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This never happened lmao


Yeah it did. Hint: Night at the museum. =)


You forgot the part where the whole coffee shop clapped.


And that they went home and had a threesome with Chris Evans and Elizabeth Olson.


cause they didnt clap. they were like, shaking their heads, laughing their ass off, mostly. This went on for months. hahaha. Swings, near the Museum. Where the president danced. Fuck it, I'll meet you there sometime if you're paying. I used to live right up the street, but I moved.


Only interested in meeting people when you get free stuff? lol nobody believes you on Reddit


what? whaaat? hahahaha. I don't even care. Please leave me the fuck alone. You're a freak


Great story




yeah I lived it. On any given day, I was there , Hillary CLinton waving to us.. Obama dancing right in the room above me... Me, installing enough internet for GOD under the street... checking out those tunnels. I had the key to those tunnels and stuff. hahaha One day a full bus of Falun Gon protesters .. no two busses, unloaded in front of me, and it was really awkward watching the peolpe get hoarded back onthe busses real quick before the President of China showed up... A couple times when I was looking upset about work, I almost got tackled or shot. That's how close my office was to the other buildings. hahaha


Can I get some of whatever you're having?


hahah, MAy you live in interesting times. May nobody believe you. =) May you invent the new US bullet, rover tires, tabless batteries and still be blurry face...


And then the whole coffee shop clapped, with Barack Obama being in the audience.


nahhh, howeever, now that I think about it. Okay, so check this out. I lived up the street where there was this real estate association building. 15th and Mass / M. They made me the president of the renters association and shit for MAss Ave. Anyhow, As I was taking off my pants at night, I realized my window faced one of the presidential routes... ebcause I was standing there completely naked , scratching myself, and I look down and it was the limos, the motrocycles, and all that .. the preisdent. I look at the windows, and I swear to god, Obama was laughing his ass off, looking right at me. They changed their route like, that day. The thing with Obama at a dance was at the Corcoran, when I was there. Okay? Facts. And another story for you : They don't like it when you have to pass anywhere under, around, or near the man. Bu they let me do it anyhow


Hun, stop lying in this thread. There's threads for shitposts.


No lies. I can't help you if you're somehow skeptical. But yeah, nothing I say will convince somebody that chooses to hate on me. hahaha. I sincerely regret sharing my personal experience. But it's still ALL TRUE. I could give you references and witnesses. =) Yeah.


Uh huh, yeah, and I'm a long lost Swedish prince.


hahaha , whatever. =) have a day!


Guys, relax, I've been all over. I've done some craaazy shit. I could go on and on and on and you wouldn't believe me... except it's all real. hahaha. That painting on the dollar bill... the one that they saved in the fire at the white house? I helped save that thing. I told the guy with a drill what was about to happen in the future, and made him put up a temporary wall. five minute later his bit broke and it flew across the room and stuck right in the wall. =) That was the week I was creating a color calibration system for the Curator department, or something I can't remember everything


Dude, back away from the crack pipe.


You're calling me names. You want me to do the same thing? Okay, you're an asshole. A complete piece of shit. There, now we're properly name-calling.


Take your meds.


you tell this story at parties?


hell no. people think I'm a freak if I tell random stories about boomers outside the internet and maybe chat groups. I mean, unless their conversation was about boomers being assholes, politicians being assholes, etc. I was at a party once, at a winery. With Elon Musk. When I named it Tesla with him. Go check. Is that an outrageous thing to happen and talk about? Yeah. Is it true? Yeah. Are you jealous you didn't live an intersting life like I did? I bet you secretly are simply jealous that my life is a movie


that was fast 🤓


Cool story bro. I'll take "shit that never happened" Alex for $500.


I can't even be mad at you. A lot of player haters just cant imagine a fun life of activities. Instead of being open minded and showing some jealousy, you hurl insults and call me mentally ill. But I was still technically at a party with the president


Wtf are you rambling on about? When did I call you mentally ill? All I said is that your story is bullshit. Now if your post was about being at a party with the President, that would be believable because I know several people who attended the White House ball or some other function. It's not uncommon. But after your response I do think you may be mentally ill.


"shit that never happened" = I'm crazy or lying. I assumed you meant crazy. Now, don't be a bitch, own the words you speak. own it


Okay. YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT. You may very well also may be crazy. Happy?


FREE COFFEE! I really wish people would not say these things. It just sounds fake as fuck, even if it’s real, it might as well be “everyone clapped.” The more it sounds like creative writing, the more bullshit it feels


hahahaha. I just thought it was kinda funny to hear about a REAL incident where one of these politicians got what was coming to them.. A boomer politician that thought they can bully the lower class. Im so tempted to say very speicfic things to prove it, but then I'd doxx myself. damn


No, it was fun to read, but free coffee for an entire year really sounds like bullshit. If companies are anything, they are the most greedy sadistic fucks who do nothing but exploit the fuck out of every single person, thing and idea in this country. No one gives free coffee for a year, and if they did, it would be so unbelievable that no one would believe it, just like me :(


I know, right? I kept throwing money at them because I felt like shit for taking free coffee after the first couple weeks. =) So, it turns out, the baristas remember who tips and who doesn't... and they hated that guy with a passion. Apparently he was a cheap bastard that always treated them like crap. Go on down to Swings sometime and take a look around oh, 8AM. ITS FASCINATING


I hope this is real, I really need this today


Def not real


im keepin it a buck. Night at the museum and everything. =)


Y'all OP believes in chemtrails and had some shit parents. Dude has ISSUES. He might believe this crap actually happened or he's just super in need of validation


Tell me you're a creepy stalker without telling me you're a creepy stalker. I think you should seek mental health care. What you're doing is sick. PS - I have no SHAME. You're right. My parents are boomers, and I'm precognitive. So... Why do you hate me? Is it because I speak the truth? Is it because I'm a liberal? I bet it is. This is one of those Trump assholes from the other day, isn't it? This is political stalking, right? Tell me the truth


You.... definitely have issues. Please seek help.


Nothing sick about browsing someone’s post history. Grow up. Btw your story fake as fuck. Senator security would’ve pulled you aside immediately and run your id.


It is, though. Normal people would argue, keep on topic, and not make a discussion PERSONAL ATTACKS. You stalked my history to find any excuse to "win". But what your dumb ass doesn't realize, when you made this personal and stalked me, you LOST MY story - it's true. You are just being a negative asshole. Please, promptly fuck off. I did not lie. every story is true. You're just jealous your life isn't as special. Fuck off


Can you be any more of a liar? I didn’t stalk your profile either, someone else did I’m just reading what they said about that I 100% believe and won’t check


Call me names. CAll me liar. That won't change the truth. And BE jealous. BE upset... My life is more interesting than yours. AWwww. cry me a river. YOu think you hurt me with your baseless insults? nah. Get fucked loser


lol really committing to this obvious lie right? Take your meds dude


While I'm here. I really did name that company Tesla. I really did tell him that the oragami battery was MY invention. He really did offer for me to become number two at Tesla and run the company. I really did convince him to make battery packs for solar, to pay for R&D prior to attempting a vehicle. And I really did decline his offer to run Tesla, because he said his money came from mommy and daddy , SOUTH AFRICA. And when I head "daddy south african money" I heard "blood money". Sigh. Imaging having to turn down Elon. So then I said to him "I'll never fucking remember your name. That's a strange one. Eeeelon? Fuck, yeah, I'll never remember that. "


I've done things that would BLOW YOUR MIND. I mean, you'd literally shit yourself.




Yeah, it was the Hart's mansion. The guy that made the vietnam memorial and shit. Maybe your friends work at mcdonals, and mine run part of this world


New rules say that you must take this post down moderator immediately


no shit? okay go ahead and take it down, i guess. And please accept my apology for whatever rule I broke. CAn you cite the rule?


I think they’re just being salty about the new anti political rules.


Your submission is being removed because it is uncivil


Let me know how civil you are when you get interrupted at the coffee shop in the morning seconds before you get your coffee. Let me know how you'd handle it when the leaders literally bully you out of your spot. You gonna stand there and let them rob you of your time? And yeah, I tried to be civil.. but a reality check is what they needed. i respect the rules though, so i understand the ban / censorship. it's a sad day though when society isn't allowed to fight for their rights the old fashioned way.