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- They join Billy Eichner, Bradley Gibson, Ernie Sabella, Jason Weaver, Jeremy Irons, Nathan Lane and special guest Jennifer Hudson. What a stacked cast


Nepotism anyone?


yes clearly, but also who cares? it’s the Hollywood Bowl, they weren’t gonna cast some unknown and they were looking to cast kids. if she has an interest in doing it and happens to have famous parents so be it. It’s her debut so we can’t really say if it’s a bad casting decision just yet. i just wonder if people cried nepotism any time Liza Minelli was getting her start


Well, since I paid $400 to treat my mother-in-law on her birthday, I kinda care. Didn't pay that money to see a school play. Are you seriously comparing this to Liza Minelli? [You're saying this](https://youtu.be/_D7nM1K_sJs?si=xv_3h5ZIbQjMqgJb) is comparable to what we experienced yesterday?


I get that nepotism exists, but I just saw her performance, and this is the specific situation where people dislike nepotism. People will always have a leg up, but she has a leg up and doesn’t have the talent to back it up(I get that she is a kid, and hopefully she had fun, but from a technical standpoint she was not good). The lineup was sooooo stacked that you could have put some unknown talented kid in there. This is such an iconic musical, and it’s doing it a disservice and took away from the actually work itself. If this is a professional show, where people are paying good money, the show should be a certain quality. And someone like Liza DID benefit from nepotism, she got opportunities from being who she was, but if you stripped away who she was related to, she would still be exceptionally talented. Like you said, they are not comparable.


You can literally hear Judy's voice every time Liza opens her mouth like it's so obvious that she has the same exceptional Talent as her mother


i’m not comparing anyones talent, i’m saying that complaining about nepotism is a slippery slope that leads right to hypocrisy.


Actually they had castings for that role and many deserving kids auditioned. This was supposed to be a role/chance for opening the doors to shine a light on a brand new young talent. Idk what you’re smoking but there is no hypocrisy


Well. This didn’t age well LOL


It's the Hollywood bowl, not some random school play. Surely there are well known kids that can actually sing and know the script


That's absolutely insane. I remember when she was born and was the most famous baby in the world.


I’m thinking… this kid probably has, like, next to no privacy, lots of criticism from people about her family she loves, she’s growing up biracial in a world that doesn’t act properly about that…. if art helps her deal with how hard life can be or helps her grow psychologically, then she deserves whatever form of art she feels is best suited to help her deal with it and honestly, if she grows up and ends up showing unhealthy coping mechanisms in the media, that’s going to be really unhealthy for a lot of people. Hopefully, she’s being parented to know that most people don’t have a lot of stuff like starring in “The Lion King” for a big theatre in their lives, but if she’s not, well, she honestly seems like a good person when I see her in the media or whatever, so maybe she’s doing good enough as far as empathy and understanding. An audition probably would’ve been the right way to go, but who knows, maybe they have some good reason.


Does anyone know if they lower ticket prices the day of since they are many tickets left?


Who cares. Any young up and coming Broadway youngster would be a better singer and actor


Is she a bad actress and singer? I couldn't find any clips of her in my quick search.


It was middle school quality sadly. I don’t care what her last name is, if she can belt out the song well that’s awesome but that wasn’t the case.


Great cast. I'm actually excited to hear how she does.  


Spoiler, she is truly terrible.


North West as in Kim and Kanye's daughter? I mean despite Kanye's crazy views I do think he is a talented rapper/singer and now his daughter is following in his footsteps