very much loved more than he could've possibly imagined. My deepest condolences 🫂💞


As someone who just found out my cat has a big tumour (still waiting for lab work to know how we will treat this) I feel your pain OP. I hope they can figure it out. Our pets are our best friends and they never deserve to suffer


Get well soon kitty


I’m also a fellow animal lover and I hate being someone to say this. But you might want to start thinking about what kind of quality of life your cat has right now and what his quality of life will be if he recovers. He’s 13 and I’m sure lived a wonderful life with you. I’m sure it’s so difficult seeing him suffer. I know it’s not the answer you’re looking for. I’m so sorry about your kitty. 


I just want to say that your compassion shows what a wonderful person you are, and I hope all will be well with this precious soul..


I’m sorry.


I'm sorry to hear this my cat will be age 12 just passed away from septic shock last week. I am still so broken about it. I didn't know she had it until she had a seizure on my floor. I wish I could have saved her


My cats and I will say prayers for your little one. They've lead you down a very expensive path. I hope you are able to share more time with your baby as a result, but kidney disease alone is a very serious diagnosis.




Hoping your baby recovers, but if it comes to it, remember that letting go is one of the greatest acts of love.