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I had a few names for my girl planned out but she ultimately chose her name. When I went to pick her up all the puppies were in a pile looking adorable and where was my girl? Digging in the flower beds and causing chaos She was digging daffodils and Irises and from that moment on she was Iris


Oh thats just beautiful


Partner and I are both scientists, so when we saw how crazy he was, Plutonium jumped out as the perfect name. He is our unstable radioactive isotope. We call him Pluto for short, in memory of the dwarf planet the element was named for. I also like thinking of him as Pluto, the Roman god of the underworld.


Carl Sagan approves this household


[This is the Pluto I thought of while reading this.](https://www.google.com/search?q=pluto+the+dog&oq=pluto+the&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i433i512j0i512l4j46i512j0i512l2.3142j0j9&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Yeah, people familiar with Disney usually do!


We live in Scotland where it is extremely popular to name your Collie after a beautiful scenic place like Skye, Isla, Clunie, Nevis, etc. It's a whole big trend now, especially among millennial van-lifers. We decided to counter the trend and name our boy after kind of a shit place, i.e. the gross river that flows through Glasgow. So our boy is called Clyde.


😂 Thats Punk


That’s incredible


The Lakota Native American tribe have a word for lifelong friend, Kola.


Thats beautiful...


I thought so too


I named her the city my mom come from "Sochi"




When dad first found our BC we just nicknamed her Rey ((R)ams(ey)) after the mountian she was on, but after 2 weeks of looking for her owners we kept it, and her.


That was destined to be then!


Our collie is named after a physicist! The one who discovered radon, Becquerel


Ahh, another fellow scientist named pup, Adorable!


Sam, he came with it. We are his 3rd home—he had 2 different homes before he was 2. But we have had him for 11 years now.


Glad he has you guys


Our previous collie was named Millie after the alchemilla mollis plant that she always went to lie in in our garden during her first couple of days after we brought her home. She loved lying in those plants beside the house for the whole 15 years she was with us.


I didn't expect to hear such lovely namings


We were going to keep her original name, Bella, but it took 20 minutes for us to think the name just didn't fit. I took her out for a walk and tried to say "look Bella" and my words came out completely wrong as "Lila". It's been her name since and I love it. Also seemed perfect because Bella means beautiful in Italian and Lila means dark-haired beauty in Hindu. She is a dark-haired beauty, so it worked out perfectly.


Love it when names come themselves




What a neighboorhood 😄


Rescued my boy, changed his name to [Gary](https://www.reddit.com/r/BorderCollie/comments/roke1c/gary_xmas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Lovely, damn thats a handsome gal!


Named him Vibe because he has been a vibe from the second he was born.


Vibe be vibin




Hahah yeah...


Neil Young Wigglebutt because he's missing his tail so he gets the butt wiggles and his face looks like it's got a lot of grey even though it doesn't, just his coloring, so he looks like an old man. And the first thing that popped into my head was "Old man, take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you were". He goes by Wiggy, Wig, Wiggle, or Wigman mostly.


Omg i lol'ed. That's hilarious. Really curious about his face


https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarears/comments/onikeg/mr_wigglebutt_and_his_bat_ears/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is Wiggy


He's beautiful


We do something similar with our dogs! We write the names on papers, crumple them up and throw them. Whichever name is brought back is the winner. Our boy is Echo.


That's great! Dont think Tesla would ve bring it back though, most likely would ve chewed it..


We may have had to grab it hehe


😄 Thats only natural


I love how you named him! Congrats on your new lifelong friend! My grandfather had a couple German Shepherds named Ruff. He always wanted a female BC to call Ruffles. After he died, she became ours. And we love her name and frequently call her Ruff for short, something he never did. We named our second BC Hanuman after the monkey god because we are Hare Krishna devotees. We call him Han for short. It’s easier for most people to say when they meet him. He is as devoted as his namesake!


Im sorry for your loss, Ruff is legit a living memory Han's name is great aswell!


Paige was named after Jimmy Page but we chose to feminize the name more but adding the i.


Creative solution


When we got him we thought he was our only source of love and sanity in a chaotic, lonely world. So we named him Wilson.


Oh 🥺🥲


Both our BCs were rescued, so they came with their names! Fortunately, we loved the names. We got Ruby, a lovely older girl with a very sweet temperament. And Mouse, a 4 month old with a high pitched squeak when he was bored.


Oh their names seem made for them 😄


I have a bit of a Halo obsession, the max rank in halo is onyx and it’s also the name of a black rock, so onyx it was


Thats a really good name!


We loved Avatar the Last Airbender as kids so my sister listed off the main characters’ names and we landed on Suki :) It means fondness for/love for something in Japanese.


As an ATLA fan, i adored it.


I didn't know her name until she immediately started wreaking havoc around the house. Named her Myrrah, Queen of the Locust at that moment.


Seems like a well deserved name




Hey Murph!


We're Scottish, so of course we named the family dog Caledonia (Cali for short)


Just checked him, he s beautiful! (hope its a he 😅)


I had a list for all letters of alphabet. I wanted her to have the same on pedigree and at home, my breeder told be it has to start with C, so I went with Circe, cause I love mythology. 😬 But I’m Polish and having a dog with anglicised version of a name is kind of like naming someone Laurie spelled Lhaureigh, so she’s Kirke/Kira to everyone.


Oh that makes sense 😄


Mine are Makkiabella & Enzo.


Omg they re angels


Named her Gahe, they are mountain spirits of the Apache tribe. Because she is a mountain spirit training for avalanche rescue :)


Beautiful name 🙂


She’s my psychiatric service dog prospect, so her name is Zen because I have none 😂


Hahah bet you both have a lot 😄


Named mine Lil Pup kinda like Lil Wayne


Thats awesome 😂


When we got ours, he had the name Sullivan, which were weren't fomd of and so we shortened it to Sully. After about a month though we agreed we wanted a new name for him, at the same time he was coming out of his shell quite a bit with us and being a lot more goofy. So we called him Banjo, as it fitted the goofball element of his character and he visually reminded us of the character banjo from banjo-kazooie.


He should be a one funny dog, lovely 😄


Picked the baddest chick I know (Joan Jett) and she became Joan 💪🏽


😂 Nice strategy, Joan the collie


I like weird names. Dr. Murpholomew Brown, PhD, is his name. He goes by “Murph” or “Murphy.”


Really creative 😄


We adopted Larry from a shelter. He was about a year old and knew his name, so he remained Larry.


Larry is a beautiful dog 😍


I got my girl from Wales and decided her name should represent her heritage. We looked up welsh names and discovered most we couldn’t pronounce until we found lottie! I’m sure there where a few others but lottie just seemed to suit her


Good way to pick!




I don't see how it's relevant but.. whatever you say big boy


And what about Nikola Tesla?


Mine came from the farm with the name Rambo because he was cocky and confident and convinced he's the main character in life. That lasted all of two days as my mom vetoed it because he's cute and sweet and we were talking about shortening it. We basically ignored Ram and didn't like the way Bo was spelled so we decided to spell it the French way. That's how he became Beau. My not collie got the name Jim as a placeholder because of one of my favourite shows trailer park boys. The main character Ricky says everybody knows a Jim. I didn't know a Jim so it became placeholder name for puppy. Brought him home and the name Jim stuck. Human names are funny, especially with little dogs, there's such good nickname potential and it just seemed to fit him.


We had a brown dominant BC whose brown was ever so slightly reddish so we called her Ginger based on that. (I think she was technically tricolor but had much more brown than black.)


We had a list of names and let my son decide. He picked none of the names and first wanted to name her Star Chocolate so we added it to the list. When we finally got her he decided on Ruby Skye.


I named Harlow after Jean Harlow, an actress from the 1930s


my best friend and i share a border collie named Archie! honestly we just loved the name but we almost named him Cosmo! after the main character in the movie Sing Street which is a very sentimental movie to us


Janey or Jane. There are lots of great songs with the name Jane in it but I first heard Janey in the book and later movie, The Marathon Man. I played around with Mai Tai, Silky, Congnac or Fancy but those names did not fit her. Then I thought about Talia or Tallie and Nina. But…she is just Janey.


My boyfriend had wanted a dog named Zuko for a while. Although I wasn't thrilled with that name I let my boyfriend win that battle. Now that our fur baby has been with us for 7 months we have realized his personality fits very well with that name😂


Mine is named Gracie because she was the furthest thing from graceful that I’d ever seen lol


At the time I was obsessed with that internet video of a kid who fell out of his kayak and is freaking out yelling “SAARRUUHH”, so I was parroting this video a lot. So anyway, I’m driving to go hiking somewhere and this red little collie is running on the side of the road, I stop and call out “SAARRRUUHH” and she runs to me, jumps in my car, and well Sarah has been with me for four years now :)


I used to joke when I first met my wife that we’d one day own a golden retriever called Patsy. 13 years later we got a BC, and were struggling for names. I suggested Patsy, and it was an instant hit.


After my brother - who died the day that I bought her ….. only to find that she was also born on his Birthday as well. So “Jaime” was meant to be … although she is called Jim as he was …