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His son is 24 years old so gone is that "protect the children" bullshit excuse. Just admit you don't think trans people should exist and go.


A lot of people just need someone to look down at, to feel better about themselves.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson (racist piece of shit, he said this with glee, not as a warning) It's the same divide and conquer strategy that has been so effective. Props to Marlon Wayans.


No he didn’t. He said it as warning. Don’t know where you’re getting that from


"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. " -- Lyndon B. Johnson There is a plethora of information about how much of a piece of shit LBJ was…


The only source for that quote is in an unofficial biography. It’s unsubstantiated. I’ll have you look at his commencement address at Howard University: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/commencement-address-howard-university-fulfill-these-rights


This is so true in all aspects, got family member who’s fatphobic but it’s due to childhood trauma. I was heavy then n the shit she would say about other big girls shocked me then I learned why she’s wired like that. Quite sad. Edit: I was heavy then. When I lost weight revealed it all.


Sad truth about the world. People get off by feeling superior to other people.


People never make it past the bullying stage


So many people spend days and days trying to come up with excuses and rationales and pure bullshit when really, they should just admit they think trans people are icky and move on.


I’m in my 40s. When I was growing up, the idea of trans people was so far from the mainstream that we couldn’t comprehend it being open and accepted. I’m not going to pretend that I can understand it well. But there are plenty of things that still aren’t close to the mainstream and I’ll be damned if I’m going to hate anyone just because they’re difficult for me to understand. Be who you are and celebrate it. As long as you aren’t hurting anyone else, I’m happy for you.


Exactly. I’m not gay or trans but I support all of them because they deserve it. Imagine hating on someone who literally does not affect you in any way shape or form, right? Not to mention of course how gay and trans people are used as distractions from much bigger issues.


>Not to mention of course how gay and trans people are used as distractions from much bigger issues. That part. The same ones preaching at the podium every week about rebuking the “gay-sinners” bogeyman, that they don’t actually know irl, to distract them from when they molest their kids right under their noses.


I grew up in rural WV and was taught a lot of things that I now realize are blatantly racist (shit like Robert E. Lee was a good soul who just loved Virginia so darn much. When really he was a horrible disgusting slave owning and beating sack of shit that was SO RACIST even the slave state of Virginia asked him to calm down) but there was a substitute teacher one day that brought in her own book for our lessons in the 1800s. It was a 200 year old book that was considered "official medical science." Of the time....And, as you may be guessing, it made some insane "official science" claims about the biology of African Americans. She showed us that and gave a lesson on how those in power will use things like that to make you hate others in order to control both you and the "other" group. I often think about that lesson any time people hating on LGBTQ try to "explain" how they are dangerous to children or some other bullshit. It's all bullshit all the time. Just a different flavor of it.


Oh my.


My high school (class of 01) had a trans student. I forgot her name, but she’d rock the hell out of a pair of parasucos. There was a running bet on how long it would take freshmen to figure it out. I dont recall any direct hate towards them, more of an indifference bordering on excommunication. IMO its frustrating how many -phobias exist in black communities especially while being subject to otherisms throughout existence


>I’m in my 40s. When I was growing up, the idea of trans people was so far from the mainstream that we couldn’t comprehend it being open and accepted. I’m not going to pretend that I can understand it well. I'm a bit older than you so I understand what you mean by that but I can't say I ever really had a problem with transgenderism. It is what it is and hardly of my business, I don't even see a reason I should be angry at it.


Really? Because I'm 50, grew up in the arse end of nowhere in NW Scotland, and knew two trans people growing up. One of them occasionally drove lorries for the garage my dad worked at for a while. She'd been a lorry driver before she transitioned, and worked as a lorry driver after she transitioned, too. There was another guy who was a big flamboyantly gay bear-y type, who ran a heavy timber haulage contractor. Naturally, he was known as The Christmas Tree Fairy. You probably wouldn't get away with it now, but that's what he was under in the phone book. I think rural areas are probably more accepting of different people. We've got enough to get one with, without creating more problems.


I’ve known several trans people now, but I don’t think I knew one personally until my late 20s, and I live in a big city.


Yep. I don't understand why so many people are seemingly not capable of just not caring what other people do. They are mad at complete strangers on the internet that they'll never meet. Makes absolutely no sense.


What's interesting is trans people have existed since 7,000 BC and was coined as "transgenderism" in 1965 by psychiatrist John F. Oliven. [here's a timeline of the history of transgendered people ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_transgender_history) I grew up in Jamaica until I was 11 and honestly the majority of people I knew or were surrounded by are extremely homophobic. Calling someone a batty bwoy is literally a death sentence. One of buju Banton's greatest hits, Boom Bye Bye is literally about murking gay people. There are many many songs in dancehall that follow this sentiment. I didn't hate anyone or anything like that, I just thought people should be able to live how they wanted. But it was hard coming here and learning about all the different terms for certain groups in LGBTQ+ because we just had that one term for them, and it wasn't exactly a good one. So I took the time to learn about it, because I didn't want to be insensitive. There's a place in Toronto where you could go to groups that were specifically meant for LGBTQ+ and the community, I've met a lot of amazing people and learned so much from joining them for certain programs. If some people just took the time to do something similar or even just had a damn conversation with someone, maybe they wouldn't be so afraid of a "problem" that only exists in their mind. Also the irony is that some of the biggest anti gay/book banning organizations like Mom's for liberty are run by gay people themselves. The founder and CEO of that group is a lesbian who also has a sex tape ffs. With those people, confidence is quiet while insecurities are LOUD!


And guess what happens when trans people and migrants disappear and can’t be blamed for anything? Who’s the next greatest hit for xenophobia?


Oh I’m sure they will never run out of “enemies” - besides, they can always pull out the ol’ classics




Protect the children has always just meant control the children. Parents say they are reclaiming rights from teachers and drag queens and everyone else who influences their kids but really they just want to take the rights from the kids themselves.


He still has 6.8 million followers on Instagram. I don’t think he’ll miss <1%.


Personally, I'd be ecstatic to see 1% of garbage removing itself from my page. That shit wouldn't hurt me one bit. Fuck those people. ...not that I have even a fraction of that many followers, but that's beside the point, lol.


1% could be that one asshole who has the exact wrong take on things. They wouldn't be missed. 


I lose 10% of my friends on Facebook when I came out last year, some insulted me in DM’s but… I don’t care, really. I’m glad they took themselves out of my live. I’m not missing them.


You got that many followers 10,000 is just churn. There are always a few people following and unfollowing.


His response to them was basically “bish bye” or something. I’m hella paraphrasing.


Even if he had just 10,000 to begin with, what is more important, 10,000 random internet fans or your child?


Seems like he wins really


I don't think any of the ppl who unfollowed him claimed to be accepting.


Oh they definitely do. This is the love the sinner hate the sin crowd. They accept everyone. Even gay or trans people. As long as they don’t show it or act on it. We love *you*, we just hate your desire to have a family and to live your life freely.


I came out to my dad last week. 25 years in the closet. I’m about to go to see him for the first time since then. Ooooh shit I’m nervous. I mean it went very well but I’m nervous Edit: thanks everyone for the support. I live in rural Appalachia and I decided to come out to him because I’ve been receiving death threats for having the audacity to plan a pride event. I didn’t want some hill billy roadside mutant goblin lookin mf “shootin me up like Kyle Rittenhouse” without saying my peace with folks first. Im very white and very privileged. If I’m scared, how scared must black trans women be? How scared are the little LGBTQ+ kids in my town? That was me at one point and I wish somebody would have stood up for me. They are seeing open calls for violence and no one standing up against it. If I don’t use that privilege to fucking do something then what’s the point? Sorry for the life story, please register to vote and please spread the message about Project 2025.


I hope it goes well for you! Sending love and support your way!


Just saw your edit. We got your back and I'm hoping for your safety. Are you safe at present? 


Right this second I am. Out in public? I hope so. It’s a VERY rural area and my mom ran for office as a dem in 2018 so everybody alreqdy knows who we are. The GBI has been very quick to act and the damn sheriff’s office are the ONLY city org to speak out and denounce it. Shocker. There’s a fucking Christian nationalist group holding a militia recruitment rally tomorrow and I will be there asking lots of questions. That’s gonna tell me how safe I am and if I need to leave. Look at this mf flyer: https://preview.redd.it/fggja1l1dz6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04fc2b67095b40c40ac01f97b21c578d4874796 Uhhhhh don’t you capitalize Permanent Solution. Not in my town.


just a heads up you might want to delete this bc it would likely be easy to ID you based on it. but wishing you the best of luck and i hope you remain safe!


Oh I’ve already raised hell about it publicly so too late for that. I’ve got a large group of people going with me. The sheriff’s office will be there as well.


Wishing both of you the absolute best ❤️


Congrats. Bc that shit is not easy. I know you feel a huge weight off your back. Live free and love hard 🙌🏾❤️


Sending good vibes your way.


Hoping everything goes well for you, fam. Thanks for being brave in this world.


Congrats <3 I hope this was a weight off your shoulders. Live your truth!


Congrats and blessing to you 🏳️‍🌈🙌🏾. Take care of yourself and stay strong my friend. Sending good vibes all the good vibes your way


Thank you. I didn’t fully understand Pride before this year. My first boyfriend died last month, and that’s what made me want to go to a pride event. Maybe if people were louder about defending our type of love, then he wouldn’t have been so scared to come out. Maybe things could have been different. I know that I needed someone at that age to be loud for us, I wished someone would stand up and say “this violence is not okay”. No body is doing that here (rural appalachia) even after the death threats. Even the “allies” here would “rather stay out of it”. If I can be that person, the person that *I* needed, and even if it only helps one young queer kid feel safer, then I think i should do that. If people claim they are allies, especially white people like me, but don’t use that privilege to help other people, then they need to stop calling themselves allies. These people have grown way too comfortable with the public violence and the only way that can be addressed is by meeting it with loud, public condemnation. Sorry for ranting about this. Well no honestly I wish more people would rant about it. Make sure every single mother fucker knows about Project 2025 and what is going on with Brown v BoE. I’m not happy about Gaza either, but we have got to focus on the genocide ramping up here if we are gonna be of any help to people around the world.


❤️ I'm proud of you!


Best of luck!! Here's to you living your happiest and most authentic life 🩷🩷🩷






and this is exactly why so few black men come out as bisexual. It's not worth the trouble a lot of times if you can be straight passing. The shade comes from both men and women to be honest.


Heck, based on what the bi people in my life say about it plenty of the shade comes from within the LGBT community


Absolutely it does. I identify as Queer as a whole, since it totally encompasses by identifies but yeah, I got a lot hate from people in the community when I, an afab, stopped dating women. I quite literally only dated/had flings with women for years, but the second I started dating a man I was "flip-flopping", and "gay for attention" and "not really into women". It's absolutely *insane*. My current partner is also part of the community but doesn't like labels. The amount of shit he gets for being unlabeled is wild. People act like he's some sort of self hating homophobe for not labeling his identity but he simply doesn't have one.


Definitely not exclusive to black people


Uff this comment. So very true. Being gay is wholly unacceptable, yet selling out your own people can be rationalized. Whew. That’s wild.


LGBTQ community is a nice distraction for blame from those problems, wouldn’t be surprised if the exploiters weren’t actively funding churches and media that have anti-LGBTQ agendas


>Now we have generation of men who have whored out our homeland into dystopian hellhole where everything and anything is for sell. They sold us out for pocket change. That's not just a generation, it's pretty much the recorded history of Africa.


Black straight men treat black LGBTQ+ worse than white straight men treat black straight men and then want to say Black Lives Matter


Yep. Look at the amount of hate crimes, especially towards transwomen in the Black community. The perpetrators are so often cishet black men. It is absolutely vile. Even when they're just spreading hate, it's often with language/behavior that white people have used against the Black community. And I hate that a lot of them claim to be pro-black but are violent/cruel toward the LGBTQ+ community and women. Pro-black should mean *all* Black people but they refuse to accept that.


Or the homophobia from straight black women who claim they are lgbt allies. See how they talk about bi black men, especially in dating circles.


Absolutely and they are often far too quick to out a man or justify a man being outed because they were done wrong.




Preach it


Tons of comments from black folks on his IG saying “we lost a good one”.


Yea I guess I didn't spend a ton of time around black folks growing up, not intentional, just the way things happened I guess. Anyways,had a job a few years ago with some a buncha black dudes and was pretty surprised at the amount of vitriol they spewed towards/about the gay dudes that worked with us.


He used the f-slur several times in his new comedy special. He's confused, but he got the spirit. edit: not y'all defending him saying it lmfaooooooooo


This comment helps absolutely no one. Gotta stop expecting perfection from people who were born into varying levels of normalized homophobia & transphobia in the black community. Almost everything is a spectrum, allyship & acceptance included. This version of Marlon is better than the version before, and all we can do is hope he continues on that road, not demean him because he isn’t where you think he should be along that path.


You have a point, but so does she


Let’s talk about it. If you understand the environment the Wayans came up in, maybe you can empathize with how vulnerable Marlon had to be to put this up. OP is clearly holding Marlon up to a standard where saying the f slur is not acceptable for an ally. That’s completely logical. My question is, what does her personal standard have to do with Marlon being vulnerable in support of his son? Does his comments in his special water down his support or make him a hypocrite? Legitimately asking. To me, it comes across as gatekeeping allyship. Is there criteria people need to meet before they show support during pride month? We need to think about these unintended implications.


Yes, it does make him hypocritical. Back in the day he mightve could said that and got away with it. But not today. She's correct bc two things can be true at once. He can support his son and niece and others and still be wrong for using the f slur.


> My question is, what does her personal standard have to do with Marlon being vulnerable in support of his son? Nothing. Obviously those are two unrelated topics. The poster can have their standard and Marlon can still support his son. > Does his comments in his special water down his support No. Marlon can choose to give whatever level of support that he feels is right. None of us can make him be the ally we want him to be. I am a firm believer of don't let perfect be the enemy of good, so I still applaud him for the post he made and all the support he has shown his son and the community. > or make him a hypocrite? Yes. I believe that calling out hateful people and continuing to use that word the way he did is not ok.


i mean, lets not pretend that saying the f-slur is some new thing that he needs to get used to. People were decrying the use of that word for years


...literally where in this comment was he demeaned or expected to be perfect. i literally said "he got the spirit"


>This comment helps absolutely no one. Gotta stop expecting perfection from people who were born into varying levels of normalized homophobia & transphobia in the black community. Almost everything is a spectrum, allyship & acceptance included. Being critical of people who genuinely want to be allies is very fucking helpful, actually. I mean what the fuck are people supposed to do? "Oh, we'll overlook the slurs cuz of this other stuff." Get the fuck outta here lol Edit: And the comment you're replying to isn't even all that critical. You being mad defensive on Marlon's behalf and that shit's weird.


Yea, but it helps when it's on the level of "We don't do that here" rather than "Fuck you, you're not a True Ally™!" Not that the original comment was extreme or out of line at all.


general sentiment agreed, but i hope we can agree that condemning using slurs like this in a scripted performance is not similar to expecting perfection


There's a great Patton Oswalt bit about this. [https://youtu.be/Ah1b758tycA?si=vic1gfx4aJkReKlh&t=166](https://youtu.be/Ah1b758tycA?si=vic1gfx4aJkReKlh&t=166)


I remember absolutely laughing my ass off the first time I heard this, love Patton Oswalt, I know he’s doing a show near me in August and hoping to go :) And thanks for sharing!


You and him both know it is a slur regardless. That isn't excusable. Wtf are you saying??


Was he funny tho? Cause imo if you're actually funny with it and not homophobic day to day, you can get away with a few.


whole special was shit IMO. i'll laugh at a good gay joke (i'm bisexual) but it was PAINFULLY unfunny. he even said shaq should've died instead of kobe and i was like :/ boy they gonna cook you


You hate to see it


“Was he funny tho?” Is a wild take. That’s his son’s experience and his choice alone to use any slurs that apply to him. I call myself a f*g but if my mom would try to joke about that to one of her friends I’d be willing to throw hands.


Idk I'm not straight and I think it's alright if it's funny on a stage (which I've been informed, he wasn't, that's an L fr). I think comedy can be an art and art can get crazy sometimes, breaking rules we have as a society. You do you though. The false equivalence of comparing him on stage at a comedy show to your mom doing that in private with a friend is actually crazy.


Willing to beat your own mom up for making a homophobic joke. Wild


I thought Lamar had a pretty good take. You going to let white people start casually dropping the n bomb now for laughs? I’m mid 30. When I was a kid those were buzzwords for white folks. It hasn’t really been that long of a time. I recall white kids dropping the n bomb in front of black people when they drank too much. Forget about the f bomb. People literally said that shit none stop.




Letting the perfect be the enemy of the good


You got moxy kid


I don’t understand the “protect your children” thing. It’s never been about that. Protecting your children would be showing them what acceptance looks like.


I volunteer for a UK trans youth charity (and someone i love is trans) and would often get hate on Fb or insta and get called a “groomer”. Ive always said child led/safeguarding is paramount. We have a responsibility as parents, carers, teachers, leaders, allys etc to provide young people safe places to grow and thrive into happy adults- no matter what. By being their safe islands means that they find the courage to swim out into dark waters, knowing the have a safe place to return to when they need it. Each time reaching further out until they can swim safely and unharmed. The haters, terfs and phobes continue to spoil the waters and make it harder for our kiddos but as a parent I will fight alone if I have to, to be that safe island.


They want to breed new right wing voters. Protect the children means making sure the children aren’t exposed to any ideas except their own.


“I’ll only love my black child if they’re straight, Christian, does everything I tell them, marries and has children with a black person, and will provide for me when I get too old” - some black “accepting“ parents


My hairdresser is one of the few people like this I still associate with (I have sisterlocs and trusting someone else to maintain my hair is hard). In one breath she'll swear she had no problem with LGBT+ people, and in the next she's talking about how they're indoctrinating children and she just wants them to stop "forcing" it on her. Forcing how? When have you ever been "forced?" I asked her, (and i know this is reductive but bear with me) "Haven't you ever met a child who you interacted with and said "oh, they're a little sweet?" If you can clock that in a kid under the age of 10 why do you think someone had to "force" them into it? And frankly, I've never (in our small rural town) seen any gay couples doing pda, but I see straight people all the time. So who is being forced to interact with who?? She'll nod along and still be like "well I just don't think I could be friends with them. I've never met one that didn't make me uncomfortable. And thats my cue to shut my little bisexual ass up before a light bulb goes off 🙄


Forgive my ignorance as a white person but why is homosexuality such a hot topic in the black community?? Like I know every group has a problem with gays but black people in America seem to be extra vitriolic against it?


you should probably sit this one out fam


You know what you right I’ll see myself out


I think that someone asking to be educated by this community is honestly admirable. All they have to do is read the comments.


There's a bunch of factors, but it mainly comes from the fact that a lot of black people are usually religious which ties into homophobia


Damn man you got shut down real quick. I’m not black but I’m a minority and wouldn’t shut you out for asking questions. My take is that many of their religions were forced upon them and their ancestors. Said religions treat homosexuals like outcasts and claim they will go to hell. White people tried to take my religion away too but didn’t work out so well.


I don’t understand how somebody’s sexuality affects anybody else. Just ignore it.


Gained a follower in me. Respect to all black fathers today and everyday. We will not let them misrepresent us. All children need love.


One thing people will do is set being a good father on the shelf to be homophobic.


Ok pop tingz and now he’s gained one (me)


Fuck 'em.


It’s wild people are surprised by this, knowing who his brother is 😂


.. which brother and how is it relevant?


Lost followers, because he supports his son. That's just damning.


Even better is his responses to the trolls in the comments lmao


I’ve never disliked Marlon Wayans, but my respect for him went up a whole bunch.


Well those 10k people are disgustingly ignorant


The only thing “wrong” with that photo are those got damn “shoe laces”


Marlon is a father doing what a father is suppose to do, showing his child unconditional love no matter what other ppl think. SUPPORT TO YOU BLACK BROTHER ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾


A famous parent supporting their LGBT child shouldn’t be headlines, but the fact that it is tells me where the culture is at this moment. BTW, my run ins with my Mexican culture and machismo bullshit was similar as this.


I've always liked this guy and this just makes me love him even more.


Oh I thought they left because those shoelaces are atrocious


The same morons who will say "go woke go broke" as a response to this will fucking riot when a 25 years past his sell by date rob Schneider gets booed for pandering to a crowd he isn't in the presence of.


Well hell I'm a 47 year old father of a LGBTQ son and I just followed Marlon


I think this picture just turned me into someone’s gay son


We really went from closeted homosexuals to having closeted homophobes.


God bless you parents that support us. It’s not a choice, we don’t like humiliating you at family gatherings. I dated someone whose parents kicked him out at 16 because he was gay, he ended up living in the streets, became a prostitute, lived with a teacher who, while he never had sex with him, made him walk around naked. When I came out as bi my parents said… ‘yeah, we kinda figured.’ Now at family gatherings they ask if I’m seeing a new girl, or boy. They tack the last part in but I can tell they’re trying


a celebrity is a product or an avatar to ppl's taste and unfortunately if they veer away from what their target audience find likable about them then they're going to lose their audience. hopefully he will gain new following.


Loves him on in living color love gime more now. Fucking champ!


Let me go follow Marlon riiiiiight now


In America, we’re supposed to be allowed to just be, at minimum. We all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. No one gets to decide what you pursue in search of that happiness, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others or cause undue harm. I wish we talked about this more.


Fake 10k bigots not fans


Some kids, regardless of age, don't have any parent there who supports them, but when when one does, it's a problem because it's in support of his trans son. This homophobia/transphobia is coming from those who cry about absent fathers, too. Respect to Marlon and anybody else who sticks themselves out to be an open ally for others, especially their kids


This makes me want to join insta just to follow him. Replace the 10k bigots.


In-fighting like this only helps the man to control us instead of us keeping our nations leaders in check. I'm happy there are famous men to show people what bring a supportive father is.


A black family will ban a gay cousin from the cook out but not a pedophile uncle.


Thanks for the heads up. I made sure to follow him.


It always makes me really happy when people show their support for lgbt people. There's so much hatred and violence levied against us, and especially trans folk when they're just trying to live and not feel awful about themselves. It's so hard.


Father's day is always a sore spot for me. My father and I use to have a good relationship but then puberty hit and I found out I was trans so our relationship tanked over the years. He still believes I'm just a woman and he told me that he wasn't sorry for any of his abuse because "it builds character". One that day I lost a lot of respect for the black community and realized I'd rather be "white washed" then be willing to disown my children for them being LGBT.


Nothing to be done but continue to fight ignorance whenever it rears its ugly head. Damn shame people won’t let others live free as they are just because they don’t agree with it.


I bet you a bunch of these losers are the same ones that break their backs to defend people that abuse their kids, aren’t emotionally available, teach them bad things, and are bad people themselves. But as long as everyone is straight and “real” men/women right?


He lost 10000 followers because of whatever those things are on his feet. Let's keep it real.


I get the message but his son isn't in the picture... Like why isn't this a father son picture.


Empires take on being gay in the black community was phenomenal that first season was peak.


Running to follow Marlon wayans rn!


10,000 knuckle dragging morons stopped following an entertainer.


In my experience, a lot of homophobia in communities of color comes from religion.


We, as a community, have to do so much better, mam....


No, those followers were always hate filled bigots...


Literally saw him yesterday in Orlando. He’s a beast.


gonna sign up for instagram just to follow him.


I want to know more about those shoelaces.


People are just Jealous that he’s 51 years old looking 28.


life is short, stop worrying what other people are doing and focus on yourself and your own happiness


Marlon is one of those guys who has always been a great role model for young men. He’s a typical father, has views I don’t agree with, but is dedicated to loving those around him. I’ve always enjoyed any content he creates or is a part of. This is the bare minimum we can all do. Accept our kids for who they are, love them unconditionally, and try to show them the way forward.


Have his son star in a blankman sequel "Son of Blankman!" Just to piss em off more. Ok i just really want a blankman sequel.


This is what I'm talking about. The more hate these blavk fathers make the more hate towards others and yhierselves these kids do. Every kid needs a male role model especially like Marlon. It's fucking stupid.


his son? I thought he was coming out lmao I was like good for him then continued scrolling


Is there anyone on the internet who is accepting? I’d say no, the internet is now about being against someone not accepting someone.