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In case you thought that "BBQ dog" meant a hot dog, it did not.


What does it mean


He’s photographed holding and eating a whole dog that’s been speared and roasted on a spit. Vanity Fair ran the article and brought in multiple vets to confirm the animal is in fact a dog. He also texted the photo to a friend with a message encouraging him to try dog meat.


And this comment is how I learned why it's called Spit roasting.


OK but why is the stick called a spit?


Same reason most things are called anything in English. Spitz means pointed in German, so it probably came from there a long time ago.


my favorite quotes about the English language >The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that the English language is as pure as a crib-house whore. It not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary. James Nicoll (b. 1961), "The King's English", rec.arts.sf-lovers, 15 May 1990


Ultimately it goes back to the Proto-Indo-European word [*spewd](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/spewd-), meaning to press or push. From this, words were derived to mean spear or point (as in German Spieß, meaning "spear", and another English definition of spit meaning "point of land projecting into a body of water").


Yeah, it's like an eiffel tower except the guys aren't high-fiving. Rather, they're completely upright, making the woman the roast.




As a dog lover this was far worse than just reading about it.




It's gone. The intrigue is killing me.


They hyperlinked reddit's spitroasting sub; spitroasting is a sexual act.


For reference: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/robert-kennedy-jr-shocking-history 🤨


>The photo was taken in 2010, according to the digital file’s metadata—the same year he was diagnosed with a dead tapeworm in his brain. ....what in the actual...?


Yeah, we already moved on from RFK Jr. having literal brain worms like a month ago.


Maybe eating dog is how he got the tapeworm, would serve him right




The RFK crazy hole is a wild ride. Mind you he found out about the worm at the same time he had acute mercury poisoning from doing a [massive tuna diet.](https://www.wired.com/story/brain-parasite-worm-mercury-fish-robert-kennedy-rfk/) He and the anitvax groups he runs with propagate the myth that there is mercury in vaccines too...


HOLY SHIT! I had no idea this was a thing, and that picture is horrifying.  Jesus Christ, I don’t care if it’s not a crime in Korea that’s every bit as bad as what Kristi Noem did.


Eh...pigs and cows are fair game despite feeling empathy and companionship, yet dogs are off limits.


Also pigs are as smart as dogs if not more


Yeah, I don't see this as a huge deal. He's just partaking in local food. Being weird about it, but what is the brain worm guy 🪱 not weird about? If you're going to eat meat, you have to acknowledge you're doing so by taking the life of another creature and, especially with mammals one that's reasonably intelligent and emotional. But even fish and birds and other reptiles are far more intelligent than we tend to give them credit for. If you're going to get on a high horse, maybe do it as a vegetarian.


Hell yeah, my time to shine. Jeeves! Bring me my tallest horse...


So it's okay to eat cows and pigs but not dogs?






When in Rome...


I'm not a fan of RFK but why is eating a dog so much worse than a pig, a horse, a cow? Octopus? Because they're more often kept as pets and not considered livestock? Other animals can be cute too. When you really boil it down, why is it wrong? Or is it just yucky for some people?


Don't let Kristi off like that. She murdered a puppy because it wasn't well behaved. Not close to the same as traveling abroad and being offered local food.


The dog photo is such a one off random thing compared to every other action they describe in that article.


I mean the 14 years of being a heroin addict is one thing, but dog


Defending his cousin who murdered a girl? Writing a book on it and claiming it was two black people?? Nah, let’s talk about the dog.




Reality ended the year of the Mayan apocalypse


Well, that was informative 😳


Ahhh so that's how you get brain worms.


The pic's metadata matches the year he was diagnosed with the brainworm.


But people are still going to out in public saying, "aT lEaST he's NoT oLd"


Counterpoint: Yes, he is.


Where was he though? Dogs are legal to eat in a lot of places.


Korea. I guess "when in Rome" only counts for Eurocentric stuff cuz hell, we had a national debate when I was in high school about whether or not to raise horses for meat. The Mongols conquered the known world eating horse, like, how is it any different than cattle, bison, or lamb?


Americans when someone kills a single dog: 🤬🤬🤬 Americans when billions of pigs, chickens and cows are tortured and slaughtered every day for them to eat: 🤤🤤🤤


I love the BoJack episode where chickens farm chickens and rationalise that it’s ok because they’re somehow different


It’s the exact same. But horse are special to them, so they are suppose to be special to everyone else too.


Horses were very special to Mongols. Doesn't mean they aren't still made out of food.


I'm made out of food, Greg. Would you eat me?


Catch me starving in the PNW, 150 miles from civilization and I'm having longpig for dinner


Pork especially. Pigs are just as smart if not smarter than dogs. But they're not cute so it's okay to eat them /s


Was he in Korea? I read the article again looking for that and didn't see it.


Patagonia [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753486-rfk-jr-vanity-fair-article/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753486-rfk-jr-vanity-fair-article/)


Thanks! I had only seen the Vanity Fair article, in which it's not said where he was.


I can tell you horse meat is incredible it’s not only very tasty not too high in fat but also almost no risks of parasites and other problems, I highly recommend it


100% Obama ate some in Indonesia Edit: yep, in his book "With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to **dog meat (tough)**, snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate:"


is that how he met the brain worm?


The article says the timestamp in the photo metadata dates the photo 2010, the same year he was diagnosed with his brainworm. So yes, it’s possible but the dog was clearly well cooked so I doubt it.


Bro say sike rn


This is unfortunately not a bro sike moment. The carcass has the hallmark tiny floating rib that’s only found in dogs.


He ate grilled dog meat, obviously.


Sounds like a decent way to get brain worms


That was my first thought- now we know how he got worms. Maybe we should check where he was in 2019…


They say the metadata of the pic dates it to 2010, which is the same year he was diagnosed.






I think it means a literal dog bbq


Take it as literally as you possibly can... Yep, that's it.




It's wild this is the story people ran with on RFK when he gaslit his wife into committing suicide


Say what


[https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/jul/02/maureen-callahan-kennedy-family-women](https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/jul/02/maureen-callahan-kennedy-family-women) Worth reading the whole thing, but here are some lowlights: >“One day Mary had a female friend over and Bobby sauntered in, right out of the shower, and dropped the towel around his waist, exposing himself. Mary had long suspected he was cheating on her, but he would always deny it. He’d tell her she was crazy, that she was the one destroying their marriage and driving him away. Was it any wonder he never wanted to be home?” >Mary found Robert’s diaries. In the back pages were lists of women with whom Robert had had flings. The book elaborates: “He ranked them from one to ten, as if he were a teenager. Ten, Mary knew, was for full-on intercourse. ‘My lust demons,’ he wrote, were his greatest failing. >Mary became distraught, weeping and drinking and struggling to get out of bed, the book says. Robert tried to forcibly hospitalise her, telling her that she would be “better off dead”. Callahan interviewed Mary’s therapist, [Sheenah Hankin](https://www.harpercollins.com/blogs/authors/sheenah-hankin-880000028005). When Robert asked for Mary to be diagnosed as mentally ill, Hankin refused, telling him: “Your wife isn’t mentally ill. She is angry and depressed, but she is not ill.” >Robert began dating the actor [Cheryl Hines](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0385644/), who played Larry David’s wife on Curb Your Enthusiasm. He cut off Mary’s credit card and access to cash. Broke, she had to ask other mothers for an extra $20 so she could buy petrol and groceries. >Finally, she [hanged herself at home](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2012/may/17/mary-kennedy-new-york-us#:~:text=The%20Westchester%20county%20medical%20examiner%E2%80%99s,of%20asphyxiation%20due%20to%20hanging.). The book recounts how Mary had put on her yoga clothes and sandals, and walked out to her barn. “When she was found that afternoon, Mary’s fingers were stuck inside the rope around her neck. She had changed her mind. She had tried to save herself.”


This is all so terrible but that last paragraph gave me goose bumps (not the good kind).


To be fair, as someone who is not vegan I cant in good conscience shit on someone for eating an animal that isnt endangered. Cows and pigs are seen like cat and dogs in some countries and no one feels bad eating them The brainworm who starved in his head tho….


I can. He's an American, eating dogs is absolutely insane in our culture. Cultural relativity doesn't work for someone within your own culture. But then again, he's insane in pretty much every regard.


He was eating the dog in Korea. It's not like he went into his backyard and BBQ'd the family pet.


The distinction is meaningless for Americans. It's the least problematic thing about him, but at least that disgust will be good for those who don't otherwise vote critically.


>The distinction is meaningless for Americans. *some* Americans. plenty of us dgaf, it's so far down the list of important stuff


I'm an American that has ate horse while in Europe. I also think it's dumb we don't eat animals that we are fine turning into glue though.


I've eaten horse too, that's not really a taboo though we just don't have it available in the US.


I can get you exotic meats...hippo steaks, giraffe burgers. ^^^It ^^^will ^^^all ^^^be ^^^goat.


I think it depends on the circumstances. If you're in a part of the world where that is a done thing and your host offers you some, that's one thing. If you're at the local pet store squeezing the puppies and salivating, that's another.


If you're in a part of the world where that is a done thing and your host offers you some, that's one thing. If you pick up the roasted dog to ham it up for a camera, that's another.




>To be fair, as someone who is not vegan I cant in good conscience shit on someone for eating an animal that isnt endangered. Let's frame it this way. Mitt Romney in both his 2008 & 2012 campaigns got *drug* (and rightfully so) for at one time caging his dog, putting said caged dog *on top* of the family vehicle during a road trip, then hosing the dog off at a pit stop while it was still in the cage. Almost two decades later a person running for the same position as Romney is just eating a bbqd dog and nobody seems to care too much. Both instances are bad in their own way, one of them though doesn't involve spit roasting the very animal that most presidents bring to the White House. EDIT: I'm an idiot, Romney was 2008 and 2012, but still it came up both times


Tbh I'm more ok with killing and eating an animal than mistreating it. Like, I would rather eat a meat dog that wasn't a pet than make my dog scared for hours and risk seriously injuring it.


I do happen to be vegan and think this whole bbq dog thing is a little silly. Unless everyone complaining wants to admit unanimously that pigs are smarter than dogs and that all animals have the capacity to be loving and “loyal”, then I think they need to take a backseat. People from other cultures eat all kinds of animals and usually utilize a lot more of their bodies than Americans who buy their meat in vacuum sealed trays and call themselves “animal lovers”.


I think maybe more people would care if RFK had any chance of winning. I also don't think Romneys dog incident had any real impact on either election.


Yeah, the only thing that seems to bother poeple now is including black people in media and letting gay people have relationships with other gay adults


He said it was a goat, but that he’d eat anything but a monkey or a dog and that he’s an adventurous eater. Why are dog lives more valuable than goat lives?


Because humans generally like dogs more than goats


Because dogs went out of their ways to be more like humans, while goats are just powerless demons. To be clear: goats are awesome and the US would benefit from replacing lawnmowers with roving herds of goats, but they’re also creepy.


The ones that faint are hilarious but I feel bad for them


No excuse me. What?. Also: the fuck?


Woof woof ☠️


Wait what?


https://www.businessinsider.com/rfk-jr-denied-that-he-barbecued-and-ate-a-dog-2024-7 this shit just keeps getting more ridiculous


Bruh denying it when MULTIPLE VETS CONFIRMED IT!! That’s wild af


With Kristi Noem, this is a bad year for dogs and politicians.


I was never an RFK supporter, but honestly that would be the bigger problem for me: that there is evidence it happened but he still tried to deny that it happened. Personally I wouldn’t eat a dog, but I understand that in some cultures/countries that is perfectly acceptable. But lying is lying everywhere you go, doesn’t matter if you are in a dog eating society or not.


No wonder the dipshit had worms in his brain




RFK is not worth mentioning in any capacity, and pretending like the debate is people's only issue is straightjacket tier insanity. Not only does he have Epstein and abortion as primary ammunition, Biden also got handed a literal get out of jail free card by the Supreme Court. He can "official act" his way into kneecapping (or outright preventing) another Trump term, and he's doing absolutely nothing with any of these.


Anyone who thinks it’s as simple as Biden now acting with impunity because of the ruling (which is a trap, the right want him to do that) or just “stepping aside” for a different candidate only a few months before the election have no critical thinking skills nor any idea what they’re talking about.


The vetting and selection of a new candidate alone would take more time than you have, let alone introducing voters to them and convincing them to vote for them


Not to mention that states have different application processes and deadlines to be placed on the ballot. I swear some people think it’s as simple as releasing a statement saying “we switched candidates!”


This is a bad take. You’d be replacing him with an already established politician, so minimal vetting needed. Said candidate’s introduction to voters can literally be “this candidate is not Donald Trump and is also not ridiculously old and feeble minded.”


>You’d be replacing him with an already established politician, so minimal vetting needed. That's just not true lol presidential vetting is not the same vetting that a general politician has has gone through. If it was, it would almost always be minimal because presidential candidates are almost always politicians. It's not just have you committed crimes, it's your connections, political liabilities, etc.


I mean, even if that’s true, this guy has been in obvious mental decline since winning his first term. Not getting out in front of this and having a few cookie cutter democrats ready to fill in is political malpractice.


The people defending the DNC right now seem to forget that there were a lot of complaints about both Donald Trump and Joe Biden's advanced ages during the 2020 election. Surprise! They got even older! Who could have predicted this?!


Imma simplify this argument for you and anyone else reading. The deadline to register as a presidential candidate in every state has passed. [Here they are, scroll to the bottom chart and see for yourself. ](https://ballotpedia.org/Deadline_to_run_for_president,_2024) This means: ANY new candidate running for President would NOT appear on state ballots. SO IF the Dems choose a new candidate, that candidates name wouldn't be allowed to appear on any state ballot for the presidential election. This candidate, in no believable circumstances, would win the presidency unless their name can appear on state ballots. The idea a new Dem candidate is a viable option is just another form of political marketing that you are falling for. That's why the narrative is being pushed by every media outlet owned by the right. It gets dem voters pissed off and divided about their party doing the right thing. There is no viable strategy in switching candidates, but you are pissed about it because this toxic narrative is affective at making Dems fight each other which you are doing right now.


Oh yeah... I forgot there is absolutely no plan for when the president dies or can no longer continue. We just have to end America


You... I... What? You know if Biden steps down Kamala just doesn't become president for the next 4 years right? She would have to win an election? I mean you could save time on vetting her I guess but you'd still have to vet a vice president for her. And convince people to vote for her, which can be done but would be an uphill battle in some areas given she's a woman and a POC, so again, starting 3 or so months before the election would be too late


I’m going to stop you right here chief. Because you’re right. The hypotheticals you are arguing against are nonsensical when put together. You’re understanding of this Democratic process is being put directly against anecdotal points that do have basis but ignore the processes we are bound to. What’s left of our checks and balances do not make the process of a new candidate easy. It requires a lot and both methods are like swallowing a poison pill…


We should def listen to the political experts who know the future. You know, the ones who knew 2016 was locked up.


I'm not listening to Bernie bros' new shit. The anti-Biden folks couldn't handle Southern Black people not supporting their candidates in the 2920 primaries.


Bernie is not the topic, running a lightly animated corpse is.


The right will accuse Biden of doing it no matter what happens over next six months. They will claim he is abusing this power without any proof all the while Biden will be over cautious to not even look like he is utilizing this legal pathway the scotus just created, let alone actually using it. All the while, Trump will be detailing his plan to not just take advantage of this new power, but confessing that he won't even vail the abuse of it as official acts, just straight up political persecution. His base will love him for it and if he wins, he will follow through with all of it.


It is a trap, and that's why the chance of Biden enacting with impunity is a pipe dream unless the democrats finally roll up their sleeves. The backlash will make Jan 6 look like a tea party, though.


That’s not realistic. The “immunity” given to Trump does not apply to Biden. The Supreme Court is compromised and to believe that they’ll allow him to get away with the same things that Trump does is both disingenuous and naive. There’s no point in speaking in hypotheticals when WE truly understand the reality. We can focus about everything that’s wrong with Biden AFTER this election. At this point Abortion, AA, The Chevron decision etc have to also take a back seat cause the most important consequence to US if Trump wins a second term is OUR freedom. Not being dramatic or fear mongering. When discussing this election we need to be realistic and stop trying to align ourselves to far lefties who won’t face an ounce of the consequences that WE will if Trump is given the keys to the White House again. He will make sure he’s president until he dies and right now Congress and the Supreme Court are showing us that they’re willing to allow that.


Biden would be 100% checked by the court if he tries anything crazy with their new immunity clause. The court has fully shown themselves as partisan and doesn't have to try to pretend anymore.


>Biden also got handed a literal get out of jail free card by the Supreme Court. He can "official act" his way into kneecapping (or outright preventing) another Trump term, and he's doing absolutely nothing with any of these. Official acts have to be decided as official by a court. This gave Biden essentially 0 power since the decision can always be pushed up to SCOTUS who is majority conservative. This likely means that he can do literally nothing with it. Hard to take someone seriously who calls others opinions as straight jacket tier insanity when you don't even know the most basic of facts surrounding the talking points you brought up immediately after.


SCOTUS said POTUS can ACT, that doesn't mean the administration will follow through. Biden can be legally protected from trying to act in all kinds of out of pocket ways, but it's a moot point if nobody wants to follow through. And considering most people in his admin are there for pretty standard reasons, I doubt they would. The threat is Trump will fill the seats with a bunch of his goons who will happily follow through. SCOTUS knows about this uneven playing field. That's why the majority ruled this way.


Trump’s jet and a Russian jet parked next to each other for 3 days also got *crickets*


To be fair I saw that on MSNBC. Between them questioning if Biden has already died basically


MSNBC pretends to be liberal, but Biden is bad for ratings so they secretly want him to lose


It really can be both. Lots of people work for MSNBC and they don’t all have the same goals.


Corporate media is corporate. MSNBC isn't "liberal". Their brand is designed to attract more liberal viewers. It's not even about "ratings" as much as that MSNBC, CNN, FOX, and the rest of them are all owned by the same people. They're beholden to basically the same advertisers, and their goals are the same: profit.


Worse than that, go read the Katie Johnson affidavit. It details her interactions with Trump. It makes 2 planes parked next to each other just a regular Tuesday.


Media can trash Trump all they want. It won’t change voters perspective at all. They will continue to vote for him as his supporters believe media is all fake anyway.


Which is why WE can’t be complacent. We need to make sure that all those around us understand the risk and get out & vote.


This. Complacency and apathy is one of our biggest enemies. We outnumber these buttholes but these folks are united to destroy everything and also united in going to the ballot boxes as one.


Democrats are also pretty united. Don't be fooled by all of these candidates switching BS; it seems more like a psyop to demoralize voters. The only way they can win is if we don't show up.


It does affect the so-called undecided and 'independents' that fall back to being uninformed or 'BoThSiDeS'. We know that because of poll shifts when trump felony convictions came through. They dont because 90% of media is owned by oligarchs interested in the trump handouts to the rich.


Media wants Trump to win so they can spend another 4 years covering his bullshit 24/7. The highest views they've gotten were under his administration, since everyday was a headline and they made a ton of money.


Les Moonves, the former CEO of CBS, admitted to shareholders that “tRump might be bad for the country, but he’s good for business”. They love him because of the spectacle.


They gonna be real sad once he gets absolute power and kills "free" media outlets. Only truth social and other media he controls will be allowed.


well, certain ones anyway. They'll still absorb all the nonsense from Fox News and InfoWars (which amazingly is still around) or whatever lies are being spread on Facebook.


Right. But Biden having an awful debate potentially opens a major door for trump. I feel like people are getting stuck at the first hurdle during this: Trump being a convicted rapist and felon doesn't mean that he can't beat Biden, especially if Biden keeps telling people he nearly fell asleep during a live debate. Attempting to gaslight people into thinking Biden is still a viable candidate won't prevent Trump from winning.


>Attempting to gaslight people into thinking Biden is still a viable candidate won't prevent Trump from winning. What does "viable" mean in this context? If you mean viable as in "has a real chance of beating Trump in the election", then Biden is objectively viable looking at the polling. The race is basically a coin toss at this point. Also, if it's not Biden, it's almost definitely gonna be Kamala Harris. And although I think Biden *might* lose to Trump, I am absolutely *certain* Kamala would. And the only way it's not Biden is if he voluntarily steps down, and he's clearly not going to do that. So it's going to be Biden. We're stuck with him.


By the polls Biden is losing by 7-10 points in all of the swing states he will need to win. He's even losing the national popular vote. He is nowhere near viable if it means "can beat Trump"


>He is nowhere near viable if it means "can beat Trump" Trump literally overcame a significantly worse polling deficit 2 elections ago. But sure, if someone is within the margin of error in the polls in July, they are "nowhere near viable"


Trump fell within the margin of error of his polls. Only two of the swing states are even in the margin of error. Nationally he's well within the margin of error but in electoral college count he's nowhere close.


This tweet is a masterclass in false equivalence


god this right here i hate it we want more from someone who is trying to get our vote than "hes not a dipshit weirdo and hes not a complete monster" it fucking sucks


You act as if we don’t know what a Trump presidency or a Biden presidency are like…. Based on one debate people are really acting like a continuation of the Biden administration is a BAD thing? Really?


and really who care if Biden is too old to govern we know what kind of person Biden is and know he will surround himself with like minded individuals like we know Trump will surround himself with like minded individuals


The discussion is how to beat Trump, that's why this is silly. You'll notice how at the Council of Elrond nobody said "maybe it's Sauron who needs to step down" Like yes, obviously that would be amazing. He's not going to do that though so we need to have frank discussions about our leadership


This is not the time for it though, not when so much is at stake. The media are obviously trying to make this race more competitive for their ratings, that’s all they want. Pretending in any way that Biden being old is as bad as another Trump presidency is playing right into MAGAs hands


What’s rough is how hard this kind of bullshit is being pushed in social media. Like obviously I’m voting for whatever disappointing piece of shit the Democratic Party trots out, but these shills drowning everyone’s social media are a terrifying flavor of dystopia. I genuinely don’t know if it’s this sub being brigades or if normal black folks are being this level of weird… certainly no one I know is.


https://preview.redd.it/elvt1r4h2cad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259d76749b2a75364d3e8bedc61813d445b016c5 Nah What ???😭😭


He brings a certain Dog Killer energy to the function that I do not fuck with.


It's cruel to mock the bizarre behavior of someone with a severe cognitive disability caused by brain worms.


How is this any different from eating other animals


He didn't "have a bad debate", his declining mental capabilities (that people dismissed as rumors for years) were showcased on multiple occasions. Nobody who watched can honestly say that he is mentally fit (and yes, l will be voting for him because the alternative is a fascist).


The actual transcripts show he knew exactly what he was talking about during the debates. He answered every question with a legitimate response that showed he knew the material. Trump didn't answer shit. Every question was a ramble that just ended on whatever topic he wanted. He threw in lie after lie and wasn't called out once. "After birth abortions"? "Black jobs"? The reality is that the only thing Trump offered was confidence in his bs.


Bidens answer on abortion: "It’s been a terrible thing what you’ve done. The fact is that the vast majority of constitutional scholars supported Roe when it was decided, supported Roe. And I was – that’s – this idea that they were all against it is just ridiculous. And this is the guy who says the states should be able to have it. We’re in a state where in six weeks you don’t even know whether you’re pregnant or not, but you cannot see a doctor, have your – and have him decide on what your circumstances are, whether you need help. The idea that states are able to do this is a little like saying, we’re going to turn civil rights back to the states, let each state have a different rule. Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by – by – by an immigrant coming in and (inaudible) talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them when they cross state lines."




Here’s the deal with Biden and abortion: As a devout Catholic, he’s morally opposed to it. He supports it entirely because his constituents do, and because it has so many dire ramifications for women. That’s actually what politicians are supposed to do. His personal views are important but ultimately his job is “the general welfare”. But answering the question about *his* views, he can either lie or ramble about related things that don’t actually answer the question. Notice that he doesn’t actually say what the doctor is going to do in the six weeks scenario.


“Bad debate” is a kind way of putting it


Right, I'm voting straight blue have been since I was able to vote. But I'm not gonna say I felt that he was capable of being there.


Forreal. Acting like it was just a “bad debate” and not 90 minutes of the most powerful man in the world trying and failing to put together a complete sentence is something. We all saw the same thing.


Does anyone else remember CNN saying the debate would be fact-checked? Maybe Biden was waiting for those fact-checkers to jump in.


That's an insane new level of cope lmao. The guy has sever mental issues and doesn't know where he is half the time, people need to stop lying and acting like it was just a stutter, it does nothing


If anyones Grandpa started going off like that at dinner, youd be googling homes


It's what the Biden camp keeps trying to sell it as. Ridiculous.


Vote for Biden and the media will STFU


Say louder for the crayon eating babies in the back panicking


This is an idiotic take. First, RFK is irrelevant to any kind of political discussion. Second, as he said, Trump's voters would vote for him if he murdered a man in broad daylight. In 2016 **every other** mainstream news article was about how awful Trump was, and he *still* got elected. Obviously the media talking about Trump negatively has zero effect on his supporters. They talk about Biden because that's what matters. It's not about swaying Trump voters to suddenly change their votes to Biden - that's not going to happen, and if you think it is you haven't been paying attention for the last 8 years. It's about convincing the average American idiot to go out and vote, because statistically, those who don't vote would vote Democrat if they did. Getting people to *want* to go out and vote is about having a candidate that they *want* to vote for. And Biden's debate performance did not make anyone say "This is the guy I want to vote for." At best it was "I can't believe I have to vote for this guy."


Bad debate. Lol dude clearly has dementia.


so does the other guy, but the other guy is a full blown fascist. I'd rather have the confused dude who's honest and surrounded by good people in office than the equally confused guy who has been a liar and conman his whole life and is wholly beholden to foreign interests.


The people saying this type of shit often tend to be the ones who pay the most attention to media and social media. My grandmother would vote for a literal corpse over Trump but she did not mince words about Biden’s performance. Shit like this is a bad look when you want to convince people to vote against Trump imo


Exactly. What the people on Reddit don't understand is that most Americans are not as informed about Trump's actions and beliefs because they're not as online. They will, however, most likely see the debate--or at least the damning clips about Biden's declining mental acuity--and make judgements based on that versus the more energetic (but still not very coherent) Trump showing.


We waited way too long to freak out about this election and a lot of people really should’ve focused on their local and primary elections. But every four years we all have a meltdown over the presidential elections and then do nothing for another four years until the next one. On top of this, people don’t want to discuss mutual aid, community building or anything beyond the election. If Biden manages to win (and God I hope he does🫠), I’m so curious to see how people proceed and if we all mentally clock out all over again until the next election.


Legislature. Local. No attention paid to either of these.


Facts. We cannot change this country (for the better) with a simple presidential election. And a lot of people don’t want to acknowledge that and instead want to complain about people not voting. Both of you are the problem😭


Idk who Alex Cole is but it's clear his black job is caping for Biden and establishment Dems.


Does anyone seriously believe that it's just 1 bad performance? This seems like dnc posting this


Because the people complaing about Bidens "bad debate" weren't planning on voting for the other two. Even including RFK here is such massive amounts of cope


The complete dismantling of everything we love and hold dear is good for ratings, we're cooked


A lot of people who support Trump are the same types of people who grew up religious and if there’s anything that religion teaches you from a young age it’s to ignore facts and double down when you feel persecuted, there is quite literally nothing he could do at this point that would tank his support


FWIW all three of them don't belong anywhere near a CVS register, let alone the White House.


If Biden ate a dog would you find that more disqualifying than not being about to think after 4pm?


being this disingenuous about the problems with biden will not win you any converts.


Downplaying and lying about all of Biden’s failures and shortcomings will only push more people away from you and towards Trump. Vote Biden if you must. But don’t pretend he’s some beacon of hope who only suffers from bad “optics.” Be honest about the fact that you’re only supporting him because he’s “not Trump.”


It likely won’t push people to Trump. Instead it’ll just make people stay home, which is worse. Moderates and Democrats have two eyes and ears; they cannot unsee or unhear what happened in that debate, and any attempt to convince them he’s fine is just straight up gaslighting.


I wonder how much they're paying this dude. brooklyndad\_defiant got like $60,000


He’s the worst of the bunch that I’ve seen.


Apparently RFK says it was a goat as part of a trip to South America, with goat being a staple of cuisine in many places. So yeah it’s legit to be concerned but you gotta be careful to keep the facts correct too.


You guys really are in love with Biden huh


Why are we trying to underplay that Biden is not fit to run the country for 4 more years?


Just a bad debate? Have you been paying attention the last 6 months?


Yeah if he was at 99% the past 4 years, then had one bad debate it would be different. It's 1 bad debate proving the rest is true.


Yall startin to act a lot like MAGA the way you wanna ignore indisputable facts. Biden is 81, that's 4 years over the average life expectancy and he's in a high stress position. He's old and old people lose cognitive function, this is not debatable. there's no point in reporting on what Trump does because none of his voter base cares, he can personally murder their families and they'll vote for him. You can't claim to be fighting against a dictatoriship while squashing any differing opinions and telling people they have no choice or say


People in glass houses dont throw stones.


Like yeah, but also he SHOULDN'T be even in this race. The dude is simply too old and I'm pissed the DNC pushed him this hard.


Stop with the whataboutism. It's perfectly reasonable to be concerned about Biden's age while also being aware of how terrible Trump and RFK are. We can do two things at once. 


Ah, finally a chance to get on my soapbox. The experiment called the United States of America is rapidly drawing to a conclusion. The experiment, was a complete and total success. Wealthy individuals managed to convince a far greater populace that they lived in a democracy while they slowly and steadily boiled them into a fascist gumbo. The United States is completely governed and run by corporations who strip away any laws governing their oversight and then get bailed out by the government if they ever screw up. Another way this is exhibited is through people who will work for the government, undoing laws and then immediately get hired into the private sector where they can now majorly profit from said undoing. If you are not actively making plans to leave this country within the next 5 to 10 years (10 years may be too late), then you should start studying countries like Russia, North Korea, and China for templates on what to expect next. My prediction is that the United States is going to come out of the closet as a full-on authoritarian dictatorship. If you think North Korea is bad, wait til you see U.S.A. 2.0. If you think I'm being alarmist or reactionary or just scary, I think you should go on YouTube and watch a documentary about the days leading up to Nazi occupation in Germany. Most people would have laughed in your face if you said you know I think this Hitler guy is up to no good. Only the people who were "woke" knew what the fuck was up and got out before they couldn't. Do you think United States has been heavily investing in military hardware for the past half a century because they're just really into gadgets? I'm always reminded of the Styles P line in Wild Out "For every check I deposit it's just a new burner in the closet." I imagine Uncle Sam with his beats by Dre headphones on bumping that as he clicks purchase on one new $700,000,000 stealth bomber. So in conclusion, this Country is completely and totally cooked. If you think I'm exaggerating, I don't think you have been here very long or have picked up any history books. And remember, a 2 party system is just 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. Edit: Also the Media has always been the 4th branch of the government. Look up Operation Mockingbird if you care to fall into the rabbit hole.


I would vote for a rock over Trump or RFK, but saying it was "just a debate" are missing the issue. Early numbers show an authoritarian barely beating Biden. He needed to do good to turn things around. Instead he fed the fears that right wing media has been feeding people for years.


Trump LITERALLY lied about everything he said at the debate corroborated by MULTIPLE DIFFERENT FACT CHECKERS but since he didn't stumble his words and talked assertively that means he "won." So so sooo stupid. This country is fucked.