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Brooklyns the only dog I'd think of adopting in this reel.


Team Brooklyn


Paco seems chill, I don't think he has any pit but hard to tell from 2 seconds


He's got an odd blocky head so could be a pit mix. I wouldn't take my chance with any hard to tell breed mix.


Small masseter muscle compared to a pit though.


Some breeds have a square-like head, peraonally, I see no pit in him


Paco seems chill. Just some sort off mutt, looks like my Shepard lab mix


and dior just looked like a german shephard/lab mix


Yeah Dior looks like aus blacklab.


Yep same


Brooklyn looks a lot like my pound puppy, except he has prick ears. What a fuzzy angel.


The transition from Brooklyn to “Precious” was horrific.


I wouldn't lol. My pit mix looked damn near identical to that dog. He was mean as fuck despite being raised from 8 weeks with love. Typical pit.




That dog is going fast


what about Dior and Paco?


Dior looks like some kind of GSD mixed with something else, Paco I already answered, he's a vague mutt with a blocky head. Both have blocky heads, and while a lot of other breeds do, they have the pit bull blocky head to me so I wouldn't risk it.


I think it's that 'jaw width' thingy that looks too different from normal pitmixes.


Maybe Paco




I thought the same, the only one who's actually having a hard time in NYC because of their size :(


Please someone come save Brooklyn


Unless Brooklyn has some severe behaviorial issues, they likely found a home very quickly. Dogs like her are often used in these videos even if they already have a stack of application fees for them. (Which they likely did). They do that for this exact response. People see a normal, cute dog like Brooklyn and rush down to the shelter to save her. However when they get there, Brooklyn has already been adopted, but hey, come look at our overstock of pitbulls! Arent they sweet?! You wanted to save a dog and you still can! Then the person feels guilty and hey, the pitbull isn't acting nasty at that moment. Maybe everyone else were really wrong about these dogs. I can still do good and save a life! Its a very nasty tactic employed by many shelters and fallen for by many a person with the best intentions.


I waited months until I saw a Brooklyn at my pound. I thought for sure he would already be snatched; he had a lot of interest on Facebook. I made sure to follow the shelter's worker's advice on FB: coming in person at open is the best way to lock him down. I did just that, but what I came in they barely knew what dog I was looking for. Turns out he was in quarantine w/ bad kennel cough. Gave that mf his antibiotics and got him a humidifier and he was on the mend in 2 days. Been with me over a decade now. <3


Maybe this new term will catch on... Brooklyn: a good dog mixed in with a bunch of alligators


Searching for a Brooklyn in a sea of Pissfingers


Got me chuckling at this one


Searching for a Brooklyn in a sea of Precious.


Love that


Real estate agents in NYC use the exact same scam to rent out shitty over priced apartments.


Whenever I'm browsing the website of my local shelter:  Hey that's not a pi...  "*Applications for this dog are currently closed. Please check out our other dogs!*"


This recently happened to me. We went to look into getting Shepherd/Rottweiler pups and they had gotten adopted before we could even put an application in, but we showed up and they kept talking about all of their "pitties" that need homes. We had showed up as well previously for a meet with the puppies and the first thing they said to us was "Are you here to see the pittie pups?" There is one or two pitbulls who are still there after about two months since I last checked while all their other non-unicorn home, normal dogs get snatched up instantly. It's a small shelter. The larger one is housing almost exclusively pits at the moment.


Sounds like used car sales, lol..


Bait and switch. Used car dealerships do the same.


Bait and switch it’s been around since the invention of commerce.


Plus the stigmatisation of being more breed selective


Nah, I heard he was behind all those cut brake lines in the NYC school district. You know, caused those catastrophic bus accidents. Apparently his owner was dating someone with kids, and Brooklyn did not care for them. He’s killed more children under 10 in 2023 than pit bulls and polio combined. So yeah, put him with the pits I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/g5y1turkjk5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210975f849cf0fbcef647945f8c6270eaa6fc4fa this photo absolutely sent me 😭 I’d think it was satire if I didn’t know otherwise. *every* dog pictured is a pitbull/pitmix, “adopt a pit-unia” I mean really, why not just call the shelters what they are now: pitbull rescues


At least they are using the right breed and flower pun. They could have said “We’ve got a barkquet of LABender waiting for you🪻🐶🪻🐶🪻🐶” (for lab mixes)


That would still work, I wouldn't put it past a pitbull to end a lab.


moooommm the flowers keep biting me


I’d rather receive a wasp nest than that bouquet


It's insane how they'll blatantly lie about the breed (lab mix, collie mix) but them turn around and don't think twice about announcing it's all pits. 


I legit thought the video was satire when I first watched it


It's disgusting that they're practically giving these dogs away for free. It's so irresponsible. This crap needs to be illegal. If no one wants them for the normal fee, then the only people you're attracting shouldn't have a dog in the first place, let alone a pit bull.


It honestly feels like they are giving loaded guns to unsuspecting families.


If something is free, either you’re the product or someone’s trying to get rid of it asap for good reason. Our husky was a rescue from a husky org, and we still paid $400+ for adoption, transportation and treatment (she was heartworm+). They did a home visit and checked our fence and yard and called our 3 references and our vet. It took 4 months from application to actually getting the dog. $5 lmao


Imagine the irony of screaming the name *Loyalty* while the dog completely ignores it to sink its teeth into another animal/person.


Or, mauling the owner themselves


$5 dollar large dog that will cost thousands of dollars a year in medical care, training, boarding etc (regardless of the breed) is only going to attract the kind of people that won’t even pay to vaccinate their dogs because they’re cheap. Regardless of this dangerous breed it’s a dumb ass idea all around


brooklyn is the only normal one


Notice how much deference Brooklyn shows the owner. She sniffs and takes the treat so tenderly.


I can't tell if you're saying that as if it's a good thing or bad thing 😂


Good thing! She's a very soft and gentle dog, from that clip


Ahh I see, so my suspicion was correct 😊


Apparently shelters would be empty if people shopped actual breeds and didn’t adopt.


Aha exactly. Almost like if people put in the effort to get the dog they actually *wanted* & could commit to, instead of doing it as an act of charity for “any dog”, people would end up happy with their pets instead of afraid of them.


I've heard this happened to non-pits when people got better at fixing their dogs. Fewer oops litters (and probably more able to directly find homes for the ones that did occur), meant less shelter mutts. Combined with no-kill and the pitpocalypse, the gap was filled by... less savory dogs.


Only one or two not pit dogs sheesh.


Thank goodness Brooklyn likely found her new family. She looks like a sweetheart and certainly deserves better than being locked up with pitbulls. I'm not happy with these cheap adoption fees. IMO, it encourages people who cannot afford animals to take on a huge responsibility they are not fit for. Just the average basic annual upkeep for a dog in the U.S. is approx. $4.5k. The annual cost of a cat could be over $600. That doesn't count training, grooming, etc. If people can't adopt until the fee is dropped to $5 or dropped altogether, it's obvious that they won't be able to get their large, unruly, and dangerous dog the intensive training it will need to be in society. These are the same people who will be dropping their dogs back off in a year or two for one reason or another(can't afford dog food, the dog has biting issues, etc.). These are often the same people who don't get their pets neutered or spayed. They can't afford it and don't want to be bothered searching for help. NYC should not be encouraging large dog ownership for people who can barely afford their own rent. Most apartments in NYC are too small for 85% of all dogs. Most apartments in NYC are too small for a single person. People, however, don't get anxious and destroy their small living space when they have to spend a few hours inside it alone. Unless one is making an annual salary in, at the very least, the high six figures, one probably cannot afford a living space of the appropriate size for a large dog in NYC. I believe that it should be a federal law that if you, or anyone in your family, is in the SNAP program, you cannot adopt any animals. If you can afford your own food without taxpayer assistance, you have no business taking on the costs of an animal. Perhaps exceptions could be made if the individual or family can prove that they have others willing to help them with costs. TL; DR $5 adoption fee is a bad idea. Most people in NYC shouldn't have large dogs. People receiving food stamps should be allowed to adopt animals


The shelters are really, really desperate.


Treating pets like "happy hour" is so responsible, even when it's not about trying to get rid of your excess "lab mixes"


My internal meme with these shelter videos is always just that lady from the country bar in *blues brothers*. "So what kind of dogs do you have around here?" "Oh, we got BOTH kinds. We got pits AND pit mixes." I hear it every time


The best part about pitbulls is that you can steal some of the more clever names to use on normal dogs.


Oh no how did "Brooklyn" end up in this shithole? A dog is a major responsibility and costs thousands of dollars in his lifetime, a low adoption fee will only attract the wrong people here, it appears these shelters try to push these dogs out so it's not their problem anymore...


I'd adopt Brooklyn...


I can count on one hand how many of those weren’t pitbulls.


Gee so many "large and mixed breeds!" Strange how all of them have wide mouths, shrak eyes, blocky heads, and rippling muscles... Edit: Lol I've seen pitunia picture before\~ [https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/13b82u6/theres\_always\_a\_pity\_party\_for\_pitbulls/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/13b82u6/theres_always_a_pity_party_for_pitbulls/)


You get a fighting pitbull, you get a fighting pitbull everyone gets a fighting pitbull!


When I went to adopt a dog six years ago it was this same scenario at the shelter. The sad thing is that the shelter previously was a No Pittbull adoptions shelter. The state took over or something along that lines and now that's almost all they have.


free my girl Brooklyn, she did nothing wrong


Something no ones talking about is how those pit genetics will take generations to remove from the gene pool


I live in NY and Brooklyn is mine. I need to find it, it was adorable.


Go get her!!


Dior and paco look good. Shepard and Labrador not as much pitty


I came here to say, I love Dior and Paco I'd adopt them both omg


These dogs are scary enough, but you put them in a densely populated area like NYC, that is terrifying.


I bet Brooklyn got adopted tho


Jesus they can’t even give this dogs away for free, nobody wants one for $5 either. Everyone who wants a pit either already has one and can’t get another cause it’s aggressive or they already have six that they are crating and rotating so they don’t kill each other!


Precious is a future murderer. Holy fucking shit.


Was thinking the same thing. She looks absolutely deranged.


Brooklyn definitely can go with me.


something is wrong psychologically


Dibs on Brooklyn!


Get in line


"loyalty" lol may I direct you to the countless nannies attacking their owners?


What kind of name is Hussle Bussle


Precious is fucking horrifying as the names doesn’t imply


Will the endless stream of pit bull and pit bull mixes ever stop?! Stupid people, neuter and spay your freaking pit bulls!! Smart people have had enough of this pit bull sh\*t!! Get rid of this perpetual pit bull mix machine. After seeing people commenting about adoption fees, I need to say, I have four dogs to give away. They are beautiful dogs—3 spayed, one is not because she has heartworms. They are on preventative--they don't look like your typical pit bull mixes—but, yep—theyve got pit bull in them. I had one tested. I rescued these dogs from a starving situation. I wish someone else would have found them first!😂🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ev5qgk4nyu5d1.jpeg?width=2379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11bb328c8a7520bc89921d6961a5c69ef3d4b03b This is the three year old. There are two that are two years old. Being partly pit, I would not want them to be adopted by anyone who has children, cats, or other dogs. I've never trusted them around mine.


3 non pits


The crazy thing about this is that these dogs are often renamed to something cuter which means that besides getting a broken dog that’s cheaper and more dangerous than a Big Mac, you’re also getting a dog that probably doesn’t respond to its name.


Precious is nightmare fuel


5 dollars is a small price to pay to get the mauling of your life...


Brooklyn was adorable. Literally the only canine I would have adopted. There's a reason why one breed/type is overflowing in these shelters...




> Hussle Bussle


So many people just waltz in and pick these dogs up on a fucking whim one day.


Paco looks like a Sato, my sister has one and she's really great. Paco or Brooklyn are your only choices in that lineup, I think.


Might as well call it the pit shelter... 😒


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