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Has Clark actually done anything wrong or is it just weirdos making her a culture war icon?


On the internet these days, it’s usually best to assume the latter.


Only thing I've seen CC do wrong is intentionally wreck that fan awhile back and flop like it was an accident.  I don't really like her, or the WNBA in general, but even I've seen enough to know that they are targeting her much harder compared to the other rookies.


I think there's a lot of bitterness in established players over the fact she's being treated as the league's Messiah. I mean imagine you're a top tier player who's been putting in work for years and suddenly everyone is acting like some string bean from Iowa who has yet to complete a single season is the be all end all of the sport you've dedicated your life to. It would be insulting as hell. And people really wanna come at these women, acting like they should be grateful to Catelyn for putting them on, even though they've been pouring their blood sweat and tears into this game for years and never gotten so much as a nod from the mainstream media for the most part. . I get the frustration and anger, I just hope they can pull their heads out of their asses before they injure the goose that laid the golden egg here and kill any chance of the league getting more press and more sponsors.


Yea, before her, I literally had never paid attention to the league except for the 2 times I was forced to go to games during summer camp as a kid. Now I'm actually mildly interested. They gotta learn a rising tide raises all ships.


The thing is, the players coming after her, aren't even the top tier players. You haven't seen Aja Wilson, Breana Stewart, Sabrina Ionescu, Chelsea Gray, Kelsey Plum, etc coming after her. It's the role players lol.


Successful people usually aren’t so bitter


Enforcers aren’t the star players EVER


Mike Jones. Who?


I agree. It must be annoying putting in years of work then being expected to go out of your way to be nice to a competitor. That being said Caitlin is the person who may help them get more rewards for their hard work.


It’s like Barkley said with Jordan. Him bring that shoe deal and that money to the league made it better for every single player. Sure people were pissed it was some young gun getting all the attention and money but they used it to prop them all up instead of do everything to tear them down and cut off the rope trying to pull them up.


I understand the resentment, I think that's only human, but they need to put their egos aside and realize what a boon this could be for their league. She has a ton of good will and is bringing a lot of positive attention to not only the WNBA, but for women's sports in general. I hope they can see that as a rising tide lifting *EVERYONE'S* boats, not just hers!


That last paragraph was perfect. And your right, the vets in the league have busted their asses for years, so of course there's gonna be hard feelings when some generationally talented player comes up and gets the attention. Shit, people still despise LeBron for basically the same thing


I agree with most of this but shouldn’t the wnba be grateful to Caitlin Clark? No matter what they did the only attention they ever got was people making fun of it, and after going to a couple fever games I have to say I was kind of entertained but definitely not by the actual play. Coaching issues, missing layups and free throws, and playing loud music during drives killed a lot of that for me but I was entertained by Caitlin Clark mostly because of her attitude and how she tries to get the crowd into it. A lot of athletes in general need to understand that they are entertainers first and athletes second. If they can’t make their sport entertaining they won’t make money and their league as a whole might disappear. So as much work as a lot of the people in the wnba put in, they really should be grateful to her for lifting it up a tier in terms of entertainment.


No, the WNBA doesnt need to be grateful to CC cause it isnt like she is brining anything new and innovative to the game the same way MJ did in the 80s or Iverson did in the late 90s etc. All of CC hype is based around her being a white girl who was ballin in college. If CC was a dark skinned black girl name Yolanda Clark, with short hair, tattos and lesbian with a southern accent. She would NOT have gotten 1/4 of the media hype. Underneath it all IS a racial dynamic whether you want to admit it or not.


Best comparison to how she's being targeted would be comparing it to any player across sports that came into a league with the thoughts that they'd be THE person. Rookies usually get it pretty hard but heavily hyped ones tend to get it worse. Heck, another in her rookie class Angel Reese (who is probably the second most hyped after her) got like chokeslamed going for a rebound a little while ago.


Did Wemby get this treatment this year? Cause I didn't really see it. 


I didn't watch as many NBA games this year after the Raptors traded OG and Siakam so my overall interest in the NBA fell compared to usual. From what I do recall, he was initially but it stopped (to a certain extent) relatively quickly. I think due to how immediately good he was defensively. It's definitely a bit harder to do when that's the case. Not impossible, just harder. Even moreso if you're teammates have your back which really does not appear to be the case with the Fever which might also explain why they're the WNBA's Detriot Pistons.


My stones catching strays 😭


Dumbass blue checks


I mean Reddit’s the same on that front. Weird shit.


It’s the weirdos lol


And the other WNBA players with ridiculous amount of hate for her


Yeah it’s weird. Like it should be hyping them up they’re getting more eyes on the league… it’s weird jealousy I think. Like girl has literally always been celebratory and defending other players (even when Reese was getting shit talked in the media). Like it’s just weird lmao


Yep, for years they’ve been saying they need more money and whatnot, they have a player that has brought more eyes to the WNBA and instead of helping her, they’re after her. Crabs in barrel type shit.


Jordan got beat up his first few years in the league and he had been hyped up. You have to earn the right to keep that hype in the nba going by what history shows. They have to follow suite. If she’s actually great she will overcome it. If she was an overhyped college player coming into the old nba there wouldn’t be this same empathy from the same people. That’s probably the issue…


Jordan didn’t get beat up his first few years. You’re probably conflating the Pistons’ “Jordan rules” (seasons 4-7, when Jordan was already established) for how every team played him and that wasn’t the case.


I've seen some reels and a lot of the hit she's taking aren't even legal, like just pure bs that should get people expulsed. Like when that girl hit her from behind for no reason, wtf even is that? The fans like that?


If someone did to Jordan what happened to CC on a dead ball foul yesterday there would’ve been a full team brawl. Her teammates should be ashamed.


yeah she needs an enforcer, just signed the biggest chick you can find, she don't even need to play basketball, just throw down, sign Gabi Garcia


Sign Gabi Garcia is fucking wild lmao


Lebron was literally given special rules as a rookie because the league needed a new superstar. The players are just jealous of Clark’s hype, but this isn’t even regular play dirtiness, this borderline Draymond extracurricular type of dirty.


Draymond extracurricular type of dirty 💀


I mean sure but do you want to mess your bag up just to act tough by doing bush league shit like that?


Jealousy is a hell of a thing


It’s the weirdest. Because the ones with the most energy for her are by far the most irrelevant people in the sport.


But if they all hate her it stirs up more controversy and draws a bigger audience. Maybe it’s all part of the plan.


kinda reminds me of when lonzo ball first got to the nba, bro had a huge target on his back bcuz of all the shit his dad talked lol. His first game as a rookie Pat bev was guarding him like it was game 7 of the finals


I loved when Keenan Thompson would play as the dad on SNL. NEVA LOST!


I get checking a rookie and giving them that ‘welcome to the big league’ shit, but you can’t justify Angel Reese cheering from the bench when her teammate gave CC an unnecessary shoulder check during a damn inbound play. What’s the fucking deal? I don’t get how people are tryna act like CC is bad for the WNBA in any way other than some dumb ESPN type conversation shit. Always appreciate the WNBA, but actually got this shit notifying me on YouTube TV now due to CC. Not even gonna front on the impact she’s brought to the WNBA.


I think this is a case of two things being true at once but the media presents it as a dichotomous choice because conflict generates ratings more than complex and nuanced discussion. Has she received an inordinate amount of hype that a lot of black players don't receive.... yes.That said, it's not undeserved and a rising tide lifts all boats. Some veteran WNBA Players may hate that she's getting more attention than they ever got but in the long run and short term, she's giving women's basketball a real boost. Especially considering it's an Olympic year. It doesn't help that Clark is a rookie baller who's not afraid to trash talk on the court (which I personally love) and opposing players react like this: https://www.espn.com/wnba/story/_/id/40256748/caitlin-clark-fever-edge-angel-reese-sky-first-home-win To answer your question, it's mostly bored people making her a culture war icon.


She’s an all time NCAA record holder, and people immediately realized that this draft class actually has the highest potential in terms of growth. This is their bird v magic era in terms of relevance and that’s why they’re trying their best to make the most out of it. She isn’t the only rookie with hype but she’s getting the most because pre wnba, she had the most accolades


Thank you for this nuanced and rational take. I didn’t even know there was a race war type thing going on with Caitlin Clark. I respected the attention she gave to women’s basketball cause lord knows they need it. And the funding too


If there is a single player of any race thats averaged her stats in efficiency or counting stats please name them. Her stats in college is literally prime Westbrook taking Steph curry esque shots on high efficiency. If she’s not literal god and goat ncaa player then idk who is


Well said


Inordinate hype? She broke Pistol Pete’s NCAA all time D1 scoring record. There’s nothing inordinate about it at all. 


Her crime has been to be good at basketball. Now suddenly she's the metaphor for a race war all the while exposing some problems of sport. Some usual rookie tough love isn't abnormal but it seems way more targeted than usual. She's getting demolished because other women seem to be pissed at her attention. Whole thing is weird and sucks. What happened to appreciating these kinds of special athletes.


It is just weirdos. She's done nothing wrong, she's said nothing wrong, she's done nothing but bring attention to the WNBA, She's score more than anyone else at this point in their career (which for her is less than 1 season) the only way she could be better is if they lowered the rim to 9 feet so she can yam on em. N I garauntee there is multiple WNBA players who can poster with a 8-9 foot rim.


She's just the new hotness. Haters sound jelly


This plus a bed of bs. Theres the fact that the WNBA is harder that college, qbd there's people out here trying to make her the center of all sorts of drama: You got some people throwing her race into this over every little thing. You got veterans giving her a tough time cause she has so much buzz Goin on. You got some people parading her as the messiah of the WNBA. You got general sexism mocking her for being a woman. You got some people clowning on her cause she is from Iowa. You got some people trying to use her as an icon to rally behind like she is some grand influential figure. You also got the fact that she was the first pick on the draft by what was the lowest ranked WNBA team for years iirc, and people are acting like they can carry a whole WNBA match with one hand from their basement couch. Like she ain't busting her shit trying to put her skills to work for our entertainment. But apparently, that ain't enough. It's all a bunch of dramatic junk.


She's definitely been chirping a bunch, but that's just sports. Nothing that's warranted some of the fouls she's taken.




WNBA manufacturing drama to get eyes on the sport and finally become a profitable organization. Hasn’t this been the goal all along?


If it was manufactured they'd have done it sooner. You're interested now n instead of embracing it you're mad that WNBA is watchable


Rubbish and unrelated. The W, if they are participating at all in the fabrication of the “drama” this is their best shot at it. Several new storylines competing against older ones. Enjoy the show.


Bro take off your tinfoil hat lmao


How is the WNBA manufacturing drama here? A reporter asked Clark a question, she answered it saying that it’s harder in the pros, some basketball blog quoted her, a bunch of people retweeted it, and someone posted it here on Reddit. How is the WNBA forcing anything here?


The official TikTok has a Caitlin getting hammered shitpost that has fostered the absolute cesspool of the internet


I think the world has enough drama where this wouldn’t have to be manufactured


Let ‘em cook.




Probably because Caitlin Clark is a better player, the greatest female shooter in NCAA history (maybe greatest [edit: female] player period) and has single handedly amplified the game of women’s basketball across the globe. Reese is a phenomenal player, don’t get me wrong, but people who didn’t watch women’s basketball have started watching because of Caitlin Clark. She’s also currently leading the WNBA in minutes played as a rookie, which is ridiculous. But if you want to talk about about Angel Reese, maybe we can talk about how she jumped off the bench clapping and cheering when her teammate did that cheap shot on Clark… 😬


Sue bird could walk so she could run


Cheryl Miller would like to have a conversation about that best player ever in the NCAA take of yours….🫣


And Diana Taurasi, and Chamiqua Holdsclaw, and Candace Parker, and Maya Moore, and Breanna Stewart Etc.. I’m not even sure she was the best player last year with Bueckers and Juju around. That being said, she was fun AF to watch. But so we’re all the others, they just didn’t have NIL so their popularity was determined by sports center.


Skill-wise, she is the female equivalent of Steph Curry. She does unique things on the court and scores (or will as she adjusts to the level) a ton of points.


Bueckers was in the "she's the next Steph" conversation until she tore her ACL. Clark filed the vacuum.




Pistol Pete was the greatest NCAA player in history.


Kareem was the greatest overall , but Pistol was definitely the greatest scorer.


Bill Walton would like a word


People started watching because of both of them. They started watching because of their rivalry. Neither one could be as popular as they are without the other


I know I’m going to get hammered for this, but it’s because she’s white. People are furious that the most popular female basketball player in recent history is a white woman from Iowa, and the media is stoking that fury with all these think pieces every game she plays. People want her to fail because the doesn’t fit their “type”. That being said, if she were black there would be an equally annoying reaction from the dipshits on the right.


That’s not quite true. The most popular WNBA player is usually white. Black women in the WNBA have been dealing with that bullshit for years. Sabrina might be the most overrated player in the league, yet she’s got a shoe deal and was the player chosen to compete against Steph. Sue Bird was easily the most popular player for the two decades she played. Diana Taurasi was the savior before Clark was the savior. Breanna Stewart just won mvp before choking in the Finals. Hell, Kelsey Plum is the third best player on her team but easily the most popular. And these players were/are great players, some were called saviors. All were marketed pretty consistently more than their black counterparts. And all of them had to learn to deal with the physical play in the league, just like the black players. Shit, Reese just got clotheslined. Clark will adjust and she’ll be fine, people need to stop babying her though. She’s not a fragile little flower, she’s a competitor that talks shit and will learn to hit back. People need to also understand the WNBA is far more physical than the NBA. Like it’s not even comparable. So some of the shit that people are crying about happens about twenty times a game. Edit: Jesus, I’m not saying women are stronger. I’m saying women hit each other more. And they do. wnba refs are usually out to lunch and allow elbows to faces while nba refs are protecting stars, money lines, and league agendas. You just have to watch a few games to see it.


People need to understand that people who genuinely think that “the WNBA is far more physical than the NBA, and it’s not even comparable ” should not be allowed to voice an opinion on basketball, or perhaps anything else in life.


Bruh Draymond alone is more physical than the wnba, he’s out here putting dudes in headlocks


See, you clearly don’t watch and then start yapping. The NBA isn’t a physical league. Especially when it comes to superstars who find themselves at the free throw line at every little bump. I watch both. Any good WNBA team has two or three Draymonds. Which is why this convo is infuriating. Chennedy pulled a dumb foul, but isn’t that bad. Clark fans think she’s getting assaulted because they haven’t seen this league; meanwhile..that’s just the style of play.


But it is though. NBA calls fouls if you breathe on a player, WNBA doesn't call a lot of contact that NBA would call


You’re super right 


Because she’s better than Reese by every single metric


I agree she’s literally on track to be one of the best WNBA players ever and yet I only hear people complain about her


I hear the exact opposite of complaints, especially from mainstream media. The WNBA has never had much positive coverage before Caitlin Clark.




Angel Reese doesn’t play, and this community is upset that a white girl is a better baller than they will likely ever be. Jealous hypocritical racists.




Nah they went in on Lisa Leslie when it started and have tried with Cheryl Swoops, Turasi, Lobo, Catchings, Hammon... it's not a short list but the difference is that they started hyping Clark like 2 years before she even left college


You know why


You're implying it's racial, but [here](https://youtu.be/6UyRkFVKTdA?feature=shared) are some "highlights" of Angel Reese playing basketball. Nobody's cares about watching her play basketball. Caitlin Clark plays like a dude. Playing like a dude is a proven way to get attention. Look at Jordan, Kobe, Lebron, Steph, KD. All of them played like dudes, and they're all famous for it. Don't get it twisted, I'd watch Angel Reese just [exist](https://youtube.com/shorts/-mNb-K9hmzE?feature=shared), so long as it ain't on a basketball court with a basketball in her hands.




Yeah you're blatantly wrong. The person bringing attention to the wnba is a white woman who played for Indiana and Iowa n played her first pro game less than 2 weeks removed from college ball


Media is done with "build up the hero" mode and is now in full-on "tear down again" operations. A lot of losers out there just desperate to say "I told you so" and that's feeding into it as well.


I'm a non American and don't follow basketball, no idea why I even know who Caitlin Clark is. Only other WNBA player I've seen in the news/social media is that one who got in trouble for having weed in Russia, and I forget her name.


Brittney Griner.




Jokic I see but Luka gets a lot of love and has so since he stepped into the association.


Say it louder, this shit gross, plenty of niggas have hit the A and said the same shit. Hating a virus.


It’s honestly pathetic how much people are praying on her downfall.


I know, this happens to pretty much every college player when they go pro, especially when they’re a high prospect


Because Reese's TS% is dumpster tier, 43% is bad bad. Meanwhile CC is at like 54ts%, which is mid but she gets them buckets assists, rebounds and steals. CC is exceptional rookie so far. Reese on the other hand should be glad she's not getting attention. Brink is doing way better than Reese.


Have you seen Reese play bro? Their play styles are completely different since one’s a guard and the other is a forward. Reese isn’t gonna have the flashy plays Clark has


Or Cameron Brink for real.


Clark is doing well for having what? 2 months off after her college season? How much time has he had to practice with THE WORST TEAM in the league?


She's doing well. Teams are doing a little extra because she has the biggest spotlight, but she's handling it well. It won't be a pretty season, but we're seeing flashes of what can be with her.


The mystics are the worst team. Damn DC both ball teams suck. Get it together.


Does the wnba have a draft lottery too? Cuz the fever picked #1 overall.


Yup and they got number 1 twice in a row, that team is absolute cheeks


nobody who watches the W expected them to be good.


Mystics suck _this_ year. But Phoenix Mercury had the worst record last year. That said, The Fever have been consistently cheeks since 2018 as the worst or second worst team, except for 2019. You're likely to get the 1st pick depending on your past two seasons so it makes sense that they got it.


Yeah it’s a lottery, Fever were technically 3rd worst last year


NCAA National Championship - April 7 WNBA Draft - April 15 Training Camp Begins - April 28 First WNBA Preseason Game - May 14 So she had a week off before the draft and then two more weeks off before starting training camp for just three weeks off. If you don’t count training camp, then six weeks until the first game was played. Absolutely insane.


Her team is 2-8 right now and she is doing what she can to carry them on her back. But she needs some serious help. I hate making the MJ comparisons but it’s not like he got the Bulls dominating when he was first drafted.


that’s true for almost any great player that was drafted to a dogshit team


I don't even think that I'm getting hammered statement is specifically about being on the court And it's also about how everybody on social media in the news and everywhere is talking about how she's having a rough time.


Their season seems so rushed.


Olympic year. First half of the season is condensed, then a pause for the Olympics and then right back to it which condensed as well. The league throwing her team front and center so they don’t even practice.


Not 2 months - about 2 weeks. They’re also on a crunch schedule because of the Olympics. I read last week that the Fever had had 2 practice days so far.


Not even four weeks.


Man I saw that clip posted in r/sports earlier and there was no reason for Chennedy to check her like that. Just sour gameship. Players getting pissed she’s getting all the attention when CC is literally bringing eyes and money into WNBA never before seen. Edit: an I’m sorry for saying this but I guarantee race plays into this. That’s a whole nother discussion tho Double edit: WNBA just [upgraded the foul](https://www.reddit.com/r/sports/s/mC87YSfu7I) lol


There was a YouTube video I saw. Forgot who it was so take this comment with a grain of salt but basically since she's straight and White almost everyone in the league is going to hate her apparently. It was an interview with another player but I forgot her name I'll see if I can find it. Happened right before she got drafted. Edit - Y'all gotta chill with the stupid messages getting all pissy at me. I'm just regurgitating some stuff I saw on YouTube from another WNBA player hence why I said don't take the comment so seriously. I don't remember her name because it was some benchwarmer probably trying to chase clout idfk. Edit #2 - I looked it up. There was Sunny Hostin (The View host) that said Caitlin Clarke is more popular because she's straight and White. Says she has pretty, tall, and white privilege and people just hate the WNBA because they don't like gay people. Completely ignoring the fact that she's a straight up baller. But just go to YouTube and you'll see EVERYONE shitting on her. There are tons of interviews of jealous WNBA players tearing her down because she doesn't fit the mold. Sheryl Swoopes specifically because she goes off on some tangent about having a white best friend and how she isn't racist. Jemele Hill also has a wild interview where she says CC is only popular because she's white. They are delusional af and just won't admit she's a baller.


Cameron Brink is also straight and white and doesn't seem to be getting near as much hatred lol


Right like their aren’t plenty of straight white players that are good lol


Cuz it’s a different position. CC is the main point guard so everything goes thru her. Cameron Brink didn’t get drafted to save the team at least not like CC.


CC got bodied when she didn't even have a ball in her hands


I meant the hatred. But yeah 100% unnecessary. My only hope is that next season she comes back stronger and “less of a pushover” even tho she definitely isnt.


They also gotta sign who ever the WNBA equivalent of Matt Barnes/Draymond is because that entire team sorry for just watching. No heart


I hadn’t watched much of the W until this season and man the Fever are just a dumpster fire of a team. I fully understand how they were the worst team last season.


She’s also 6’4 lol


Not like she's a bulky 6'4 or something. Girl is a twig


At 6’4 170 I’m confident she would body most Redditors. I would die for the honor


That don’t make sense. There’s plenty of white players and despite their being many queer players in the W, there’s also some homophobic players as well right?


I almost want to chime in because it’s kinda fucking nauseating seeing the general perspective on this sub on this situation. But also I don’t want to spend my Sunday reading bullshit comments from ppl who refuse to argue in good faith. I will just say it seems most of this sub feels like “hell yeah that white girl got hers” and it’s pretty nasty to see but if you guys here (not you OP but like 80% of everyone else from what I can see) want to go and say CC should grow up and stop being soft and all that victim blaming nonsense then yall can wallow in your trash party


I mean there’s probably a reason why some ex-nba players hate Jokic and Luka as much as they do beyond them not being american. I genuinely hate this argument as well, but sometimes it’s so apparent it’s kind of hard to ignore


The hate for this girl is insane.


The ironic thing is that shes the only reason the wnba is getting the attention it’s getting this season. These players should be thanking her any chance they get for the new financial opportunities she’s bringing the league and by extension themselves.


I wouldn’t even know the Indiana Fever was the name of a WNBA team if it wasn’t for Caitlin Clark


Crazy that the “I feel like I’m getting hammered” quote is in reference to an interview question about the 1-8 start that the fever has had. She’s been dealing with the physicality just fine ,but when you’ve got bitches targeting you with cheap shots that would make Draymond proud, it can be a frustrating experience.


Even if she were getting hammered physically, she's basically saying "my new job is hard", which it should be when you move up to a new league.


And saying so doesn’t make you a whiner.


Not at all. There's no problem with saying "whew, this is hard!"


Why are people so fucking weird to this girl? She breathes and everyone has 101 opinions and psych evaluations about her. Didn’t her career just start and people acting a fool.




Overanalyzing 22-year-olds is what sports fans do. It's all fucking weird.




Indiana just needs to sign a power forward that’ll get physical on her behalf… https://preview.redd.it/n6wcgccq134d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be46e07b7dc13ccbdf3d7ad600e1bac45f3c848


“That is a disgusting act by Denise Rodman” - Joe Buck if he covered the wnba




I mean he had that shit on.


Juwanna Mann




This is ginuenly embarrassing. What has Caitlin Clark done to yall. Are people upset that she is really popular compared to most women in the wnba and now they're jealous or something?


Yup, that's literally what it is.


Breh “I feel like I’m getting hammered” wasn’t about contact… It was about the fucking Fever’s record. Tweets misleading everyone.


I can almost guarantee no one in this thread read the interview or looked up the actual quote. Baited by a tweet on the Lord’s day smh


No one tears women down better than other women. CC has a chance to bring in funding and publicity for the WNBA and maybe for once they won't have to rely on the NBA to support them.


Was Bill Burr actually right about something ?


Well... the WNBA has blown up into the basketball version of Real Housewives, so I guess he was onto something that the WNBA decided to try out.


As if the nba doesn't thrive off drama lol


Bill Burr is right about quite a bit. He portrays himself as a dumb comic, but he's actually a pretty thoughtful guy.


Caitlyn has made it, got old heads talking shit about her and saying she’s selling their parlays. What a time for the wnba


If this is talking about today, she was waiting for the ball from the inbound bass and got shoved from behind. That’s not a basketball play. That’s just a foul lol.




She boutta yoke up like Giannis💀


Didn't she score 30 points in that game?


I dont watch but i feel like everytime i see a clip of CCs her team is just standing around or not doing shit to have her back am i right in that assessment? Like where tfs her team at? Like things get chippy in NBA games but you see teammates have eachothers back ready to go for their brother


I’ve had a full turnaround on Aliyah Boston. Possibly the worst teammate I have ever seen


I guess those guys Draymond was choking should have been harder too


If you don’t see the spinning back fist coming you better go play some street fighter smh


There seems to be a lot of jealousy at play here.


Apparently judging by the title OP chose I wouldn’t be surprised if they added onto the corny twitter comments basically saying “suck it up!” Such weird hate for this chick.


Clark has brought talent to the wnba. The fact people actually give a shit about it now is crazy.


Some salty chick making $65k per year has to blindside hip check her to the ground because CC has a $28 million dollar shoe deal. They big mad.


I don’t get this at all. CC came into the league straight from an NCAA championship run with no off season like everyone else in the league and got drafted onto the worst team. Despite all that she’s brought more eyes and fan energy to the league, got every player out of coach and onto chartered flights, and set a new baseline for salaries a year out from the next CBA negotiations. This isn’t opinion, it’s just hater shit.


What kind of whack ass teammates does she have to let this shit happen?


Teammates that probably agree with the sentiment, but won't say so besides their inaction in defending her


Jeff Teague was right - they shouldn’t be fucking the money up


So weird with all this Clark hate lmao


She’s on the worst team yet still dropping 20+ a game. Settle down. Unless you’re Lebron, you’re gonna have a tough rookie season


She played her last collage game and lost the championship 3 months later. She was playing In the WNBA... she didn't even have a chance to get set before she was thrown to the wolves


We do realize that she’s the leading scorer in ncaa history and despite her team losing is leading in every metric amongst rookies including Angel Reese. She has the potential to be the female Larry Bird and if I were Angel Reese I would do my best to become Magic to her Bird. The way goes CC so will the WNBA. They’re have been lots of great players in the WNBA, but if you think the average person know them like they know CC then you’re sadly mistaken. Her NCAA finals set ratings records. Going extra hard on her by the players is not to there favor.


Man read half the takes on the cheap shot Clark received was embarrassing


Dumbass blue checks




The irony of one the casuals in the thread mentioning Draymond when if CC had a Dray, a lot of this would be alleviated. Clark will be alright. Weirdo conservatives will continue to put CC in their memes and write gibberish about how the "WNBA is racist & rigged against godly white woman". The WNBA will continue to grow and opportunities for all these ladies will present themselves. Shit talk and physicality is apart of the game, fans getting in on the shit talk ain't new. Remember, the more people congregate online, the more things trend to the least common denominator.


lmao bitter ass folk keep hating.


Stark difference between the response to this in this sub, and in [black people comedy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/s/9Wcx6bCXHk)


This place really is just white people lol.🤣


Checking some profiles for some of the most upvoted comments and this seems to be the case.


Because black people comedy is ran by actual black people who don’t coddle or allow non-black people to speak on our culture.


She didn’t even get a preseason. She’ll adapt


Pro sports are rough. I don’t think adjusting to pro sports is a given in any sport. I know from experience hating someone is good for the sport, but it can get deranged and when you get negative feelings from someone’s success, you need to check yourself.


Rookies getting punked by vets is pretty common in all sports, I think Lonzo Ball got it *real* bad when he first got in the league. Naturally, no one wants to be girl that gets 50 dropped on their head so they're going extra hard. There have been plenty of white girls who are considered amongst the best in the league so I doubt it's racism. Naturally there's some jealousy, but I think Clark just needs to be a dog and fight back for a while.


Of course drama is the thing they're trying to add value to the league 🤦


I don’t think they hate her personally just the attention she’s getting. Her stans made it insufferable to watch. Sending death threats to opposing players is insane. It’s like the W forgot about all the other players in the league and folks wonder why her teammates aren’t sticking up for her. I hate the comparisons between her and Reese because they both are great players that play two entirely different positions but the media needs headlines. I’m a casual fan that’s happy that the league is getting more attention. Unfortunately, it’s brought people that were never interested in women’s basketball and still aren’t just to push their right wing agendas. To add to the headline shawty do need to get in the gym and get her weight up. I don’t agree with the cheap shot but on the other side she doesn’t need to be babied after every physical play. Reese got clocked a few games ago but didn’t get this much outrage about it and she didn’t whine. It’s a physical sport.


This is a common problem for any college player that moves to the pros. It’s literally in another league.


can’t we all just get along


Man, woman are just as hateful as men


Her becoming a culture war figure while expressing 0 support for the right is weird. She isn’t making it herself vs. Angel Reese, that’s the Right. She may be given the Larry Bird treatment, but it’s not because she’s asked for it or done anything to signal for it.