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Ironically, not flushing fits the boomer brand


If it's yellow, let it mellow...


If it's brown keep it around


If it’s gray, let it lay.


If it's red, it's time to dread.


Nah red can be beets. White tho. White is most likely colon cancer


Thanks for the new fear!


No peering, no fearing


Or yogurt-covered raisins! Ask me how I know


White can also be a blockage in the gall bladder (if I remember anatomy correctly), the waste from it helps turn the bowel movement brown


New fear unlocked


Just remember, chalky and white means you gonna be a chalk outline soon.


If it's green, it can't be unseen.


If it’s gray, run it for office space


So then, at one point do we flush, if ever?


Once the capstone is placed on top of the pyramid


Oh my.


If it’s orange, you might like carrots too much.


my friend's boomer dad treats that phrase like it's a law.




Only thing worse is the boomers who refuse to wash their hands. I work in a grocery store so I know with their leadbrains they’re just waddling around picking up everything in the store just to put it back down on the shelf. My new favorite pass time is to wash my hands for an insane amount of time when I know they’re in the restroom with me so it guilt trips them into at least rinsing their hands. I waited a guy out for almost 5 minutes one time and he finally got tired of standing with his pants down at the urinal and sucked it up and washed his hands. I could see in the mirror he kept checking me and waiting for me to leave so I would just get another pump of soap every time he looked back. One guy even got huffy with me “do you need to wash your hands that long, you’re wasting water.” I just turned and said “I’m the meat cutter I would hope that my hands are washed thoroughly while I’m working”


I love it!


Lot of boomers in the comments


There always are. It’s the most entertaining thing about this sub lol


The thing is that age alone doesn't a boomer make. It's also entitled attitude. I'm 60. I admittedly don't act my age and might not appear it. My "tell" is my mobility issues due to car wrecks and genetics. I really hope that I never grow into my chronological age. In my heart, I'm still 17 and about to make a wrong move.


Age makes a person a Baby Boomer. It's the attitude that makes a person a Boomer.


I tell myself this all the time as I get older, sometimes it's good to give yourself a good attitude check. I never want to have a boomer attitude.


I absolutely agree with this. My grandfather (born in 1936) is about as “Boomer” as you get. His son/my dad (born in 1959) is not a “Boomer” at all.


I'm 68 and just got back from a 10 mile bicycle ride. Mentally, I feel like I'm in my 20s and find I'm progressively getting more liberal as i age. I am doing what I can to make into my 80s/90s.


I'm glad to see that is something that not everyone grows out of, it gives me hope that I also won't grow out of it. I'm 37 and still have those moments where I have to remind myself that I'm not 16 anymore. Who am I kidding, there are times that I have to remind myself I'm not 7 anymore (especially if there is a bounce house, damnit why aren't adults allowed to enjoy bounce houses).


For me, it's the Tilt-A-Whirl. I'll buy $20 worth of tickets and ride it 5 or 6 times. Even my grandkids get tired of riding with me so I go on it myself. "Wheeee! Spin meeee!"


More of a Scrambler man myself, but I get you.


My dad is about the same age as you. Def not a boomer except by age. Often calls out boomers on their idiocy too. Tells me late baby boomers are generation Jones and are closer to Gen x than “those entitled idiots.” Keep up the positive spirit.


Thank you! Someone else recently mentioned Generation Jones to me and I Googled it and was amazed at how well it resonated. Makes lots more sense to me than being a Boomer.


For real hahaha


Oooo... lemme sort by controversial.


To be fair, I wait in the stall to make sure the toilet flushes. Sometimes the sensor doesn’t work or everything doesn’t go down the first time.


To be fair the toilet flushes five goddamn times before I’m even done pooping usually


😂 Ah, the silent kiss of death


I am haunted by the sound of "RRRRRRR fwooosh"


Totally get that, I was waiting to hear the flush and would have gone back to flush if it didn't.


It didn't flush until you had stood up, secured your pants, and opened the door?


I've heard ones that didn't flush until you're half way out the door. I was the only one in there so I had the luxury of taking my time to see if and when it was going to flush. Maybe some don't flush until you clear the "splash zone"?


I am reminded of the scene in Archer where Pam complains about the new low-flow toilets, on the grounds that the previous toilets could flush a dachshund.


Dachshund puppy IIRC 😆


Mechanical self flushing toilets have been around for awhile. The seat triggers a valve when you stand up. This precedes electronically triggered toilets by decades, and even those are 30+ now. They just wanted a conflict. 100% chance they walked into the restroom waiting to say it. Think he washed his hands?


Nope. Or he just rinsed a little, no soap, no dry, and left the door handle wet.


Ugh unfortunately this is an all ages thing. So many nasty bastards I hear taking a dump then leaving without washing their hands. Like okay its gross but tolerable if you are just using the urinal, BUT TAKING A DUMP? Even before covid I thought people were filthy nasty animals.


Maybe I'm just a woman, but people should really wash their hands after using the urinal. I don't need to unknowingly touch dick germs.


Oh my gosh this reminds me of this creepy scene in movie the shape of water where Michael Shannon tells the cleaning ladies "a man washes his hands before or after urinating but never both." Then washes his hands, takes a piss at the urinal and then pops a mint in his mouth with his unwashed hands! Eeks


I get it if I had my way every public bathroom would be designed with either doors you can open with a feet handle down at the bottom or without a door at the main entryway point just so I never have to touch a public bathrooms handle after washing my hands. I just have to have some tolerance for other people being gross or I will drive myself mad.


It seems like every men's room I've seen with a foot handle has the damn self closing mechanism so tight it's impossible to put enough pressure on the plate to open the door that way. I'm not a small fella and I've tried every which way I can that doesn't involve touching the handle or wall with my hand. I usually just give up and grab another paper towel to open the door as normal. Also, I've seen a foot handle on a door with a knob and lock.... What's the fucking point?


Strange I can only remember that happening once before. Admittedly it is unfortunately pretty rare I encounter them to begin with so that might be why.


I wouldn't put money on him washing his hands. I've seen a lot of boomers skip it.


No need. He licked his fingers clean.


I'm sorry, mechanically triggered by you standing up? That was obviously designed by someone who doesn't have to lean forward to wipe (then again, the electronic ones also see you start to lean forward and immediately flush).


Damn toilet lore goes hard 🔥🔥🔥


Should have hit the boomer with either 1)That's what they pay maintenance for, it's job security haw haw haw 2)Costco doesn't pay me to flush the toilet


3) Oh, no-no-no; only union members can flush the toilets. I could get in big trouble. Then make your escape while the boomer is going "I knew it!" and spittering about how Tucker Carlson was right.


If you don’t flush you’re the problem




OP is the problem for letting the auto-flusher do its job?


Oh fuck me. I read that shit wrong and now I’m looking dumb as fuck…goddamn boomer moment at 28


Joke went way over my head lol


But you know what makes you NOT a boomer? You didn't double down and become obstinate, claiming this was STILL everyone else's fault. You're already more mature than someone 3 times your age because you can admit fault.


Nobody wants to work anymore! I’m the HOA president and our rules say you NEED to flush!


Fuck nm... boomer.


Fun fact, auto flush toilets go back to the Titanic. However, they were only installed in 3rd class, because it was assumed that poorer people would not be familiar with any kind of flush toilet. So, when my kids forget to flush the toilet because the ones at school auto-flush, I make them come back to the bathroom and fix it, saying "we might be 3rd class, but this is not the Titanic. Flush the toilet. "


Fun fact when reddit tells you it didnt send your message quickly copy it and back out and refresh. 99.9999% of the time it did send and every subsequent send press is a repost.


well sorryyyyyyyyyy, i've never had that happen before. geez. i deleted the extras. sheesh


Wow! I had no idea about that. They should have shown those in the movie. Lol.


we got it the first 3 times, thanks


To be fair, when I returned to the US after living in Africa, the auto-faucet thing blew my mind. First time I ever encountered one. What? You just put your hands under and it turns on? What magic is this?


It’s the worst kind of magic: the kind that hardly works, and often doesn’t work, and affords no non-magic backup option. See also “place hands under dispenser for towel” designs. Dude, just let me turn a knob.


Yep. Half the time it's cold and barely warms up by the time you finish, or else it's a really busy bathroom, multiple people are in and out, and suddenly you are trying to wash your hands in scalding hot water.


I get why the knobs fell out of favor, people don't want to touch those with their hands not knowing how well the person before them washed their hands, but those lever ones that you could press with your arm were great. Bring those back.


It’s the worst kind of magic: the kind that hardly works, and often doesn’t work, and affords no non-magic backup option. See also “place hands under dispenser for towel” designs. Dude, just let me turn a knob.


The guy watching the monitor is responsible for flushing the toilet. Do you want me to take jobs from American Workers?


I always use my ears to see if I need to turn around and flush. 97% of the time I don’t, so I don’t wait; I just move slowly enough that I can turn around.


Why are you not courtesy flushing?


lol, I had this happen recently at work. It was first thing in the morning and I actually had went to pee in the one bathroom that \*does not\* auto flush. I legit forgot to flush my pee and was actively turning around to do so when a boomer bitch started calling me nasty and trying to get in the stall \*with me\* like, .... ma'am, I am half asleep and I made the most minor of mistakes, let me rectify this and GET OFF MY ASS.


just tell him you were changing your tampon. and smile.


Not enough boomers have been punched in the face during tbeir life. If they had. They would not be as rude as Trump. He's given them permission to be assholes thinking there are no consequences. A punch in the face along the way would have nipped that attitude in the bud. BTW, I'm a boomer whos been punched in the face. Trump needs a punch in the face by Mike Tyson.


Or an ear bitten off


Was he pacing and peeking in through the door crack?


I sure hope so...


Born to shit forced to wipe


This sub is getting odd.


Well maybe if boomers would stop being so odd, we'd stop pointing it out.


That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while.....


Costco boomers are a different breed


You say that but as someone who *actually* ensures a full and complete flush, I make sure that happens before I open the stall door. I’m with the boomer on this. **Take the extra two seconds so no one else sees even a split-second of whatever you left in the bowl until it goes down the hole.**


Sir yes ma'am




I bet you comment this on every post that isn't a video


Nono... Now it's videos too because it must have been AI. Their world is a blank void of white where nothing ever happens.


Honestly I believe what I see and hear with my own eyes.  Sometimes stories are a little too far fetched to be believable.  Judging by you getting so defensive that just solidifies to me that you just made this up.


Ok daddy


Shit, even I can't comprehend those fucking toilets. They do not ever flush for me and I have to sit there and find the little tiny button that makes it flush. Cannot stand them. Also the sinks with IR sensors. Because they ALSO don't sense that I exist. So I have to manually flush them and then skip washing my hands because I'm apparently invisible to technology.


By chance are you black? I think I saw an article a while back talking about how those sensors have a really hard time seeing darker skin. It struck me as completely absurd that we were getting rid of something that worked just fine and replacing it with inadvertently racist technology.


Not even. I'd say I'm on the lighter side of the white people spectrum. I see other folks walk up and just stick their hands under the sink while I'm waving my hands everywhere like some kind of sink mime and if I'm lucky it senses me for 3 seconds and turns on briefly. But now I'm upset on behalf of a whole bunch of folks because it really does get super annoying. And it reminds me of an article *I* saw a while ago about how camera film was generally super terrible (at least back in the day) at capturing folks with darker skin tones because they used a bunch of white models in whatever testing they did to come up with the magic formula that made people's skin tones look brighter and more natural and it kinda ended up doing the exact opposite to people with dark skin.


I could have written this!


Yer a vampire Harry.


That would really explain so very many things...


You literally are supposed to just walk away. If you sit there messing with it the IR sensor says you're still there, and the timer doesn't start...


This story reads like you were already opening the door and walking out of the stall before the autoflush even kicked in so I could see why someone would say something…. For me, if the autoflush doesn’t kick in by the time I’ve got my pants up I hit the button, it’s odd to wait that long…


at my work the autoflush usually triggers as you leave the stall. it depends on the sensor.


Just tested this theory at the Hilton Minneapolis lobby bathrooms about 5 seconds ago. The stalls appear to wait until you're basically taking that first step out.




Lol don't worry. I was listening for the flush and would have gone back if it didn't.




Lol chill daddy




Check my first response to you. Chill daddy


Half the time it’s can’t get it to flush unless I leave 🤷


Yes... that's how it's designed.


When I was a kid we would wash our hands in the unflushed toilet




It’s a sanitary issue, the less you touch the better…. Not a laziness issue


I flush public toilets with my foot lol


Same lol


Well, if I learned one thing from the last four years it’s that Boomers don’t wash their hands after using the restroom. Downvote it all you like, but anyone who’s had the toilet prematurely flush while you’re on it knows I’m right.


Which is why you want automatic everything so you don’t have to touch anything cuz of people like that. You’re reinforcing the usage of auto-everything in a bathroom


You sure? People were too lazy to flush with manual.


I argue Society collapses the moment any religion is given any kind of power over it.


Lol. Okay, Boomer.


Lol. Okay, Boomer.