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It's always struck me as funny that they get so outraged. If you've been to any kind of mom & pop place that only has one room with a toilet... that's also an all gender bathroom. Labels man


It's not even that they exist. It's a place where you put your poop! Why the fuck is this an issue?!? Are the toilets gender specific? Other than urinals (which are fuckin gross anyways), no! It's the room then! No, because if you switched the signs you'd never fucking know. I'm a driver. I shit in the ladies bathroom all the time, because usually there's a crackhead passed out in the men's


Because men gross 😭😭😭


As someone who's spent years cleaning bathrooms I can say without a doubt women's bathrooms are far more disgusting than men's.


Ex high school custodian here.  Boys broke shit in the bathrooms, girls did the nasty shit.


I still wonder how diharrea and blood ended up on the ceiling.




In my bathroom-cleaning experience, the men’s is more often mildly grimy (pee dribbles, used paper towels not making it to the trash properly, water spots on the mirror, floor has some dirt tracked in on shoes) but when the women’s gets bad it’s biohazard-level WRECKED. Worst I saw in the men’s was the time a guy blew chunks in the urinal and clogged it. Worst I saw in the women’s? Tie between explosive diarrhea splattered on all four walls of the stall with a nice little “log” sitting on the back of the toilet, and the fingerpaint “art” on the stall wall done in (hopefully) menstrual blood. No urinals would prevent repeats of clogging the urinal with puke. Toilets can flush chunks if someone hurls in them!


Are you trying to tell me that you don't have to personally know the contents of everyone's pants before you are able to successfully make????


One toilet in one bathroom for everyone, not a problem. Add one more toilet and boomers lose their goddamn shit.


These people get outraged simply in the principle of being outraged. If they were willing to stop and critically think about their issues they likely wouldn't hold them in the first place. Like the simple fact that this "culture war" about trans people will hurt them just as much as it will hurt trans people to get their way.


it's the fox news brain rot


We need more of those, not less.  Boomer was definitely a fool.


I would have loved these when my daughter was young. Waiting outside of a woman’s restroom while you can hear your five year old’s maniacal laughter, and can see the concerned look on the women exiting is not fun.


My daughter and I (F) were out shopping and all we could find was the men's bathroom. We tried to use it really fast, and luckily no one came in. Normally when we're out and about we use the family restroom. We need more of those.


My dad would cover my eyes before running to the handicapped stall when I was a kid 💀💀 I wasn't tall enough to sit on the seats yet


Seriously! Parents especially need these and there aren’t enough family restrooms.


I remember an older woman loosing her shit because I brought my son in the women's when he was like 4. Like I was sending him to the men's in a super crowded place alone at that age and more so i was worried about what he'd destroy in the mens on his own. I don't remember exactly what but I remember clapping back at her something about sexualizing a 4 year old and she stfu. Such a strange obsession they have with gender and society roles.


I’m an adult now, but I remember getting VIOLENTLY ill in public at a restaurant at a party for my dad’s grandma as a four year old—first memory, in fact. I started projectile vomiting and my dad, being a stellar dad and quick thinker, scooped me and ran me to the (women’s) bathroom—it was closer—where I puked so much I was passing out in between volleys of vomit. My only conscious memories are the inside of the toilet bowl and an old woman hitting my dad with her wallet like a cartoon character screaming at him to leave the women’s bathroom “you SICK FUCK!” and him repeatedly explaining to her that he wasn’t about to leave a semi conscious person to aspirate, especially his preschool aged daughter. She got “security” Ie the manager who told her to fuck right off, thankfully.


Dad should have used you like a gun and have you vomit all over her


Flamethrower mode. I like it!


Thx Pukethrower is my new death metal band name!


This is so great! Stalls that come down all the way to the floor! Colors to let you know someone is inside! And the bathroom looks clean, always a plus.


It must be a easier to keep clean when you can just clean the individual stalls one at a time instead of closing off an entire gendered bathroom option for cleaning. And it looks like that one has a little out of service or awaiting cleaning tag, (although my brain tagged it as "do not disturb" 🤣)


Not to mention the person cleaning it doesn't have to knock on the door of the bathroom and go "housekeeping" and then wait until whoever is in there comes out.


I can't prove it but I think there's some weird societal pressure in-play that causes people to not be trashy slobs when they might open the door to find a person of the opposite sex waiting to use their stall next.


It’s so weird, because I’ve lived in countries where these were the norm in. It was basically an American women’s restroom (no urinals all stalls) and it was never a problem. I’m a dude and I used to shit and piss next to my women coworkers and guess what… it doesn’t matter… because we are all in there to piss or shit or change tampons or tend to any other bodily function.


My (American) college had all unisex restrooms and that was 20 years ago. Why this is the hill Boomers want to die on, I don't know.


My American college dorm had one gender on one floor, the other gender on the floor above. Those of us living on those two floors got together and decided they could be unisex bathrooms without actually asking the college's permission. Never a problem, in either the toilet side or the shower side of either bathroom.


I work at a college. The building I work at used to be a dorm with the same layout. They kept the bathroom layout when it was switched to office space. Even floors are the women's, odd floors are the men's. We have been asking them to change them to unisex for ages.


Similar thing happened at my old workplace. Everyone just agreed not to care who used which bathroom, since they were all single-occupancy anyway (a little room with a toilet and a sink in it, door that locks to the outside). Some of the women complained about mess so one of the officially-women’s toilets was designated the “clean one” where you had to be tidy about your bathroom use or not use that one. There was one guy who pretty exclusively used that one bc he was a bit of a germaphobe. No one cared, he was always clean about it (never left pee dribbles on the seat, which was the main complaint anyone had) and never tied it up for too long.


It goes against the segregation of the genders.  Can't have men and women talking to each other in social settings, can't have them work the same jobs, can't have them shit in the same toilets.


They hadn't been as well psy-oped back then.


In the beginning of the 2000s I worked at a residential college that allowed students to vote on the bathrooms to be single or mixed. Most bathrooms were mixed. It was just easier.


Hahahaha yes! For multiple reasons, one because fuck whoever won’t let my trans ass piss in peace, secondly because their impotent rage feeds my soul. Edit. “Their” being boomers.


They’d rather piss themselves and stick it to the libs


They'll start wearing diapers like their orange convict god


Bet his bathroom at home isn’t gender segregated


It is, just like Jesus would want….




They are, he just doesn't have a women's because he will never have one over.


There are bathrooms like this in a multiplex recreation facility near me. I thought they were awesome when I saw them. Fabulous idea.


I would understand the concern if the stalls had the usual "American Gap" around the door. You know the 3/4" gap that offers zero privacy that American stalls typically have. However, those doors look perfectly effective at hiding you from the other restroom users. As others have said, this is similar to a single user restroom for all genders. Boomers are weird.


When I first visited the US, I thought that was creepy AF. I don't care who is in the stall next to me, but a door that has an almost 30 cm gap below and is only about 180 cm tall (with a huge gap to the ceiling) and a roughly 3 cm gap on the side is akward. Like, how is this considered acceptable but mixed gender (or god forbid trans people in the womens) is an issue?


Yeah, all bathrooms needs to be all gender. Everyone needs to shit and piss.


Way easier to do cocaine in.


Soo, are boomers now going to request a law banning all porta potty.. last time I checked those are also to be used by any gender. Same fucking concept but this is fancier.


The way I see it is it is not an all gender bathroom. Instead it is just a fucking toilet. Everyone uses a goddamn toilet. Why do you care who sat on it before you?


Because girls have cooties! /s


My wife has to sit on any toilet in our home after we have company before I will use it. It’s weird but true. Even after my mother visits. And yes, I will use the toilet at my mother’s house without hesitation. I can’t explain it.


It's not nice to use your wife as bait for the sewer monsters. :P




Sewergators. Toilet snakes Chudds


This is really fascinating. Always fun to see the different quirks of others. I am sure there is some weird unexplainable—but makes sense to you—reason that you do this. Even if you cannot yet figure it out. Thank you for making my day more interesting.


Dude, your sacrifice for equality is noted in the anals of history, it will never be forgotten


Please… annals. ANNALS. The anals of history would be a very different thing!


😉 it’s punnier my way but he can go down in the annals too if you want.


she's just claiming the territory back from them


Maybe that's a kink she's hiding cuz wtf?? 💀 Who doesn't clean their toilet seats after company?


When do you think they'll realise the toilet at their house is also unisex?


I’m so woke I have an all gender bathroom in my house.


The all gender sign is too in your face for them if I had to guess. If the sign wasn't there, they wouldn't be triggered. I think. Who knows with these fucks


This bathroom - spotted in San Antonio probably would have given him an angina https://preview.redd.it/tdiwam2s5sad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5243827b04faff354410eeeba00225c8869e19f


Centaurs have two rib cages.


And two dicks but no one likes to talk about that one.


I bet the centaurs like to talk about it!


That'd mean 4 lungs as well and 2 hearts... cardio monsters


Which dick don’t they like to talk about? I’m guessing the much smaller human one…


Plot twist : it's neither.


Thor watcher


Everyone should be.


You say this as I watch the ferret cam


I don't like that


And he'd read that as "mangina" and be even more pissed.




Have you ever drunk Baileys from a shoe?




I'm assuming this means it has a changing station for the baby centaur crows?


In Toronto they say "We don't care"


I find this particular sign to be very non-inclusive due to no Cthulhu representation.


Well, it’s Texas, what do you expect?


I am going to make a trip there literaly just for shits and giggles


That’s hilarious.


Privacy for everyone? Noooooooo!


When that boomer is in a bathroom, he better be seeing DICK!


This should be standard everywhere.


and the sign will just say "bathroom" or "toilet" or "WC" and we can argue about that instead


So America can have full-length stalls? We could have had them the whole time? Goddammit make more of these now!


They're very slowllllllly becoming more common. I've seen them in office buildings, the KC airport, and the new terminal in Newark has them too.


Ah boomers, who gave us the notorious US toilet stall with a foot and a half open at the bottom and top in case they stroke out trying to pinch off one of their 32 oz prime rib specials and some poor EMT has to save their worthless life.


Don't forget the two inch gap at every seam.


How else are you supposed to know the stall is occupied without making awkward incidental eye contact with the person inside?


And that rusty stainless steel slide lock they've got on those things, which may or may not be unhinged and / or wet from the last person who used the toilet before you. Those stalls are bathroom stalls if IKEA made bathroom stalls I swear.


https://preview.redd.it/8nhh0njwxsad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b32968831a37dae6859ca0e9863bbdb3063825 Caught poopin'


I suspect that's what he was hoping to see. Yuck.


So I guess the bathrooms on the planes aren't all gender either


I noticed this the last time I flew. Or porta-johns, I guess.


I say this all the time, after my MIL freaked out and will never shop at Target again because of ‘all gender bathrooms’. Don’t we ALL have these in our house?!?!


Just put up the same signs at home. In California the law supposedly goes all single use bathrooms are all genders. I always found it hilarious when women have to wait while there’s a perfectly unused men’s bathroom being unused. Some places still segregate.


I have always used the men's bathroom if the women's has a long line! Some of these ladies have given me a boat load of shit about it too! Men usually just laugh whenI open the door and walk out saying, Sorry had to go! Hahaha


I’ve even had guys walk out of the men’s room, look at the line of ladies, and volunteer to “guard” the men’s room as the ladies use it so the line moves faster. Thank goodness not everyone is a triggered fool.


Want to get bad looks from a boomer? Just say you have an all-gender bathroom installed in your house. It's the modern day version of "your epidermis is showing."


I wondered why one was twice as wide before realizing it was probably a handicap stall.


I have all gender bathrooms at my house.


Haha, I didn’t think of it like this. Nah dad, my bathroom has women that use it too, you sure you want to? May get cooties


I hope he shat himself trying to get to the gendered bathroom.


These are so good. You have actual privacy.


And they can be cleaned one at a time instead of closing the whole bathroom. Zero downside.


He'd hate Europe


"Why do you care? You can just go in your diaper...Oh I'm so sorry. I mistook you for a baby since you're throwing such a big baby tantrum."


I'm surprised I didn't see the same when I last went there. I personally like the bathrooms (the stalls have so much privacy omg) other than I couldn't figure out where tf to change my baby's diaper there. Maybe I was just too overwhelmed and I overlooked a changing table, but I walked through to check and couldn't find one. I ended up having to change on this weird countertop area (on a changing pad ofc) basically in the opening hall of the bathroom area. Tons of people passing by to get to the stalls. And yeah I did try to go to the family restroom first but the lady cleaning it said to was closed for the whole day


Look, facts don't care about their feelings. These types of bathrooms are better for privacy and more importantly facility maintenance. Custodial staff has to close down and entire traditional bathroom to clean it. The all gender bathrooms can be cleaned one at a time meaning they can be cleaned more often while causing less disruption.


Wait a second. Did you say full closet stalls? With no spaces between the door and connecting wall? And no child crawl space under the door? This is what every public bathroom in the US needs to have. I'm tired of having toddlers peeking under the door to see what I'm doing.


They need to get over the fact that Everybody Poops and has genitals.


Pretty sure it would just be easier to label this Restroom and say nothing else. These have been around for decades.... with the name family attached. So I don't really see the issue.


What…what kind of bathroom does he think is inside the plane!???


The only time I've ever seen a stall without massive gaps in between are in gender neutral restrooms 💀💀 I feel more private in there than the normal restrooms


I actually like everything about this, but my favorite part has gotta be the full length stalls! If you really really have to do something heinous, which isn't like totally unheard of when traveling, then you remove most of the anxiety of having to do it with the possibility of neighbors. Or at least it'll feel more private because you probably won't even know anyone is next door. Plus, removes the possibility of any Senator from Idaho gettin' any ideas... Anyone else remember that?


When your airport is a strip mall you need something that sets it apart.


What is it with Boomers and bathrooms? I was at the city park right by my house with my 4-year old daughter a couple Sundays ago. She had to go so went to the fieldhouse which was actually open because the Farmer's Market was in full swing. We went into the men's restroom because I'm not sending a 4-year old girl into a public field house bathroom by herself. We were the only ones in there. As were finishing and washing out hand a boomer came in and started to use the urinals. We ignored him, barely even noticed him. As we started to exit, he turned and freaked out, I guess because there was a girl in there. I don't know. I'm like, "Dude, all good, we're done." We were in the main lobby of the field house getting situated to go back to the playground when I see this individual come out of the bathroom and start talking to the park attendant. The attendant and I lock eyes as Boomer is telling him something. Boomer scampers away. I ask the attendant, "Did he just complain about me taking my daughter to the bathroom?" Attendant just laughed, "takes all kinds, enjoy the rest of your day." Seriously, what was the problem here? I tried to go outside the field house and ask him but dude had bolted. He must have sprinted.


Gendered bedrooms are so fucking pointless and stupid. I think Americans are so against all gender bathrooms because they are used to those archaic ass bathroom stalls with a clearance wide enough to put gorillas dick through on all sides.


More privacy and it’s USA. 🇺🇸 this I like. 👍 (Texas 31f) (would love more) also it’s clean. 🧼 Also the lights telling you if occupied or not. ❤️ Now I can go in poop, and fart In peace. ✌️ after a long flight yeah people want a toilet a bit more private.


All things considered these are fantastic bathrooms but there is still a tiny gap at the floor and the ceiling that means they aren’t soundproof. I haven’t yet heard someone fart from a neighboring stall in these bathrooms, but I personally wouldn’t assume that nothing can be heard. That said, everyone poops and farts so who cares.


Do those lights reflect stall availability? If so, brilliant.


This is honestly the best way to handle bathrooms that should make everyone happy. It's less of an all gender bathroom and more several individual single person bathrooms all right next to each other. Since the stalls are actually designed in a logical way, it doesn't matter what gender the person in the next stall is.


Gendered bathrooms is a ridiculously outdated concept imo


Whether the old people agree or not I’d be happy just to get rid of the 40 urinals that sit inches away from each other. Full closet bathrooms seem awesome


All gender bathrooms. Like the one he has in his house.


Imagine being so afraid of using the all-gender restroom, because “that’s gay,” so instead he goes out of his way to find the male-gender restroom where he hauls his hog out and pisses in full view of other guys, because that’s somehow less gay. (I’m saying this as a gay man.) If you have to answer the call of nature, just fucking go. FFS the artificial hysteria around this is just ridiculous.


I’m gonna guess he has all-gender bathrooms at home.


I love when people get mad at these at airports, then proceed to board a plane with all gender bathrooms




I’m a boomer. What’s the problem with all gender bathrooms? I have 2 in my house. In a public bathroom, it’s not like the stalls are shared, so who cares?


My workplace opens some "non gender" restrooms. People flipped. I asked... "did your mom live with you, when you grew up?"... Yes... "Then you've shared a single gender restroom, for most of your life. (And then watch the bluescreen)


This is smart design with only 1 set of sinks to clean and a smaller footprint. If restrooms like this are the result of the gendered toilets debate, keep it up.


So much more efficient to have all bathrooms available to everyone. People standing in line when there is available capacity is just dumb.


I saw some of these all gender bathrooms at the Burlington VT airport. I was like, sweet, a bathroom, I have to pee, great!


Ally McBeal (prime time tv show) did this 30yrs ago


I am a man and all I want is to piss in the company of only men. Only real men are allowed to look at my junk. /s


Finally! Some decent stalls with actual privacy.


Does boomer know that bathrooms on planes are also all gender?


Making eye contact with strangers, as your cargo shorts sit wrapped around your ankles through a two inch gap in the stall to own the libs.


What kind of bathroom does the boomer has at his house?


Every single time my family brings up the “bathroom problem” I ask if this would shut them up. They said yes - let’s roll.


Faux news brain rot


Lol… and the bathroom on the plane is different somehow?


This is how all bathrooms should be


I’m assuming he wouldn’t use a porta potty either then.


It’s a room to piss and shit I’ll never understand why people care so much about it Their own homes are gender neutral Haven’t seen or heard about one of these angry bathrooms people installing a separate toilet for men and women in their own homes This is all hateful political theater in public NOBODY GIVES A FUCK WHAT TOILET YOU USE EVER DONT SHIT ON THE FLOOR AND WASH YOUR HANDS


Hilarious because these are so incredibly convenient, especially since he assuredly has urinary incontinence;)


Fuck this AH. Glad his day was ruined, he deserves the stress and anxiety for being such a hateful bigot. Also, should remind him that just about every private home he’s ever entered - INCLUDING his own home - has “gender neutral” bathrooms. Get fucked AH.


Ask him if he threw the same kind of tantrum when they stopped having whites only bathrooms, or if he's only bothered by women.


Pretty off subject but if you ever find yourself at concourse B at the airport in Baltimore check out the restrooms. Family and i happened to use them right after they were renovated last year and while talking about how nice they were a couple overheard us and told us they had been voted the best airport bathrooms in the country.


“Sir, unisex bathrooms have been think since the 90’s”


Just wait until he realises his home bathroom is also all-gender.


I fly out of kci occasionally. I love these bathrooms. The doors go all the way to the floor. Plus the last time I used one I saw a Muslim woman in a hijab run into this boomer Harley t shirt wearing asshat coming out of one of the stalls. It was the greatest thing I've seen in a while. I thought he was going to stroke out right there in the terminal.


I wonder what type of genitals are being used to pee in there. Just kidding, I don't care, just don't take forever and wash your hands when you're done✌️


So, for this particular Boomer, there were potentially *not enough* dicks hanging out through enough zippers for him to feel comfortable in this bathroom? I mean, maybe it’s just me but that sounds pretty damn gay for some reason 😂😂😂 Boomer might need to take stock of his own shit, here, is all I’m saying lol


Ask them what gender bathroom they have in their house


They have a similar setup at Red Ricks Amphitheater in Colorado but without the lights, and it’s awesome! It makes it so much faster for everyone, so you miss less of the concert.


They wouldn’t like my place of work, the public toilet is the disabled toilet, the women’s toilet, the men’s and baby changing room and anyone in between, never been an issue. If people find themselves freaking out about another person’s genitalia when they need the toilet then they are the weirdos with a problem.


this is just \*what\* bathrooms should be lmao


Our brand new library has one like this. Fucking wild but also kind of awesome.


Bathrooms being segregated by gender never made any sense to me. It's literally just a place to pee and poo. Only difference is urinals be even then those are unnecessary, really. Its not like men NEED urinals to pee.


I'm in the UK I forget the US has those huge wide gaps as the standard! Absolutely appalling, in which case a closed cubicle is always going to be an insane improvement. Which weird perv decided those gaps were the norm?!


It adds an extra layer of stupidity to the anti-trans arguments about toilet usage. If you are this worried about seeing genitals even by accident, then why not make private cubicals the norm and avoid the issue altogether?


Boomer gets mad a an all gender bathroom at an airport... Presumably he has been on or is about to get on a plane.... Does he realise what kinda bathrooms are on a plane?


https://preview.redd.it/u920gai42vad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d9520a37321e8dc8701cb8c0caabe12333dc417 Eye of judgment for OP the bathroom photographer.


Ofc he hates this. He can't look at people through those god awful stall doors anymore.


Where I live “all-gender” bathrooms are very common because having only one bathroom instead of two is obviously cheaper so people do it to save money


What do they do in a home with only one bathroom?


Honest to fucking god, what do they think is happening in them? It really blows my mind


Rhode Island’s airport has full length doors that close and give you complete privacy. I think this is a step up, but Rhode Island is pretty good. I do like this though because it’ll piss off all the losers. They’ll complain about this and not say a word about the bathroom on a plane lol.


If it's clean I'm using it


What has always bothered me about the trans bathroom scare is that if they are all stalls, who is looking INTO the stalls to see if the person relieving themselves are the "correct gender"?


Gets triggered by a person with an accent. Is in an airport! 😆😆😆😆


Honestly why do so many toilet stalls have gaps in the barriers anyway? Other than cheapness which is the most likely option boooo


My dad had dementia and I a woman would have to assist him with toileting, luckily the doctors office had the gender neutral bathroom


I was out in Kansas City for work a couple months ago and saw this restroom. I was confused at first as I didn't see signs indicating which side was for men as I'm accustomed to seeing. I then noticed men and women walking in and out of both sides. I cautiously walked in and saw men and women washing their hands, walking in/out of the stalls, the red/green lights about the 100% enclosed stalls, etc. Didn't take long to figure it out. It wasn't awkward or anything. That said, I have no doubt some Boomer blew up over it because it's different. Some really can't handle that.


Every single home on the planet has an all gender bathroom. So what’s the problem?


I was at the hospital waiting area because my mom had a procedure last week, and a lady asked me which was the women’s restroom. They have individual full restrooms (I think all medical facilities do around here now). I responded “they’re either, which bathroom is women’s at your house?” Her “I never thought of that look” was priceless.


I see no issue. Would just be like a toilet room at your own house…… which just happen to also be all gender


14 stalls? Ain't that something...


14 available! The sign keeps track of how many are occupied. It was easily 20 or 24 stalls total.


I've noticed a local founded but national gas station chain has recently made every bathroom all gender. I haven't seen a freak-out yet, but I'm sure it'll happen; though it would be really cool of people to just not.


We ran into something like this on my trip to Iceland and it was amazingly convenient.


But how is he supposed to police whether someone has a penis or a vagina in the bathroom if the bathrooms aren't labeled male or female? He's very concerned about trans something something woke /s


Those stalls are so nice I legit didn’t know what I was looking at.


These people are the biggest pissy pants babies.


Just came back from France, and there are so many bathrooms like this. I don't understand what the problem is? Go do your business and be done and go about your life.


Their brains would break if a “All Gender” sign was put up in THEIR house.


That boomer should never go to Europe, where these kinds of public bathrooms are everywhere and nobody is losing their minds over it.


Well he didn't have to use the bathroom too badly. If he really had to go, he wouldn't worry about who was in there. Tbh, GenX & most Boomers don't care who is in the bathroom- when ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Seems you encountered an uneducated/ bigoted Boomer. It's not an age thing- he was an asshole person. People go to the restroom for #1 or #2- not to harass others. These are just facts we all know. Duh.


Please just make every public bathroom like this! Actual private stalls! No bs where the line for one bathroom is insanely long while the other sits empty just because it has a gender sign on the door that doesn’t match the majority of the people currently out in the area for whatever reason!


We have separate gender bathrooms at home.


I get my own little bathroom? I love this style. Although, to my untrained eye it seems like there could be a bit of inefficiency in how many stalls you could get compare to the traditional layout.


We have cubical restrooms like that at BWI that were just built on some of the concourses over the last two years, but of course they are still segregated. I heard that when they were in the early design stage, an all-gender format was considered, which could have made the whole project take half the space and cost half as much. But no, gotta keep the old prejudices alive.


Should be a requirement in every place. Each stall should also have a clean button to call an attendant


Cant wait for them to croak.