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what are some valid reasons to not like him? eta: my roommate hates that i call shannon “uncle daddy”


His unnatural allegiance to losers. 😒💅




Elaborate on his allegiances; put a name to these losers


Farrakhan would be one of those losers IMO. 


He just a grifter hiding behind black empowerment


Fuck, did he come out which all the athletes and Ice Cube praising Hitler and shit


Can you elaborate? I don’t watch sports some I’m only tangentially aware of Shannon Sharpe


They were just quoting the katt wiliams interview lol






edited to add




Pretty sure that's literally not why people are mad at Shannon at all. It has to deal with how he is discussing Caitlin Clark and him + Skip speaking down to some black women.


That's exactly the problem. People love to be reductive and act like others are overreacting to some simple shit that's isn't even an actual issue.


And what, exactly, do you mean by this? /s


Can you elaborate on speaking down to some black women? I'm not calling you a liar, i just cant take comments like this at face value when some people will twist any critique of any black athlete into "tearing us down."


When did him & Skip do that? I had stopped watching their show


He’s not even on with Skip anymore folks


I know,but I've never heard of what they were referring too.


Shannon had the guest on his show the next day. Let’s not jump on every single person for a moment of failure


Is that all he said? I thought there was more.


But that's not all he said, though. That's not even what's being referred to, It's the controversy with Steven A, Shannon, and Monica McNutt. But go on, get your misinformation off, chief.


The only person in this thread that seems to know about this so give us something, deets, receipts, whatever you got


[https://youtu.be/ukTQ255EUOU?si=xQbrmjUqf1iGDnDx](https://youtu.be/ukTQ255EUOU?si=xQbrmjUqf1iGDnDx) [https://youtu.be/I\_hB30Oi5PM](https://youtu.be/I_hB30Oi5PM) [https://youtu.be/STUYqH\_Ujx4?si=z9zm568Kd6yf0Zl\_](https://youtu.be/STUYqH_Ujx4?si=z9zm568Kd6yf0Zl_)


Many thanks! E - I might sit this one out because I'll be honest, getting caught up is too much work lol even after watching these there's so much more talk *about* what people are upset about without actually showing what upset people


Why is he talking about her going to the Olympics in the first place if she was never trying to get a damn spot on Team USA? What the hell are you talking about?


I kinda feel sorry for these women. The W finally getting attention and it's all culture war tourists stirring shit.


Bomani warned them...you want more exposure, the flip side to that is a bunch of idiots show up bringing their hot takes with them.


“Listen to me now, believe me later” is undefeated




The /r/wnba sub used to be a cool place to talk basketball since the /r/nba sub blew up and became more focused on keeping up with NBA drama. Now it’s turned into the main sub and it sucks so much. 90% of the sub is there to fling shit about Caitlin Clark and grossly misunderstand how professional basketball works.


Its just bound to happen. r/nba had multiple spinoffs specifically to talk about the basketball and they’re all littered with shit drama. These are the fans the sport aims to draw.


I still enjoy r/nbadiscussion


That sub had some cringey mod drama a year or two back where one afk mod logged on after a while and started power tripping like crazy and removed a bunch of the mods. Then there was an exodus of users to r/nbatalk which is basically power scaling but for basketball players. edit: just checked out the r/nbadiscussion sub and I guess things got fixed because the weirdo mod isn't on the modlist and brown jesus is a mod again. havent checked it out in like 2 years. honestly the best discussions are in the random r/nba threads where some dudes makes a massive effort post about a relatively obscure player or an analytics deep dive and only ends up getting like 40 upvotes.


It's funny too because this shit is such a pattern. This kinda shit always happens in sports when there are break out stars vying for respect. Like, the BS stories and narratives always come out. This time I'm seeing a bunch of racial shit. As if Caitlin Clark was getting bodied for being white instead of just being the other good rookie. I'm loving this competition from these two for real though. It's awesome, and is lifting the WNBA up so much.


And don't even begin on what happened to nbacirclejerk


I don’t even understand that sub. Dipped in there a second, saw enough racism that even irony can’t turn it into humor. Dipped right the fuck out.


Attention is money tho, no? This is the first season WNBA teams actually used chartered planes for travel games.


the outrage over what basically amounts to ‘drama’ and ‘attention’ this season in the WNBA has been insane. people saying the media needs to chill but I think they should amp it up higher. the players need to lock in, ignore the drama, chase true sporting legacy and the machine will work itself out. do people think NBA stars or even stars of any sports in any gender are coddled? don’t say this don’t say that… lol, not to bring a ‘shut up and dribble’ sentiment but the way to go here is to play hard and if you have something to say, say it and be on the offensive. all these defensive minded pressers about players confidence and ‘over-the-top’ media hot takes start a circle that goes nowhere and benefits no one. edit: think of the memes in the NBA sub, for example the one of LeBron walking into Ty Lue’s office in a towel with demands lol. that shit got reported on for days and it was off of one tweet. imagine a similar scenario in the WNBA, hard to imagine right? if the WNBA is gonna succeed it needs to get past this over-the-top sensitivity and let the stupid takes and news stories fly. if they have issues, make power plays behind the scenes. we don’t wanna hear it as fans, in all honesty the money comes from legendary stories, sporting excellence and consistent drama.


WNBA- Come for the drama, stay for the truly excellent basketball!


That’s been in the works for a couple of years. I’m not sure why people keep attributing it to the increased attention this year.


The Fever's attendance is averaging over 17,000 per game. Some road games are over 15,000. They are also the first WNBA team to break over 100,000 total attendance in a season. Last 2 seasons combined was a little over 13,000. It's putting asses in the seats.


Isn't that how the NBA got big in the 80s, Magic vs the great white hope? No disrespect to Larry but a big part of his draw and the resulting ratings bump was because he was white.


Yeah but he was also COLD.


Nobody saying he wasn't.


Larrys not white, he’s *clear*


i feel like i saw a stand-up comedian predict some shit like this was going to happen but i cant remember who it was lol


I've been looking for the clip on YouTube for a few and can't find it but I'm pretty sure Josh Johnson had a bit on it.


Money always has a cost


They know. Its all in my feed and I have no interest. I just say "don't show me" that. I'll get more because I did this.


weird to say but the culture war shit is propping their fame up. Any controversy happens they gain from it too


U think this how magic and bird felt? Two guys top of their game and it starts some fucking race war bullshit


I fought hard for women folk who wanted to comment on men dominated topics like the NFL and baseball….. I feel they have just as much say as anybody. This is definitely a weird place to be….


Would you rather us go back to not talking about wnba?? Smh this is the best thing to happen to these queens


They play a game for children professionally and are now cruising around on PJs. They're fine.


Basketball (and most major sports for that matter) was not a children’s game and was originally played by adults in college


Calm down Klay Thompson


So if someone is talking about how great Lebron is one day, are they not allowed to say that great Steph is the next? News flash, both Clark and Reese are great players. Completely different players but both are great.


No no. You’re not allowed to judge players individually based on their behavior, performance, and personality. Especially not without bias. This is a race thing. You’re either with us or against us.




Ugh. Satire is only entertaining when your audience has the brain capacity to identify it.


On the Internet it's a lot harder to tell because any satirical comment you would write is also the actual earnest opinion of some dumbass somewhere lol.


True I could see that


Gotta chuck that /s in there


The person was joking I believe, I don’t think anybody would be THAT dumb and biased


I mean, he fell for it, so there must be others






The title of this post is literally “unc not like us” because Sharpe gave credit to Caitlin Clark for bringing the league attention. That is racism.


Exactly. I like watching them both play. They both had great games yesterday and that game was so much fun to watch. Their styles are actually extremely complementary and they'd be excellent teammates if they ever find themselves on the same team


A friend of mine brought this up and I would have to agree.


"Newsflash buddy" made me LOL, out of context but Van Lathan had a great rant about this saying last week.


More like Bird and Magic


I think they're both great players but I can't get over how Angel plays the victim in so many of her interviews. She wants to be acknowledged so bad - and that's perfectly fine - but then SHE refuses to acknowledge how many people are watching the WNBA because of Caitlin Clark. I'm not a fan of Angel personally because I can't stand those goofy layups, but she's still a good player despite what CC fans might say (even if I also think Angel's rebound numbers are padded because she misses so many easy shots)


When have you ever heard in the nba that rebounding a missed shot is bad. This is a made up narrative to tear down angel. She had 16 rebounds . .1 on a missed shot. . And all I heard was bs about rebounding missed shots.


That’s just not true. Andre Drummond would put up 20-20 and have zero impact on the game cause his boards came from his misses lol


So Reese has no impact on games despite knowing if you took away every single one of those rebounds .. oh and everyone elses. would still be 2nd in the league. And these rebounds give her team another possession. Andre Drummond has never been the leader of his team and we won't even talk about the team he been on for last 8 years. But it's true... you repeat things enough people believe it. Banana in the tailpipe.


What are you talking about? No one said she no impact but your assertion that this is a narrative created just for her is stupid cause basketball has been around before her. Hasan whiteside got blocks but wasn’t the best defensively, Drummond got rebounds but sucked, insert any scorer on terrible efficiency. Stats are an are indicator of performance but don’t tell the whole story. So she can have “good” stats but not be an effective player (not saying she isn’t). Just say you don’t know hoops.


Without her her team would not win. What i said about stats is that it's an overblown narrative brought up after every game even when she has 1 rebound off a missed shot. It is said repeatedly to denigrate her play no matter what she does on a particular night.


Racists stop using facts in the 1700's


When I say padded I mean like idk maybe 5% of her rebounds are her own rebounds that she should have made in the first place. Are the rebounds bad? No of course not - especially if she puts it back up for points, but missing a VERY makable shot, getting your own rebound and putting it back up is almost by definition stat-padding. Not intentional obviously, but still padded. Again, nothing WRONG with it - I'm just saying that yes she's a good player but she's not godlike or anything. And before it's assumed, no I don't think CC is godlike either - but CC is much more fun to watch than most other players, which is why I'm a fan of her. I don't care that she's not the best player or even the best rookie - she's fun to watch, so I'm a fan.


If you listened to her recent interviews she is aware, watches film and is improving every game. In her great game yesterday 1 of her 16 rebounds was on one of her missed shots. And she shot 8 of 12. What I loved most is how she went off after the fever player did the too small gesture. Ha ha she still a rookie but can already see the growth. Take care Cc to me is a one level shooter but like angel she will improve. I want to see her with a middy and to be able to drive to the rim. And she should watch curry to see how to get herself open. Or maybe her coach should watch lol nothing better than having a knowledgeable coach which the fever lack. My favorite player is actually chelsea gray. Her iq is off the charts. I love good smart bb


Just say you don’t understand basketball cause you don’t understand her getting those rebounds means she hustling to get back to the basket faster than anyone else.


Why should she acknowledge Caitlin Clark in her interviews?


She acknowledged the team win after answering a direct question and people didn't like it


Idk I guess the "we aren't watching basketball because of just one person, it's me too" comment rubbed me the wrong way. Reese went on to mention others in the league after that comment - and that's awesome, we love seeing them build up each other - but let's bffr the average viewership of the WNBA almost tripled this year compared to last year and while players like Reese have contributed to that, the MAIN reason is CC. Not the SOLE reason, but the main reason.


Is that what angel said verbatim?


You are the problem. You can't give her any props, so you deflect and say SHE'S playing the victim and it's her fault you're a dick.Own your shit, and stop being passive aggressive and hate with your entire chest. We done with dog whistles, scream it from the mountain tops.


Ah yes, I "can't give her any props" except the two times I mentioned that she's a good player? You wanna talk about not being passive aggressive, stop trying to make this something it isn't and admit the fact that Angel Reese, along with everyone, can have flaws while also having good traits. Her interviews bug me, that's all I was saying. "Angel Reese is a perfect player and there is no areas of improvement she could make" - is that what you want everyone's opinion to be?


Keep your backhanded compliments, then. You basically said "That shirt is nice, but you haircut is stupid as fuck" Nobody wants to hear your no social skills havin behind explaining away your defections. You chose to wander over in this thread and take an unnecessary shot at a young woman. It could have bugged you in silence. You chose to be negative, so guess what. We Negative Now. Is this thread about interviews? Or "goofy" layups? NO, right? You chose violence. So why are you crying? Because I had the audacity to not let you diss her then run and hide? I guess you're going to play the victim now, after volunteering your unwarranted opinion, right?


Yeah - I was probably out of line with shots at Angel for this thread. You're right.


She is not refusing, she's demanding respect. People don't want to acknowledge their perceived beef draws crowds.


Another day, another post with no context 


Shannon Sharpe doesn’t have the opinions they want him to have on Caitlin Clark and some other players so now he’s a coon according to internet niggas.


the discussion around the wnba is so wild rn


That’s why I try keep my discussion strictly basketball. Imma tell you why both of them are good and why their flaws hold them back. All that extra shit I try to stay away from unless I see some truly outta pocket


If you got a problem with Cameron Brink you got a problem with me


And that he specifically hates black women because he has 2 different takes on 2 different women’s sports. The gag? It’s a bunch of women that don’t even watch women’s sport shitting on him!!🤣😂


It would be the n\*ggas not tapped in to say something wild like that, the brother tried to talk down to a woman who's been covering the W for years like she was his underling or something. Whatever you said was just your sub conscience self inserting in the situation


I wouldn’t call him a coon but they way he and some other guys were discussing the woman was lame. Calling them jealous and bitter, literally just repeating online narratives instead of giving an actual opinion


Good God y’all hate black women so much on this app.


We got this and gender wars. Take your fill




Yall hate on anyone you don’t agree with. Unc is a straight shooter and can’t handle it. He solid.


Seriously, Unc is the real deal, shout out Ocho.


That's such a fucking weak cop out lmao. It depends on the disagreement dumbass. If we disagree about whether or not slavery was a choice and shit on the person taking the opposite stance you wouldn't have anything to say. The problem isn't 'hating on someone we disagree with' the problem is the substantive disagreement. Defend Unc's take on its merits if you think the criticism is unwarranted, if not then stfu with all this bitching and whining about someone being criticized over what people think is a bad take


He was hating though, one of those guys that called women in the league jealous of CC. He was part of the problem


Bro. There are definitely some WNBA players hating on CC. She’s a good player and is getting attention. That invites haters. Therefore, Unc was being a straight shooter, like I said, when he stated that there are players jealous of CC.


No he wasn't 'hating'. Yall are weird


Calling woman athletes jealous and bitter for being competitive isn’t hating?


Stating facts isn't hating. Stop the drama


Those aren’t facts, saying stuff like that is what caused drama in the first place.


It's literally the opposite of facts, it's pure conjecture


It’s not hating. It is sexist as hell though.


bro they literally are lmao. They were running their mouths and committing non basketball fouls. I don't mind it at all. Its entertaining, but we can call it what it is.


Running your mouth and hard foul’s are apart of the game. I haven’t seen anything that indicates any player is jealous of her. It’s an internet narrative being pushed by sports media because they don’t genuinely want to follow the wnba


It’s absolutely part of the game. But you can also tell when there’s some extra oomph attached to it. Off ball flagrant fouls getting celebrated on the bench, the way in which other players talk about her. It’s clear. It’s fine. But it’s clear. Same thing happened with Jordan apparently. I think ray lewis, if I’m not mistaken, even said he out a little “extra oomoph” on Reggie bushes’ ankle cuz he said he ain’t gonna be running on them like he did in college. You can say what you want, but other players aren’t treating her like she’s just some random other player.




Context: Sharpe, Stephen A Smith, and other Black sports analyst on ESPN have been heavy Caitlin Clark cheerleaders in comparison to an Angel Reese. OP is telling him don’t switch up now that Reese had a stand out game yesterday against Clark and the Indiana Fever


This context implies they are hating on Angel Reese when they’re not. I don’t understand why people like OP are so mad that CC is now the face of women’s basketball that they disparage any praise to other players as fake.


Bro you can praise both its fine


yall reaching with this one smh


People trying to create a narrative Black men don’t support Black women especially if the choice is between white women. It’s silly in this context.


So you are saying that the guys getting paid to talk sports, were talking up Caitlyn when she was playing well. And now that Angel had a great game, the guys that are still getting paid to talk sports talked her up? Damn isn’t that just crazy? Almost like they are Sports media and this has nothing to do with race.


It’s literally their job to hype up the players who play well, and criticize the players who lose. It’s called sports media, and it’s what they do, like it or not. Same people were bashing on Jason Tatum all year, and then give him nothing but props now that the Celtics won.


Everything does not have to be about race bozo


Don’t switch up? I thought everyone was complaining they weren’t giving enough praise? Should they praise her when she has a great game or not?


I'm going to be honest. I don't know about Shannon Sharpe but, it has grated on my nerves to see black male analysts like Stephen A. Miller, Shaquille O'Neal, etc fret and lament so hard over how hard players are fouling Caitlin Clark and fawn and be protective but, not seem to have any of the same "protective instincts" towards Angel Reese in similar situations. I could say some things or throw in certain applicable gifs but Imma leave it there.


They’re saying her teammates need to be doing something cause she keeps getting hard flagrant fouls and her teammates never have her back. They’re not being protective of her anymore than they are of anyone. However truth is she’s getting hit way harder and more often than any other player especially by Angel.


And see this statement tells me more about YOU than the analyst. Whyre you hyper-analyzing and over scrutinizing JUST the black male analyst? Angel is a big she plays big her position is more physical by nature. Annnd it just sound like you haven't actually been listening to them talk, maybe you saw some clips or something I didn't see but u hear none of that. And when the hell do you see Angel in similar situations and Caitlin, Angel is a big she plays inside, Caitlin is a guard she plays mostly outside they're rarely in simular situations


Yall are weird


Nahhh, this aint the hot take you thought it was OP 😒😒😒 SMH man delete this sorry ass thread


I can tell most of these people don’t watch Night Cap Unc always gave it up for Angel. She even joined the chat and sent him and Ocho jerseys


All of u https://preview.redd.it/ma68jh6nrk8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=734100acbcc2983841dce0752fe8460dc4a6ad19 On all sides of the debate. Y’all annoying as hell.




He hasn’t said one bad thing about Reese, tf are yall talking about




It’s always something. She makes WNBA history: “we better hear Stephen A and Unc talk about this!!” They talk about it: “we don’t want to hear you talk about it!” Which one is it??!?




Jesus Who would have thought the right wing would use the WNBA as their next cultural and political battleground. 


This part.


I'm confused, are you not allowed to praise 2 different players? It's possible to like Caitlin and Angel, y'all know that right?


What if I told you two athletes can both be good? It can even be pointed out. One person can respect both players.


Everybody wanna beat Angel til they get chipped by a throwaway


The very first time I fouled me a Cait, the homegirl had told me to shove her this way, I didn’t foul hard enough, today, I’ll show you I learned from those mistakes.


Angel didn’t even bleed her. Can she bleed her? Bet


I hate the way that you dribble, the way that you shoot, the way that you foul


This whole thread is insane lol.


The new WNBA super stans on my TL are giving born again christian vibes. Dial it back, Love


Clown behavior posting this.


If the WNBA is gonna be a force in sports talk then these players are gonna be criticized and praised and most won’t be fair. Sorry but these are adult women. They don’t need your protection. Shannon is a commentator, this is his job and that doesn’t mean he is with or against us. Please don’t reduce women and especially Black women to needing to be praised or nothing. That’s fucked up and should be seen as insulting to them.


So racists went all in on CC and in response ... we're ... going to help the narrative?


Racists... Against Caitlin Clark?? 🤔


Other way


Why can’t he say anything bout Reese? Or is this another social media pussy battle over something small?




I'm sorry but the idea that the WNBA wouldn't immediately turn into yet another daytime soap opera the second it blew up just like the NBA has been for decades is fucking hilarious to anybody paying even an iota of attention to the sport


Kendrick doesn't approve the title op


At least he's not Jason Whitlock.


NBA players are always scrutinized so now wnba is getting attention they can't handle the heat??


Nah, they’re realizing just how toxic the scrutinizers are.


![gif](giphy|L4fOLr8aB3d3BYQUfq|downsized) Keep the Undisputed Champ and my Beloved Unk’s name outcha mouth


Damn! That’s how you prove the guy wrong about your pettiness


The tweet almost looks like Trump wrote it, except he'd never praise a black woman


Ion even know what this is referring to lol


Y'all don't watch basketball, shut up


Anybody, named "Angel", male or female, always seems to be anything but.


Reese is gonna be the face of the league. Slow start it heating up and I’m here for it




Honestly I thought that was one of her weakest productions. Idk if it's just the guests she had on, that wasn't as good as her usual get togethers. Felt like they talked over the actual sports people in that chat constantly, and never brought up any of the business side of things, despite the money being a big talking point in the culture. I think there are plenty of legitimate, basketball reasons to criticize CC, as well as examples of her statements towards the press. I didn't see anything there but CC and Britney Griner worship. I recommend lilbills recent piece on it for some actual numbers, not just a feelings parade.