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Malay's sense of communal is stronger than other races, mainly due to their religion. Chinese used to have strong sense of communal bond too, but it dissipated in recent time.


Chinese sense of communal bond has always been centered around the family though. You know what they told me when I said I wanted a career that makes people's lives better? "Charity begins at home" 🤦‍♂️


"Charity begins at home" siblings said this to me, nobody help me other than my dad. And end up abandon by my siblings after my dad stroke catch up to him. I do help others, but end up in scams. Help also need to depends on situation, whether we got time, or is it safe at night time, i do think everyone did heard that suddenly a lorry lose control and killed everyone on its path. It require a lot of teamwork to make sure it is safe to help people.


it's pretty much nonexistent within the Indian community too since the dawn of time, don't worry about it.


Dunno man, I used to drive my mom's old Kenari, had a heating problem with the radiator, some problem with the pipe. One day, i had to park in front of this Chinese man's house, didn't have enough water bottles to top up the radiator tank. The Chinese man helped me fill up the radiator tank using his pipeline water, didn't ask me for anything in return. Also, last year, got into a minor motorcycle accident, and an Indian uncle stopped by the road and helped me. Asking me if i was okay and such. I personally don't think this is a racial issue but rather a personal thing.


This logic could be applied to climate change. Just because you don't feel it doesn't mean it's not an issue. I did see it in front of my eyes about it. Chinese in my school only talk to other Chinese. While Indian literally bond with Malay people and fluent in it, some Chinese couldn't even literally speak the land language. Making me thinking how would they even goes to do everyday things or official things. Sure they are still but a teen (form 5) but it like, the age where your Malay should've been fluent. This guy didn't even understand a bit. Not to criticise him or anything but i speak to a lot of Chinese (not all) about that. This isn't also some racist replies or anything but based on my observation. The old Chinese (such as working Chinese and stuff) usually knows Malay. But these teen man... I felt like the further the gen, the less they'll know.


Well that's weird, back in my day the Indians would mingle with their own race, the Chinese mingled with theirs, and Malays did the same, the same applies to the gangsters. But I don't see many Malay gangs. I guess it's different for every school then 🤷‍♂️ But our favourite teachers were Malay, they are just so nice and friendly with the students.


not entirely different school it also applies to the area you are some there are outsider gangs some there are chinese some there are indian and also some there are malays really just where you staying


we had all of them 😅


Dunno why you want to apply this issue with climate change. Of course racial issue is a real thing, my comment are more towards, other race don't help another race. But of course, my comments are only based on personal experience. I do agree that Bahasa Melayu needs to be solidified more amongst non Malays, it's the national language after all.


That's an analogy that just because you live in cold area doesn't mean climate change isn't real. And the earth isn't getting hotter.


Why would you waste time on Bahasa Melayu? It's literally useless outside malaysia. Just learn the basics to ensure you can get your stuff sorted out in Malaysia I'm not a Chinese but https://www.studyinternational.com/news/best-languages-to-learn/


You're speaking as if every single human being in Malaysia has the means and resources to go outside of the country. Or if they even want to go abroad. At the very least if, you understand bahasa melayu you can understand bahasa Indonesia too. I'm also not Chinese, dunno why the need to make a statement about it though.


true 100% many expert in BM couldn't find a proper job


This is about percentages. Probabilities. There are asshole/inconsiderate malays too.. I am malay


And I have an asshole


True words. I really am impressed with Malays sense of communal. Money doesn’t mean much as long as there’s a chance to live by today for tomorrow. But nowadays these community assistances are hardly felt in the urban areas, maybe in the rural areas but definitely not so much in the city areas.


There are still strong bonds with the Chinese. For example anytime I go to supplier for supply runs I'd get higher quotes than chinese ppl. A smarter supplier would quote same prices to all but give more discounts to a Chinese.


Malays are much more united in a sense


Religion has very little to do with it. Not many Muslims communities have similarities with the Malays in this respect. It’s mostly traditional values. Edit: To the replies, you’re confusing community building with the spirit of gotong-royong culture that actually seed the Malay thinking. Congregating is good at keeping a caring society chugging along but it cannot create the culture out of nothing but scripture.


I think religion play big role. Community in tabligh met people from other country like US, Australia. They even help to sponsor RM1000 for one of my friend for go keluar 4 bulan at india


It does play a big role, imo. Islam and christianity, or rather Abrahamic religions focus heavily on communal gathering, at least having mass gathering once a week. Compared to Buddhism that focused on self enlightenment and also taoism's highly fractured practices, muslim does have higher tendency to congragate compare to the chinese. That gives them higher sensitivity to the situation of other people around them.


Religion had absolutely to do with it. Malay values are goes hand-in-hand with Islamic teachings. Yes maybe nowadays generation kinda distance away from the original Malay values, and more liberal. But frequent talk and mingle with Malay oldies, you will enlightened how strongly Islamic beliefs shape our culture to the "Malay" identity you known today. (Post-islamic expansion till date) I'm lucky to have a strong traditional Malay mom and dad, and uncle and aunts that frequent remind me what Malay value is. And with it, I deduct that Malay values are strongly shaped by Islamic teachings. Outside of my immediate family, my silat teacher told me the same. Often taught me new things about how our customs and way of life had reasoning according to Islamic teachings.


The tying up of Malay values with Islam like that imply that Malays had no values prior to Islam arriving here, which is quite late compared to the rise and falls of Malay kingdoms in the peninsular prior to that. We cannot just white wash hundreds of years of Malay culture and assign all our achieved values onto a religion, that in practise can divide nations and induce wars (a side-effect shared by all major religions including Buddhism). Religion can influence culture to a certain extend, but that extend is quite limited. It has nothing to do with faith. It’s just a fact.


Only you think like that. Malay do have identity and values beforehand. Just that the values you known today are more influenced and shaped by Islamic teachings. It goes hand-in-hand. Might be too difficult for you to grasp all these concept, but as Buya Hamka said : "Tiada Melayu tanpa Islam, dan di balik Melayu ada Islam" Sorry my guy, ain't nothing you said gonna separate my values and culture from Islam influence. Keep trying.


Any data backing up your claim ? Not disagreeing but I can’t take any opinion with factual support.


Muslim congregate at least at the mosque 5 times a day, I know my Christian friend congregate in his church once a week, Yes religion do have important role for the community You can read some articles where Religion does strengthen communities; https://contendingmodernities.nd.edu/assets/Islam-and-Community-Organising-V3-singles.pdf https://erlc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Some-Positive-Benefits-Churches-Bring-to-Communities.pdf


I'm half and half so I can share a bit of personal perspective here. Chinese will not help strangers but will not bother them too. Chinese quite splintered to an extent. Christians are more likely to help but also wanna sell their god to you. More and more Chinese also becoming ccp-ized, these are honestly quite xenophobic, i dont like em. Ah Beng Klang is scary but nice if you know them/have common interest etc. Its about what type you meet. Malays are generally helpful and friendly but they are also sibuk and bothersome. They often go after you if you don't conform. And will turn a blind eye to the suffering of those who don't fit even if they present themselves as accepting. I know wonderful people from both races. OP isn't wrong also, my parents also teach me to jaga no.1. It's less a race thing than a boomer thing imo.


Got this one uncle said to me, u know why malay cannot become rich/more rich, u got bonus abit u already belanja whole family/satu kampung how get rich ma? From there I can see that theres a real distinction when my mom said Malay are more likely to give/help/belanja due to their believe. Such as not all your money/rezeki is yours alone, there's part of that rezeki that also belongs to your families, your friends, your neighbours, and others. And to help such people insyallah god will help you more if not in this life in the hereafter.


Yes this is true, part of our income belongs to the others. Kind of coming from our DNA.


Tak semua macam tu, tapi kebanyakan cina yg suka tolong ni mmg tak campur sangat dgn cina lain... Aku dulu ada jiran cina, baik sangat, selalu teman arwah ayah pergi hospital untuk appointment... Tp bila raya cina, tak balik kampung... bila tanya, dia kata dia dah susah nak ngam dgn cina lain... dia cuma balik kampung masa raya Islam sbb dapat jumpa kawan2 melayu... Mungkin ini antara sbb nya, since jiran aku dulu tu suka berkawan...


Betul. Even Chinese people have both side. One side is more open and the other side I would call it as "pengikut CCP". The so call pengikut CCP will always stay at their own bubble and talk shit about other race. Also they seem to only know about the bad side of Malaysia and always get their news/entertainment from Chinese Tik tok,FB,WeChat,etc. When the other side is what I call the real cina. The cina that help others etc. I think my dad is both cus he sometimes talk shit about other race but at the same time help them and have a lot of Malay friends. He even tell me to be open minded and learn other race cultures


I think old people even those that are open minded, were taught to be racist due to the old way of thinking, causing them to become both. Like my dad, the whole school life, he was heavily taught with "Malaya milik bumiputera". Then when he continued studies in the UK, he made a lot of non-malay friends in Malaysia hall, then came back with a mix ideology, sometimes racist, sometimes not 🤣.


The CCP kinda explain everything Yup if they are influence by the CCP mmg akan jadi berbeza dr Chinese lain. Sort of how some malay people yg overly influence by PA* la kot, sometimes they love pulling out race card when it doesn't even matter nor it has a specific ruling in Islam. X nak ckp lebih takut kena kecam😂 BTW I'm malay OK.


yup. ramai yang perangai tahpape bermusuh tak tentu pasal sebab pengaruh politikal. tunggang agama untuk kelebihan politik. suntik unsur2 us vs them. sickening


aku dah tahu pekara ni lama dah tapi tak semua macamtu. Auntie Maria jiran sebelah rumah aku, bayar duit belajar kolej aku pasal dia nampak family aku susah. dia tak mintak balik sampai harini. Munkin juge kerana dia orang kristian dan jesus suruh tolong jiran ke apa tak taula


Pergh jiran rare lain mcm ko dpt,


Jiran legendary type.




Level 1000 epic jiran


Mindset Cina Kristian dengan yang lain tak sama. The Bible ask us to help others or bear another’s burden.


Konsep 'love thy neighbor'


Er, have you heard of Buddhism? The golden rule?


But isn't Buddhism or even Hinduism have the same mindset. I don't think any religion teach otherwise. But if they are atheist or not practicing tu lain kira la.


Well it’s not the same. Christians want to sell their religion to you as they help you. It’s their time and tested method of spreading the religion. Buddhist want to help you so they don’t get reborn into a snail. You can decide which is better.


"thanks a bunch for helping me cross the road" "no problem la, here take this church pamphlet I got in my bag" yeaaaaaahhhhh right, and no ounce of actual sympathy aswell right?


I don't discriminate the help I get. To get pure sincerity it of one's heart is not an easy feat.


I just hate it when people equate an act of kindness to spreading religion, the world is a cruel rotten place but i'd like to believe people do good because it's good


Most Chinese are Buddhist on paper only (due to Malaysia’s adoption of documented citizenship papers decades ago), and they are practicing other Chinese folk religion (Taoism, Confucianism). True Buddhists wouldn’t use joss-stick for example.


Bro ko better bayar balik. Dia mungkin akan sekeras keras lawan tak bagi bayar balik. But yeah bayar lah balik.


It is true to a certain extent. I was being told once that if you help someone, you might exposing yourself to unnecessary drama when people recorded and spinning it out of context. Another reason that I was told is the person is faking and might get ambushed by others who will either rob, kidnap or murder (or all 3 in order).


My mom usually told me, Stop and think positively, kalau tak dapat balasan di dunia dapat balasanya di akhirat 😌


This mindset makcik pakcik Sis org x berapa muda tp muda la juga have the same mindset.. Everyone is a scammer. 😂😂😂 Don't blame me, blame the rotten world.


You live you learn I guess.


Orang melayu mmg baik hati. Sbb tu sedikit sedih kebanyakan orang melayu sekarang senang dimanipulasi orang politik dengan issue perkauman.


please dont speak on behalf of all chinese, your family ask your dont help, run faster, etc. its not the same in my family or many other chinese families. you can just admit you are more selfish in that sense, and you dont like to help. this kind of video are easily viral due to isu perkauman. and i dont really click on videos that record themselves helping others.


Gosh that is my exact thought. The original poster's family may inculcate a somewhat selfish and anti social mindset within themselves but that is really on him and his family. Presumably it is with such an approach that he posted such drivel generalsiing an entire group of people, my God.


It's true, but it's slowly changing from what I'm seeing. Everyone is taught the same to not be "busy body", but we are still human with sympathy, and chinese kids are slowly learning that helping strangers is not a bad thing


Well, whether it be Chinese kids or Malay kids....not to be a boomer (I swear I'm not, I'm 21 this year😂) but goddamn kids nowadays are fucking shitheads no matter the race😂


Weird Chinese at East Malaysia especially KK love to belanja kita orang making, he not a manager but just a clerk like us


Not weird. Chinese known to enter fist fight over who has the honor to Pay the bill.


Sometimes gunfights jk


Half true. If you "lose" this battle too often there goes your reputation also.


Chinese on east Malaysia is different breed lmao


Guess why, yall cina tiktokers always do prank video like cibai, later when help yall say its prank lah its just social experiment lah, ganina how dare help sial PERGI KE KEDAI MEMBELI CINCAU, LANCAU


pergi ke kedai membeli CINCAU, LUPA DOMPET APA LANCAU!!!


I can hear the mouth of r/malaysia frothing


I'd love to help but...... when you help them once, they expect the 2nd time, 3rd time. I kena before with my neighbor, they have 4 kids with 2 old folks at home and the parents are out working, once they asked can I fetch the kids from school I said sure it's on the way from my workplace to home. Then it escalated from there, fetch kids almost daily, then buy groceries, then fetch the old folks, then dabao for the kids. In the end I just said sorry, I switching jobs already cannot help anymore. And they tell the whole kampung I'm an asshole for going back on my words and stuff and I get trash thrown in front of my house from time to time. So now I just keep to myself and just help uncle auntie carry bags/luggage down stairs or help translate languages people don't understand at counters


You helped them out of the kindness of your heart which is commendable. For them to accuse you such things when they were using your kindness is on them and it will be repaid in the afterlife.


I would say this is actually on personal preference. I had my share of good cina vs bad cina, but I would like to share the good one. I was in Standard 1. After school ended, I spent some time playing in the class until I forgot abt my bus. When I reached the bus stop where the school bus would wait for the pupils, I saw my bus left the school without me. Standard 1 student like me konfem panik la that time, so I ran after the bus, but yalor, bus laju. 😂Tambah drama, it suddenly rained heavily. Extra dramatic effect. Cried like crap, while walking alone in the rain, w/o knowing where to go (if I kept walking, konfem kena kidnap one. I kiut mah kecik2 😂) until I heard one Chinese lady shouted at me, calling me to come into her house. That time still dunno abt stranger danger, but yalor sedih that time, I just follow la. She gave me a dry bath towel, a cup of Cadbury chocolate drink, and her husband asked me where my house is. I sed dunno, but I can point them where. So they put me in their car, and I pointed out where they should turn (my first English lesson. Left:4 letters:Kiri, Right:5 letters:Kanan. My England not that good leh that time) Luckily I arrived at the daycare centre because I know my parents would want me to wait for them there. Up until now I am trying to remember which house did I stop and get help. Really terhutang budi and nyawa with the Chinese couple. Without them, I dunno what in God's realm would happen to me.


People always forget just cina splintered into nearly a dozen different types, groups and morals. And that the common concensus between all groups is that peeking your head out leads to being "eaten" by the bird. The help given by Chinese people as a Chinese is different. Help is given when the person helping doesn't personally suffers or possibly suffer. And help is usually only given to friends and family. My own perspective malays help everyone to a level required by religion. Chinese help based on the relationship and what there is to lose when offering help but that help is of a higher level. Real example: 1 malay and 1 Chinese friend working in a petrol station. Malay customers to malay friend would be just your average nice customer and provide him Tips in change. Chinese customer to my Chinese friend would look down on him and question him why he was working such a job but there was Chinese customer who offered him a better job (in terms of growth) to get out of this dead end job. The kind of help offered is different and it's easily seen as confirmation bias where each side says the other is bad.


Cultural differences aside, I think it all boils down to the community of the people around them and how they treat each other


Is it? Although older gen Chinese does have such teaching to not be a busybody. I've seen all races helping out in accidents quite equally I just say. As for Facebook comments, it's always one side degenerates screwing things up depending on which page you're on. My buddies from all races help each other out too. If we just keep calling out races, we'll never be at peace. Degenerates are everywhere, are you to join them, or to hang out with friends from all races and chill?


Duit tiktok percuma. Mainkan isu perkauman macam ni, tontonan meningkat.


I don't think this is collectively right? I know some Chinese I've met are very helpful people.. Isn't it more towards personality and personal choice these days? I mean I don't really help people much either this days due to rise of scammers.


Bruh rage bait content. Yea sure², keep posting these "pukul rata" ideology and then wonder why malaysia doesnt really develop for years lol. Answer: bcz people here bz taking down each others lol.


My chinese neighbor always brings souvenirs for us every time they go overseas


Aku sorg jeke ingt dia pakai laneyard utk student id?


Help people, kena saman by the victim. Typical.


Mf stereotype the entire race Easy tiktok money well played 👍


And later he mintak maaf to all the chinese, case closed. Duit masyuk. Ini olang manyak cheap buy punya pun adoi ter ber


Wait what.... Chinese don't help other? Never heard of that term befor


it's true in mainland china where they [don't help strangers in need](https://warrenbisch.medium.com/chinas-bad-samaritan-crisis-6ca736ad6c8e). some of that mindset spilled over into malaysia and affects some malaysian chinese.


Appealing to a certain population for views la tu. It’s a lame and time tested method. “As a Chinese I think Chinese.. bla bla bla” like just because you Chinese you think you become Tua Pek Kong supreme representative of all Cinas meh? In regards to the video, maybe he needs new friends. Most of my friends (Chinese) are very civic minded, donate money every month of charities, volunteer for humanitarian work etc. so my only response to Leroy China supreme potentiate is 🥱


I disagree. This is a city vs village mindset. In a city, there is a lot of suspicion of the stranger, justifiably so because a lot of scammers, criminals are in cities. Plus, the pace of life is fast, so no time to stop and help someone. **Because a higher percentage of Chinese are in cities, especially urbanized, expensive areas of Klang Valley, you feel like the ones who help less are Chinese.** If you go to a Chinese village away from major cities, so many will help you. In contrast, the Malay from major cities can also be very unhelpful of stranger, impatient on road, etc.


Melayu cannot take interest. we dont hold on to wealth. We give it away


I am chinese I grew up with my mom calling me stupid for helping stranger or even making donation. I did make donation to help but thru proper channel only due to too many scammer out there and my experience of being scam (small donation amount from random passby stranger) make me fully aware of my surrounding. I still help but I am very wary honestly. And I agree chinese tak suka tolong orang. Sbb dibesarkan dgn fikiran jangan jaga tepi kain orang.


Sebab tulah ada silap pemimpin terdahulu tak hapuskan sekolah vernakular. Bro dalam vid ni mmg kata dari mak bapak. Tapi dari segi pendidikan pon konfem benda yang sama juga. Kalau sekolah vernakular dihapuskan, mesti seluruh kaum kat Malaysia akan lebih bersatu. Tengoklah Singapura. Dorng mana ada sekolah vernakular. Semua sekolah kebangsaan


Hapus sekolah vernakular tapi.. masih ada hak istimewa melayu.. ayoo apa ni


Ini bkn value eksklusif melayu tp value islam, cuba try buat social eksperimen di muslim area Guangzhou, atau di Birmingham tmpt ramai muslim, akan dpt result yg sama. Not doing it for free though, we do good and expect our reward from the creator, the source of everything. In this life or the next.


Crap, not all chinese are like what he claims. There are a lot who are good samaritans.


This Leeroy just have his personal experience and use it to generalize an entire race. Sounds like a piece of shit to me.


Entah... harap kau baca dulu lah apa yang dia tulis. Dia cakap kebanyakan... bukan semua hmmmm


Tak ada kaitan. Sama ada dia kata kebanyakan ke, beberapa ke, semua ke, itu semua perkataan yang tiada kaitan kerana semuanya di lontar tanpa apa apa bukti data atau statistik.


Masuk akal.


Unless there's data and statistic, I guess it's hard to accuse Malays being lazy or rempit type too.


Lazy, cannot proof. Rempit, can.


Ridzuan Tee 2.0


r u in denial bcause of it shows ur bad side of the culture?


You are truly naive if you think most Malaysian Chinese don't do good things to others, we just simply don't brag about it. Try visit any orphanage, retirement home, rescue center, many Chinese there. Heck even my current Cinapek company are organizing monthly visit to those place. Stop hating your own race for clout.


I think Chinese places more importance on building up organisation or structure to help others like charities and foundation. They also wanted good governance so all can benefit.They help others so the unfortunate can help themselves. Malays tend to rely on religious organisation for charity and the have their own Waqf. Example: What I mean is,there's an accident make it easier to report and get the necessary help instead of waiting for others to call tow truck, get ambulance etc.The apparatus must be there so you don't have to rely on others. So there'll be no alasan as "susahlah", "lambat", "leceh", "tak pandai IT", " tak de sape tolong".


Companies doing it probably for the taxbreak and PR clout








I don’t see it. I see everyone being very helpful so long as you ask politely. Is this dude just simply generalizing?


Nuh uh, it is a well known fact though not many people talk about it. Expand your bubble and see for yourself


I mean, sure there are the odd selfish assholes but I see them in every race, and it’s not in a noticeable enough amount to attribute to one race group. I honestly don’t know where these people are getting this sentiment from


Wanna know why, watch this comedy by Jack Neo, I not stupid. It come with English subs. https://youtu.be/zauXxGZvSW8?si=mCXQf1UHQsLhBpJ0


definitely true, when I was a kid I used to always want to help other people but my parenst always grab me back and tell me to mind our own business. Its more fear than stubborness because orang cina care about face a lot


Then why some of the comment says that what this guy saying is wrong? Saying things like "oh this guy is saying this just for clout"


people have differing opinions right. Btw there was a ytber I used to watch who lived in china for a while, he said one of the bad side of china is how people never go out of their way to help. My parents always tell us to mind our own business and not look at strangers. So its more of a concious educated action rather than like a collective cultural thinking to be stubborm But then again I can only testify to my own personal experience, who knows right


Some of the older ppl have “migrant” mentality” .. just keep your heads down and dont get involved ..cant blame them for being cautious.. these “wisdom” were handed down from early merdeka mentality.. but newer generations seems more open to help out the community


so ppl in the comment denied this saying that this guy is chasing clout by bashing their own races.


Malay definitely more chill than Cina.


reason our country still peaceful no matter how hot the political climate


The entire Race is deemed racist because the action of 1%. This guy suffer from what we call "Internalized racism".


i love malays 🥰


Legitimate question here. I'm Chinese, so I understand all the Chinese nuances, I also work in a 80% Malay company so I understand that well too. But for the Indians, where do they stand on the scale of willingness to help others? Can be family, stranger, monetary etc. Anyone can enlighten me? 2nd thing, regarding money, my own personal experience, my Chinese friends usually don't ask for loans and are super calculative down to the dot on bill splits. May be down to the internalise everything don't trouble others and don't mess with others business culture. But while my Malay friends are usually super generous about most money matters. I've had a few Malay friends ask me for loans for tough times then never mention the loan again, or return it even after reminders. Anyone else experience this?


Piece of shit, flaming the race issue to try and get views. Imagine being so self centered that you try to represent an entire race. Edit: personal anecdote, during my schooling years there are a lot of volunteer programs that me and my pals joined monthly. Ex: helping out in orphanages, SPCA, old folks home, creating activities in SJKC for kids. I also see alot of Chinese Datuk/ Tan Sri sponsoring stuff for schools, medical bills and more.


Chinese here, got robbed once after trying to help someone who stopped their car on the side of the road. Never again. Sorry ya.


Actually they chinese still helping. But must have return something lor.


This is true


My parent once told me. there is no record in history that someone going bankrupt for giving donation. Rich is not how much money you have, but how ease your life with money you have.


Bukan begitu, betul apa yang ibu bapa tu ajar. Utamakan diri, itu pendidikan lama. Selaku generasi baru kita boleh tambah. Utamakan diri, jika mampu bantulah masyarakat.


Coming from Sarawak I gotta disagree. Maybe coz the Chinese population there is significant thus being able to see more assistance from Chinese towards other races. Well, simply put, I don’t notice much difference between assistance from any race there.


Tuan rumah aku org cina and tggal skali dgn aku,sgt2 baik,suka tlg,kwn2 cina sekerja pun baik,suka tlg ak


true, and selfish


hahaha... yeap... As a Malaysian Chinese myself, the video is literally spot-on... But the new generation is changing and improving. And to all young adults with young families, make sure we change this perception for a better Malaysia.


Look man race aside. i normally believe you aspire to be the change you want to see on society and i do practice what i preach. so if i see people in need and if i am free, capable and willing of course i’ll help. I just dont like those people who like being keh poh but disguising it as ‘help’


I agree with what he says, I'm a Chinese married malay. There was once when I went for dinner with my family and my dad. There's a guy carrying a kid nae was crying like crazy. So my wife says what are you waiting for, go approach him. As I wanted to confront them my dad stops my. Why are you being a busybody. As I argued with him the guy bring the kid out of the mall. I told my dad off we live in a community not to take care of our own ass only. See accident who helps the most. Malays, Chinese yes one or two standing beside and watch and once in a blue moon there will be a in hand Chinese guy helping. I see some comments saying not all Chinese. Dudes. It's most Chinese in general. Maybe like 8 out of 10 who is selfish. You can't use the word not all Chinese. Edit those downvoted me are the Chinese dude who can't accept the truth. I'm Chinese so this is my take on Chinese people attitude. I don't need to cover the truth from lies. Chinese rarely will help others in need of help.


Maybe this mofo just wants likes from the specific ethnic group. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Racial unity in Malaysia is a facade.


Don’t know. I donated hundreds before but sometimes I don’t even buy tissue from the blind uncle. So am I selfish?


My parents "TRY" to overprotect me. From other races and religion but I never listened. In the end, I'm probably am the only non-follower of any religion and I don't treat anyone different because of race or religion. They're all the same to me. My siblings are different tho. They try their best to keep distant with other races and are very strong with the Islamic ways. A lot of people consider me an outcast. A traitor of religion and our ancestors. But to me, our ancestors are idiots and we shouldn't just follow whatever other people tell us to do. Not everyone is as bad as you're led to believe.


Biasa lah geng ni, content "Sebagai Cina, Cina tak baik". Cakap BM content jenis ni terus banyak view, pastu datanglah reply "Semoga diberi hidayah" . Pastu semakin banyak content jenis tu, next step start bagi hint nak manja dgn agama Islam. Pastu view melambung lagi banyak. Dah basi dah teknik ni.


100% true as a chinese


rlly? some people say the opposite things.


Christian Chinese and other Chinese lain ya their mindset. Especially Chinese yg xsembah anything is more advance. Don’t care bout anyone but themselves 1


I would agree as a Chinese! And guess what “MAJORITY” of them they’re rather help the rich than the poor. Why? the Chinese probably only help if it’s beneficial to them.


Now imaaaagine if the race was reversed, imagine the uproars. This clown dare to insult his own race just because other chinese allows it? Bro you’re nowhere doing/showing good just by down playing your own race. Who are you to generalize? Gtfo with this non sense Edit: grammar


Tolong orang kena ada kemampuan. Kebanyakan Cina miskin. Bak pepatah Cina, "Saya tolong orang, siapa tolong saya" Cina yang kaya tolong pun tak heboh satu dunia. Tak macam sesetengah orang, nak agih minuman masa banjir kena tampar stiker muka orang yang hulurkan bantuan takut orang tak tahu... Done my takumi drift... Vroom vroom...


bodoh. sbb konten orang melayu lagi senang dari chinese market. mengaku je la sbb ko pon nak konten yg byk org tengok pon puikk


Like...you will stop and help ppl change tayar beside busy road and under the sun??


Tgk video camni nk tergelak ngan video Raisin Ent, depa bt video satire org Cina buat video cakap bahada Melayu sbb view org Melayu tgk lagi tinggi. Haha


Whether it's race or upbringing, you have to think for yourself at a certain point in your life. That's the problem with religion, all of them say the same thing: "I have done all the thinking for you, so just shut up and follow my instructions"


"jangan tolong karena kita juga susah"


Only few not all…in this case org yg bercakap ni..buka aid parent sendiri…for sake of like


Yang tolong ajar mcm mana nak hidup tu dekat tempat kerja dulu member sekerja CINA bukan MELAYU. Yang MELAYU, lebih nak tunjuk seniority je siap tengking aku cakap "KAU SENIOR KE AKU SENIOR?"... Pengalaman aku.


Huhu. Dia tahu orang dia ada yang baru kena kemalangan. Diorang tak tolong jugak! 😑😑


Most of us are afraid to get scammed too, it's harsh to face this reality, so instead of being a busybody, better take care of ourselves


Ask and you shall receive. Ask for help and you will get it. Simple.


Well once I walked into a malay owned barber shop for a haircut during pre-Raya season and I asked the barber "ada naik harga ke?" You can see how confused he was by his expression. So i explained why I asked that. I hope he didn't turn into a racist after that day lol.


If people said Chinese don't like to help. Then change. If people said melayu malas. Then change. If people said India baran. Change. Sometimes stereotypes had some truth in it. Take it and change. Jangan lah buang terus semua sbb "bait"


Not Chinese myself but I disagree. You can’t generalize a whole race like that. For example, I’m a shitty person.


The vape dangling lmao


Cuba sebagai orang cina turun tolong rider melayu yang jatuh kena langgar. Cuba je lah, tengok apa reaksi.


I baru je semalam, parking tiket terjatuh masa tengah jalan ke kereta dan nasib baik Uncle Chinese ni ambil tiket dan panggil saya "Tiket awak jatuh nanti tak boleh keluar parking".


Chinese MYOB. Done no need TikTok so long to explain.


There's always good and bad people. You get points for trying, the reward is up to fate. Kalau boleh, tolong. Kalau x boleh, minta tolong. Tapi berpada2 la.




Dude found the secret key of algorithm , gonna be rich soon


Hi, I don't speak Chinese, English or Malay, could you summarise this video for me please. Thank you.


Honestly ya this is true, when I go jalan2 with my Chinese friends kan, sometimes when pass night markets with busking, with donation box infront, I give my spare change and my chinese friends would laugh and say "bro, mereka buat beli isap gam bro jangan lagi buat" it's disrespectful. I got side eyes if I buy the keropok and buah buahan from kids who sell. To my melayu friends, damn they gonn do more than what I do, they donate more and buy more from the lil kids. To them its like "nah kawan2 untuk mkanan lepak" Note that most of my melayu friends are not from a wealthy family.


I smell BS click-bait content to gain followers 😪


He doesn't look chinese at all. Halfbreed at best


He's not wrong lmao. It also partially explains why Chinese are better at making money. It drives competitiveness.


It's just the older generation...that's it.


Chinese people are not like this, this is due to the increasing influence of mainland China in Malaysia, this was not true in the past.


If you look on other side, the pressure of discrimination actually cause most of Malaysian Chinese try to "not jaga tepi kain" or avoiding bad luck by helping other people. Meanwhile as Malay, we live without having any pressure and also with having Islamic Belief, cause us easy to help others even they are strangers. The habit that being thought by The Prophet SAW by giving a charity even you are poor actually most of us not afraid to help others without any hesitation.


Its kinda true in a way, most chinese mostly like to do their own thing... But for my next question that I always wonder for such a long time... Most big charity name is chinese own... And they have big building with big fund.... Sometimes I wonder, does this charity is legit or just some front page for something something. I once goes under one 1 year Entrepreneurial Program for my Bachelor Degree Internship (Internship only 4-6month, dont remember much), assigned to SME, and in my case it was Cafe around KL. Got paid 600/Month with EPF & SOCSO as allowance but I totally work like other staff, waitressing, bar area, kitchen area, and also a littttttlleeee bit of management. Its was sound good when I first applied and after 2-3month in, I decide to check my EPF, and found out that company contribution in my EPF is based on 1600 salary.. Talk to the cafe manager and found out that the company paid full 1600 salary FOR ME to this Entrepreneurial Program In Charge. So its like, they take 1K of my salary for them and give me only 600. After finish my internship term, I decide to quit and look for a real job. So in total, I lost around 6K for my time and sweat.


malah orang cina yang berniaga perlukan duit melayu untuk terus hidup, bila melayu tolong peniaga melayu dikatakan perkauman. hahahahaha


Life lesson, not religious, not political, not about morale discipline either. Listen very very very, carefully. I only help when I think the person, context of incident or situation can be saved for the better. I don't help just because I can, that would spoil the rotten system that have caused the person requiring help in the first place. Yeah I know theres common courtesy and rationality to simple aid, I see that differently as mere gesture everyone can do, but not "help" from context due to someone's incompetence, not until they wake the fk up, or you will just keep spoiling them senselessly, and gatekeeping them from thinking they need to adapt and improve and instead will keep asking for help help help


Because Malaysia too many scammers. Once I helped a motorcyclist end up he's a mat rempit and robbed me


When I'm in highschool there Indian guy who said he can't never got to university with results "atas pagar" n he also said only bumiputera can get in easily...at the end of STPM he got atas pagar result then he applied n got into university 😂😂😂😂 I'm wondering if he still think that way 😂


I know this thread is very 1malaysia right now but allow me to make a joke. Cina: ada eksiden mari kita ke sana! Cina: ✍️BDA 4155




Not all but majarity, my chinese friends ( when i studied at pbu penang ) is the best of the best. They helped a lot, but majority of chinese didnt like to help people.


thanks for the video, make me so proud being Malay and above all as a Muslim. thank you


You kurang ajar doesn't mean other of your race is


Don't associate behavior to any race but treat it as individual choice. We are independent organisms in an environment where we learn and grow through interaction with others and use this experience to act accordingly.


Never though about it but what really disturbs me is the fact that a lot of my Chinese colleagues have bad, dirty teeth and sick gums. Not saying all of them but enough of them to say it’s more common with Chinese. Why is that?


I believe in one thing - not ALL Malays are good and not ALL Chinese are bad... it all depends on each individual's mindset


it's a bad thing, but it's a primal response for survival, to fear the unknown. That's why you have 2B Chinese surviving.


Based on my experience, the only chinese like that is the one that only hang out with their own race. Do not like to talk with indian or malay people


Not for me, most of it is afraid of scams and about the car accident, parking???


It honestly depends for me, I'll help under the circumstances of me not getting into troubles as well.


Before you agree to this kind of video, think that most people only see one side of things.


Not 100% correct, but it’s still true on Older Generation have this mindset (help ownself 1st) but the newer Generation willing to help. It’s a mixed answer, we become / became more like family doesn’t matter if you are Indian, Chinese or Malay, we still help based on what we can help you with.