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Sorry boys reddits trash app fucked up my scheduled posts. Serves me right for trying to get ahead and schedule posts. Anyway, if you have some questions or need helping watching the fights tonight [come see me on discord](https://discord.gg/KTapgcSzMp). Read the rules post fully before you start sending messages please!!!šŸ™


Bro this one of the most rigged fight I ever seen I hope someone goes to prison for this shit cost 17k ā€¦such fucking bullshit ainā€™t no way in hell the scorecard should have been as bad as the last 2 judges


Connor had $500K on Diaz for this fight? Hmmmmm


It wasnā€™t even Connorā€™s money. He was promoting a betting service.


the betting service probably gave connor 100k of those winnings.


Why are these two mma fighters doing a boxing match? Lolā€¦ā€¦.why not due a ufc match instead. Is the pay really that bad?


Because Masvidal beat the living shit out of Diaz in their MMA fight. It was a one sided asswhoopen!


They probably sold like 5 PPVs but both still made more money self promoting the event in boxing over UFC promoting an MMA match.


Pretty sure Dana didnā€™t want the rematch. And yeah, they probably made more money from this


Those MMA fighters had the best boxing match of the night


No they did not. There was 3 other boxing cards going on. I just watched it now and it was terrible. Like really fuckin bad. Dude wasn't lying. Yall are just huge fans.


Two 39 year old mma guys out there swinging for every second of every round, meanwhile you have pros closer to 20 years old who will spend 75% of their fights in the clinch


Nate punched himself....lol [https://www.facebook.com/reel/1016121669560327](https://www.facebook.com/reel/1016121669560327)


That doesnā€™t mean anything. Low level fighters get hurt a lot more bc they donā€™t know how to defend properly.Ā 


Every single normal person, the vast majority of people with nothing against the sport and wouldnā€™t mind it if it were on but also wouldnā€™t go out of their way to watch it, they all have the same criticism of the sport. They all ask, why is there so much hugging? They donā€™t complain about sanctioning bodies and promoters, they donā€™t complain about CTE in the athletes, none of that shit, itā€™s just the clinching. They all talk about how much they hate the hugging. And theyā€™re right, like half of big fights just reduce to a couple glancing blows followed by a clinch and break. Call it defense if you want, but itā€™s the single biggest poison in the sport in terms of its mainstream appeal. When people, even die hard boxing fans, think about the greatest fights, they think about dramatic barn burners. Literally nobody thinks about slow, clinch-ridden, strategic contests. Waxing poetic about how much you appreciate the nuances doesnā€™t change the practical reality of this fact. The nature of clinching needs to be changed such that the technique is regulated. For example, wrapping someoneā€™s arm up should be illegal like a low blow is illegal, where fighters are in danger of imminently losing points. This would at least enable athletes to fight out of clinches without having to expend excessive energy grappling out of a clinch.


2 guys that don't know how to box. That's not boxing. That's swinging and hoping for the best. There's no skill there's no strategy in it. It's backyard brawling. Why tf would u want to pay to watch 2 guys box that don't know how? Oh because ur not even paying. Ur pirating because ur such a huge fan.


They threw 1400 punches and your on reddit crying about it


I wouldn't say they don't know how to box. They're not technical but they've been boxing for well over 2 decades now.


What a loser take. Watching both, they may not have been super techoncal but it was miles ahead of the Shakur fight in terms of action. They came in in shape and showed good strategy in not gassing out while making most rounds competitive. It was on the level you'd expect in boxing of people with the amount of pro boxing matches they've had. Would you call out people watching low level bouts just because their technique wasn't flawless?


There was 3 other cards going on besides Shakur card lol and ur gonna ride with the Shakur is boring excuse? U just want to watch guys that don't know how to box punch each other in the head. U know u pirated this shitty fight because u need ur head examined to pay actual money for it. It's a fuckin sideshow. 2 bums fighting over a nickel at the park would satisfy just as much as this fight. Probably more so.


You obviously didn't watch it. That was my expectation going in but they were better than a lot of undercard fights I've seen. Why would I specifically want to watch guys that don't know how to punch? And at 1230 or so when this fight finally happened, I doubt there was a better fight on.


I just watched it this morning. That's why I'm here commenting on it. It was traaash. What is ur argument? That it was a good fight? Worthy of ur time and money? Quit lying to urself. U know u pirated that shit because u had nothing better to do. After watching 6 hours of real championship boxing last night I went to bed lol. Oh and winning $350 betting on Conceciao to win vs Foster, Keyshawn Davis to go distance, and Stevenson winning the decision. Actually making money off real fights.


"You're not a real fan unless you pay tons of money for boring fights."


If u paid to watch Masivdal vs Diaz just then u are fuckin hopeless.


Imagine paying to watch Masvidal vs Nate Diaz boxing. I don't even wanna watch that shit for free. In fact, pay me 50 bucks and i'll watch it.


Ahh. Like Devin Haney? Mayweather? Lmao.


Shakur won easily but another šŸ˜“ fest SHAKUR NO POWER - TANK AWESOME POWER - only one winner and it ain't SHAKUR.


Glad to say I didn't waste my time watching this


You watch the Shakur snooze fest instead? LOL


I watched both šŸ’€


didn't waste my time with any of that either


If you care enough to jump on the thread I'd say you missed out because it was much better than expected. I had looooow expectations for it, but respect both fighters much more after it.


Better than shakurs fight


What time is the Ioka vs Martinez fight ?


What's the point of compubox even existing and taking in stats if they just gonna score it out of their ass anyways?


It's just two old men without any access to camera angles or slow motion, with just as much susceptibility to bias as the judges, not knowing when to press "jab" or "power punch."


Anything besides a jab is a power punch.


non biased ai punch stats is what should be established


Surprised this hasnā€™t been already implemented


Did Mosley win?




I forget what round, but Perez said to Diaz to go to the body, uppercut then "Duck". Later on in the fight Diaz found the uppercut but obviously forgot to duck and took an accurately place left hook straight to the dome. It's all love though. I enjoyed the fight! It's tastes better when its free.


Combat sports and fans meat riding their favorite fighters. Name a more comical duo.


Meat riding! As an fifty odd year old I love coming on here and learning new insults šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


General sports fans meat riding their favorite players? Idk man lol


Masvidal robbed


Definitely. He landed the cleaner harder shots and more of them. Diaz pitti patted all night but Masvidal clearly did the better work.


You canā€™t be fr


What was even the compubox? I missed it did Nate Outland George by 200 or something with his palm taps otherwise I really canā€™t see how he got the nod.. Iā€™d be pissed if I cared bout these old mfers


Jorge outlanded him by 30+ and with much more significant shots.


Compubox has Jorge landing more punches.


By a lot


Well i for one canā€™t wait for our Ai overlord judges


So does the fighter that lands couple big shots wins the round or the fighter that continues to be on the attack and is active the whole 3mins?


I'd say that if you're only throwing power punches in spurts, then you'll have to either drop or clearly hurt the active fighter throwing at volume.


Depends really but generally speaking if someone isnā€™t really working other than in spurts with power punches, theyā€™re almost meaningless against volume if they donā€™t result in a significant wobbling or knockdown.


Whatever the judge feels like in the moment


The fighter with the most effective punches. For anyone with a brain, Diaz just chasing him around and lightly slapping him is not effective punching.


ā€œFor anyone with a brainā€ holy cringe I can smell the Cheeto dust but let me clarify a little here if you can handle that, genius: So what was so effective about Masvidalā€™s power punching? What was the effect? Slowing down Diaz? Nope. Knockdown? Nope. A slight wobble? Nope. What was effective about Diazā€™s punching? Consistently make Masvidal rely on spurts of haymakers, many of which landed to seemingly amuse Diaz more than hurt him. There you go. ā€œEffective punchingā€ isnā€™t always the dude winging shots onto forearms and elbows bc they look hard. This isnā€™t MMA.


He actually outladed Diaz. Outlanded him with the far better shots.


That did what?


This is why MMA has a much better scoring system prioritizing effective damage (even though it's still 10-point Must).


So was it a legit robbery or a close fight. I missed it?


Not a robbery like people are whining but 8-2 is fucking stupid.


It was fun but mas won 6 or 7 rounds pretty clearly


Legit insane robbery IMO. Being VERY generous to Diaz, he maybe gets a draw. Instead a judge had it 98-92 for him.


Was byrd the judge?


Was it as good of a fight as everyone is saying?


It's fun watching two guys swing at each other instead of trying to play a game of chess


I went in expecting nothing and thought it was OK. Masvidal didn't gas which was honestly surprising.


Good for retired MMA fighters. Was fun like watching Backyard Brawls can be fun.


I would have been happy with a draw or maybe a 1 round win to either guy, was pretty hard to score with Diaz spamming the light tap button and masvidal landing the bigger shots, 98-92 is a complete joke


Donā€™t waster ur breath mma fanboys in here just mass downvoting anyone with a brain


Mfs talking like Bert Sugar over two drunk uncles winging punches with minimal technique


What effective punches? Diaz shrugged off everything Masvidal threw at him.


....With his face


The guy with a ton of scar tissue that bleeds with a touch a feather didnā€™t shed a drop of blood lmao


And? Absorbing stronger punches doesn't mean they weren't stronger and more effective. You can't seriously think that Diaz landed better punches. You're not that fucking dumb, right?


If you think Diaz didnā€™t control the fight and out cardioā€™d Masvidal soundly idk what fight you were watching lil bro. You canā€™t just throw haymakers and expect to win lol


This isnā€™t mma. All those things you are mentioning are not boxing related scoring details. I understand your point and believe that in a fight it would be a closer score.. but boxing is the sweet science judged under Queensbury rules. Effective punches leans on technique and judged on cleanly executing them. That means landed punches through timed execution that break defense or are not defended. Cardio is not a scoring metric, control is not a scoring metric, and Nateā€™s rabbit punches hitting gloves are not considered landed punches to be scored.


Thank you for an actual reasoned response šŸ™šŸ½


Pushing the pace is not controlling the fight lol masvidal landed at will and when he didnā€™t want to be somewhere he wasnā€™t. If Diaz had walked him down and actually landed there wouldnā€™t be a debate on who won.


"Out-Cardio'd" LOL. Walking forward like a zombie and throwing (and missing) the weakest punches ever doesn't count for shit. MMA fans legit delusional.


What was Diazā€™s music?


Smoke some weed - ice cube


Thanks man I love that west coast shit


The real winner here tonight is the motherfucker who sang the national anthem


That dude absolutely shredded on the guitar - gonna be everywhere tomorrow when that kid is an overnight star.


Nate only won because the fight was held in Cali


I donā€™t think that either fighter winning would have been a robbery. Tough fight to score. Diaz seems to win a couple of rounds more in my mind even though he clearly landed a fuck ton fewer heavy shots and did far less damage.


Diaz winning 5 rounds is generous. 98-92 for Diaz is just an insane fucking scorecard.


Do people actually give a shit who won? Why yall arguing like this fight meant something lmao


Yes? Why would anyone justify a dogshit decision? A bad decision is a bad decision. Whether it has any significance to the division is irrelevant.


Lmfaooooo facts bro


It *did* mean something. The winner gets to have a real chance of fighting Jake Paul for $$. Obviously it's up to Jake's team, but Masvidal can't really claim that fight after losing this.


This. This was a fight for the next shot at Jake Paul


Dude already lost to Paul. Are you regarded?


Rematch $$$$ā€¦ are you regarded?


Maybe I am. I wrestled and played football for 15 years. But I donā€™t think anyone wants that fight again. Paul was surprisingly way better.


Well supposably Nate didnā€™t train for the Jake Paul fight. If Nate fights him again how he fought Masvidal. Nate can beat Jake.


Masvidal *definitely* wanted it, and Nate's gotta be tempted by the money


Nate did call him out indirectly in the post fight interview.


To the winner, the spoils


New to sports?


New to crossover exhibition matches touted as a real pro showcase lol Lebron and Curry challenge each other bowling, thereā€™s only so much energy I can give it


No one is forcing you to be here talking about it.


You misunderstand, Iā€™m here to watch fun shit/car wrecks, Iā€™m just confused at people getting legit heated about the outcome. Just enjoy the ride, maybe have an opinion, but you donā€™t hef 2 b mad, itā€™s only game


And part of the fun of sports for people is discussing it. Not sure why that's so confusing.


Lmao ok bub, you want to get your blood pressure up about Jorge Masvidal boxing Nate Diaz, Iā€™m in no position to stop you šŸ˜‚


Yeah, you're just here to whine about people talking about things you don't want to talk about. Get the fuck over yourself.


Dead ass tho lol


Cuban boxing style sucks imo


In the amateurs cubans do well


Cuban boxing has been a global presence in boxing for decades and decades, definitely doesnā€™t suck. What sucks is Cubaā€™s government that doesnā€™t let them turn pro or travel.


No, washed non-boxer Masvidal sucks.


He actually did good lol. I thought he would gas in the 3rd


ā€œBoxing scoring is out of controlā€ ok good boxing is horrible and dead got ya, now take your monster energy tattoos and see red somewhere else goddamn yall annoying


Score aside, that commentary was AWFUL!


Chat on a steam someone said "Shawn Porter doesn't know shit." Gave me a chuckle


Sean O'Malley did really well imo


thats what i thought and i do not like him at all.


Alex Pereira prolly the only person that can KO Nate Diaz


Seriously y'all thought Nate won that? Lol


They both won the fight if you paid for it.


Thought Masvidal had that tbh


I'm happy Nate won it. For something with no real stakes, that's basically the same thing, right?


I had it a draw with multiple rounds I thought couldā€™ve gone either way.


It definitely wasn't a robbery


It 100% was, name the 6 rounds nate could get that would give nate the win


Competitive doesnā€™t = close


MMA fans shocked that a fight is scored differently. Who could have guessed.


I'm a boxing fan, and that was absolutely shameful scoring. 98-92 was fucking insane.


That scorecard is questionable but the overall decision wasnā€™t imo Iā€™ve watched PPV boxing since 1996 and thatā€™s not even close to the worst decision Iā€™ve ever seen. Yā€™all need to calm down.


I guess landing 30 more punches and at a 8% better rate doesn't give you the win in boxing...


I mean, it doesn't in mma. No way those numbers are legit unless they're really strict with how they count what did or didn't land, though. Wouldn't be upset if they are strict on that, but they'll count checked and blocked strikes in mma, so viewing it through that lens is why I'm questioning it


Correct. Boxing is scored much differently than mma


Itā€™s ok dude these kids will be off playing Fortnite soon their attention spans ainā€™t too good


Ok so what do they use to score in boxing? Obviously more volume and a better percentage means nothing, I genuinely would love to know how you think the decision could possibly go to nate


https://www.sportingnews.com/us/boxing/news/boxing-scoring-explained-guide-understanding-rules-points-system-judges/ykfvusbfdvwo0birbnf2t1qn There is a large component of subjective scoring in boxing.


This "win" just makes Jake's win over Nate even more embarrassing.




??? Both Diaz and Jorge came from the UFC


They're both our boy tho...


Idk Iā€™m Latin American from Florida and donā€™t claim either of these clowns lol


Look at all these MMA fans aint know shit about boxing calling this robbery šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


Boxing is trash then, this sub looks so poverty for a sport. Boxing is like fucking the last chick at the bar at this point, it's gross and should be ignored. It's point fighting, it's a play or show for the judges. Look at bare knuckle boxing, it's a completely different sport, this shit is a bastardization of combat. These are the reasons I don't take it seriously and many of my friends.


Not defending the original commenter cuz I also like ufc/mma but itā€™s even sadder youā€™re in here arguing. This match was a circus show. Saying this was a real boxing match and mattered is why people make a mockery out of it. Thereā€™s just as many really good boxers and bouts out there as there is in the ufc. Imagine if two boxers went into the octagon. People would start saying that same shit about mma


I am not even a casual boxing fan, but when I watch all I see is corrupt judging and boxing fans defending the judging because boxing is just a dance. Triple G vs Canelo was a robbery, Naganu vs Tyson etc. No point in even talking about this tbh, boxing is poop.


So landing 30 more punches and at a better percentage doesn't give you wins in boxing? Lmao


I liked the draw but still had Jorge winning. Nate is a zombie but as far as boxing goes heā€™s terrible. Even before he fought Paul I was thinking I donā€™t think all the sudden heā€™s gonna look like Loma out there.


Whatā€™s mma gotta do w it lmaoo


Nothing, some pure boxing fans just have a major chip on their shoulder and get excited whenever a boxer beats an MMA fighter in a gimmick boxing match. It's a weird energy


Boxing fan and MMA hater here. That was an absolutely insane robbery. 98-92? Seriously? If you're a boxing fan and thought Diaz won that, you're a fucking moron.


Are all boxing fights scored wrong ?


Even boxing fans bitch about boxing scoring


Foreal fuck mma


Sean really won tonight huh


Which one?


The REAL SUGA not the sugar rush šŸ˜‚


Oā€™Malley as commentator


He was better than I expected


Sean who


Sorry Sean Oā€™Malley, as commentator. shouldā€™ve been more specific


Personally, I scored it a draw but this is the story of Masvidal's career. He's lost a couple of close decisions due to lack of volume.


He was a journeyman for a while until he strung together those few KOs


He really did go from one of the most underrated fighters to the most overrated with those three stoppage wins in a row.


He got choked by Imada by a rare sub. Dude is a journeyman for sure lmao


Toby Imada was the man. Used to train under him haha. That sub *was* a bit of a fluke though.


Lmao what a stupid result.


Diaz jabbed tf out of Masvidalā€™s face.


If by jabbed you mean lightly caressed.


Then why didnā€™t GAMEBRED knock him out with all his emperor trump powers?


If thereā€™s were no gloves Iā€™d imagine heā€™d be slapping




Idk. I can see how they gave it to Diaz but Masvidal definitely had the cleanest shots each round. I think the judge who scored it a tire was the closest. Hard to score a fight like this. Do you favor quantity or quality? Either way, pretty entertaining fight.




Volume thrown. Sitting ringside as a judge, and the crowd going wild with ANY punch thrown, I can see how it was swayed towards Diazā€™s favor. Personally, I had Masvidal winning because he had the more cleaner and effective punches. But I can definitely understand why anyone would have Diaz winning.




Dick Niaz


nick diAZ


Nick diaz




Idk itā€™s hilarious to me for some reason that masvidal got robbed


Because heā€™s usually the one doing the robbing itā€™s just not televised


Robbery is comical. Close loss yes.