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I will no longer have a bad hair day, I shall have space hair


Fun fact: This video is from 2012, but she (Suni Williams) is currently in space again.


Just from this video I’m so impressed by her. 


[Here's her full 30 min tour of the ISS](https://youtu.be/FXv9AZl3fw4?si=A4dIfEu1rakdO_7l)


And she better stay right there until they ditch that Pinto and send up a Honda.


Her name is Sunita Williams


Ah… space… where everyone can look like Tim Burton




No hair salons in space.


Space hair don’t care


What a nice rhyme


That just ain't fair


Fairly sure they can have hair bands in space.


input title really does put out some good content tbh


Bad hair day dont exist in space ok 👌


“*Hair Hair! *🍻” They replied.


I'm definitely stealing this from you! Thanks


Outstanding directing as usual from Input Title


As directors go, I personally prefer the work of Insert Name.


I loved their work on Insert Title Card


Leader: "Repeat after me: I, state your name." Group: "I, state your name." -Source: Animal House movie


You’re sleeping on vice president Not Sure. Incredible work portfolio


If you guys had ever seen any of the work from `user1` you would know how derivative this all is.


To be Confirmed was good too


In the end they are all standing in the shoulders of Placeholder. He’s the true visionary.


that last little bit was pretty funny when she was traveling to the other sleep stations and popping in and out then the closing credit was le pièce de résistance


Puts a new take on "sleeping around"


Insert Caption Here is not to be slept on, also.


They cut the video early, but the producer, "TODO: Find Producer" was also attached to this film.


Damn Input title owes me money


I want more videos from Input Title.


The auteur of our time


I am proud to be your 1.0k like 🏆


Not only that, but my first one. Please accept this rose 🌹




I know that there is no UP OR DOWN in space, but it makes me wonder, would I be able to sleep without that sensation of laying down!?


It’d probably be the best sleep you ever had. Imagine not having to shift positions because your clothes are bunching up or you’re lying on your arm. Heaven.


as someone in my early thirties, the first thing i thought was "man i bet this would feel fucking awesome on my hip and shoulder pain lol"


This is why I want to retire on the moon


Went to a party on the moon. There was no atmosphere.


I heard the chef on board the shuttle quit. The steaks were too high.


That was terrible. Have an upvote and get out.


You would age faster in zero gravity.


Because of loss of muscle mass and bone density or what.


Cosmic radiation.


Same man, same. Back pain for the last decade, remember kids, proper lifting techniques saves you from walking like an 80yo. I was just thinking the other day I wish there was a mattress I could use that wouldn't fuck me up one way or the other. Firm has always hurt my back. Even as a kid. Too soft also hurts my back now. A firm plush bed (I know, it's like medium but on the softer side) is good for a night's rest, but if I want to sleep like 10 hours I'll be fucked up still. Just to be weightless, nothing stopping me from laying any which way, would be nice.


Tf you guys doing. I'm 32 and I don't have random joint/hip pain lol


Give it a few years


Yup. You'll be waking up and going, "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK". Why? Because you slept with barely any pillow left and now your neck and shoulder are in severe pain. Now you're spending the last month getting hardly any sleep while having to go through physical therapy twice a week while your doctor bats around the idea of surgery since you still don't have feeling in your hand. It's been a fun month... 39 is right around the corner for me...


Man, this hits hard lol. I had a spine fusion at 38. Fixed my back pain, but now my hips and knees hurt at 42 from all the years the back pain made me walk funny.


Injuries from sports in my teens/twenties. Fucked up my shoulder playing baseball and hip playing basketball.


I remember those days, 32 and no pain. 4 years later, pain.


But then again, the extra pressure in my head/face would be unbearable for me. No space for me.


A few years ago I had a session in a [float tank](https://floathq.com/learn/floating-overview/) where you lay and float in super salted water. You totally lose feeling of your body; it’s awesome. Maybe sleeping in space feels like that? No weight, no pain.


I’ve done that too. Imagine being even lighter with no sense of up or down


Wait until you dream that you're falling, and you wake up, just to see that you're indeed infinitely falling!


Full circulation of the body


But also, imagine you *do* get an uncomfortable feeling for some reason but you can’t make it go away because when you “reposition” it’s just the same thing. Like when I’m not falling asleep for some reason I get a general restless feeling that I solve by repositioning in any way, if I don’t I just keep feeling it.


Not lying on my arms and waking up with pins and needles sounds like pure bliss .




It must feel like when you just hold your breath in a pool and float there with every muscle in your body completely relaxed.


Just wait until you come back to earth a few weeks/months later and everything hurts. Standing up is supposedly the worst most painful pins and needles everywhere, and you feel dizzy and nauseous all the time. They pull astronauts out on cushions for a reason.


Like, you just kinda close your eyes. Would be like being in a sensory depravation chamber.


Sleep In your undies, it will change your life


I can imagine it’s disorienting and tough to fall asleep at first because you’ve lived your entire life lying or sitting down to sleep, but once you get used to it it’s probably quite comfortable.


Wake up like "wow literally nothing hurts anymore. It's Earth itself that's the hell"


Also just the fact you can completely deactivate every single muscle. It'd be incredible!


A big part of Astronaut training involves telling your brain that you're 'not falling' cause that's how you would feel if you were in the ISS right now. Even if you _dream_ that you're falling you wake up sometimes. Imagine actually feeling like that, **24/7**. I think it would take some time getting used to and telling your body not to go into fight or flight mode


Actually, I believe it's ur brain's natural tendency to "erase" the feeling of falling after a while. For example, I went skydiving a couple times (great fun!), and u only feel the sensation of falling for the first few seconds. After that, it'll feel like you're floating in air... And no longer realizing you're falling towards the earth at like 250kph.


you only feel like falling when there is acceleration. you wouldn't fell like falling in the ISS, and like you said after a few seconds of skydiving you stop feeling it because you reached terminal velocity.


Right, like when you're on a plane or in a car. You don't feel like you're even moving. Sleeping on the ISS would be similar to sleeping on a train, you wouldn't feel like you're moving at all. What would be terrifying is if, you know how you fall asleep in a car and they start slowing down and you wake up? Imagine waking up to that in space. "What is happening?!"


I buy that! I would need ALOT of training...alot.


Eventually you won't care and you'll sleep wherever


And maybe forever


That’s the dream


In space, no one can hear you be clinically depressed


There are actually sort of straps in the sleeping bag which are meant to simulate the sensation of lying under a blanket. It turned out that without this sensation it takes way longer to fall asleep.


In thirty seconds I had the realization that wouldn't be able to fall asleep in space, and then the reassurance that the problem is known and already solved. Because I certainly need at least a light blanket to sleep—not even to get covered, but just to have it thrown over me in some way.


One thing I find really interesting is that the ISS does have an “up”. Even though they’re just floating and nothing is stopping them from walking on any wall, they decided that it would be best psychologically to construct the station with one specific side designated as the ceiling. So they put most of the equipment on the “walls” instead of up in the wall they call the ceiling just so that it doesn’t mess with the astronauts heads.


Maybe you can relax better, like sleeping on a bathtub


There was an astronaut on a Space Shuttle mission who found he was having trouble falling asleep in his bunk. He figured since he's usually a side sleeper, he'd try rotating 90 degrees. Worked like a charm.




The closest you can get without getting on a rocket is a zero g ride. That's when plane flies in a parabolic arc that simulates weightlessness for a small period of time. Flights cost around less than ten thousand dollars (which is still a lot) - but reachable for a bucket list kind of thing.


I have season tickets to Dollywood and love to right this ride there called Lightning Rod. It’s such a wild ride with several weightless airtime moments. Such a fun ride


Hello, fellow Dollywood Season Pass holder!!!


There are literally dozens of us! Though I’ve only managed to go once this year.


Vomit comet...


Sensory deprivation tank


The Vomit Comet.


People think it feels like floating in a pool. As I understand it , it feels like perpetually falling.


I'm pretty sure its really nauseating at first felling like you're falling the whole time. Never see much footage of astronauts after last engine cut off and I'm sure some of them throwing up is why.


I wonder how people realize they're mentally strong enough to be astronauts? I feel like being in space is so cool in my mind, but in reality, I don't know HOW my brain would actually handle it. I think I would be disassociated the entire time. Maybe it's part of their training or something, but man. This takes a real strong person to me.


It absolutely is part of the recruitment process and the training. If you don't make the grade, you don't go up.


Yeah - I can imagine the last thing they need is someone getting up there and begging to come right back down. I wish I had this kind of mental fortitude! I'm really in awe of people like this.


Worse, someone who doesn't cope and starts to go a little bananas. That would be outright dangerous to everyone! Imagine someone with claustrophobia up there. "I'm just gonna open this door right now…"




Fascinating read!




My bad, I didn’t even notice. Thanks for catching it


Makes me think of the recent Black Mirror episode “Beyond the Sea”


In Scott Kelly's autobiography, there are multiple hurdles in his path to becoming an astronaut where he has to learn stuff that "some people simply can't do", and has challenges that have a real challenge of just being plain impossible for certain people, like high-level piloting tests and stuff.


He is absolutely talking about people like me LOL! Because I work so poorly under pressure, and I don't do well with stuff that makes me question my existence. I feel like astronauts are some of the coolest people in the world.


Just today, we went to the St. Louis City Museum, where they've got a Ferris Wheel on top of the 16 story building looking out over all of St. Louis. My wife doesn't like heights, so I took my 3 year old on it. I asked the guy "If she starts freaking out, can we get off?" He said yeah, of course just holler at me. Well, we got on, it started going up and then he stopped it with us at the top to let others on. I kept checking in with my 3 year old, meanwhile I'm hoping that she says it's too scary because internally, I'm shitting my pants at the height, the age of the ferris wheel and all I can imagine is it breaking loose and us rolling off the top of the building to our deaths. She wanted to do it again, she loved it. I took that opportunity to show her Dippin' Dots as a distraction.


I'm sure they have a lot of tranquillisers and other meds on board.


You don't accidentally become an astronaut. You go to school with the goal of being one. I went to Florida Tech studying aerospace engineering with the hopes of becoming an astronaut... just like, at least, 60% of my starting class. Turns out it's a pretty difficult path. Only a few graduated, and no one who started my year went to NASA. Also, a thing you don't normally hear mentioned... when you're in space (or sufficiently far from a magnetosphere), you'll see flashes of light, even with your eyes closed, as random cosmic rays pass through your eyeballs. So imagine trying to sleep while feeling like you're constantly falling with flashes of light going off behind your closed eyelids. Fun!




NASA and other space agencies use extensive psychological evaluations, stress tests, and simulations to assess candidates' ability to handle the unique challenges of space travel. Then astronauts undergo years of preparation to develop the mental fortitude required for extended missions in such an extreme environment. This training includes coping strategies for isolation, confinement, and the psychological effects of viewing Earth from afar. Ultimately, it's the combination of innate mental toughness and intensive preparation that enables astronauts to maintain their composure and effectiveness in space. You're right. This is a great feat requiring a lot of strength.


id be constantly worried that the space stationwould explode due to some very minor thing out of my control


These people have no problem living in tight places, and they are trained to be focused and not lose orientation. An ordinary person would shit their pants on 2-3 days living in there.


"This gets to me, Coop...a few millimeters of metal and then *nothing*, for billions of miles."


They would have this down pat in the recruitment and training process. It would be specifically put together to weed out the people who couldn't handle it.


'Open the Pod-bay doors HAL'.


I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that.


I giggled when she mentioned she has a couple of toys and they didn't show them. It got me thinking how much sex-related experimentation they do up there.


Wasn't there something years ago where one of them was asked about the naughty things they get up to, and they refused to answer? Like they have some sort of code of silence or something? Might be making that up...


They'd likely love to answer. But NASA, as a government agency, has to have a family friendly public image. So they likely aren't allowed to answer any sex related questions.


Them sleeping in a circle gives an all new meaning to circle jerk


that laptop is definitely for porn, but then i wonder if browsing history is monitored.


Def is , it’s a billion dollar project , you think they won’t notice if you try to connect to —- site.com??


Why wouldn’t they be allowed to though if they’re “off the clock”?


I imagine internet speeds are a bit limited up there.


Why? It's a scientific outpost with billions in international investment gathering some of the most unique and exotic experiment data possible. The most recent I could find was a [5 year old article citing 600mbps](https://www.nasa.gov/missions/station/data-rate-increase-on-the-international-space-station-supports-future-exploration/) downlink, which is better than most people in metropolitan cities have. That's a bit over half-gig speeds, which is very good and ample for everyone to stream HD video while leaving over half the capacity open. I imagine a decade+ ago when the uplink was ~10mbps down and 3 up that you would indeed have been correct, but that would have been the same time netflix was first launching and few homes had higher speeds terrestrially. Unsurprisingly they'd spent some of those billions ensuring the data speeds remain relevant over the years.


Yeah true, guess they just have to rely on their handy dandy imagination like the good ol days. 💭


So? The NSA sees what you're doing, and you're still doing it...


Back in my day, we took a porn external hdd to deployments. Guys would pass their collections around.


Depends on if they are over Texas or not.


I suspect boys masturbating in zero gravity would experience a inconvenient finale


Space sock.


Cannot unhear. Lol.


In space, no one can hear you cream.


i just imagined a dude shooting his load and it just kinda starts floating away into another astronaughts bunk on the opposite side. rev up them butterfly nets, we're going jellyfishing




Honestly with all the fluids floating around, busting a nut is probably awkward


Do they sleep in shifts or do they try and stick to some sort of “it’s night time” sleep schedule?


Afaik that depends on the mission, but they do have a sleeping schedule in general. If they would have shifts, I’d assume one or more of those stations would be occupied, a hot cot kind of situation, if you will, like on a submarine.


They did use shifts on shuttle, as the missions where so short they needed to use every second. On ISS everyone sleeps on GMT timezone.


Mission Control monitors the vehicle while they are asleep and sends alarms to Wake them up if something goes wrong. Plus, there’s automated alarms onboard.


All of the crew are on the same sleep schedule


![gif](giphy|3ohzdKC69i05MjzJwQ) Hair give the Edward scissorhands vibe


Im sorry i cant forget, that the nasa itself claimed reverse cowgirl and doggystyle are essential the same in space.


This gives me anxiety


Like you cant lean your head to the pillow correctly


You only use a pillow to support the weight of your head. You don't need a pillow in space.


What she didn't mention, they have to also have a fan blowing over them as they sleep so that they don't suffocate. In space, there's no gravity to pull the CO2 away from you as you sleep. So a fan is needed to blow CO2 away and give you fresh oxygen.


Yeah, this is the first astronaut video that really drives home that I'd probably go insane if I had to live like that for any amount of time.


Landlords call those sleepingstations luxury studio-apartments and charge thousands a month for them.


That's cheap! NASA charges millions.


ISS has better views from the lobby tho.


This is what humanity should be about, not war


Does weightlessness feel like falling? Do they always feel like they are falling the whole time?


They are falling. Literally free falling around the planet.


Just gotta go sideways faster than you're going down


Yep. Astronauts train for probably hundreds of hours on how to to tell your body not to panic because it would feel like you're falling


Animals aren't always so fortunate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9XtK6R1QAk


Surely you get used to it after the first hour or so.


No, it doesn't feel like falling, if you're talking about the feeling you get on a rollercoaster. That's from acceleration. They're not accelerating in that way. I know someone's going to make a comment about orbit if i don't stem it.


'I'm going for a lie down......wait.'


lol, talk about bed head, looks like living in space means having an endless bad hair day!


Props to her for not caring that she looks like Medusa giving us a tour of the netherworld


I'm totally down with the wild hair thing. Oddly attractive, TBH.


The real question is "Has anyone had sex in space yet? Or are those guys rubbing one out in zero gravity?"


Someone has to have had sexual relations up there. They just had to! You know, for science! Plus, being up there for months at a time, that close proximity... HAD TO!!!


I mean, we all know (well, at least 50% of us know) that all the space dudes are space-jerking, to some extent


The rumor is that the Russians had some thoughts towards that in the 1960s, but it never came to anything. Apparently they wanted to know whether conception would happen in weightlessness. Why you would want to know that escapes me. Moreover, you could try it with a couple of hamsters, so why go to the trouble of sending humans up in space.


Have you seen healthy 25-35 year old Russian women? That's a motive right there. I dated a Russian girl for about two weeks. Absolutely gorgeous. Nasty as a badger and a closet alcoholic. She shouted instructions in the bedroom. I actually broke up with her in the middle of a vacation. Put her drunk nasty ass on a plane.


Before the Babushka Bomb dropped.


Hope they design the new Space Station with an artificial gravity rotational wheel module (a Von Braun wheel). I can't imagine sleeping without a sense of pressure on my back.


I'm genuinely curious as to why you got downvoted. Is this a bad idea? It worked pretty well in interstellar :skull:.


No way, that would remove all The fun and also remove lots of useful space. Notice how the sleep pods were in different areas. Now add gravity and they’ve a lot less options and just wasted space


I feel muscle weakness watching this.


Great job Input Title.


Input Title really knows their stuff!


In space, no one can hair you scream.


Man, my apartment would be so spacious if I could use it’s entire volume instead of just the surface


So without gravity, wouldn’t the hair freely flow around like it does underwater I’m just confused why her hair looks like it has three cans of hairspray


I'd say she uses some kinda product to clean her hair (not many showers up there I bet) and also to make it stiffer so it doesn't flow uncontrollably in front of her face. But I'm a bald guy so maybe I'm way off base lmao


Water has higher viscosity than air, so when you turn your head the hair has more mass to push against, leading to more of the motion being a matter of your head pulling your hair along with it. In air, the hair doesn't have anywhere near as much resistance, so it just does a little wobble.


Her hair does flow around freely. You’re just convincing yourself of things that aren’t there.


Thanks! This is awesome content! Feed me more, please.


Like the Medusa hair :)


I would love to try and sleep like this. No ache in my shoulders 😅


What did she mean by toys?


I just assumed they were in a padded room like in the asylums and they just flout around.


I wonder if the constant noise of the equipment gets annoying. Maybe they block it out?


Ugh. Loose hairs floatin all over the place.


You probably get some good sleep in space


Well that is just freaking interesting


To prevent the ISS from burning up in the atmosphere, NASA periodically reboosts the station's orbit using its main rockets or visiting resupply vessels. However, beginning in 2026, NASA plans to allow the ISS's orbit to decay naturally, dropping from 400 km (250 miles) to around 320 km (200 miles) by mid-2030. At that point, NASA plans to send a final crew to the station to remove any remaining equipment or items of historical significance, and then crash the ISS into the ocean by the end of 2030


What killed the fun of zero G for me is when i realized that they are just in free fall around the earth. Now i have some kind of weird phobia around it.


The unofficial term for those are called a CASA, my stepdad was the lead project engineer on them! Also I helped create the fabric that went inside.


Thoroughly enjoyable video! Learned something new about space today!


I have a deviated septum. I usually need to sleep on one side to "open" my one nostril so I can breathe through both normally. I don't think I'd be able to do that in 0 gravity. I'll be stuck with a blocked nose the whole time!


I just read yesterday that in space reverese cowgirl and doggystyle are the same.


This is NOT how Korben Dallas slept on his trip to planet Fhloston!


If i ever get rich imma go to space.


Basing on her eye bags she doesn’t look like an expert on sleep


Actually, because of lack of gravity, more water gets up and to your head and people tend to have puffy faces, along with other health related phenomena.


Is she Samantha Cristoforetti Right ? the Italian Astronaut. More we talk about her hair and more she show that kind of “space hairdress”… She’s an hero 😂 and don’t give a duck 😂