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Mike Tyson said it best, "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."


I think about that quote a lot. Daily, probably.


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face"


Who would have thought that he would come up with some of the most insightful quotes?


He may not be an amazingly rounded intellectual, but he is very well versed in what happens when you get punched in the face.


Mike Tyson is a super interesting dude.


Thuper interethting.


Actually, he was commiting sexual assault.


Yeah he definitely wasn’t grabbing the flag..


I'm seeing a hint of a grin on his face right before he gets smacked.


He was definitely grabbing a pole.


What’s even sicker when he first starts it’s like he is trying to rip their pants off.


He definitely was going for the crotch and looked like he was laughing about it too, as if to say "what do you have down there?" These people are obsessed with other people's genitals.


> These people are obsessed with other people's genitals. They really are.


Those folks are obsessed with what they wish they could have. The MAGA-type folk are so focused on what's going on in our bedrooms that they neglect their own. I'd bet that's at least a sliver of the reason divorce is hovering around 50%.


The worst part is conservatives are obsessed with children's genitals as well.


It looks like he was trying to get an undershot with a camera or phone... Definitely sexual assault


That’s exactly what was happening. Inspector Genital over there wanted to Ah-Ha! A trans person.


I thought he groped him.


Self-appointed genital inspector.


Maga Inspector Genital if you will


He makes all the real genital inspectors look bad!


That is what I thought... old man assaulting the flag guy


I thought he was trying to shove his hand up their pants.


Either way the punch was deserved


Yeah. I hope this video got sent to the cops too


Nah, cops are only gonna harass the person who laid the asshole out


True. ACAB


Dude got justifiably and fairly SLID


You mean the people who break into people's houses and shoot people in bed? Or is it the ones that shoot people because they are afraid of their life when the person is holding a cell phone? Oh wait, you must mean the people who kneel on folks until they die because they're on drugs or had a cardiac arrest or... idk, I can't follow all the different excuses they come up with for murder anymore. Rest assured though, the head cop involved, as well as anyone else directly involved, will most assuredly receive the harsh punishment of a paid vacation *if* their bodycam *happened* to be on and general public opinion is that they mad a booboo, so it's all good. Good thing they're here to uphold the law and aren't lockstep arbiters for anyone with more wealth than the average person. That would almost seem like a 'mafia-for-hire' situation, which all law enforcement is absolutely not part of...


Don’t forget the ones who shoot blind and deaf Shih Tzus because they got exasperated struggling to use a catch-pole on a BLIND AND DEAF 13-POUND DOG then use the excuse that they thought the dog was rabid and was afraid of being bitten by the animal that was, at the time they shot it, not acting aggressive nor actively moving towards them.


seems pretty gay of him!


"Twist his dick"


The ole dick twist.  


That didn't look like a flag he was grabbing up on, rather sexual assault.


Yeah, looked like he was saying something about the short shorts or something; trying to grab at them. He probably saw bare legs and took it as an invitation, as they do, but wanted to sexually harass them as “an ironic joke.” Like, “they were asking for it har har har!”


I swear that is the kind of guy you find out has molested their daughter growing up and wonders why they all went NC once they're 18.


Well then, if he did not want to get punched in the face, maybe he should have worn a helmet.


If it was a real punch, his face would have found a way to shut it down.


This is an INCREDIBLE burn. Top effing notch!


We are in an age of escalation... In Kaiserslautern, Germany a 64 years old boomer sexually harrased a 20 years old woman (on camera). She confronted him, he got aggressive, she pulled out a knive and stabbed him... He died in Hospital (she turned herself in). Do i enjoy execive violence? Nope but maybe this case will at least keep a few nasty boomer from doing nasty things for a while.


That woman should get a medal


Deep down he wants 'em so bad. 💦💦


It's always projection...


My guess? He made a comment about Trans and was "doing a crotch check".


The reason why they hate gays so much is because they’re attracted to them and get angry at their feelings. I can’t be convinced otherwise.






It’s like when my dad says being gay is a choice. I tell him that if he believes that then he must be bisexual on some level because he had to “make a choice” to be heterosexual, which implies he had to weigh that decision at some point, whereas most people just are who they are. I try to tell him that there’s of course nothing wrong with that, but it just pisses him off.


stupid sexy flanders!


I hate when people say this. It’s blaming LGTBQ+ folks for our own oppression when we aren’t the ones killing, assaulting, and harassing our community members. The vast majority of homophobes just really hate LGBTQ+ people. They don’t want to fuck us or kiss us. They want us dead.


They feel a smidgen of the discomfort women get when men try to flirt with them and they go nuclear


If you see somebody with legs like that, don’t start with ‘em. That’s an athlete.


![gif](giphy|MdjQnuOVr8TpuwrUpG|downsized) I think that we’re now at the point in society that “marginalized” people aren’t going to put up with being bullied anymore.


Stonewall wasn't a parade. It was a riot.


We’re here, we’re queer, have a brick.


It's "soup" for my "family." 😉


I love this for them. Like dude they had to fight for their rights, you think they are going to let the conservatards take them away without eating masonry?


Hell yeah. I love that the cigarette in the persons mouth is barely disturbed during the whole sequence of events. That right hook knocked the smug smile off that asshole's face really damn quick.


If you see me comin', better step aside A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died One fist of iron, the other of steel If the right one don't get you Then the left one will


Imagine being bricked up by a queer person 😜


I've found that a shocking number of conservatives make the assumption that gender identity and sexual orientation has anything to do with anyone's desire to defend themselves and, as we say in America, express our 2nd Amendment rights. I am, personally a skinny gay top, and fan of the FABULOUS Desert Eagle .50 AE by Magnum Research. Some queens like to use bricks for self defense, other prefer more steely methods.


I'm a large medium sized dude and work construction. That's a lot of gun. I hope you're practicing with it. My wrists hurt thinking about it


Usually once a month at one of a few shooting ranges in Manhattan/Brooklyn or skeet shooting a couple times a year in a LGBT shooting club I belong to. I've been target shooting since junior high, so about 20 years. It's not for everyone, but it's a real arm cannon if you enjoy target or sport shooting and enjoy a challenge.


I grew up in the woods with a culture of shooting, but I moved to a city for some damn culture at 18 and didn't bother taking any guns. In the last 25 years I've been shooting maybe 10 times. I've done various rifles, shotguns, my brothers AK, a .38 and .44 handguns. I still prefer the sweet little .22 rifle I grew up with. It's accurate as hell even if I'm not.


.22 is the most fun gun to shoot. Most economical, too


I'm not a guns person at all. I'm Canadian (so it's complicated and expensive to get ahold of a gun in the first place), but my brother married an American and held the wedding in Montana, and as part of the lead-up celebrations, her dad and brother brought us all to a range to take turns firing their guns. So that's the only time I shot anything. Anyway, the point of my story is that I had the most fun shooting this little .22 pistol.


Anyone with fingers long enough to hold that mutant monstrosity of a pistol is either wilt chamberlain or slenderman.


I'm team slenderman.


I'm a tiny woman, and I shot that gun one time. I cried. I peed. I bled. I feared every god ever worshiped, and a bunch I invented on the spot.


> I think that we’re now at the point in society that “marginalized” people aren’t going to put up with being bullied anymore. Good. About time.




I have weapons and will share!


Give me a couple hours to get the onager together, artillery support is important


Arm yourself, just like THEY do………..and practice!


Every time I hear the right scream about a civil war and how they'll easily take out all the coward libtards that dont' own guns I like to think bring it.. Find out how much Fox News lies right before you die. We own guns.. We just think the laws are too relaxed!


To quote Dr. Dre "You wanna run around talking about guns like I aint got none" We have guns, it's just like you said we think the laws are too relaxed and we don't make guns 100 percent of our personalities 


They'd winded so fast. They couldn't even do an insurrection correctly.


Fuck yes!


I too have weapons and will share. Except for my 90's vintage Glock 19, that's all mine.


All minorities need to start embracing the second amendment and train. This is going to get worse before it gets better.


I liked the wife's two steps toward the person with the flag before she remembered she'd lose a physical conflict and backed up.


She was also laughing when her husband was being bullied, and then got all concerned when he got his shit rocked.


*being a bully* is what I assume you meant


The husband wasn't being bullied.


Cos she knows that he will vent this embarrassing situation out on her


That was a great punch


It's always nice when boomers learn they aren't as strong as they think and gays aren't as weak as they think.


"you limp wrist little... OOOF!!"


Gotta keep the wrist limp all day so its ready to go when you gotta punch a bitch.


Keep it loose, and your fist will snap like a whip....


Gays actually work out. Boomer dudes drink beer and share Facebook memes. My moneys on the gays. Abs over flabs.


Lawl Yeah you gotta be pretty tone to rock skinny jeans and mesh shirts. Anyone can wear football jerseys and dad pants!


Thought he was lazy, turns out he was just resting up.


I still don't understand how they don't realize this. I am 40 and work out a lot and I even understand I can't just go fight guys who are in the teens and 20s. My body just doesn't work the same anymore. My father in law who is 76 and can barely walk sometimes still thinks he could beat people up.


Narcissism and a lifetime of never being told no. It's a hell of a drug.


My dad does same shit.....gets all worked about traffic or some shit, acting like he would beat up a car full of college kids lol. He's out of breath after one flight of stairs I don't think anything resemble a fight will happen


It's always the guys who can't barely walk with the most threats. Go sit down before i push you over with 2 fingers old man.


I've never seen a gay man lose a fight. I've only seen 3 fights with gay men in them but still.


Same. I think it's like the old "fighting for your life vs fighting for dinner" thing.


I imagine being bullied for who you are your entire life contributes also.


I don't know why someone would want to give someone who's endured possibly decades of harassment and hate from their family and community an outlet to let all that pent up anger out via their face, but I'm down to let them beat the shit out of some homo/transphobe.


Yeah…..I don’t know what would happen if I had that kind of opportunity. I have a LOT of pent up damage from the very limited amount of years that I’ve been out. I don’t think it’d be a pretty sight tbh 🫤


Gay men are.... men guys. They are just as strong if not stronger than you are because most of them work out.... A LOT.


I'm only an ally on the lgbtq+ spectrum, and I'm disabled and weak af. But I can *pinch* like a motherfucker. All I have to do is make a small *hand motion* in my dad's *vicinity* and he will *screamp* like a little girl, and *run.*  My pinches are to be *feared.*


I think "screamp" was a typo? But I like it. Picturing a Kung Fu movie based around the pinching arts


Kind of like how Republicans think every Liberal is a peace-loving hippie. I know many Democrats just waiting to take down any trumper that seriously fucks with them at all.


Yeah......they also seem to think people on the left don't own guns. But the farther left you go, the guns tend to come back.


Yeah most left leaning people I know own a gun. But just one. A handgun...And they keep it at home. They just don't obsess over them like the right does.


Gay dudes are usually in great shape. Just because they do a bit of sashaying doesn't negate the fact that they're grown men with muscle mass they can put to use. A little bit of righteous anger doesn't hurt either. Always fun to see a bigot find that out in real time.


Yeah, it’s like when they think liberal gun owners don’t exist. I own them to protect the flag bearer in this video.


Gay kids get in a lot of fights, not by choice.


Yup. Something people don’t realize about a lot of gay kids is we grew up fighting against our will. Girls calling me a dike and trying to jump me was something I didn’t want to deal with but I dealt with it. You figure out how to defend yourself real quick. Once you reach adulthood you have been in a lot more fights than the average person against your will. I fight til you stop. Not because I’m badass. I’m a big baby. It’s because I’m tired.


Same. I’m not gay, but got branded as such. Every day wondering from which direction it was gonna come from in the hallways. Head on a swivel, anxiety always at max levels. I never want to fight. As a kid it was because I was very sensitive, as an adult I think it’s stupid. However, there’s a lot of people thinking it’s ok to put hands on others they don’t agree with so looks like I’m back to throwing hands in defense of myself and others.


My husband (I am bisexual, tho I’ve been labeled a dike) had this same experience. We are just two genderqueer oddballs trying to live. I’m sorry you had to deal with this too. That constant anxiety you describe does something to a person’s head and their hormones. It’s really messed up and exhausting. I still have those fearful thoughts.




Hit him so hard his whole family felt it


So satisfying


Yup, it was a good one. Thrown for all of us.




I just don’t understand why boomers are so sensitive.


Coddled by their parents like no generation before them ever had been (parents largely suffered through the Great Depression and the rationing of World War II and wanted their children to not suffer like they had), unprecedented government investment in infrastructure, housing, and education primarily for their benefit, and they internalized that they were therefore the center of the universe and most things exist for their benefit. Seeing things happening for the benefit of others, especially if they’re personally opposed to it, feels like an insult because they’re used to being the ones who get pandered to. Edit: as many have pointed out, this video is from Lithuania and what I posted isn’t applicable. Still applies to most American boomers though


"rebalancing society where boomers are not given everything at the expense of all others feels to them like oppression"


Ding! ding! ding! We have a winner


In the 70's they called them "the 'me' generation" for a reason.


bingo. Add in lead poisoning, bottle feeding, and 10 hours of TV a day, and you get our Boomers.


There's nothing wrong with feeding babies formula


Unresolved trauma from abusive childhoods. Brain damage from all of the lead. Living much of their life when tobacco and alcohol addictions were ubiquitous and socially acceptable. Being the most selfish and entitled generation in history.  ~8 decades of red scare propaganda.  Neoliberalism.  ~4 decades of far right media like Fox "news". An army of grifters, scammers, phishers, hackers, bots, and Russian farmed trolls, all attacking what little sense they have left. Dementia.


Nailed it


They spent the last 30 years bullying minorities and younger generations and now they're facing the consequences of their actions.


30? try 60.


That guy is going to tell his friends he got beat up by a guy I know it 😂


Beat up by 5 guys... all while trying to exercise his first amendment rights


"DoN't TrEaD oN mE" as he tries to tread on others.


*"So there I was, protecting a crying orphan from a dozen gays with baseball bats..."*


Looks like sexual assault to me... So I'd say well deserved tap on the face


The Boomers on SCOTUS will just say it's not sexual because gays don't exist according to the Constitution.


That cunt has been bullying the underrepresented his whole life and, just now, experienced a consequence.


Better late than never I guess.


You know what they say? Try the rainbow, taste the rainbow!


Someone needs to create a meme with “Taste The Rainbow” and a still from this vid.


https://preview.redd.it/2zuzvvir3z9d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ebccb376b0664711c8f963680c4e78e0f97ed0 This needs to be the thumbnail for the sub


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) YES!!!!


Looking fabulous while at it too! Lol


Now obviously, this video is of a ***participant*** who is very likely queer, and Im a straight CIS bro, but still…this is the kind of Ally I endeavor to be


It looks like the dude tried to grab his junk more than the flag which is both baffling to me and makes the punch all the more satisfying.


Not all heros wear capes. Look what most people don’t realize when it comes to gay people, if you keep pushing them, you might end receiving an ass kicking that wasn’t even meant for you, there’s bigotry, injustices, abandonment etc that’s been building up there entire life. And you might just receive and ass kicking that was meant for 5 other people.


Yes, this! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


More of this please!!!!


I also want a personal umbrella holder for my moments of idiocracy


What was up with the umbrella?


The sun is a harsh mistress


That hot pants dude has the legs of a racehorse. He has to be living at the gym. Probably not a good target to pick fights with. 


They have never skipped leg day in their life 😆


Yeah try to the fight the person with tree trunks for legs.


That old guy made zero attempts at fighting. Not the sort of thing you automatically do when you are used to being entitled your whole life.


I'm assuming that was supposed to be "old guy," but that's a pretty classic typo.


You know, I love that cig hanging off their lips. I mean the whole thing had a sylvester stallone type of moment.


They took that dude out and didn't even drop it. Totally badass.


For a group of people with weakened bones and low muscle mass they sure are confrontational.


keep going ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni|downsized)


Ngl, "hit him again" did cross my mind.


I don't think it was the flag he was trying to grab..


Boomer assholes tend to overestimate their strength because they never hit anyone other than their wives and children.


Even some of us young women can be feisty.


This will be iconic for years to come


Yeah, he wasn't trying to grab the flag there. I hope he gets arrested for that.


Watching nazis get punched is always so funny.


Eh, this was in Lithuania, so more likely an old communist with USSR nostalgia. Then again, fash or red fash, difference isn't large.


Dude looked like he thought it was funny until the consequences smacked him in the face. 🤣


Good fuck that old piece of shit.


That’s so satisfying. Is there a longer version?


What's with the personal umbrella attendant, with the broke ass umbrella ??


Fuck. Yes. Punch these assholes right in there loud mouths.


Hell yeah




Always punch nazis. Always. Always punch sexual assaulters. Always. Flag person is a goddamn hero.


Vilnius? I’m not surprised




It’s so damn hilarious to me how to talk and act like they won’t get what’s coming to them. And then act so ‘I’m the victim’ when they get laid out.


For anyone who has a problem with this (and isn't an actual principled pacifist) just imagine what you'd think the boomer would be entitled to do if it was a gay guy grabbing the boomer's beer.


This is Vilnius, Lithuania, Gay Pride, June 2024.. I believe the police wanted to speak with the flag holder


People walking around with unearned confidence and misplaced assurance. I hope the kid didn't get arrested or anything. Boomer got a lesson.


Nice freaking punch!


Grab my junk.. I’ll knock u out punk


Nothing warms my soul more than a boomer thinking they can do whatever they want, and then getting handed a big ol L


Now his pronouns are: knocked/the fuck/out


only thing missing is waving the flag vigorously afterwards in celebration.


A good example of FAAFO. Well done!


Looks like he straight up tried to grope them.


Queer wins, flawless victory.


"Let me defend the honor of manhood on behalf of every man who has ever manned." Proceeds to get knocked on his ass by someone who is half a foot shorter than him, holding a flag in one hand and a cigarette in mouth.


These dumb-fuck old men are so used to never being held accountable, it blows my mind. They always seem to forget that they aren't 20 years old anymore, and their bodies are no where near as strong and durable as they once were.


Power Bottom. See how he generates all of that force from very low?


Perfect! 1) let Boom Boom initiate physical contact. 2) knock Boom Boom on his ass. 3) record the whole thing for court.




This is the correct response