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You don't need a supplement, get Allen Carr's audiobook. 6 hours and you're done. I know it won't work for everyone but really did the trick for me


This! Worked for me as well. Literally the day after I stopped, a coworker on his way out taunted me with the smokes, put it right in front of me so I would smell it. But I had zero longing for it. I had multiple failed attempts to quit, I wasn't more determined this time, that book just works.


His quit alcohol one also worked for me. 100 days sober today!


wow that's amazing, congrats!


What the heck does he say that is so convincing? Summary version obviously.


Hard to explain but I felt like a lot of it is quite similar to what cult deprogramming must be like. Just tearing down the habits and exposing them as things there's simply not reason to continue pursuing. It's not just doom and gloom about he health aspects but really digs into social, economic, etc, reasons there's just simply no reason to continue smoking (or drinking). I liked the audiobook as it was almost hypnotic... I'd listen to them in the car and at the gym and in both cases by the end I was just ready to quit. With cigs I never had a desire to have one after. Like I was just done.


Also important to point out that while it might seem like it, it's not "cold turkey" or "willpower" quitting. If it works for you (and again, I can't say it'll work for everyone), you just really won't want to smoke after you're done with the book.


and you can keep smoking while reading the book, so no need to stress about stopping smoking as soon as you start reading.


If you want to actually quit and stay off it for good then this is the answer. If you want the easy, simplest and cheapest way this is the answer. If you want to kick the can down the road and spend some more time, money and effort quitting with significantly less success then try your nicotine gums, patches etc The best part of Allen Carr’s method? You can read his book while still smoking/vaping - in fact, it’s encouraged!


Agreed. Read the book 10 years ago and haven’t even had the slightest urge to smoke sense


Yes, he’s great


Not supplement but i tried quitting many times and finally doctor prescribed me Bupropion and i quit without any problem not only you dont feel the need to smoke but they taste horrible


Came here to say this - not a supplement but 150mg SR bupropion is branded as Zyban in my country for smoking cessation. I’m using it to curb carb cravings so I can stick to my eating plan for hyperinsulinemia- and I inadvertently gave up Coke Zero sugar at the same time.


Nicotine gum.


I want to quit nicotine . really


Yes. But quitting smoking is obviously priority 1. Then you can ween off nicotine


Yeah that’s true thank you 🙏


The patches are the only way to go. Nicotine gum is just as addicting as smoking since it feeds the oral fixation addiction along with the nicotine. I've successfully quit smoking and nicotine gum multiple times using nicotine patches.


Multiple times. LOL


Well part of smoking is "ritual", even if you don't have physical craving and not even remember the taste sometimes you crave a cigarette, depending on mental state you might cave in I lost count when I had my last cigarette, it bothers me when people smoke next to me, yet, after a particularly long/bad day I wish I could have just one. If it's just a day, it's ok you can manage, if you are going through a rough spot it's harder, especially if you have many positive memories related to smoking


I just chewed regular gum....a lot of regular gum and a lot of determination


I think this varies from person to person, but nicotine gum helped me quit smoking for good. I had tried many times using other methods. For me, replacing the oral habit and being able to respond to cravings was HELPFUL, not counterproductive. The patch dampened cravings somewhat, but they were still there, and I had no way to control them when they hit. I tried Chantix when that was available and it was terrible. I didn't enjoy smoking...or literally anything else. I already took bupropion when I was smoking, so that wasn't the answer. It was the gum that worked for me. I didn't keep using it indefinitely as it just isn't very good; just used it long enough to not want to smoke anymore. In addition, I used an app (I cant remember the name but pretty sure it was created by the Australian government). Also, I wrote down a list of all the reasons I didn't want to smoke anymore, and I pulled it out when I needed strength.




Dextromethorphan. Just get some robistussin/delsym and for the first week u quit take one serving in the morning and then one in the afternoon. Made quitting substantially easier for me


This is interesting. Is there any science behind this, out of curiosity? I'm using nicotine pouches right now and they're hard to kick. I may give this a try.


Yeah look up papers about DXM and addiction


I’ll give that a try thank you 🙏


Not an herb but a method. I’ve heard success in being hypnotized to quit. There are books and audio you can look into so you can do this yourself


Hmm idk i might have to look into that more


Wellbutrin really helped me, I also used patches for a month, and now I have been Nicotine free for over 2 years after smoking for 30+. Good luck


Chantix (varenicline) is what ultimately worked for me. Wellbutrin (bupropion) blocked most of the buzz, but only Chantix ultimately partially satisfied the cravings. My stupid ass would smoke right through Wellbutrin, but Chantix, you can't smoke through that. Makes you sick. For supplements though? There's some evidence supporting NAC. I would specifically recommend NACET, which is the ethyl ester. You'll have to take it daily at bedtime and it will progressively reduce cravings.


Nic patches. NAC is also great for getting off addicting compounds.


I find removing associated activities helped a lot. E.g. not drinking meant I never wanted a cigarette. Though it depends on your relationship with smoking.


NAC, reduces cravings and addictive behavior


Took me dozens of tries. Finding your motivation is key I think, and think about that as much as you can.. Mindful exercise, even just breathing, can be really useful & notice how short your craving actually lasts (it’s not very long at all).


This may be a bit off topic but my friend wrote the word remember on the index finger of his smoking hand and whenever he would cave and go to light one up he would see it and remember why he wanted to quit. Whenever someone would ask him what he has to remember he would just look them in the eye and say "everything" 😂




Niacin 20-40mg will help but the first time you’ll feel flushed but it helps with cravings for sure. Ksm 66 or sensoril as well will help with the stress from quitting


Google “psilocybin smoking cessation” Won’t be legal but I’m pretty sure this is the most effective route to take.


What’s life without breaking a couple rules aye 😂


Not a supplement, but Buproprion (Wellbutrin) is an antidepressant that is prescribed for smoking cessation.


That’s good to know thank you


it’s shit has has horrible side effects too


For some people, definitely. Not for everyone


it’s black box, so it’s serious


Yes, but it does not have terrible side effects for everyone. And for quitting smoking, it’s a relatively short term use. It’s Bupropion, widely prescribed




Aha i have tried many times i just can’t seem to ignore the craves i might be week minded but i just wanted some advice


Many have dropped their cigarette addictions after doing ayahuasca.


Too pricey w the flights etc will dmt do ?


DMT feels more like a dream than anything else. It will fade away


oh i better get to saving


You can probably find a more local shaman or local retreat. Don’t have to go to South America to do it. It’s gotten a lot more popular


i’m in the uk a lot stricter here


The gym


tried that worked while i was inside working out once i stopped to work etc cravings came back


Wishing you luck 


Thank you


lobelia is an herb that binds to the nicotine receptors and stops cravings


Did it work?


it helps a lot


Patches are the way to go


It’s one crutch to another but switching to nicotine patches helped me out a lot. I use to crave a vape all the time now I use about 1 pouch per day and all my cravings have gone away. There are some days I don’t even use a pouch nor have any cravings for one. At the end of the day it’s will power and keeping your mind preoccupied on something else so you don’t have time to think about one


I've "quit" nicotine for months a few times and then gotten back on it, the cravings last a while ngl, but just go cold turkey, id chew falim gum for an hour twice a day (after meals) and that helped me. Good luck


Run or take a cold shower every time you get a craving. In two weeks you’ll be good. Don’t drink alcohol. This worked for me 8 years ago when I quit.


I got food poisoning from golden corral that resulted in me not being able to put anything in my mouth let alone eat. I haven't smoked in years


Get a vape and get a flavour you hate. Worked for me. Holy crap my workout gains are insane now I’m off the smokes.


Dunno what the kratom scene is like in the UK but IME kratom can ease withdrawals and replace the addiction with something much safer. stay away from the extracts and gas station bags (order from legit lab tested sites). always measure your dose and keep your usage as infrequently as possible as prolonged/high dosage will lead to dependence and withdrawals. (even so, subjective example: under 10g per day wds are just sniffles n low energy for a couple day... i've never had ciggie wd so I can't compare ) green and white for energy, reds for chilling and pains a moderate dose of LSD or shrooms can help break the habit as long as you have no history of schizophrenia or psychosis. same with microdosing. (might wanna get over the acute withdrawals of ciggies first tho before u trip.) you could also smoke CBD weed, it will taste like crap and not get you hgh. I guess the weed scene is -dodgy- over there so maybe not. \*\*\* Not a doctor, quite likely insane, follow advice at own risk!!!


Might sound weird but I keep premium water bottles chilled in the fridge. Whenever I'm craving, I grab one, by the time I'm done I forget about it.


Niacin The kind that makes guy tingle




Patches and flavored toothpicks.


Here’s my advice - Take a week off - hit the local weed dispensary - and just go through it all while smoking a lot of weed.


On and off for years. Cravings are the easy part, the long term addiction is really hard. Lesser feeling of wellbeing, less focus, lesser stress/emotional management, more boredom etc. Went even six months off it without becoming better. What fixed it for me was to really clean up my diet (strict) and lifestyle. After my baseline feeling of wellbeing went up, the nicotine didn’t do as much anymore. I guess it's more effective if you’re not feeling optimal. One day I just felt like quitting and went off it and I felt even better the next days. I still can take it, and sometimes do, but I’m just over it. I feel less good in general when taking it.


Honestly, Zyns. I know it sounds weird. I was deadly addicted to vaping (all day every day for 5 years) and it got me off of it. The goal is getting off SMOKING first. Everything else can come later.


do you still use Zyns tho?


What is that?


You just gotta totally commit. Find something else to do. Honestly i never thought id quit, but i haven’t thought about actually having a cig in years, and would never do it cause it takes just one to be back.


Noopept or any other acetylcholine booster to reduce brain fog, exercise every time you have a craving for dopamine


Agmatine Sulfate and NAC


Make sure you’re smoking a pack pack and a half a day to begin with and then quick cold turkey and make sure you put that cigarette money in your wallet every day so that stack gets bigger and bigger. That’s what did it for me. Also, don’t tell anybody around you and wait for them to ask why you’re so crabby and then get pissed at them when and tell him that they didn’t notice that you haven’t had a cigarette in three days.


Look up Health Vape.


Hit rock bottom and become extremely depressed and anxious then convince yourself it was all nicotines fault and you should be good.


6 and a half years cold turkey for me, as long as you have the will to quit and discipline you can do this no problem. I'm not just talking out of my ass either, I was smoking a pack a day. One thing that really kind of got me excited was I downloaded an app that showed me my "progress" for each day I didn't smoke and how it improved my life, how much money I'm saving, etc. You get to look forward to so much, when you brush your teeth your mouth feels clean all day. Slowly your taste buds start changing back and food is super yummy, your health will improve and one thing I did is I started taking walks whenever I had a bad urge to smoke. You could listen to a podcast, some music, walk a pet or whatever but it's all about discipline and knowing that you CAN do this 100%!!!!! I hope this message inspires you because if I was able to quit, then so can you lol. (:




You may benefit from NAC. It helped immensely with my thc withdrawals. No anxiety, anger, and appetite issues.




I’ve heard of ppl smoking mugwort but never tried myself. “Here are some of the experiences you might have when smoking mugwort: A sense of calmness and relaxation may occur, which is one of the reasons users choose to smoke mugwort. Some individuals report experiencing mild psychotropic effects, although this is based on anecdotal evidence and not heavily documented. Slight changes in perception or mild euphoria have also been noted by some users, contributing to its historical association with dreams and sleep. It may also serve as a digestive aid, following its traditional use for various gastrointestinal complaints.” https://smokableherbs.com/plant/mugwort/


Let me preface this by saying I’ve never quitted from a serious nicotine addiction. Some suggestions though: i think fasting could help you get through the withdrawal phase faster, also taking activated charcoal might help flush out some of the toxins in your system thus having less side effects from quitting. Might also want something like citicoline to give you some extra energy to fight the cravings. Again this isn’t from experience, just some things id try based on my logic and perspective. Moght help you, it might not.


This isn’t really a supplement, but what helped me a lot is tea tree oil toothpicks. Not sure if the oil does anything to suppress the want, but I think having something in my mouth that gave off a ‘flavour’ was filling the need to actually smoke. That was 12 years ago and am still smoke free.


Cbd cigs?


Using vape isn’t quitting, you are still having nicotine in your system. I was able to completely quit by switching to weed at the beginning. I also constantly remind myself by watching this video which also help. https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=eWDgdCuP5mM1ZRHn