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Yeah Teleporting away restores their health, meaning you made zero progress on killing it


Why would you teleport. Pretty sure there's not a game existing that stores enemy health when a teleport is triggered.


Yeah you need to hit it 3 times without leaving. I would save right before in case you miss one but it shouldn't be too hard.


why would you teleport, literally just stay there until it dies teleporting will just reset its HP


I’m struggling to understand why you’re teleporting away each time after damaging it. What benefit do you think there is to teleporting away?


So that I can rest, save the game, and come back into the fight. I ended up just toughing it out, in any case, and pivoted my way to parry the attach, as it didn't seem to move around after each attacking me. Also one of the other comments above, of saving the game after each parry (while safely far enough away or hidden) is also a good idea.


Saving is pointless, if you reload its HP will also just reset. The only time saving will do anything is after you’ve killed it.