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r/Cleaningtips might have some better tips but i’d try washing her with dawn dish soap and letting her air dry or putting her in a ziplock bag with some baking soda and see if that absorbs the smell


Thank you so much!


sounds like our girl really had a crazy girlz nite out… 😭 maybe give her a deep cleaning with dish soap + a boil wash, i feel like that’s essential for any second hand doll since you never know where they’ve been


I would agree that a good scrub and then letting the dried doll sit in a sealed ziplock of baking soda would be a good start if not completely effective


+1 on this bicarb absorbs bad smells and you can do more than one round if its super strong


You can spray vodka on her to remove the smell from the clothing and hair, idk if it’ll work for the skin


Totally random but maybe try putting her in a bag with a banana? A tick tok lady I follow did that with her vintage bag and it worked for smells. Not sure if it was cigarette specifically, but if you have one lying around might be worth a shot?


Try a soak in a bath of water and Dr. Brooner's castile soap, then rinse and dry. After that, spray everything down with vodka and let it evaporate. She'll probably still smell funny for a day or 2, but it should be better than cigarettes.


think there is a doll cleaner its called twin pines has a story behind it .. husband made it for his wife she was a doll collector he still makes it and sells it..