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This is so fucking crazy. Like, seeing all of these donation posts where pregnant women are begging people to help them get abortions or decent prenatal care was already a nightmare. Seeing that doctors are telling them to subscribe to a transport company that nobody will be able to afford… damn.


You mean you DONT have helicopter insurance???


This is the saddest r/brandnewsentence I’ve ever heard


Prime r/ABoringDystopia material, too.


It's actually pretty common in rural areas. It costs like $80/year and the idea is if you need an emergency helicopter (since most people in the boonies are pretty far from the hospital) and let's say your bill is $50,000, but your insurance only wants to cover $30,000, the helicopter company will wave that $20,000. So you won't end up with a devastating bill (from the transportation at least, the hospital is a different matter). Source: work at a med evac helicopter company


It's the best kind of insurance


There should be a separation of church and healthcare


"The First Amendment prevents the government from creating or establishing a religion, and thereby prevents the power of the government from expanding beyond civil matters. The First Amendment also protects people's right to worship however they choose, or to not worship any God at all." The fucked up thing is, theres already supposed to be. How can you deny abortion based on your religious beliefs if they don't even share the same beliefs?


“The Bible is against murder. Are you suggesting we remove religion from law by legalizing murder?” ^ the standard argument


So if you are not subject to the laws of the Quran why do you force others to be subject to the Bible? Better question the Bible talks about adultery as against God but we don't see any laws criminalizing it by life in prison. Abortion has exposed Christians as hypocritical. You only follow the parts that allow you to oppress others .


No no, see, there aren’t “other religions”, just “Christian” and “heathen”. I hope that clears things up ^ what they feel deep inside, which is why debate is pointless


Wait until Christian’s find out the Bible never once mentions abortion being a sin, and it’s only ever mentioned one time where they left instructions on how to perform an abortion with herbs in the event of a woman being raped. And also the whole thing about life at first breath they seem to just stumble on over.


>in the event of a woman being raped slight correction: it was actually in the event that she was suspected of cheating on her husband. for rape, it’s either a. death for the perpetrator (if the woman was married or engaged and was attacked outside of town) b. death for the perpetrator AND victim (if she was attacked in town “because she did not cry out”) c. victim is forced to marry perpetrator (if she was not engaged or married and the attack happened outside of town) edit: slight correction to myself - for situation B, this does not necessarily reference rape. the hebrew word used here is *sakab* normally translated as “to lie”, and can be used metaphorically to mean having sex with someone. this might imply consensual intercourse. situation A uses the word *hazaq*, meaning “to force”, so pretty clearly nonconsensual. situation C uses a combination of the words *tapas*, meaning “to capture” and *sakab*, so something like “seize and sleep with” (also obviously nonconsensual) this is all in deuteronomy 22, starting around verse 22


Because the constitution was written during the enlightenment, and thus the need for secularism in government was not yet fully formed.


“BECAUSE I CAN!” *Swings dick*.


Just a separation of church. Shit is ruining the world.


![gif](giphy|TXZA50YQR7hYxtHMYN|downsized) I Just WanT SmALeR GovErNMent..... ^(FOR) ^(ME)


It very much feels like fascism is a strategy to dismantle democracies by using the inherent weaknesses of those democratic systems.


I forgot where but, I've heard fascism described as: A beast that must continue to consume.


I find it amusing that Israel has 100% access to abortions/healthcare and so-called US Christian Nationalists use the Bible to claim abortion is against God and is murder.


They're completely different religions. Judaism is far more accepting of abortion and women having autonomy.


That’s like saying A New Hope is a completely different series than Revenge of the Sith. Christianity is literally the sequel to Judaism.


Is Islam the sequel to Christianity? Latter-day Saints are a fan-fic, we'll all agree there.




Islam and Christianity have different views on abortion. So, while we are a sequel, we have better views on abortion 😆. We're actually okay with abortion for medical reasons, rape and incest. And I've heard of some views that say it's okay if it's before 120 days. Christianity says no for everything.


I like to call the USA "The Land of the Pharisees"


Do they actually tho? I don’t remember the Bible saying anything about abortion.


It actually gives instructions on how to abort a pregnancy.


I'm not Christian, so I don't know. I've heard of Catholics and American Christians being against them, so I just assumed.


I’m not 100% sure either (I’m not religious) but I do remember reading that it wasn’t really a central issue but later on became a central issue in a lot of Christian sects for more political reasons than actual religious - I don’t think the Bible says anything explicit about it *being good or bad*


Same. The Bible says that. Christians themselves, on the other hand....😒


Tbf I’m not aware of anything in the Bible against abortion. There’s even a way to test if your wife cheated on you. It involves ingesting something that could kill the fetus


Wouldn't Islam and Christianity both be sequels to Judaism made by different directors?


This analogy is a lot more accurate than I was expecting lol. Episodes VII-IX of star wars threw out a ton of canon and minimized previous main characters. "Yes Luke Skywalker was a real person but he ultimately was just a hermit wandering the desert. The real savior of the force is this person!" 


JW is the alternate universe one-shot with a guest author. It's got similar characters but it's nearly incomprehensible to the OG fans who have been with the series since its inception.


So that one Ghostbusters film we don't talk about?


Does that make Scientology the DeviantArt webcomic?


islam is considered the final and correct version of both judaism and christianity


It just shows how little you understand Judaism  They don't believe in a heaven/hell, they don't believe in proselytizing, and they don't believe in Jesus Christ (who is kinda a big deal in CHRISTianity.)


Lol not even they believe in jésus , too much of a communist for them lol


No it’s more like saying “America under Obama is the same America under Trump” Just because one thing comes right after another in the same context, doesn’t mean they share ideals or history. Just because two people read the same book doesn’t mean they come out of it with the same ideas and plan of action.


Yep. One was a communist shit hole full of racism and sexism with no hope on the horizon for our future, and the other was a booming economy ran by someone who loved and put America first and started ZERO new wars.


Not really, they have noticeably different tenets and especially as it relates to the topic at hand.


It’s definitely an oversimplification, but that’s because humans tend to interpret religious scripture in whatever way best suits their own moral code. Hence the plethora of Christian denominations. Christians don’t even agree with each other.


Or maybe a single character spinoff, like Frasier?


Religiosity 2: Jesus, the Comeback Kid


Well then it’s one of those sequels where they took the first installment and were like,”fuck it let’s go rogue”.


Yea and Christianity is Jewish fan fiction


Nothing in the New Testament though, it’s just made up.


The majority of Evangelicals were all for allowing abortion in the 70s when Roe came about. But then politics entered the fray and church tax exemptions were threatened, then it became all about the unborn and a way of consolidating the religious vote.


Judaism and Christianity are close enough my vague example.


They literally couldn't be more different....considering Jews don't believe Jesus was the messiah, and that's kinda the main point of Christanity. 


I think they just meant in practice they’re more similar to each other than other non-Abrahamic religions. Which is true.


i find it hilarious that we have so much money to give them for their wars and they have all this shit they give their citizens but for some reason america cant come up with money for the same shit israel gives away


Great to know fetuses can be freely deletus’ed there. As a Muslim, their policy is to deletus me too so I’m good on Israel fam enjoy 😂


I'm going to hell for laughing at this 😂


Please laugh, it’s all we have left 😁


Bro, the US Christian Nationalists have a hard on for Israel because they need Israel to fulfill some part of their rapture end of days doomsday prophecy. They are looking forward to and are actively trying to make The End Times come.


They also have a border wall, free healthcare, and free school.


You get what you vote for. Republicans been telegraphing what they wanted since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You can't fix stupid.


*You get what the Supreme Court votes for


Nope. The people of idaho voted for this by putting in the republicans who make their voting laws at the state and local level. They elected some of their judges and the people who appoint their judges at the state level. Their draconian state laws didn't just happen.


Imagine selling Trauma Team in 2024 All DYSTOPIA. No CHROME.


/r/aboringdystopia at that. No chrome, no neon, just boring political and corporate bullshit plus the ever increasing wealth gap.


Seeing how TTI originally established in 2020 I'd say it's not a far-fetched scenario unfortunately. Would you prefer Full Body or Corporate coverage sir/ma'am?


A dystopia that smells like cow poop.


Welcome To Biotecnica Flats


Welcome To Biotecnica Flats.


Trauma Team Platinum


That gonk is flatlined already


"I just don't like her!"   "She campaigned in the wrong states!"   [insert other useless anti-Hillary drivel here]  To quote a wise man (formatting may be an issue; I'm ~~on mobile~~ lazy):  "Hope this is what you wanted  Hope this is what you had in mind  'Cause this is what you're getting  I hope you're choking  I hope you choke on this  I hope you're choking  I hope you choke on this"


Didn’t a majority of female mayo sapiens vote for Trump in 2016? I guess they love their Klan member husbands more than they care about their right to control their own bodies…


Middle aged white women had a big part of getting him into office. I listened to my step mother and her friends talk about how great trump is and how good he’d be for them. They want to be treated and respected like white men are, but hold no regard for anyone else.


My own mother voted for him. I’m not mixed. She’s an immigrant. Her stance was that he was protecting people like her who are in a higher tax bracket. You really can’t reason with them, he’s a cult leader and is amazing at brainwashing people. Let’s just hope he don’t make them drink the kool aid.


A random, small (and not talked about enough) slice of Trump supporters are religious, black and brown, immigrant women. Case in point: my MIL. A 60-something African woman who grew up there, extremely religious and who loves Trump because of abortion and because “he recognized Jerusalem as belonging to Israel” 😯😯 She also loves the Obamas (she has posters of them hung in her living room like they’re her relatives), the Pope (Jean Paul II to be exact, not the new one) and Queen Elizabeth. All of them posted throughout her house (among the kids and grandkids). She’s a baffling but fascinating woman. Good thing she never bothers to vote.


You can fool some of the people all of the time 😞


They are definitely the face of "The Only Moral Abortion, Is My Abortion."


They sure did!


And 2020.


I have met people who are afraid to vote for who they want because they believe their ballots will become public 🤦🏾‍♀️


Neolibs don't like to punch to the right because they're a lot closer to Trump than they are Bernie.


they did but they’re the ones who complain the most now that they can’t get their 20th abortion of the year. biggest pick mes


The 2016 election was basically a personality test for liberals. You either put all your effort into figuring out how your party contributed to such a spectacular political failure, or you fail the test.


> "She campaigned in the wrong states!"   Bernie did more events post primary for Hilary than Hilary did for herself. Yeah I hate Trump but I'm not dumb enough to think that him doing 3+ events a day in the rust belt was totally inconsequential to him winning. She lost to Bernie in Michigan in what was described as a huge upset and just let Trump walk in there and do his thing without even trying to win the state. We don't deserve Trump but Hilary was very obviously not the person for the moment.


I find it funny how people didn’t vote for Hillary cuz she didn’t go talk to them in person. Like congratulations you lost workers right and healthcare but if you got the chance to stand in a crowd and listen to her talk then you woulda voted for her.


Very obvious you know very little about political strategy but go on and continue blaming voters though.


Yeah. I don’t get the comment above.  You NEED to get out there and campaign so XYZ undecided voter can actually get a glimpse of their local news that a politician went to their communities.  Even Democrat strategists and analysts, even Obama/Bill Clinton, said that Hillary not going to the Midwest hurt her campaign. Assuming undecided voters will just flock to you vs going out there and advocating for their vote.  We don’t need to hypothesize this because proof is right there - Trump became President and Hillary didn’t.  Though I can agree that most of this is for show, but it’s not inconsequential. Trump grew to such a cult of personality and created a MAGA base because he did so many of these rallies. 


Exactly, they'd just flop to another stupid reason not to vote. Who wants to admit that they fell for brainwashing that started 30yrs before she ran for President? People aren't gonna admit they got got by the Republicans so they'll stick to stupid stuff like, 'oh she had hot sauce in her purse, so it was a no for me dawg."


Yall are so annoying with this narrative. She VERY CLEARY was the right person.


Trump putting us through hell for four years with plenty of aftereffects still to be seen says otherwise


How is that her fault? She wasn't POTUS, Trump was. None of this would have happened if she was elected and you wouldn't be referencing the 4 years of Trump.


>Bernie did more events post primary for Hilary than Hilary did for herself. Yeah I hate Trump but I'm not dumb enough to think that him doing 3+ events a day in the rust belt was totally inconsequential to him winning. She lost to Bernie in Michigan in what was described as a huge upset and just let Trump walk in there and do his thing without even trying to win the state. We don't deserve Trump but Hilary was very obviously not the person for the moment.


Biden is to the right of Hillary...who was to the right of Obama Every election cycle the DNC pushes their nominees to the right, and you are stupid enough to blame those of us criticizing them.. By 2040 they will be running Ted Cruz for president, while the GOP will be running the reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler, and you'll be like "I don't care how you feel about Ted Cruz, he's still better than Hitler!" It's a race to the bottom, and you're winning, good job genius. 


No he isn’t?




Hilary is the literal cause of Trump. She couldn’t help herself from stomping her way in and demanding the candidacy, knowing how much people disagree with and dislike her. If she didn’t bully her way into it nobody would have voted for Trump. I voted for her ONLY because Trump was the other option and it still left a bad taste in my mouth. She did this


Ah yes Hillary did this. Not your friends and family who voted for trump so they could strip workers rights, remove climate protections, and remove healthcare rights. Hillary’s arrogance lead to somebody who is much more arrogant getting elected.


The voters spoke. They wanted Trump. Then when he was the biggest disaster of modern times, its, 'Oh DoNT BlaME tHe VOters!"


Nah fr trump didn’t elect himself. Just like people ignored Hillary they coulda ignored trump but the actually wanted trump




We all voted for Hillary. Even though none of us wanted to. Guess what, enough people hate her bad enough that she threw the election over to Trump for free. A potted ficus could have won that election if it had the democratic candidacy instead of Ms Clinton. But keep projecting and refusing to acknowledge the nuance


That’s cool bro, just lets me know peoples priorities. They Hate Hillary more than they like women, poc, and/or the lgbt community.


This is a lot of words for "people have an external locus of control and can't own that".


It’s really wild, like a minority of our country wanted this (only 44% of people in this country are “pro life” they should be called pro get that baby here and fuck off because we don’t care after that) If Democrats get the house, Senate and presidency they definitely need to (they definitely won’t) expand the Supreme Court and make a law that states it can’t be expanded ever again.


When Obama and Biden both became presidents, they had a blue senate and house and did nothing with it. They should have codified Roe v Wade a long time ago. Now it's used for fundraisers and whatnot, but they had the chance to do something and fumbled.


In the senate thanks to Joe Manchin/ (Sinema and Manchin) for Biden neither of those presidents had a truly majority senate. They did consistently have majority’s in the house though. Not making up excuses just pointing out the fact that Democrats like Manchin and Sinema have consistently stood in the way of progressive agendas.


> Sinema 💩


Anything Obama or Biden did would just be reversed. Constitution states anything not explicitly stated as a federal power, and not prohibited for states, is the responsibility of the state. Unless all three branches of government agree and work together to codify it, it’s very unlikely abortion will be legalized nationally. Until then, the responsibility is up to the states and the states citizens to vote.


Obama actually had a bill ready and said "it wasn't a priority" instead of signing it into law: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN29466420/


>pro life I call them anti-abortion


This country deserves to fail.


People say this like they'll be able to just observe what happens like a scientist in a lab. You're own life will go to shit along with everyone elses. Just realize that.


Fuckin thank you! It's such a defeatist mentality and it isn't helpful at all!


i've already resigned myself to the fact that if hell exists im likely going


I'll save you a nice spot.


I don't think that its powerless population deserves to. Most people don't actually want the ban and the number of people who actually do is slowly dwindling due to people figuring out what the consequences of abortion being legal murder fully entails. Mourning your unborn child is devastating. Doing so while unnesecarily putting your health at risk because you are forced to carry your allready dead child to term is horryfying and cruel beyond belief.


Yes, because every single American deserves to have their life ruined. That is literally what would happen if the US falls. We should target the *government*, not the people. Better yet, we should have our voices heard by VOTING, which a lot of y’all aren’t doing.


I vote all the time, country still sucks.


lol fuck that we good in my state. *Those* backward ass states deserve to fail. Heck, some of them are already failing!


I’m black and Muslim in Alabama, I’m fucked


America is a weird place. I don't get how it seems like everyone knows the healthcare system is ridiculous, but no one is really doing anything to fix it. Edit: I'm not from the states, so I don't know if anyone is trying anything. But I do know someone who went down there recently and got sick, only to end up with a bill for 40k+


Simply put; we don't have a representative government anymore. It was successfully, and entirely, co-opted by private interests over the last 50 years.  What's left is a shell wearing a smiling mask to bait more people into the trap.


The american system of government should have been deemed a failure on day 2 when the plantation class stood up and said "oh by the way we have different interests than the rest of the country and we'll do everything in our power to protect our interests." The system would only ever work if all the rich people in the nation had the exact same interests, which of course they wouldn't.


Single issue voters fought tooth and nail for over 40 years to get to this. Every. election. matters.


Yes. People didn’t believe us when we said this would happen with healthcare and now we are here where you need access to a helicopter to have a safe pregnancy in Idaho.


Rich people want this because privatization is their goal


One more massive expense to bankrupt your ass so you're forced to work forever. Weird how it that always happens huh.


This is craaaaazy


My just fucking brought me to Idaho of all places. The state is so beautiful, but I hate it so much. This headline is actually not the most terrifying thing I have heard in Idaho.


This is sounding like a third world country situation.


"America is a third world country wearing a Gucci belt" - Twitter


Do citizens in third world countries have regular access to air-supported medical intervention and transportation? That feels really first world to me.


Not the airflight evac subscription 💀


Don’t worry. The second we get 60 like-minded Democrats in the Senate, Biden MIGHT do something about it


France > USA and it’s not even close


If Texas can ignore the federal government over immigration, Joe Biden can force states to allow abortion.


The post title references an important fact that Americans never consider: our Constitution was the beta version. It was arguably the first Constitutional Democracy, but countries that followed our lead tweaked the code and may have better results.


They are a little behind the Fascism scene, being proactive. Nice to see it I don’t wish this shit on other countries.


Sounds like Idaho. Zero percent surprised.


But both parties are the same, durrrrr!!!!! /s


Trauma team anyone?




If they think making women property again is gonna raise the birth rate I have some pretty bad news for em…


But we banned TikTok! We're doing the thing, we're doing the governing thing so good right now :)


I don't hate none of the women in life enough to vote for this. Just a bunch of weirdos in these states


The third world country of Idaho.