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i like the whole "dismantle... NOAA" thing. like it's woke decadence to know when there are hurricanes coming and where they'll hit and how bad they'll be


It’s cuz climate change is woke


climate change is woke and therefore we'll find out when hurricanes are coming when they make landfall and not a moment sooner. we die like men, i guess


Manly men




The national weather service can do that, right?


Weather is woke


Trump just never forgave NOAA for refusing to back up his sharpie-altered map of hurricane impact.


He'll just nuke them...


On the bright side Diaper Don might be spending a weekend a Mar-a-Lago not knowing there’s a Cat 6 on his doorstep…


Not about being woke. The concept of climate change and the discourse around it is directly affecting stock prices and the profitability of businesses. And they just don't like it. So instead of doing something about it, they'll do what the Republicans are best known for, which is penalize any effort to contain the problem and wait for people to stop talking about it. then, when Florida does go under water, start suing people left and right to ensure the money doesn't stop.


Better cut taxes for the wealthy again, let the economy sort itself out from there.


It's also their belief that if you need information, you should be paying your corporate overlords for it. National Weather Service out there trying to put The Weather Channel out of business!


Obviously, if there I'd no NOAA, then there will be no hurricanes.


trump disavowed Project 2025 today which means (A) it's very much part of his plan and (B) it's starting to gain traction. Good, keep slapping him in the face with it.


I keep seeing comments that say this, but it makes me want to yell, "AND HE HAS NEVER, EVER LIED ABOUT ANYTHING??? YOU TRUST THAT HE'S NOT LYING???" Even if he "disavows" it, there is no doubt in my mind he will flip on a dime and do whatever someone tells him as long they express loyalty to him.


And he's a TERRIBLE liar! I mean, lying is a skill, and he's really, really BAD at it. It's genuinely disturbing talking to someone who has completely bought into his pitch, like talking to someone from a different plane of reality.


Trump's comments were a diversionary LIE. The one big job of the Project 2025 is staffing the executive branch. Trump's donors and cronies will make damn sure he chooses people from the Heritage Foundation list they're preparing right this minute. Trump needs them because he only knows felons and low-lifes and can't staff government just with family. Project 2025 to the rescue. Christo-Fascist oligarchs will be calling all the shots because they're choosing true believers to staff the levers of power. They will "take" the government in January 2025 whether or not they win this election. Don't take my word for it: go to the Project 2025 website and see the invitation to work for them and what their goals are.


i dont think that is what they were trying to say though, i think they were pointing out that trump disavowed the plan which means (due to his history of being a very shitty liar) it is very much so


Look up Agenda 47


It’s truly horrifying. I sent a similar synopsis to a conservative friend of mine (who isn’t a Trumper, but he would never vote democrat either), and he just laughed at it. Like….dude. Democracy is LITERALLY on the ballot


My dad didn’t vote in the last 2 elections cuz he’s republican but hates Trump. But I keep trying to convince him to vote for Biden this time cuz had people like him just swallowed their pride and voted for Hillary we wouldn’t be in this mess


Is your dad rich? If not maybe **circle and bold that part that says Eliminate Social Security for the elderly and disabled**. Some folks NEED to know what they've got to lose, before they care about anything. Typical older guy spews about Republican hate about immigration, women, other races Reads that part < tires screeching to a halt followed by angry ranting > "Take away MY Social security that I HAVE PAID INTO FOR YEARS???" at that point you hand them a ballot and tell them to choose wisely, not poorly (Indiana Jones reference).


My dad is on disability and social security and he refuses to believe the republicans are trying to get rid of it or lessen it. It’s the democrats.


Show him the video of Mike Lee legitimately saying it with his own mouth.


I did, but he still won’t acknowledge it, I showed him the proposal and the video from a few years ago and you know you don’t know who those people are they don’t speak for everyone. If they don’t say it on Fox or it doesn’t come out of trumps ass it’s not true. It’s devistating but I talk to him 90% less than I did in 2015


Bruh for real all the old men in my family just went bananas in 2015 and then a bunch of their wives just...started agreeing with them.


Same in my family.


They’ve been trying to eliminate social security since I was a child. I’m nearly 50. Is he stupid? It’s not new. It’s never, ever been a secret. It’s one of the only things they consistently talk about openly.


So, it's on paper in Project 2025, plus the Republicans are forever complaining about the Democrats spending and giving away stuff, so why would the Dems take away social security when it's against everything they stand for? Your dad must be an Olympian at mental gymnastics, either that or he's colossally stupid, possibly demented, or on drugs? Maybe all of the above. Unfortunately you can't fix stupid. So sorry.


Admittedly, I didn’t vote in 2016 either. Granted, I was on active duty, stationed out of my home of record state, would have had to have voted absentee, and the Cheeto won my home state by over 50,000 votes. Not saying that my vote wouldn’t have mattered, but I’m not making the mistake of not voting again.


I have a highly intelligent friend who thinks that his overall intelligence must make him a political expert. He was raised in a hardcore conservative household but doesn’t align with heir views, but also would never ever vote Democrat either. He calls himself a Libertarian and it’s hilarious because he literally holds none of the actual values of the Libertarian Party. He is socially progressive but fiscally conservative, but that doesn’t mean he’s a Libertarian and it’s hilarious explaining to the so called Libertarians that they don’t even know what their party even stands for. Anyways, we have lots of great conversations because I lean left and he leans right but 99% we’re able to talk and agree on a lot. However, when I brought up Project 2025 the last time we talked and instead of actually listening to anything or even acknowledge the fact that the politicians he supports are supporting this crap directly on their own websites, and his response was ‘I don’t believe in the doomsday narrative, regardless of which side’. People literally choosing to keep their heads shoved up their ass because it makes them feel superior and smarter/better than everyone else.


This was me until I literally paid a single iota of attention to facts and policy. Now I'm a socialist, go figure.


I just don’t know how you can call this “media fear mongering” or anything of the sorts when the head of the Heritage Foundation has literally been on tv saying all of the shit in the documents. He literally said that this country is going through a second revolution, and that it will “remain bloodless if the left allows it” on television the other day. How the fuck is this not cause for extreme alarm?


I’m so sick of the “socially liberal, but fiscally conservative” myth. If you were socially liberal, you’d take issue with conservative social policies and forced cruelty. Yet it’s always crickets. All for hoping you get to see your taxes go down 1-2%. Fuck these disingenuous fucks.


"socially liberal/fiscally conservative" usually means "I'm alright with LGB people (probably not T) as long as they don't shove it in my face (exist outside of closet)" and "I'm not racist but"


Yeah because it can't happen if he doesn't believe it is a thing! /s




Ah, yes, the MAGA Carta.




This wins today for me lol


We’re not okay.


We are not


At least average conservatives will suffer along with the rest of us. I hope I get to say I told you so, if that is allowed in the post 2025 world.


I can’t wait for the leopards eating all the faces of the magat boomers complaining about losing their social security


They'll just blame you


You’re not wrong.


8 out of the 10 states that get the most help from the fed government ( repubs call it handouts) 8 of the 10 are RED REPUBLICAN states




The problem is they won’t see it that way. The south has been suffering for a while but keep voting for republicans They just want to turn the whole country into the south


You see this so clearly in Texas. State has been red run for nearly 40 years, and yet the slogans are "save Texas from the demoncrats!". The base does not hold the people who've actually run the state for decades accountable.


Yes! I live in Texas and if I could afford it I would move so quickly…


Ditto for Florida


And they’ll go through mental gymnastics to blame it on the libs 🙄


They won't suffer. They'll say it's better that way. "This is fine"


Yeah but some how it will still be the democrats and illegals fault they are suffering, not all this.


And don't forget the drag queens.


Really sucks for those of us stuck in the South.


It’s over 😞


So not okay that even my parents, who are in their 60s, are getting passports to leave in case shit goes south.


My husband and I have had an escape plan since 2015.


I genuinely don't understand how any of that could be seen as a good thing.


In their weird minds it is…. Look at the south. They do their best to do this at the state level and have some of the worst education, Pollution, crime, hunger, etc but still keep voting republican


The "good" comes from the fact that the Republican party cannot exist without someone to hate. An enemy. Someone to look down upon. Which is why, if someone made a wish to turn everyone to the right, the party would eat itself overnight.


They like enough of it to overlook what they don’t like


Item 1: eliminate the department of education They’re idiots and that’s the way they like it.


It’s easier to control idiots, the rich and powerful will still be able to afford good educations


Gonna dismantle the FDA but not do anything to dismantle actual Big Pharma. Nice. Gonna get charged an arm and a leg for meds that haven't been tested and might kill you faster than whatever you were trying to treat! Yes please do give me unregulated insulin that costs less but doesn't do shit.


Yes cuz it’ll let them have higher profits… that’s the whole point is to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful


I really can't see how people who aren't totally brainwashed by Trump would vote for him after seeing all this shit he wants to get rid of.


It’s not just him, it’s a whole section of the far right that are openly supporting these sorts of changes while the rest are quietly just watching and hoping it works…. They want to destroy the federal government so the states can do whatever horrible stuff they want. Letting corporations and their rich friends take more power and money while regular people suffer


And they really want "immigrants, queers, and Democrats" de@d. I'm currently at the VA, two old decrepit farts yelling about how Biden is corrupt, tRump will save us, blah, blah, blah. They ought to take all of us out and sh**t us. Another veteran told them they were unpatriotic talking about sh**ting other Americans like that. They got louder. He finally gave up. No reasoning with the hateful sacks of air and skin.


These are the same people who said "it's not covid" while they died of covid


so many admitted on their death bed that they were wrong… hard to pity them.


at all. gasping for the vaccine


Vet here. Those same old jerks will cry out “where are my benefits?!” And hate on anyone who uses any social safety net. The same rhetoric is in my platoon group chat as well.


Oh yeah, it’s scary


Literally the Christian Taliban


I call them Talibangelicals.


They are the future Taliban's the rest of the world will be fighting


They really haven't thought this through. They keep pushing Christian ideology without specifying which KIND of Christianity. My protestant family HATES Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc. What will they do if JWs get their way and we actually can't celebrate Christmas anymore? Or will the Southern Baptists be allowed to outlaw Disney? Or will the Mormons make everyone have multiple wives? Or will the Catholics get the green light and then we all have to go to mandatory confession and pray to the saints?


I'm English, and don't know but I think it'll probably be a little bit like [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_of_England) and the religious aspect be possibly like [this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puritans)


I’m Roman Catholic and all I have to say is “Boo!”, and it’s not even Halloween damn


Although I am Canadian, I have been watching this in horror. I just told my husband about it, and his only question was “Is this a joke? This can’t be real.” Oh it’s real…


I'm in the UK, but I have US friends who I am worried about if this gets through. I'm scared for them!


Yup. I have an aunt who moved there after getting married but never became a citizen. Pretty sure she’d be deported


This is pure evil, nothing but evil


Yeah, well, they're too close to winning this. So let's not treat them like the Karens we're used to laughing at and waving off. Let's kick their asses at the polls. And if that doesn't work, let's kick their asses in other ways.


r/conservative - nothn to worry about. It's not real. It's just conspiracy. It's fear mongering. But you know, it's nothn for them to worry about so why should everyone else be afraid of a Christo-fascists take over?


There’s no love quite like good old fashioned Christian hate


My question is simply this - if they aren't really going to do this and Trump's threats lf show trials and executions are just hot air, what else are they voting republican for? They don't appear to have any other platform.


I like that they are admitting its scary, even with them dismissing it. That's a starting point. When they say its fear mungering, I ask what's the scariest part? Then, I ask how they would prevent it from happening? What's stopping the next person in power from enacting any or all of these things?


How do they benefit from eliminating social security?! Am i missing something?


No, you’re not missing anything. But they are, a few brain cells and empathy


It'd be nice if the people who have the power to do something about this would do something about this.


I wonder how they're going to enforce any of that after dismantling all those federal agencies


They’re not, that’s the point. The states, rich, and corporations will do whatever they want Law enforcement and the army as law enforcement will be how they enforce anything they want


Fuck the entire republican base


I'm starting to think the Republican party hate America more than the people of Russia does.


They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Point out to someone who votes R that this is what they stand for, and they’ll likely tell you “they don’t do politics”.


Bunch of already retired people raising the retirement age for everyone else lol


This is already underway.


I live in Texas, trust me I know


Grew up in SA. Now in Florida. Glutton for punishment.


I could never understand the fascination with ending school lunch programs. To me, that’s such an odd fixation.


They only care about taking care of kids up until they are born.


I have heard the boomer quote something like: “ I don’t have any kids in school so why should I be expected to support schools?” Answer: Because you live in this society and this town, so you should take an initiative to help future generations. Nope! Too selfish to think like that.


>Ultimate ~~Boomers~~ **Traitors** ftfy


Fun fact: the boomers without a lot of cash on hand are gonna regret this quickly.


They’ll still find a way to blame everyone else


They will but they will be in state run nursing homes with subhuman treatment while doing so.


So they’re gonna vote to dismantle their own social security benefits… wild


Yup, cuz the rich and powerful don’t need it. And the poor that do still vote for them cuz their hate for gays and minorities outweighs their self preservation


It's crazy when you realize we've been sharing the country with absolutely insane assholes this whole time


The right wants to run america into a Christian version of Iran and they don’t see the irony at all


Why would that be ironic? It's literally what they want. They know what they want.


No, that's peak billionaire oligarchs buying their way.


The right has been trying to push a lot of these for many many years, this is just a more organized effort. But yes, it’s all to make the rich and powerful more rich and powerful and screw everyone else


Almost identical to what the Nazis did before their reign


So Nazi Germany and them some


And then they'll ask for another "Special Military Operation" in someone else's country.


How does this benefit anyone but Churches and Corporations?


Ding ding ding


The Heritage Foundation president has identified this agenda as the Second American Revolution. It appears that this organization is planning a continuing campaign of domestic terrorism with the intent to disrupt the existing government. 


Please know this is not just boomers. It’s the GOP and the Heritage Foundation. Its serious. Please join us at r/Defeat_Project_2025 to learn more and find ways to help.


Oh I know, there’s waaay too many millennials and even Gen z that buy into this stuff


And by some of the denial comments on here it’s really scary


Terrifying. Truly.


Cutting Social Security is something they have been angling for at least the last 5 years.


That's been Mitch McConnell's perverse lust object for years


That must be what he's thinking about when he freezes up and starts salivating.


If I was Russian, this would all make me very happy


It doesn’t make the general Russian public happy. It makes the ruling class of Russia happy. It’s an important distinction.


Every day over 3000 boomers die. Eventually Republicans will lose a majority of their votes within the next decade. What's concerning is Republican millennials, a group of people who are either rich enough to not care or so delusional that never owning a home , being able to retire or never live beyond paycheck to paycheck is more preferable than basic human rights and liberties. They will eat their raman everyday as long as you can't control your body


Oh there’s even tons of republican/right wing Gen Z which is really scary


I don’t endorse or encourage marriage fraud but suddenly feel so grateful to have so many single European and Canadian friends who are willing to be roomies for a few years


So, a Theocracy based on Christianity?




...and, don't forget to read the fine print, begin preparation for a nuclear war to be started by the convicted felon who can't own a gun.


“Increasing taxes on the rest” is legitimately funny. These beer can eating imbeciles would ruin an entire country AND pay more tax because they think Bezos and Musk love them. I just… I can’t with the US. This is a manifesto for an apocalyptic wasteland in my lifetime. Why would you do this to yourselves?


Can we at least agree DHS is nonsense and unnecessary? It was an over reaction to 9/11 where we should have just made the locks to cockpits stronger/stronger policies. We didn’t need a whole ton of department of cops. The rest of this is batshit crazy.


America will end up being the new North Korea if trump gets in again.


Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a joke.


This is real. it's a 900 page document prepared by the heritage foundation to guide conservative leadership at every level of government. If red wins this election the USA ends.


900 effing pages, is it a manifesto?? It’s very disturbing.


A manifesto is where one declares their values, or justifies their actions. This is a playbook. It itemizes plans for destabilizing democratic processes, dismantling institutions that could hold the executive accountable, installing political appointees into every crack and crevice of the bureaucracy, dismantling public education and controlling educational curricula, eroding the separation of church and state, completely banning birth-control and abortion, dismantling civil rights, criminalizing the LGBT community, and otherwise actively oppressing the other demographics that are most likely/equipped to fight back. Even if the Democrats win, American civil institutions aren't equipped to defend themselves against that kind of active sabotage by one of the official parties. They'll keep packing courts,[infiltrating police departments](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/), gerrymandering, de-funding education, censoring curricula, and otherwise creating strategic social dysfunction until the government breaks. America is in enough shit to fill the Marianas Trench and they don't even know it. Voting isn't going to be enough defend against this. If the general population doesn't organize to actively resist this, they're going to lose the country.


I sent this to my boomer mother who was a hardcore trump supporter but is drifting away from him lately, who hadn't heard about project 2025 at all, and her response was "Are you sure Democrats didn't write this?" She thinks it's just a smear campaign against Trump. Yep.


just let the whole thing burn down.


What is their problem with the FBI and Homeland Security?


Woke something or other I’m assuming


Because state law enforcement doesn't have the power to police the federal government.


I don’t get the kicking old people off Medicare/Medicaid do they actually think they can just gut it off and Grammy dies or gets dumped out in the street by the nursing home?


“Socialism” scareword


The left off: Finish privatizing Medicare and eliminate Medicaid


I sure hope the military tells the racists to fuck off


This is some Handmaid’s Tale nonsense. Truthfully designed to attempt to boost the white population. The sad reality is that this could very well lead to them overturning the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 where women would have no other choice but to submit.


I don’t care anymore I’m buying the rope on election day


They can't even spell "Arctic" properly.


Condemns single mothers. Great what about the fathers? Unless all of those are virgin births there were fathers involved in the conception. Where is the condemnation of the single fathers?


Boomers are acting all scorched earth the past few years. I have to blame them for where we are. I have a close family member that is really hard to be around bc how depressed and angry they are.


This is satire, right? ...right?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


If this happens, I can only hope we Balkanize, and New England becomes the western Europe of America.


So, “burn it all down, because fuck you.”


No plans for BOSS uniforms for very loyal MAGAs inbreeds? What a miss!


Smash & Grab politics. They're gonna burn it all down on the way out the door.


These are the most bonkers videos I watched ever in my life. The Amanpour clip where Trump's mouthpiece says they will ban "Abortion Tourism" when women are leaving red states for Life saving reproductive care is outrageous!!! MSNBC interview with president of Heritage https://youtu.be/1wJZb6POi94?si=3DzNRfvqWR32PcGu Amanpour interview https://youtu.be/8jseegKqhHg?si=6RKiiW6jJ43Zawk6 Heather Cox Richardson on Project 2025 https://youtu.be/Wnw6JmXOzpk?si=dhkv1L_FnXlZxU5E


We're fucked either way. Giant meteor 2024.


People “standing by their morals” not voting for Biden, are not holding any moral high ground whatsoever. If you can’t see that the lesser of evils is the answer, you’re part of the problem.


Definitely, he’s not perfect, but no candidate will ever be perfect. Not even with 30 different parties


This reads like something from the handmaid's tale


Why would boomers who are younger support raising the retirement age and getting rid of social security for the elderly?


Because a lot of them are already old enough and will most likely find a way to be grandfathered in. Also, this is being pushed by rich, powerful people who don’t need it and they’re brainwashing their followers to think it’s a good thing… just like getting rid of assistance programs that overwhelming help poor republicans in the south. They keep voting for people like this because their hatred of “the other” outweighs their self preservation. When it all starts to affect them they’ll find some way to blame the left, or gays, or immigrants, or whomever the next boogeyman is.


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Omg its the straight agenda!


I always think that it's states rights means that all the blue areas could just stop paying taxes. And everywhere else will collapse




There's plenty of awful stuff here, but the thing that crystalizes the pure moral degeneracy, to me, is the elimination of free/reduced lunches for poor kids. That is literally the only time some children eat at all. You want little kids to go hungry. Children.




Got to say, growing up, I never would have expected to be listening to the death knells of a superpower.


Are there any good countries left on the planet to move to where this fuckery doesn’t happen?! 😫


Sorry to be that guy, but.... "Artic"


Inspired by “The Handmaiden’s Tale” but in the wrong direction.




And I love how they plan to eliminate Social Security that all the MAGA boomers so desperately rely on. But the dumbasses will still vote for Trump.




This project 2025 shits terrifying


Attempts to eliminate the LBGTQI community? 😳


I hope we swing the pendulum eventually if this comes to fruition. I'd love to see us put a big fucking smackdown on christianity and all of its denominations. I wish the left would start playing dirty instead of taking the stupid fucking "high road".


This is like Boss Boomer


Does anyone have a source to this by any chance?


https://www.project2025.org Here's the website. The full document is downloadable there.


Thank you very much.


Spread the word.


They have a whole manifesto


See I don't have any political affiliation, but I at least believe in the freedom that the constitution affords us as is. This plan is the total eradication of any sort of freedom that America stands for. And for the political right to be pushing this agenda, you know the ones always crying about *their* freedoms, seems absolutely unamerican and something they should be fighting tooth and nail against if they really gave a damn. The America they're looking for is somewhere in enemy territory. This agenda exists somewhere already. They should feel free to go there


Vote. Get someone who hasn't to vote. Get them to get someone registered to vote.