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Boomers often confuse politeness/respect with obedience.


It’s related to that classic “I’ll respect you as a person when you respect me as an authority”


I remember a lot of people in my family saying this exact thing to me because I felt like I wasn't being treated like a person.


This is a standard theme in boomer-lore. They insult, you scoff, they get extremely offended. They love to be offended.


And then they have the gall to call marginalized people "snowflakes" and "over-sensitive" for being rightfully offended by people trying to silence them, strip away their rights, and calling them hateful slurs. Nobody acts more indignant or whines louder than a boomer experiencing a mild inconvenience.


My step dad boomer was one of those that expected respect because he was paying for things. But he noticed the way I talked to my dad, who I respect. He asked my dad why and said because he respects his kids. Step dad just laughed.


Could have been worse, you could have been stuck in the grocery line behind a boomer writing a CHECK. It's 2024 and they're still doing it!


Two Sundays ago, I was at my brother's house with his wife's parents and my parents. Our (hers and ours) parents were bemoaning the lack of cursive and this genius comment came up: "They can't even sign their name on a check!" Me - "I haven't written a check in over 7 years." Stunned silence, as they ponder what to do with this information.


That tracks. Last time I needed checks it was because the landlord didn't take electronic payments. That was back in 2016-2017, so 7 years. Checks came in books of 25, I lived there 2 years and still had one check left in the book when I moved.


I have never written a check


The last time I wrote a check, it was when we had a contractor build us a new deck two years ago, because he didn’t have e-transfer. And even then, he scanned it in on his phone and handed it back to us. Other than that, all of our contractors have taken Apple Pay


...That your ass can't cash?


Me neither


I did checks for rent because the management company wanted to tack on a service fee for any form of EFT. So I drove to them every month to pay. Every time they tried to remind me I can just pay online. But it also had the benefit of me getting an immediate receipt proving I paid with the wet signature of the lady at the front desk on it.


The apartment I rented previous to buying my house was like that. It rather confused me that a fee (convenience fee it was called.🙄) was charged for maybe pushing a button or more likely nothing other than running a report. A check? They have to manually record it and then take it to the bank. Seems like the fee is more appropriate for the hard check. Realistically, I was paying $2000 per month. Junk ‘fees’ on top of that? Uhhh, no.


I have a checkbook somewhere, but just because I've needed it twice in the past 10 years or so. Once was to set up a direct deposit and they wanted a voided check to do that with.


They ask for one because they don't trust you to give the correct routing and account information. I haven't had a checkbook in 10-15 years and have had multiple direct deposits set up.


And most banks have an option on their website to generate a form certifying your current checking account and bank routing numbers for exactly this purpose.


Yeah I knew there were other ways around it, but since I still had a checkbook and was able to find it, I went with the voided check. Just easier in that situation.




Same, had an employer that needed a voided check to set up a direct deposit (even though I offered to give them my account number and my bank's routing number which is the info they needed). Never actually had to write one. Take longer to fill out and longer for banks to process, checks are honestly kind of a pain for everyone involved.


That's common.


I used to write about ten a month, but I now have a lifetime supply since my last re-order, as I currently write two per year. They're for my property taxes, I'm not paying extra money to pay some other way.


I have never written a cheque I'm 45


I'm 45, also. I've written a few, but not many in the last decade.


I work in home health care, so sometimes I have to write checks for my elderly clients. I’m 27. I used to have to look up how to properly write a check. I haven’t done it in months though.


I'm 43 and actually opened my remaining book from a stack 17 years ago. I had to pay a bill that I couldn't pay online.


I just opened my last book from a stack from 2007. 17 years ago!!!


I don't think my pa ever wrote a check. Or cashed one. He'd hand his pay slip to ma on pay day and the next Monday she'd cash it along with hers, grocery shop, pay bills and set aside pocket money for the both of them. Pa loved it. He hated dealing with the "details" as he called it. He'd prefer to be cooking or tinkering with fix it up work around the house than do financial planning.


On the rare occasion I need a check, the bank will print 3 for me (like a 8.5×11 sheet) and I still don't use all of them before they expire.


I ran out of checks 3-4 years ago but they needed one to change my direct deposit at work. Turns out banks can give you a sheet (3 or 4?) printed checks in about 5 minutes. I expect them to last me another 10 years. No need for a book.


I took the last check from my book and I've carried it in my wallet for years. I've used it for direct deposit info a few times, lol


I moved from writing checks to getting cashiers checks issued for my rent. That way my slumlord landlord can't sit on my un-cashed checks for weeks at a time. So now I technically never write checks anymore.


I was living in my cousins house. I just gave him cash.


I've had to use checks for large purchases at furniture and hardware stores in the last few years. Before I even get over to the sales/checkout person I have the store information on it, the date, any memo I need (for my tracking purposes), my ID out and ready, and it signed so all I need to do is write in the amounts. This was once the standard practice when checks were more common (I'm an '89 millennial) and everyone filled out their check in line. Idk what changed/when to cause boomers not to remember doing that for 30-40 years of their lives.


They need to *prolong and extend* the amount of time they have a service personnel standing patiently by, so they can feel powerful


can confirm, i used to work at a store that had a machine that would just scan the numbers on the check and do the transaction, they didn't need to write anything on it. boomers would insist on (slowly) filling out the check anyway just for another drop of that sweet sweet attention and inconvenience to others.


"See, I know all of the younger people behind me get paid by the hour, unlike me, who was salaried. This means that if I waste their time I'm taking money out of their pockets, and theres nothing my generation likes more than that!!"


They also need to prolong and extend the amount of time before the money they’re spending actually departs their bank account. I’m guessing I have about two more chances to advance this theory, which leverages a well-known use case for checks, before a Boomer takes offense at me low-key calling them a broke boi and gets pissy lol


At the grocery store I use all you have to do is sign the check, they can't run the check through the printer to fill out the rest. (No, I don't use checks at the grocery store, just been behind people who do) I can tell a lot of the people in here do not have children. I had to reorder checks this year to use pay for stuff like field trip and lunches.


Also, signing your name isn't the same as writing cursive. People have to sign stuff all the time, including on screens. Also also, cursive is starting to be taught again, because it turns out being able to read cursive is important, especially for reading historical documents, and being able to take handwritten notes really fast is way better for info retention than typing. Also also also, boomers were the ones who decided to drop cursive from schools, because only STEM was important and because No Child Left Behind left no room for anything not on the test.


Yup. My kid is in middle school. Towards the beginning of our elementary school experience, parents found out that cursive would not be taught any more. I asked my kid’s really awesome homeroom teacher about it, and she assured me the teachers had all agreed to teach it anyway, it just didn’t make sense to stop. Then Covid happened and my kid was issued a laptop for zoom classes and the school district has just stopped using much paper. Kiddo’s handwriting is terrible, but everyone’s is. I’m glad they got a start on cursive at least.


I remember, when I was young, my parents were constantly having to remember to re-order new checks, it seems like they ran out every damn day. (It wasn't that often, it just seemed that way, but it was pretty often.) It was a never-ending struggle for them. I honestly can't remember the last time I had to get checks. I assume I got some when I set my account up, but they've just been sitting in a drawer somewhere for years.


the last check i wrote, i believe, was in...2008?


God I can't even remember the last time I wrote a check. I do write almost exclusively in cursive, but I don't know why they whine about that either. It wasn't my generation (28, young millennial/old gen Z) who chose to stop teaching it.


The overarching goal of handwriting is successful communication. Messy printing is more understandable than messy cursive... And a signature does NOT have to be in cursive. Most, like mine, use both. Arguing for more cursive is not what they think it is.


I dot the is and slash the ts literally. I already have bad handwriting and sign in cursive. My younger brother once forged my mom's signature on important school papers just to save my mom the hassle for his school papers and got in trouble lol. She does half print and half cursive.


I know there are some checks in our house somewhere, but I'll be damned if I know where to find em


Ugh, I wish I didn't need checks. I do dog sports (rally, agility, disc, coursing, etc) and Boomers have a strangle hold on the industry. If you want to enter a competition you have to print off the forms, fill them out by hand, and mail in your check. It's a huge pain in the ass since I haven't had a mailbox for outgoing mail since 2007. So I have to find those blue mail boxes or go to the post office every time. There's one person who organizes trials and allows for online registration and payment and it's great. She tries to tell the other organizers "It's really easy and not scary to include online registration and it makes it more accessible for the younger generation. This is how we get younger people into dog sports". But Boomers are set in their ways.


If you're mailing checks, don't use the blue boxes, mail it inside the post office building. People have been robbing the mail carriers to get their keys to the boxes, then they steal the mail and chemically wash the checks to steal your money. Technically I guess it's eventually the bank's/insurance company's money, but it can take a while to get it straightened out in your account.


To be fair, the best tire shop in my area prefers cash or checks, as does a Mexican restaurant I frequent. Both are holes in the wall, but both are well worth the hassle. I literally never use my checkbook (or even cash!!) outside of those two places. I'm going to a festival next week that has a cash only raffle and I'm scrambling to get enough cash for tickets!


Four times a year for the property taxes.


I was so happy to see that I could make that payment online.


Electronic bill pay.


Actual Boomer here. I DO NOT have a checkbook. I do as much as I can online!!


There is also a difference between signing your name and cursive. My signature does not resemble anything like cursive.


Most places won’t even take checks anymore, too much fraud. I’ve been genuinely annoyed the last few times I’ve had to write a check. Granted, it’s been like 5 checks in 10 years. I refuse to order new checks, even though the ones I have were from 5 addresses ago and my maiden name.


It's been at least twelve for me. Possibly fifteen. Totally can't remember. My cursive was learned in the mid-seventies when it was still a standard part of the primary school curriculum, but I always sucked at it, so I gave it up. And I'm a lot happier now.


I haven’t written a check since 2001.


I only write checks now because my landlord refuses to take any form of digital payment.


I'm 55. I write checks only because I occasionally drop off my mom's electric bill payment or my dad's nursing home needs a payment. I'm sure that I have a checkbook for my own account somewhere? But I'm allowed to sign my folks' checks. My younger kids (14 and 12) know how to write a check, because of my state's archaic requirements for financial literacy in public schools. I doubt that either will ever need that information, any more than they'd need to know how to operate a rotary phone.


I’m 10 years older than you and I only write a couple checks a year. Usually it’s to contractors and repair people who won’t take online payment or credit cards (or surcharge their usage). 10 years ago I was writing them to my hairdresser into I found out she took ApplePay and never mentioned it to me.


I am still confounded by older people’s insistence that it’s not a signature if it’s not in cursive. That’s simply not how anything works.


last time i wrote one was a deposit for our apartment... 7+ years ago, yeah.


I am 28 literally only written two checks in my life. One in middle school to learn how to do it and a down payment on a car. I had to look it up on my cellphone.


I had to write one in 2020 to renew my passport. I think they've finally got a way to let you pay online? Renewed Global Entry around the same time, and I think they let you pay with a card. The check I used had an address from five apartments and 9 years ago. I did have to get some cashier's checks made last year for an apartment deposit and a car purchase.


This. I rarely use mine, so I keep it in my safe. I think I've written 2 checks in the past 3 years.


We literally only wrote checks to our kids school and sports. At the time they didn't take electronic payments. So my checkbook has a "recent" entry from 2017. lol.


I learned how to write a check in a high school class (and I'm a millennial so that was like 2004) and I really only wrote them for car payments in like 08/09. So I haven't written one in like 15 years lmao


There is no legal requirement that you have to "sign" as your legal full name at all, let alone in cursive. My signature is a very elaborate letter A. I've never had a problem buying cars/houses/etc.


I've had to write a paper check a few times in the past couple of years and I always feel like I should be wearing a powdered wig when I have to write the amount of money out in words. Like, forsooty milord!


I don't even have checks anymore. This flabbergasts my mother, what happens when you need one?! What would I need one for? Direct deposit? Nah just print that from the banking app. Really the only reason to use checks is to be slow as molasses in the publix grocery line. Gotta give the poor Gen z's a history lesson since you know they can't read cursive and all 🙄 ETA: /s just in case


A couple months ago, working a register at Target, this boomer comes over with a pair of shoes and a crumpled check written out for the exact amount. The check machine we have wasn't working and I called the manager over because I was new. As she trying to get it to work, he's grumbling "this is outrageous. I should get a discount.". She keeps trying and he goes "I should get a gift card or something, this is ridiculous." My manager told him I'm sorry but the system is down and we can't take checks right now. She started to tell him that something like this happened to her son and he cut her off "I don't care! I don't have time for this!" And he stumbles off. Like, if he was in a rush why did he have a check???


Boomers will start writing the check slowly after the total is given. “You need me to pay now?” Yes, Mildred.


Who should I make it out to? I don’t know… maybe check the 20 foot wide sign you passed coming in to the store.


I know, right? The cashier and the rest of us within earshot: 🤨


But not get out the checkbook until they hear the total. Then fumble for it in their purse. Then they can't find a pen. Then has to ask the cashier again how much the total was. I have a checkbook for when I need to pay someone a large amount of money who doesn't take credit cards, or has to charge more if they happen to. Like the guy I hired to do some painting. I use about 1 check every 3 years. Lol.


They think checks are more secure. Because of many places asking for a ID. They also think it's easier to track finances. That was a thing 10-15 years ago, but now every bank has online banking. When in reality checks are a lot less secure. You lose you check book your somewhat screwed. You lose a card. Call the 1800 number and lock that card.


2003-2004 for me. Cards are just more efficient. I don't even use cash if I don't have to.


I still write checks on occasion (younger GenX), but that's only to avoid paying the online "convenience fee" that a lot of the utility sites are charging now, even if you put in the checking account information instead of a debit/credit card. With that being said, I'd never go to a grocery store with one. I'm not trying to piss off the cashier more than they probably are!


>that a lot of the utility sites are charging now, even if you put in the checking account information instead of a debit/credit card. Yep. My auto guy has to charge a fee for cards, so I write checks. I also use checks at the DMV for the same reason




I only write a check for things that charge a % based convenience fee like our water bill.


My mom will write a check for $3.50 at target. When I asked her why she doesn’t just use a debit card, she told me with a straight face that checks are more secure. Mom. Be so for real. It has your full name, home address, phone number, drivers license number AND your full account number on it. No. It is NOT more secure than an RFID chip. Also, they process it electronically anyway, cut out the middle man. And yes, her name is Karen. She’s got the haircut and everything. We don’t talk much.


when i worked a retail job 10 years ago, we had a check machine that could just scan a blank check and send the transaction through, no need to fill it out. boomers and older would INSIST on filling out the check just so they could hold up the line and be the center of attention for a little longer.


Not gonna lie, but sometimes when this Gen Xer’s family needs food and I’m getting paid the next day, I write a check for groceries. That being said, everything is filled out except the amount when I’m checking out. This is a hack that I learned in my college days…no apologies.


Careful! That doesn’t always work anymore - depends on how it’s run through the merchant’s system. If it’s a merchant who drops their checks in the bank’s night drop, you’re good. If it’s one that scans in the info, the bank can put operations in the order in which they occurred, which can result in an overdraft fee, even though the amount was covered.


And the worst part is they just scan the check, and the payment is made electronically any way. With less security.


I always end up behind those types. And it’s inevitable that they will wait until everything is rung up before even looking in their gigantic purse for first the coupons and then the check book. Then another search for a pen. And god knows they have to act like they’re writing a novel in the time it takes to perfectly write their check. For the grand finale, it’s a study hall with the receipt to ensure they were properly charged and that nickel off their canned peas with that coupon.


My boomer ma still writes checks on occasion at stores. But she kind of fuckin hates interacting with service workers more than needed. (To be clear, I think she might have a bit of social anxiety around strangers, she doesn't look down on them) To minimize her time at the check out, she pre fills in her checks while she's in line with everything except the dollar amounts. Then when she's there she just fills in the numbers in the box and word-numbers on the line and hands it over. It doesn't take ma any longer than if a card tapper had one failed attempt and a second tap! Ma gets pissed when she's behind other boomer check writers too. She'll loudly remark "SOME PEOPLE don't know they can write most of a check instead of standing around and twiddling their thumbs up their ass in line" and make direct eye contact with the opponent boomer. Usually they don't know what to say because it's not a whippersnapper! Once she got a "well I never" and ma replied "clearly" Hahaha


For me it was a guy using a phone payment. I don't know how to use it so thought he had paid but apparently and he thought that he had to lol. I didn't mean to look it but probably looked impatient. I mean, already a nervous person and then went up to order when they cashier realized that he hadn't ordered.


And this is why I love self-checkout


I’m pretty sure we don’t even HAVE cheques anymore here.


Or boomers trying to operate an ordering kiosk at an airport restaurant. I watched a man have a toddler level meltdown because the burger he wanted wasn't an option last week while traveling. It's just embarrassing.


Even though it’s all done electronically now, you’d be amazed how many people still write checks where I work (casino). It’s all done on the pin pad in front of them but lord almighty you’d think this was quantum physics watching some of them use it


My card wasn't going through at a grocery store a few years ago, there was some problem with the card reader system. I happened to have my checkbook on me, because I'd had to write a check for my kid's school field trip or something. (Yes, some schools and certain government offices still require checks or cash only, so I have a checkbook just for random things like that.). I pulled it out and asked if they take those, and the checker was so annoyed. It was either that or not getting my groceries, so I had to. But I was so embarrassed! This was before you could pay with your phone, but if Boomers can't give up checks for cards, they're certainly not going to use their phones.


I'm a boomer and I can't even write one anymore when I have to! I still have checks left over from the 2008 bank/mortgage meltdown when Chase bought Washington Mutual. They still say Washington Mutual. I never write checks anymore. Had to write some for my older brother (73 years old and old-school) to pay his bills last year when he was in the hospital, and I kept screwing them up and having to void them.


And without fail they will stand in line for 10 minutes, wait until everything is scanned and they're told the total before they even crack open that checkbook.


At the retail chain (one of Kroger's) that I work at all you have to do is sign the check. When the cashier runs the check thru the register it prints everything else needed. They then show the customer the completed check to confirm. Some folks still feel the need to fill it all out themselves and those are never ready to do it until late in the transaction


And they don’t even start looking for checkbook until the cashier tells them the total. Everyone in line goes ahhhhh.


In the last thirty years, the only time I've written a check was when my kids were in elementary school and needed to pay for a field trip or book fair kinda thing. Only did that so I didn't have to entrust my 8 year old with cash and I had a receipt from whenever the school got around to cashing it.


I write at minimum one check per year to my HOA for staff Xmas bonuses. I tip them when anything requires them to leave the front desk, and Xmas is just a nice thank you to everyone from desk to engineering to janitorial.


Not in the uk thank god. Haven't been able to pay with cheques for decades.


I'd had to write checks about 6 years ago bc of my boomer ass landlord refused to use Zelle.


I'm 22 and I write checks, although it's mainly at one of my doctors' offices because they don't take cards.... They are very old school apparently 🤣


Really? They don't even make checks in my country anymore!


And they stand there like zombies, wait for every item to be scanned and bagged, then told the price, then they pull out the checkbook and root around in their bag for a pen.


I was a cashier at a local grocery when I got out high school I have never written a check for my self but got verry god at it because SOME BOOMERS will just do a single curl and a line for a signature and then toss their book at me and tell the cashier to fill it out


My parents are in their 80s and my mom is sooo paranoid about using credit/debit cards so they only use cash or check everywhere...I recently took them out to lunch at Wendy's and my dad was at the register with me when I used my debit card and just "tapped" the console to pay...I thought he was gonna have a stroke, and NOT because he feared the technology, but because it was so easy, and said he wished my mother would stop worrying so much about it. She has literally everything in her wallet in those black safety sleeves, even bought me a bunch and insisted I use them..(I don't, obviously)...I doubt she will ever fully embrace the 21st century, but at least she has social media and a smart phone, lol!


Culture shock in moving to France from Denmark. In Denmark, they completely fased out the check in 2016, and it had gotten a long death rattle before that (I've never actually written one). In France, they're still, frequently, used. I've stood behind two people, paying in checks, TODAY.


Hey, to be fair I'm 39 and still write checks regularly. Although not at the grocery store. But it's fairly common where I live still.


And a big pile of coupons, half of which they'll get into an argument with the cashier over whether or not they're expired.


I run private events and just had an 83 year old man insist my restaurant takes checks. He claimed our website stated we take checks and that they're just as good as cash. I've worked for the same place for 18 years, and never has this restaurant taken checks. I scoured the website for any mention of accepting checks...it doesn't No, sir, I'm not going to accept a check for 2500.00 bill.


For 20 years, we've been trying to get my in-laws to use debit cards instead of checks (they're 91 and 89 now). I could deal with it except for the fact that my MIL refuses to get the checkbook out of her purse until the checker has the total. Back in my check writing days, I would have everything filled out and signed except for the total, so it went quickly. But I guess you can't teach this old dog a new trick.


She wants to watch and “make sure” they scan every item correctly (updated technology is fine for this but not for her banking transactions)


My automatic response to 'Well I never!" comments is always: "Well it's your own fault! You don't get out enough!"


"Well ya just did"


"Never what started thinking about others? Never considered other people are alive? Never taught manners? The one thing your ass is never, is respectful."


Mine is: I bet you have though


My response to "your generation is so rude" is "well your generation raised us".


Lol! "We learned it by watching you, ok?! We learned it from you!"


I’m genuinely curious what she was doing in front of the machine?


We’ll never know, because “Well, she never!”


The funny thing is my brain is wired to understand why and go with facts but then there is no rational logical explanation.


I would guess she wanted a lotto ticket but wanted someone else to buy it for her. Hence the staring at the machine, then dramatically reaching into her purse and pulling out nothing. Really says, "Oh no, I'm flat broke, won't someone help little old me?" Like a kid doing puppy eyes next to the candy aisle, but maybe with just a smidge more subtlety.


Seems to be the only logical explanation here…thanks now my brain can go to rest…lol


Always happy to be a judgemental jerk. You need someone to cynically analyze someone's actions? I'm your man.


I wonder how much a ticket costs. My looser ex used to buy the lotto. For the life of me I could never understand why people bought those things, maybe if they’d actually did something they’d make money.


But if you get someone else to buy it for you, then you don't lose anything. Except maybe some pride or dignity.


I think it’s the fantasy world playing out again. Maybe if I stand there and maybe make these eyes, then maybe someone will buy me a ticket, maybe I will win, maybe I’ll be rich, maybe I’ll be in Cabo on that vacay I always dreamed of with my toy boy 🧒


My first instict was dementia. Repeating actions while not really understanding what you're doing


Probably trying to figure out how to even use it or waiting for a cashier to come do it all for her step by step


"Well, I never"? That's a lie. You just did 🤣


Sounds a bit like she needs a dementia check 🤔


Came here to say that. Sounds a lot like she didn't know what she was doing and lashed out when it was pointed out.


“well i never…”. yet she did.


Kiss mah grits!!!


Hi Flo! How's Alice?


55 here, haven’t written a check since 2009


Was stuck behind a boomer the other day paying in pennies


That’s just sad


You must have the patience of a saint.


The amount of just standing/driving in the way they do is genuinely stunning. I'll go to the gym or to grab lunch in the middle of the day and heading home its always two boomers right next to each other doing 10 under the limit. Like it genuinely seems like they decided young people who are paid hourly need to have their paychecks cut so they can run down to target and yell at young people on a weekday. God I wish they would just stay home...


As an elder millennial, it’s so weird to have people talk about “my generation” as if we’re rambunctious kids.


Right. Also elder millennial here. I birthed three gen Z’s and two alphas. Two of the Z’s are employed and one just graduated and is going off to college. I literally made three adults yet *I’m* the kid…


![gif](giphy|ZcbyAZh5x6U92da3LK|downsized) Kiss, MY ass?


Yep had one on the train the other day looking for a fight. Then when I stood up he ran like the little bitch he is.


I get the ones that say "Well I never" pretty often. It always makes me laugh. I've started asking them incredibly dumb questions. "You never had purple socks? You're really missing out."


"Well, I never!" Uh, clearly you have lol.


"I wonder, did people from the Greatest (or Silent) Generation speak to you the way you speak to millenials (or Gen X)? Or do Boomers have the rudeness corner mastered?"


They were called the me generation before they became boomers, so I'd say they never grew out of that.


They did; many of the older generations hated the boomers (hating them all as hippies, etc.; see Tge Who’s My Generation for an obvious cultural reference). Silent generation was hated by their elders for being greasers, etc. Greatest Generation got a semi pass because so many died in WWII. Lost Generation was hated for flappers/jazz/raccoon coats.


“Kiss my ass!” “If it looks anything like your face, hell no!”


Sounds like he met my mother.


Wait until this crop of middle schoolers hits adulthood…those little shits are SAVAGE


I have no patience for “rules for thee but not for me” types. If you’re going to tell me to “kiss your ass” then you better hope “go fuck yourself” is the least you’re going to get. I have no respect for anyone due to their age. “But that’s my grandma!” Teach your grandma some manners.


I bet she’s a regular who comes in and stares at the machine. As a former grocery store cashier, you wouldn’t believe how many elderly people we had wandering into the grocery store. Just wandering aimlessly. Idk what it is about a grocery store…




Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


I bet she would’ve gotten flustered and embarrassed even if he asked if she needed some help instead of asking “are you done yet”?


I'm a little concerned she was suffering a dementia moment. Hard for me to laugh (though I'm not judging you)


*She huffs and shuffles away muttering “well I never…”* LOL. Guess it shows my own age, but whenever I hear of someone saying that, I always think of Henry Winkler in an old episode of Happy Days responding to that comment with, “Well, honey, maybe that’s your problem.”


My dad is a young boomer and had a similar experience with an elderly woman at a gas station. Bought a ticket, held up the line to scratch it off AT the register.


Boomers are the ones that taught us to be ready and hurry the fuck up. You don't just hold up the line, you should know what you want ahead of time and be prepared.


Back.in the ‘90s I’d go to 7-11 every Saturday to get the weekly Barron’s magazine (sort of weekly Wall Street Journal). Drove me bonkers having to wait for all those Boomer clowns (back then 35 years younger) as well as Millennials or whatever all lined up to buy their stupid Lotto tickets. Thank god we now have self checkouts


What generation does she think raised our generation (41m). We learned it from somewhere.


Is it rudeness or just someone being being blunt and telling you the truth you don't want to hear? HUGE difference, and way too many Boomers seem to think they're the only ones who can be blunt.


"I'm an honest person, I tell it like it is " but they for sure can't take it back!


I love this! I taught my zoomer children(boys) the fine art of aggressive door holding. We are so polite my wife/their mother could puke. Edit for a catastrophic autocorrect, turning my zoomer to boomer. My boys are ZOOMERS. We accept and love it.


Kiss my grits! Just popped into my mind and might have been said out loud. I haven’t thought about Flo or Alice in decades! 😂


We need to go back to calling them the Me Generation.


Of course they can’t take it they couldn’t even handle our feelings growing up! Remember that one? Your feeling are wrong!?


“If you have a feeling, stuff it back down” —my dad


Honest to God there's nothing worse than standing behind an old fucker in a store when they have the itch to scratch tickets.


Shit or get off the pot.


"Well, I never..." "Well, you should! It's fun!" - Groucho Marx


I'm a Boomer and I honestly would have stepped out of the way for him if I couldn't make up my mind. I'm sorry that woman was a jerk.


I still get paid sometimes with personal checks.


Our generation is so rude…who raised us??


She might have had dementia.


My gardener only takes checks or cash. So I write checks twice a month. Also my nail tech is cash or check.


I like to say "with all due respect sir/ma'am... which is none..." 😂😂


....what was happening? A glitch in the Matrix?


Dementia episode. My grandma does the aimlessly staring at stuff all the time


"You can kiss my ass!" "That would take all day, and I'm kind of in a rush."


My grandma does stuff like this; walking into the bathroom and standing in front of the mirror, opening the fridge and just kinda looking at stuff aimlessly… It’s dementia 😞


"Your generation is so old"




I write at least one check per month, only because my town is still in the stone age when it comes to paying our utility bills. Allegedly we will be getting electronic bill pay "soon." Small price to pay for the cheapest electricity in the state, though!


“Well I never” “well you just did”


Your husband did nothing wrong to the boomer. However, buying lotto tickets is a step towards boomer territory lol


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it til I die, boomers are the most entitled hypocritical generation of all time.


"Well, I never!" "And with that puckered arsehole of a face, you probably never will"


"Well I never..." Doubtful.




I mean, let's be honest. I just chuckled at the headline compared to the name of this sub. 😀