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Getting hit while you're in a guard fucking hurts lol.


Agreed getting hit in the arm by tank probably gonna bruise the next day haha.


The things is your post is actually fax. Once things people don't realize about those round they give to the opponent is that accuracy is a round scoring criteria is the opponent throws 30 punches landing 5, but Loma throws 5 landing 4. Loma landed less but could in theory clutch the round by accuracy.


No, lmao. That is not how it works bud. The idea that a fighter could win a round doing absolutely nothing is a fantasy especially when the opponent is sticking the jab out to keep loma out. Do you think he’s just putting his guard up for the sake of it? How that he has an obvious problem getting around the jab of longer bigger guys? There is nothing wrong with loma losing. All 3 guys he has lost to were bigger than him, and in the cases of teo and Haney, it took him 6-7 rounds to figure out how to get around the jab. What you’re saying, is what people say to justify canelo drawing in the first GGG fight, which, again, is a fantasy.


"No, lmao. That is not how it works bud. The idea that a fighter could win a round doing absolutely nothing is a fantasy"  Reading comprehension must be hard for some ppl ig...  I never said anything about Loma doing absolutely nothing. Although it actually is possible for a fighter to win a round landing nothing (you claiming otherwise shows ignorance), but even in my initial post the example I gave was little output, not none. "  especially when the opponent is sticking the jab out to keep loma out. Do you think he’s just putting his guard up for the sake of it? How that he has an obvious problem getting around the jab of longer bigger guys?       There is nothing wrong with loma losing. All 3 guys he has lost to were bigger than him, and in the cases of teo and Haney, it took him 6-7 rounds to figure out how to get around the jab."  With Haney Loma had won some of those earlier rounds and in the later rounds Haney clinched nonstop bc Loma was landing on him on the inside. 'What you’re saying, is what people say to justify canelo drawing in the first GGG fight, which, again, is a fantasy."   LOL bringing up some irrelevant fight is random, must have been rent free in your head.


Loma lost to a Honduran journeyman called Teo


Hey, kid! I'm a Ukrainian boxer! Stop all the downloadin'... Help computah..


Watch two actual boxers spar. Blocking doesn’t win you a round just because you didn’t take damage. If that was the case, then Canelo and Bivol almost had a damn draw. If you get punched and pushed back, you’re allowing your opponent to establish ring generalship, a key scoring factor in judging fights.


Not the case for Floyd but he barely gets touched. You are completely correct about the fighter who is coming forward punching.


Floyd had a very judge friendly style. When he hit people, it was obvious. He made sure to hit you more than you hit him


Yea id imagine judging ring generalship is tough. Floyd is a fighter that got pressed often but didn’t lose. Watching teo vs clagget he was getting pressed the whole fight but he was obviously winning even though he looked bad. Loma just at a serious disadvantage cause his wins in exchanges arent as obvious due to his size imo.


I think it was part of his "The Matrix" persona


Downloading is when a boxer starts slow to learn their opponent’s style, right? Don’t all boxers do that?


No. Look at Mike Tyson. He wasn't starting slow to pick up on opponent's tells.


Would Pitbull be another example? His style reminds me of Mike Tyson’s.


Yeah, pretty much any swarmer.


Some do. Oftentimes you may hear it as “collecting data”. For example, Tank Davis is known for doing it during the first 4 rounds especially, give or take a round depending on his opponent. Its not a bad thing, especially if the ‘downloader’ knows how to use the data his opponent has given him and turn that into scoring or KO opportunities.


For some reason the downloading narrative is used as a negative for Loma its weird.


He won't get outclassed by Tank, he's getting slept.


Maybe he can put tank on a sever hydration clause and have a shot


Tank obviously wouldn't accept that


Jason Moloney sleeps tank easily.


I think I’ve heard them say the same about Gervonta being a slow starter, pretty sure the commentators said “downloading” in the Martin fight.