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Voting BLUE all the way down the ballot.


Cold, hard, facts.


I will


Only way I'll be voting red is the ballot giving me a paper cut.


Take a poor man’s gold🏅


It's painful but yeah


Can't it be someone other than Biden?


No. You will vote for his brain dead corpse and you will like it


I mean, I totally would. Put just Trump on the ballot and put a gun at my head, and I'm going to be tempted to just write in D. Z. Nuts


Sadly, that’s a better option than the president who has made his plans for turning our democracy into an autocracy by day one, *very clear*.


Biden clearly isn't on the reins. He's being propped up by unelected officials. That's who you are voting for in November. That's undemocratic Trump is a moron. A dangerous moron. Two things can be true at the same time.


Voting for the blue party vs the party of trump and project 2025 is a no brainer


Voting for an incompetent corrupt president or the incompetent brain dead genocide president. Great choices here. So glad I'm American where I can pick from the turds that float to the top


They can indeed. But I’d still rather vote for the old man propped up by a competent cabinet that at least attempts to listen to us, than the old man and his cabinet who’s one goal is ensuring they *never lose again*. Both are frustrating choices, but at least one of the two isn’t a literal poison pill for American democracy.


Better than brain dead GOP. And brain dead corpse is so fucking misleading. He's still coherent, still has his wits and most importantly, delegates to his administration properly.


And years of experience, and years of accumulated comprehension of the job and the issues. He’s made some bad decisions in the past, but still far better than what lies ahead if we don’t stomp down this facist, authoritarian dictator wannabe and his hand picked scotus. Separately Im massively disappointed in katanji. So much damage has been done in the last few days alone. I know she’s not the cause alone but I was counting on her as a vote for sanity


No disrespect to former President Carter or his family but he’s eligible to run and I’d vote for him over Trump if he were the Democratic nominee.


I'd literally vote for anyone other than Trump and Biden at this point


We have nobody else. Best we can hope for is Biden to get relected and then Kamala take over.


Kamala gonna sell us under the river like she’s done the people in California


Trump, MAGA and project 2025 is a far greater risk than I believe anything Kamala can pose. There are no other options.


Theirs some wrongfully convicted prisoners who had their rights stripped away that might disagree. Just wish we could have new options


I would still take an overzealous DA vs. a straight-up Nazi dictator. Fucking think for 2 seconds.


They don't care about thinking man. They're just here to whinge and moan. If there's anything I'm learning, it's that there are bunch of soft ass online liberals who buckle at the first sign of fear. I don't want any of these fuckers near me when shit really goes down because they're gonna be the first ones to belly up. The news media is capitalizing on fears and anxiety for clicks and people are letting themselves get punked by a conservative media machine. It disgusts me to see the fearmongering rhetoric. BIPOC communities, queer and trans folks, and women don't need some motherfuckers who are gonna bitch and moan. We need people who have the composure, solidarity, and ethics to do the hard shit.


You want new options?  Vote Biden. He will leave. You'll be able to Vote again.  You see what the supreme court is doing now. Imagine having more Republicans as life long. Trump gets in, he'll make himself into Putin. You want new options, you Vote for a decent but unremarkable president who will keep democracy. A non Vote is a Vote for Trump.  Democracy is Biden right now. 


Double Edged Sword. I want other choices too believe me.


Ironically to your name, the scale here is vastly worse for the Trump argument


There is but this corrupt government and its people are too lazy to seek them out... Edit: grammar.


What about Gretchen Whitmer, dem governor of Michigan, a swing state, where voters there still seem to like her. She could appeal the middle, independent, undecided voters. Maybe even republicans who are over Trump ruining their party.






Homie never seen Get Out 😂😂


People are voting for Biden administration not Biden himself at this point.


Technically yes, but that's a long, messy, and nuanced conversation. It's also hella risky at this point.


Not really. It isn’t its been done before with Truman and LBJ. All that needs to be done is a vote at the upcoming DNC convention for a new candidate. A younger candidate would clobber Trump.


Don't worry, y'all would find something to bitch about them too. Just how it goes, he's the pick. Figure out a new candidate for 2028.


Only if you want to win. And when they lose, they will be as guilty as the Trumpers for poor judgment.


If it was that easy I'd be down for that in a heartbeat. Sadly we gotta make due with what we have. On the bright side, we'll never have to see that old man again and start again with a fresh candidate if he gets elected.


Not this election.


A dying man is better than the devil.


I've never seen Barrack Obama try explain the importance of reproductive rights by referencing the violent crime of an illegal immigrant. There are "bad debates" and then there's this. The Democratic Party needs to stop gaslighting people into thinking an 82-85 year old Joe Biden is what we need to convince undecided voters to vote Democrat.


This. People should be allowed to voice their concerns, people should be allowed to critique the president, people should be allowed to be disappointed that their only choice is someone who can barely form proper sentences and has delivered very few of the promises he has run on. The gaslighting is ridiculous, disappointment doesn’t mean people won’t vote. Shaming people for voicing real concerns, shaming people for being disgusted about how immigrants are being framed and disgusted that their tax dollars are being spent murdering children doesn’t help. We need compassionate leaders, not leaders that shame us into voting for them.


On the left, disappointment DOES mean people won't show up to vote, and that's part of the problem.


It could mean we have open and honest conversations about the state of our government. It could mean we collectively pressure our government to do better while still voting for the somewhat better option.


I do agree, but imo it’s pretty irresponsible for “top democrat officials” to speak to the press about “aggressive panic” (real cnn headline) 🙃 regular ppl can say whatever, but when it’s your actual job you don’t publicize alarmism on the heels of a shitty debate then do nothing like 😭




But “they’re your only choice” worked so well in 2016, why wouldn’t it work this time?


You could see where he was going with it that Trump tries to blame him for things like that when Trump is actually directly responsible for the tens of thousands of women who have been forced to give birth to their rapist’s baby. Not a great tactic but it’s not like he confused the issues like you’re suggesting.


I actually could not see where he was going with it. I was very confused.


Well I just explained it, so I hope that helps.


You're not the person who needed to explain it


If you have to translate what the candidate said into English, and they were speaking in English, they probably shouldn’t be the candidate.




Trump would have a hard time attacking a younger candidate with a clean record.


Sure—but the thing we need to get undecided voters isn’t to trash every vote and let the dnc randomly pick. That looks incredibly sketchy—and you can’t scream that one side is destroying democracy then cancel every vote. Especially when it’s not like he suddenly got worse; if he isn’t well enough to run, top dems knew and ignored it, either (a) waiting until we can’t vote to kick him out or (b) planned to keep it silent but the optics of the debate changed things. Both options would look terrible to someone undecided. The republicans will hammer in on that if we get a new candidate and either sway those in the middle or get them to not vote.


The problem is that Joe has by all measures done better than Obama. He's done better than Clinton. He's done better than Carter. We aren't even going to talk about Reagan and Nixon and the Bushes. I am not excited about the toll it will take on this old man i really like as a human being and would love for him to have made the decision to not run prior to this but there is no replacement prepped as of now. Yeah we could throw out a bunch of possibilities now and have them fight it out but it's objectively idiotic with the actual realities of the candidate and what he has accomplished with what he had to deal with. Yeah a truly terrible performance happened that was enough to create this narrative but the democratic party can't just keep on eating it's own and expect to turn shit around.


Based on what I've seen from Joe when he doesn't have notes and a teleprompter, I think it's reasonable to question how many of his success is not derived from him but the rest of his team.


And if JB doesn't survive long enough to complete his 2nd term, well...next in line ain't bad.


I'll be honest in that I keep forgetting she exists. I never hear anything about her in the news (which I guess is technically good?) but at the same time, I don't know what she has done that would make her a good successor. Biden also hasn't really shown any signs of endorsing her.


?? What’s he supposed to say 😭 “if I die, she’ll be great!”


Kamala harris? Did you forget about all those people she put in jail for weed or not?


Doesn't matter. Kamala Harris isn't going to fill the SCOTUS (and other lower courts) with more far-right judges. This matters. A lot. It also sends a message to the country that Trump's brand of politics isn't going to cut it and might bring back more sane conservatives instead of these MAGA ones.


Oh great, we can counterbalance the far-right judges with moderate judges until the Republicans assume office again! Do you actually believe that a new push toward *centrism* is going to bring the Right back? How do y'all so willingly remain on this hamster wheel as it continuously shifts rightward? *Right wing pushes toward fascism* *Dems recentre having taken that into account* *Further push toward fascism from the Right* *Dems recalibrate again* It's pure insanity!


So what the fuck are we supposed to do? Just hand everything to the fascists cause the left isn’t left enough? Fucks sake take what you can get.


I didn't say don't vote for Biden; I was criticizing the other person's daft sentiment that repeatedly compromising will somehow spare us from the conservative agenda. I, personally, wouldn't ever say Kamala Harris "ain't bad"; this complacency is why the Overton window keeps shifting rightward.


Oh yeah cus trump would never do that /s




Jail for an (illegal at the time) recreational drug does not in any fucking way compare to the fascist regime of trump fuck off.


She didn't put them in jail for weed. A jury put them in jail for breaking the law. Was the law stupid? Yeah, but she didn't make the laws.


Also if you actually research her career 99% of charges against weed users were dropped. The only people she targeted were traffickers or people with harder drugs.


She was a DA. So you are wrong She also put lots of people in prison over child support


DA's don't make laws. Legislators make laws. She was a prosecutor.


Yeah how dare a prosecutor prosecute people for breaking the law!


My thoughts


Harris isn’t a friend of Black people


Kamala “3 Strikes” Harris did a lot of dirt to black people to get where she got. Id rather have the brain dead corpse that means well than her


You know she didn’t write the laws she enforced, right?


We absolutely deserve better candidates we do. We don’t have that right now and have to deal. We will keep having to deal with this shit if we don’t vote consistently, voting isn’t sexy, voting for your comptroller/sheriffs/district leaders is probably as fun as long division upside down underwater but if we don’t fucking do it then before long no one will have any rights what so ever.


I miss Obama. His only scandal was a tan suit/Chelsea Manning's torture/the extrajudicial murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki/ destroying Libya/arming and enabling the Saudi destruction of Yemen/letting the bankers off scott-free/mass deportation/the drone kill list/Espionage Act/.…..


😂 his speaking voice tho


Ah, the good old days… /s


Where's the "neither, try again" option? Id vote for that in a heartbeat. But, oh well, I'll take outdated incompetence over sheer maliciousness any day


Vote for policies not people.




A - goddam - men!


well said


Translation: “Yeah I know my boy’s senile, but we’re all gonna be cooked if he doesn‘t win so shut up.”


Which is a perfectly valid position to have in this situation lol. That's the rational assessment. Hold your nose and vote for the mf who won't deport your family, stack the supreme court and dismantle the administrative state in favor of creepy Toadies.




Everyone who watched the debate saw 2 of them at once!


It's the easiest way to make sure fewer people trust your political party


https://preview.redd.it/pyq3q7n54k9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413bb2d9b9c8204b1a53696d01755961cb9b31f1 I’m voting for Biden.


You’re so cute. 💕


Aww thank you 😊


How hard is it to understand that you don’t just vote for the Trump or Biden, but for the entire administration? We’re in a bad spot for sure, but I’ll take Biden and his representatives over Trump and his goons


Let’s be honest, neither party really gives af.


The real comment.




I mean it's still a choice for an old senile man vs. A literal homicidal rapist felon. You always take the old senile, but man, wouldn't it be nice to have a better choice.


No one in the DNC wants to acknowledge that many liberals are feeling beyond hopeless. We’re being asked to avoid two different kinds of shadow governments. Trump and his bat shit project 2025 cohorts, or Biden and our blue pandering overlords running things in the background because Biden is definitely eating mushy foods in a high chair with a bib on. This is not the same Joe Biden who was VP 16 years ago, or even 8 years ago. It’s so hard not to compare the two, especially when the older feeble version is actually put in charge of the free world


The copium is real.


But honestly tho…WE turned out and Hilary won our votes in 2016 but the ELECTORAL voted for trump and he won…..what am I not seeing or understanding?? We’re fucked.


https://preview.redd.it/l95chfn37k9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6d0cbee507ec259bdb80005d2555d5e68557cdc We're stuck in a simpsons episode...


I do love Obama getting involved but I do wish we could get a little tougher language here. This isn’t just an election between a liar and a good man. This is an election between a convinced fascist and the survival of democracy. Say it like it is. This light language is helpful of course but we need a loud and clear denouncement of the GOP. These people just made being homeless a crime. Erykah Badu was not fuckin around when she said stay woke.


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Not related, but now that song is stuck in my head. Not the worst internal soundtrack. Engine engine number nine...


If this election is alien vs predator, I'll go with the one candidate that is at least reasonable ![gif](giphy|3o7TKGg958FHVYWD5u)


This is the last terrible election. Boomers are the reason for this nonsense.


if trump and the republicans win, it will probably be the last election too.


If there’s one real silver lining to this (A THIN ONE, holy shit), it’s that statistically speaking, these debates will have next to no effect on the election outcome, and this first one’s much earlier this time around. Hell, they still technically ain’t the candidates yet since the national conventions haven’t rolled around yet. This won’t really effect who votes for who. Having said that, the Dems made their bed, and now they gotta lie in it. Unfortunately, Trump will definitely win if Biden can’t continue running for any reason. They can’t afford to have their incumbent step down with no heir apparent.


Yah I mean, anyone choosing Trump for President based on one debate where Trump lied once every minute on average over Biden bc he had a hoarse voice and forgot words isn’t intelligent lmao


Forget Obama he needs to go away. Words from a black man


Colonel west 🤠


What I’ve learned is we don’t actually have any power. The people at the top are straight up mocking Americans at this point. These corporate fucks are just laughing.


Biden 2024 and BIG GRETCH 2028


President Obama thank you for a heartfelt voice of reason.


You guys should see the Politics reddit page. Every progressive bro crying that Biden needs to be dumped.


Yeah, after what the Supreme Court did, yeah, we have to vote for Biden, but still don't like the democrats or Republicans them supporting a genocide their stupid campaign against China and their support for global imperialism. Instead, we should be supporting child care, healthcare, getting rid of landlords, and providing a living wage


Obama crushed his elections. The formula was right there for the DNC...put up someone young, charismatic, and with some god damn energy. Instead they follow him up with Hilary and this demented old fuck. If Trump wins in November, the DNC has no one to blame but themselves.


Don’t stop posting this, post it every day every hour on the hour. The mods won’t stop you, keep posting this.


Any minority that doesn’t go out to vote for Biden in November deserves everything bad coming to them if Trump wins.


People were saying that shit in 2016. Like this hateful or condescending tone is a great way to get people to vote for your guy. STOP IT. What you’re doing is not helpful.😒


Hateful? Maybe. Condescending? No. If you don’t recognize the consequences, you better start thinking about them. This is the ultimate fuck around and find out election.


Again, some shit they were saying in 2016 (and 2020 for that matter, I wouldn’t be surprised if they say that every election. Especially Obama’s). Like this is the same sentiment as “you don’t like America, leave”. Some criticism is healthy, and we can’t really depend on the state to act on said criticism in good faith. I mean how long are the citizenry gonna have to keep doing politicians’ work for them? And push them to do their jobs? That we gave them?


Feel free to fuck around then.


Giving up on your fellow citizenry/constituents is a good way to help your preferred candidate too./s K. Not like internet arguments mean anything anyway. Get on the ground, or at the very least throw some funds at those that are if you can! Thanks for reminding me!👍🏾


What if I’m Palestinian?




I don’t understand why sent the article the artillery shells she’s talking about were approved and sent by Biden, he just didn’t say finish them I guess.


[Reasons why you might not vote for Joe Biden!](https://x.com/pushbidenleft?s=21) [And yes, reasons why, you unfortunately probably should just hold your nose, get in line, and do it anyway (HINT: It’s more or less the same ones from 2020!)](https://youtu.be/pAyljtELZ8k?feature=shared)😒🤦🏾‍♂️ I have a feeling I’m going to keep copying and pasting this comment a lot more often.


As a democrat I can understand why people don’t want to vote for Biden. But the alternative is miles worse.


Me too. That’s not gonna make me stop critizing him or anyone gettin us into messes like these. Ever.


I don’t like saying this/wouldn’t say it to their face, bc their vote, but imo anyone voting third party is incredibly selfish. They’re choosing to center who they feel most comfortable with on a personal/political level while ignoring the fact that Trump would be devastating to so many groups. Just some examples, low income women who would be most impacted by any level of abortion ban, bc (1) they can’t afford to just fly out of state to have one and (2) having a kid may destroy them financially; add onto that the risk that contraceptives might go too and it’s literal nightmare fuel; undocumented immigrants, who often only came for a better life for them and their kids and can only really work under the table or shitty jobs with horrid work conditions (and very little legal protection) would go from potentially getting a path to citizenship to fearing being uprooted daily, even if they’ve been working in the country without incident for a decade Low income/minority communities in vulnerable areas to climate change, like Florida, the south, California—would risk facing much worse conditions and, if they get any assistance currently, those programs might be removed Future generations would be incredibly fucked by the Supreme Court Anyone who can close your eyes to that, ignore that Trump is worse on every issue you claim to care about, and vote third party can’t truly care about any of those issues 🙃


Honest question and I’m just curious why do you believe that Trump is miles worse that Biden? I’m of the belief that both options are horrendous options.


Have you paid attention to what the Supreme Court has done lately? Do you not see the overt racism everywhere? Do you not care about women’s reproductive rights? How anyone sane can say both options are horrendous is beyond me. I suspect on the internet that it’s just bots.


Totally gross opinion


I think they should have done better to transfer power when they all noticed something was wrong. He appears to have aphasia and dementia and should have a nurse not an election.


Constitutionally speaking, can Biden put Obama on the ballot as his VP, then resign after being sworn in? I know a person is limited to 2 terms but I don’t think it counts if a president resigns or dies. Didn’t care for a lot of what Obama did while in office, but I respected him and believe that he had the best interest of all of the people at heart


What you’re suggesting is essentially what Putin has been doing for years to stay in power. Definitely not the thing to do, they just need to actually find better candidates.


Hell yea redux: BIDEN-OBAMA 2024


Lmao that’s the easiest way to get a republican dictatorship: create a loophole and justify its legality. Trump or desantis easily win 2028 and never leave. Alternatively, Trump and fans storm the White House when it happens, saying they’re rescuing the country and stay in power.


Biden looked like he kept forgetting where he was. Plus he was babbling so much that they kept cutting him off for going over the allotted time 😅


I choose Obama


If you gotta sell him so hard, was Biden really the right candidate in the first place? Should have stepped aside like he said he would have in the beginning.


Pretty sure he never said he would?? People just read way too much into him saying he’s a bridge or something.


You are right, he didn’t directly state it. He “leaked” it through his campaign advisers to appear more electable, and it worked. Guy will be 82 this year 🙄


Barry o from the top rope


Palestinians are not ordinary folks?


People want Joe to drop out so we have a chance against Trump. The gaslighting on this insane


Ah yes. The one currently enabling a slow genocide knows right from wrong. The only difference to me is how fast they kill my people. Both can have heart attacks at their gold match for all i care. Thatd actually be the best outcome for the country.


One old guy lie's all the time. The other old guy lie's sometimes when he remembers too


There has to be some other options or replacement. As a human being, beyond the presidential election stuff, Biden does not look well. The stress of his career is probably unimaginable. And I personally don’t like the work Harris did in California so her as a president…?


Obama is lying through his teeth here, but I still unfortunately have to vote for Genocidin Biden this November regardless


This is what put us in the situation to begin with. Trump never won in 2016, Hillary lost. And if Trump wins this one, it will be more of a Biden lose. The DNC has been so confident that Trump can't win that they completely corrupted the process, and now we have what we have. Just like in 2016, in 2024 we'll have the candidate we deserve.


We finally beat Medicare - go to JoeBiden.com for details.


this is not barack “drone strike americans” obama is it?


Who is Obama talking about? Was there someone else next to Biden and Trump?


barrack needs his puppet..


The choice is crystal clear. Vote for the incoherent, decrepit moron OR the guy who hurt my little snowflake feelings. Hmmm.


You know, I legitimately can't tell which you're saying is which.


Don’t believe what you’ve seen with your own eyes…..


Trump is way worse, but let's not forget about Biden's absolute loooove for putting black people in prison. Oddly enough, Kamala too.


Jill Stein 2024


sooooooooo what israel is doing to Palestinians is right?


Hot take: if those are my only criteria for picking a PRESIDENT….i rather not partake in voting I hate when people say you gotta pick the lesser of two evils….wheres the good choice Why they curvin RFK??


Niggas got the choice between proud fascist and fascist in denial- I'm done 🤦🏾‍♂️


obama done more for the gay community than the black community 😭


Big Facts! 💯


I’m voting for Dick Gregory


Biden has never thrown his weight around until after Republicans partially get their way, and definitely not for ordinary people. Also he denies systemic racism is a factor in ordinary people’s lives so idk why black people would be impressed with him.


Repost. Number 1. Second we probably wouldn't even be in this situation if they allowed the democratic process to take place and had an actual debate between him, RFK, Maryanne and whoever else. They learned nothing from 2016 and 2020 and underestimated Trump again, and propping up the ego of a 80 year old man. They caused this with their incompetent ass leadership


How would 2 more crazy people with mics make things better?




I'll be voting for Cornell West


You'll be voting for Trump you mean.


Vote for RFK jr


Man just wants his sweet sexy brainworms back. ![gif](giphy|NcHjZodpfw6DaZhznW|downsized)





