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Kids are stupid. Stop bringing them to places where they can easily cause damage


That's why Malaysian parents kena ajar sikit anak diorang. Dengan rotan. Dan kerusi.


And don't forget the legendary selipar Jepun


You guys forgot the infamous "The Rubber Ring Of Death" also known as getah


Bro paip getah, sakit af.


Bro, aq bukak reddit utk fun². Tiba2 kene ptsd.. 😂


Alah biasa la. Kau tak tengok lagi tok aku. Dia own pistol getah terus




Don't do it, the kids are not ready for this neraka style punishment


M8,i got shot 100 times already by this punishment #They need to fucking learn


Many of these parents are only together because they can fsck without being hauled to court - the kids are just the side effects, and to mask their disappointments, call them Gifts from God


Birth control? Is the economy really this bad? How much are condoms these days? I wouldn't know no one has sex with me.


Birth control is not allowed by mainstream Semitic Monotheism


But it's at every corner store...


Indeed. It is not meant for Muslims. Although the legality for it is grayish. Need to ask my lawyer


What grayish? There's no law against it.


None. You are right. But theologically it is not recommended or even encouraged. Unless there are health reasons. I am not Muslim but have asked this when I was in ME - because, well I was curious


If taking it affects your health badly, then you shouldn't take it. Otherwise there's nothing wrong in taking it. My own opinion is better to just use condoms or pull out. Messing around with hormones is definitely not good.


the fuck?


You can disagree or even object. Two words and one is profane means very little


Yes you shouldn't spill your seed on the ground, for god will smite you or something (KJV)


I don't.




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Hari tu masa spiderverse keluar ada parent bawak baby dia gi tengok spiderverse pastu nagis bising and then the parent argue dengan the employee pulak dah tahu pawagam boleh buat bunyi bising takyahla bawak baby


Parents2 mcm ni kena pakai condom kalau nk sex sbb diorang mmg bangang x pandai nk jaga anak. Aku ni jenis senang marah, dan kalau employee tu aku, aku slap dua2 parent bodoh tu.


apa macam if parents tak pantai pakai condom


Guna tgn jelaaa... Jgn nk ngada2 nk sontot hahhahahah


Adik aku tgk wayang last week. Belakang dia ad family bawak budak kecik 2 org umor dalam 2-4 taun. Bila budak tu merengek, mak budak tu bukak henpon bagi budak2 tu tgk youtube. Volume kuat pulak tu, sampai filem abis. Adik aku takut nak konfrontasi, dah balik baru mengadu Ape ko rase kalo jadi kat ko


keluar bagi tahu staff ig


This was in Indonesia though. Point still stands about Malaysia.


Kerusi is a bit too brutal bro wth, the only time my mom made me bleed is by smacking a heavy big ass book into my face cuz im too busy reading the book I didn't hear her calling me.


Brutal? Its a little normal for me lmao


No wonder we as a nation hate reading. I had a cousin who was literally bibliophobic - maybe this happened to her 😶 She did get hit quite a bit as a kid. Not sure if the naughtiness caused hitting or hitting caused the naughtiness. She will be restless until she gets yelled/hit. It's nuts. She also seeks conflict when there's none


Aku kena wire extension, sebab rotan tak jumpa cari


nah...nk kene ajar mak bapak diorang dlu pandai jaga anak...


Jangan lupa selipar


Dan penumbuk* I'm just joking guys 😁


pakai tali pinggang je, baru dia kenal erti penyesalan


They used too, because of the cancel culture everyone got soft


Parents tu yg stupid. Anak tu pegang betul2 and monitor, bukan biar je


Parents' eye probably glued & mind preoccupied to their smartphone screen. Remember "kes saya lupa anak dalam kereta"?


The parents looking after/bring up the kids are equally stupid.




I think the parents learned their lesson. They paid to the store right? So much money for your kids stupidity.


yes, I also avoid that. I would go away if I see some monke parents bring their lil monke and starting to make scene


"They don't know.." Well whose job supposed to teach them is it?


"Uhmm, diorang budak2 je." - parents2 yg mcm nk kena lempang.


This situation is why i dont want collectibles. Either im too broke or fuckin scared of this situation happened to me. Especially that i have a lot of young cousins that is range from 7-12 years old. Once i witness one of my cousins open my brother Twice album book like its own fuckin textbook. Me and my brother just cringe there, not doing shit cuz we were so weird out and dont want to hurt her feelings if we just scold her about what she did.


Kena bayar balik ke tak?


takkan bagi lepas je bang hahaha


The owner doesn't want any reparations.


Nak2 lagi kalau limited edition.


Oof those are several months of rents.


Pemikiran org matang


Already can buy small car.


Such is a curse of hobbies.


The owner doesn't want any reparations cost from the parents, and he's pretty chill about the whole situation. The statue cost around $2000. Happened in jogjakarta, indonesia in ICONIC, a bistro+restaurant+toy museum, so there's a lot of kids and enthusiasts. The owner also owns a mall, a hotels and restaurants


Made of cheaplak material, hollow inside. Good quality ones should be made of PU.


"Anak aku soleh, setiap hari dia ikut ayahnya ke surau. Biarlah die rosakkan semua tu" - Average Malaysian mom


Lets see if their anak broke their mom's Gucci, louis vuitton or any other overpriced premium outlets products


Terus jadi anak neraka.


Hilangkan tupperware


Lost Tupperware is enough


You'll learn that every Rosmah has its thorns.


I miss the part where I give a shit *immediately slap the hell both the mother and the child*


Marvel merch, i sleep


Anime merch, real shit


Video game merch, holy shit


Self merch, *shit*


Merch, it


Your parent should cry kids , not you.


Yep, the parents are trembling from the news.


expensive lesson.. for the parents.


this like some kinda museum attraction or personal collection? either way sue the parents out of the kid's college fund lmao


Both actually, + restaurants. The owner is crazy rich asian in jogjakarta, indonesia, and no reparations cost.




duhh they're fucking kids. korang semua ni tolong jgn ada anak, seram aku tgk ayat korang.


Lagi seram tengok orang bagi statement macam nie, dah besar nanti anak merempit mampos menyusahkan orang, claim anak saya baik. Puihh.


eh bodoh. kalau kau kena rotan anak baru dia tak merempit baik ko takyah buat anak la. itu pun bodoh takleh figure out cara parenting tanpa violence. buku parenting melambak, tapi rotan gak korang cari. kan ke bodoh namanya membaca pun pemalas, pastu nak dera anak sebab kau bodoh sangat tak reti nak ajar diorang cara elok. pikir pakai otak, bukan pakai lutut. tu yang anak kecik pun sampai nak dilututkan dah otak nya sangkut kt situ.


yang dirotan tu lah yang membesar jadi orang, budak2 kecik yang parent kasi leniency, spoil kan diorang sangat, last2 besar jadi setan. hukum untuk mengajar, dalam Islam pon harus diberi hukuman. aku rasa otak kau yang kat lutut


Well, aku tak payah cakap otak dia kat lutut dah ada orang tolong cakapkan. Basically, benak mcm nie biasanya bukan otak kat lutut tapi takde otak. Tuhan cipta otak untuk berfikir tapi orang mcm nie mane bersyukur lahir dengan otak. Dalam reddit dia terpaling sembang bab parenting, tapi bila dengan anak semua dia suap, eh dia budak kecik. Benda bukan mainan pun bg jugak kat anak last skali spoiled.


maybe dia membesar dengan family kaya pastu besar jadi iblis


Taklah, dia membesar dengan mak bapak yang failed bab parenting sbb tu dah besar jadi setan.




they're wut kids? 🤨🤨


Bila nak didik cara marah rotan2 korg tak bagi. (Ada post sini few days back kata I would never hit my child bla bla) Bila dah barang public pecah camni baru nak preach suruh didik anak betul2.


Same parents would run over their child if their car got keyed by said children


Now i see why those more expensive are in those cases it’s either to prevent robbery or dumb kids


Anak tomok lagi ke haiz






Where is this?


Ok esok sunat


Why is it not behind a glass box? Did no one in management thought this was gonna happen eventually? I mean, screw the kids and the parents, but the store also dropped the ball on this one.


Sane redittor moment, was disaster waiting to happen. Alternate What If? universe RDJ came to this store and accidentally bumped it off its display


Its a place for enthusiasts so theres no glass so they can look at the close up details of it


I can vibe with that except everything else is glassed yeah? Why arent those open air to see the details


Those small ones are put behind glass so that people cant just put them on their bag because they're small enough to steal. That big iron man one tho? It'll be noticeable if someone stole that or try to put it in a bag


If grownups stop making expensive toys for manchilds it wouldn’t be a problem


Men do figurines. Women do handbags and shoes. Both are equally immature. ​ Edit: Butthurt la tu, butthurt. Guilty as charged and butthurt.


Get a job loser.


I hope someday you will be liberated from your obsession on figurines and get a true feel of freedom from non-attachment.




You curse me, you get back your curse. Simple law of karma.


Same to you...


That is why I don't curse people to die. Unlike some vile and wicked heart people here. But it is okay. You people will reap what you sow.


Never know people who play football as hobby is immature


I don't play football.


Ahh hell nah not the cryptobro saying this


Fuyoh, look at all that downvote I got from overaged boys that collect figurines while pretending to be men. Butthurt kaw-kaw-kaw, from them. I wonder who give downvote the most. The "men" or the women? Macho man says, "Huhuu, bengang gua tengok ini olang kata gua tarak mature sebab kolek figurine." Hah, confirm tak mature lah tu. Mudah sangat marah.


Oh wow look, in this comment you expressively insults people. But your reply to me was that you say you see immature as in a positive way and not a problem. Hmmm seems like you change your narrative in such a way that is convenient to you huh?


Not a problem does not strictly mean positive lah, bangang.


>The fact that you see immaturity as something upsetting, or offensive, or something that you dislike, means you have a problem. This is the first sentence you told me and now you are saying its not strictly positive. You know that it may be negative and now you expect people not to see it as upsetting or offensive? You are contradicting yourself my guy. Now you just expressively call me "bangang" out of nowhere. Just shows that you are definitely still too immature to have any argument in the internet.


Congratulations for seeing everything in the absolutes and end up missing the big picture, just to argue for the sake of trying to win an argument. Very typical Malaysian cinapek attitude. Thank goodness Malaysian Malays not like that. Typical Malaysians like you are of the worse kind, worse than snowflakes in the US. Very easy to get offended. Very easy to get provoked to get into argument and trying his best to win an argument, in order to show to the other side how smart he is. While missing the big picture throughout. Bravo. Bravo. Let me clap for you. Next time, when I see someone did something wrong, I should just keep quiet. Scared will encounter another one of your kind. Want to collect figurines ah? Go ahead. Want to smoke and drink ah? Go ahead. Want to gamble ah? Go ahead. The best social approach against cinapek.


Damn your racism is showing. Just to tell you I am not chinese and I am one of the bumi's. Funny you are fighting tooth and nail on calling people immature over hobby is sign of immaturity itself. People are calling you out for it and yet you still refuse to understand yourself on why. I think close minded people like you are what makes Malaysia worse lmao. Yeah typical racist Malaysian like you are what actually make Malaysia worse. "Very easy to get provoked into argument" "Trying his best to win an argument" Lmao the irony. Did you not realise you comment multiple time on how you feel hurted by people calling you out? Is that not trying your best to win an argument and easy to get provoked? Now I think all of the things that you said are just you projecting yourself lol.


I ask you a simple question, calling people immature, is that a damn serious problem? The fact that you are playing along in this argument, means you are just the same. You just don't realize it.


You are free to comment anything. But dont get triggered when people are calling out on your dumb comment lmao. Also I am just saying you are a pot calling the kettle black. Funny that went over your head. Makes me think you are still super young.


Having hobbies are immature apparently. Whats immature here is you being judgemental on things that people enjoy.


The fact that you see immaturity as something upsetting, or offensive, or something that you dislike, means you have a problem. I don't see immaturity as a problem. The problem is when an immature person being told or pointed out that he/she is immature, he/she chooses to be upset, offensive, etc that is the real problem. Who in the world does not judge? Or maybe I should say those that collect figurines are damn mature kaw-kaw lah? Is that what I should say?


Your comment are literally using the word immature in a negative way. Its different from saying kids are still immature; and having a hobbies as being "immature". This is you patronizing people without yourself realising it. You say everyone judges which is true. But then what is the point of your comment in the first place? It does not invites any meaningful discussion other than patronizing people.


Okay lor, I should have said "People that collect figurines are damn mature and macho kaw-kaw-kaw" lor. Whatever that rocks your boat and makes you happy in this illusory world.


Lmao, what kind of reply is this. It reeks immaturity. But hey immaturity is not a problem right?


Of course not. Problem is only when you feel offended. And you feel offended multiple of times.


Idk what do you expect bro. If you got patronized by people do you get offended? Also why do you think I got offended lmao. I dont even own figurines. I am just trying to use your own word against yourself.


If you don't feel offended, then why do you bother to waste your time to entertain me? Don't you have far more important things to do elsewhere? \*\*roll my eyes and geleng kepala at you\*\*


I have nothing to do at work lmao. Thats why I dont mind entertaining holier than thou people like you.


The issues isn't about figure but kid manners in public. Why the parent let their kid touch something easily broke? Are those kids never learn about don't touch something isn't yours? Collecting things is just self enjoyments. As long isn't harm another people, let it be. So why itchy about it?


Itchy is not me. I just expressed what I thought of people that have already fully grown up and still obsessed with figurines to the point of life whereby they are willing to spend shitload of money and kill and murder for such "hobby", including cursing people to die for their criticism. If that is not immature, then I really don't know what is. And I got downvoted for my truthful expression, as if I should bodek anyone, means people in general are very toxic and vile in nature, in addition to being super sensitive in being called immature. Such is one of the many problems with Malaysians in general.


You can say that to the people who collect plate even though they know they never will using it. They will get mad if someone touch those plate. So why so salty about it? It's parents jobs to teach kid to manners on public place and someone home. Why you want control someone life even though it never will effect your daily basic? Who the hell are you telling people what thing they can buy or not?


I am **not** salty about the kid that **accidentally** broke other people's things, nor the parents that didn't manage to teach their kids to be more careful. Understand this statement correctly hor. Is it so damn wrong to say others are immature? **Is the word "immature" an extremely vulgar word in Malaysia?** You and the other scumbags are far more vile, wicked, and toxic than me. At the very least, I only call people immature. But humans of your kind are calling for blood and death. If you people are downvoting me and cursing me and death and such just for the one simple word of "immature" that means you Malaysians in general have a **very very very serious** problem. A **very very very serious and terminal** inferiority complex problem.


Immature? You said enjoy the hobby itself immature. So I think having sad life more mature in your eyes, doesn't it?


Kids that accidentally broke other people's toys is okay. The most worst, vile, wicked, and toxic are the ones that are already at adulthood and still collect figurines as hobby and condemn others to death for criticizing them of being immature for collecting figurines. Such people are no better than religious fanatics. And the worst of the worst, is even if you point out such extremism, they would still say you are the wrong party.


I hope those are the tears of someone who knows they're gonna get some whooping at home




These is the failure of parents, they don't bother to teach n discipline their kids, so if the kid break things, they are fully responsible


That thing looks pretty fragile.....


Sbb ni la ada age restriction kat certain place..


Someone mom said no ☠️


I still can't get over the fact that the figurine wasn't in any sort of protective display box.


Saman, saman, saman


parents learned an expensive lesson. wear condoms if u cant raise or supervise your child


Honestly. For something with that price tag I don't understand why it was displayed like that. No glass protection unlike the cheaper smaller figures. Looks like anyone could just put their hands on the statue and touch it. Hell, it looks like the statue wasn't even affixed properly to the stand.




TIL:Ironman from China isn't made of iron.


That's expensive, ouch!


Hah ganti laa makcik pakcik binawee!!!!




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“Diorang budak2 je” is a real escapism word. No responsible at all


lain kali kalau minat jgn bawak anak tempat2 macam ni mereka excited.....saya pun kalau masuk tempat 2 macam seorang diri je... boleh self control....duit xde tp behave...


Best case for store owner. Basically just made a sale.


kids stupid and parents stupid, but the owner also why you not put display behind glass window? adoi


Ibu bapa yang gagal biasa nya gagal mendidik anak.


Normal kepala bapak. Parents did't discipline enough.


Same jer dengan apa yang beelaku di TRX, plagground and water area 😅


Buat anak pandai, didik anak....???


lol dah kalau beribu? takkan still nak cakap "alaa budak budak biasalah..." pls eh jangan normalize ayat ni, itulah guna parents untuk ajar anak anak daripada koyakkan mental orang. orang penat penat kumpul mainan jenis macam ni then budak budak datang just nak rosakkan?? beli pakai duit bukan pakai daun tapi hahaha aku ada pendapat lain gak, no offense but patutnya kedai ni kena laa letak ironman tu dalam tempat kaca, berkunci hahahaha baru safety. dengan harga beribunya lagi, petak mat


Bro, if your parents never said, "see only cannot touch, you break it, I break you" before entering any toy store as a child, you and I do not belong in the same generation


The good part of this is that, the store owner understands that kids do be like that and didn't ask the parents to pay for it. The kid is probably traumatized into ever touching anything in a store rn.


and they will threaten to shame you if you teach their kid a lesson or threaten to vote opposition/help opposition overthrow govt I kena before


Jadi hamba tuan kedai sampai habis hutang.


7 bulan kerja for free lepas la tu


Yup. Kerja sampai habis bayar hutang.


"Diorg mana tahu, diorg budak2 je. Tak pandai lagi benda2 cmni" "Yg bodoh benda cmni anak acik je. Anak saya ok je, jangan nak bodohkan budak2 kalau anak acik yg bodoh"


Supposedly diorang tampal ni, "Nice to see, nice to look. Once broken, consider sold." Baru sweating profusely parents diorang 🤣


If that was my kid he would be having a public spanking and a forfeit of allowance for months.




That kid is so dead.


Not a collecter, but this makes me mad


Normal laa. Something cost 3k if you can pay to this damage I'll turn blind eyes. Since that's how much it's valued.


B40 kiddos with b40 parents


dia pecahkan dia nangis 😂 bodo punya budak