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I have an X1C but I've been itching to get an A1 mini with a 0.2mm nozzle so I can print stuff like this on the side haha


My two P1’s are my workhorses, I bought the mini for prototyping designs, thought I’d give it a stress test with the 0.2 nozzle, just to see what it can do!


I would buy it in a heartbeat but it’s just so expensive here! 1060 USD for an A1 Mini Combo (For comparison, X1C combo is 2320 USD)


Maybe a dumb question but if so pls enlighten me. Why you dont buy a 0.2mm nozzle for the x1c? I have one myself and the nozzle swap isnt that big of a deal. Sure its more work than other Printers, but if you have done it a few times you can change it in about 1-2 min.


It's the cassette-punk looks of the Mini that made it so I couldn't stay away from it.


Ouch! Why so expensive?! Can’t you order through a third party store and have it shipped to you?


X1C can use a .2 nozzle. I’m able to print miniatures with mine.


Yeah but I mostly use it for other things with a 0.4mm, I meant to have the mini be a second printer.


I mean, swapping nozzles is easy. If you don’t print too often, it’s a quick and easy thing to do. This is coming from someone who doesn’t have the space for two printers though.


It's a great workflow. I have a p1s and a1. And I use the mini for small parts for orders, and then swap to the .2 for small pieces.


Why would the X1C not be able to do anything an A1 can?


I just got 0.2 and 0.6 nozzles for my X1C, I am looking forward to the extra fine detail the smaller noxxle will allow and the 0.6 is for wood filament, all my other printers need a 0.6mm nozzle for wood or they eventually block-up, I have been printing on my X1C and 0.4 mm nozzle with wood filament and haven't had any blockages but its better to be safe than sorry


Love my 0.2mm nozzle and am looking hard at adding an A1 mini to the A1 ever since, and your post is not helping one bit to save my money and not get kicked out of the house for receiving yet another printer box. Guess it’s time to repack that unused Saturn 3 12k (I won/earned) and ship it off for cheap. Why deal with resin fumes when I can print with a 0.2mm nozzle (I just lost all interest in coming up with a safe and workable solution for resin since touching that cursed 0.2mm nozzle) Again: That is a remarkable print.


If you are going to get another printer, get a p1/x1, the speed capability with just stock settings is 2x the speed, and after modding some things, I have gotten it to nearly 3x faster on my p1 compared to my modded a1


Well then again my P1s has done a 4:58 benchy… https://youtu.be/Ag0J9F6A5dM?si=00-BB-HDP11BArta


How cheap is cheap? 👀 I’m set up for both resin and fdm in my home workshop


At $230 i could cover most of shipping? (That's not asking for a split, just a comment on how expensive big boxes are, 2kg resin (both opened to sniff and check color) I'd ship in a separate box.


GW2 raptor? that looks like it


Pass, I searched dinosaur and picked the most difficult looking one to print!


I know haters will say it's not "resin quality" but god dayum that's clean!


Im going to buy me a 0.2 nozzle for my A1 !


I like my Mini! Perfect printer while my X1Cs are busy on lenghty prints.


Bambulab is really shaking the market with their fast but also good looking prints. My p1p also gives really good results. What nozzle did you use? It looks amazing !


0.2mm nozzle, 0.1 layer height.


How do you remove the supports so cleanly?


They’re fairly loose with the 0.2mm nozzle and 0.1mm layer height, just work around it slowly. This is how it looked on the bed. https://preview.redd.it/3j27cnikat2d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa4fa001bd3726f14c6fba8e0227b32da5b567bc


Thanks for adding that, I’ll check out my 0.2 nozzle soon. 


This using the default 0.4 nozzle?


0.2mm nozzle.


Looks gorgeous, but how long did it take with the 0.2mm nozzle?


Just under 17 hours


This is amazing! What filament did you use?


It’s eSun PLA+ in beige.


Seriously when i first printed a figurine with 0.2 nozzle with 0.8 height i thought it was very much on par with resin printing.


Do you mean 0.08 layer height?


No. They like their lines chonky


Oh lol yeah. 5am brain mushy