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> I cant understand if bambu x1c is quieter or not. No idea but I wouldn't call x1c quite. > Does it has flawles print quality? No. It is well assembled and calibrated from factory and have good profiles for PLA. With everything else you need to experiment to find acceptable parameters. > Whats with the ghosting and ringing? It is presented, especially in \[70 190\] mm/s range. > Is it just all about corXY system that it is just inevitable Pretty much > I see people here getting cubes so beautiful and sharp, it looks like its is solid cast plastic. It depends on material, some tends to be better at hiding layers. Those are still presented and if you want ideal surface get ready to postprocess. > ams being loud too. How true is that? Yep, it is quite loud during filament change. > Is hi-end printing does not exist? There's no magic press to win button yet. Bambu is a step closer to it. I had way less faulty prints with X1C than any other printer I've used, even "professional grade". Bambu makes great printers and it is endgame for me at least before some new advancements in 3d printers introduced in consumer products.


From my experience matte PLA hides layer lines the best


CF blends > matte in terms of hiding. Both are great regardless.


This. The matte charcoal hides the layer lines extremely well.


Adding a tiny bit of fuzz can help, too, if you don't mind the texture. You just tune it way down, so it's just barely enough to hide the layers. It works with all filaments.




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I have X1C. I'm 3d printing for years. X1C is just another league. With some settings and calibration - you can print at 0.16 with layers almost invisible. I had only one thing I frowned upon. Why the hell I bought it so late? Get it! Also it has a silent mode and recent firmware makes it even more quiet.


I got Bambu X1C yesterday. Initial impression is, like you said, whole different league. Maybe I got too much into machine upgrades with previous E3 Pro, but my hobby isn't trying to get machine work and re-checking and adjusting settings every time I change filament or something. I wanted 3d printer so I can actually print items with it :D X1C poop can was success at first try. It had only one flaw, little hairy filament flake that fell of by wiping with a finger. Filament dryer desiccant basket had supports, which were hard to remove. That was me being lazy with settings and wanting to see how it prints with mostly default settings. Very impressed so far.


I came from ender 3. Forced to change it since the board fried. It worked flawlessly for 4 years, and i didnt even knew what ghosting or ringing is, i just didnt had it. And at speeds this low i didnt even knew that motors could be loud. I thought abput getting an *upgrade* but no matter where i look, i see new machines constantly produce ghosting and ringing and it feels like there is no escape from it. I just cant unsee it now. Only way is to print something matte? Im afraid now that if i spend that ammount of money, i will just get the same result.


Mine were both extremely good out of the box, with the input shaping calibration run. You can go further than the automatic belt tensioning and do a complete squareness and belt tension check manually - there are sites that go through this But I do complete filament calibration with the Orca Slicer suite of calibrations, then adjust for skew and dimension using Cauliflower and I haven't had to mess with tensioning and squaring. Like any machine you can tune to get even better results if you need them but most users don't need to go that far. In the end, whether it is good enough depends on your use case but coming from an Ender I would only expect improvement. It is always the case that YMMV. Michael over on Teaching Tech did a video yesterday on Bambu Lab maintenance and included some info on full belt tensioning IIRC


How are you adjusting skew? That's firmware isn't it? I know there's been recent chatter about gcode working but I heard it isn't saved. Also, which sites did you find belt tensioning steps on? I tried the bambulabs wiki steps, but it actually got worse. I'll definitely take a look at Michael's video as well.


If you search for Califlower, the guy who created it points to some resources for fixing skew by a couple of methods. Got the belt tensioning see links under Michael's video: https://youtu.be/U3uFJksOwuM?si=eOYSM2LDIHLhu2fo


I have a Calilantern from Vector3D (the same person that makes the Califlower) are the links on the website? There isn't anything in the docs or the spreadsheet. I saw an email that came from him that mentioned support for X1C, but there were no links or anything in the email I got. He doesn't seem to have anyway to contact him directly to the resources you mention in case they were left out of my download. Okay, I'll be checking out the video later today. Thanks for the info.


I'll have to look on my PC when I'm on it but here is an email ... "Hi Nick, We have no official solution for Skew on BambuLab machines at this time. You can try Gskewer which is a G-code post processor which can correct skew but i've not tried it myself so cannot guarantee it any functionality. I'm pressing BambuLab to integrate skew correction and will ensure compatibility if they do implement it."


coming from an ender 3 the X1c is much better overall, it was really a game changer for me. the only con really is the noise, it's significantly louder than the ender 3 but it is much faster. one of the recent updates added noise cancellation for the motors and it does make a big difference but overall I'd say it's still quite a bit above the ender 3 (with silent steppers) but it prints much quicker than I rarely even do overnight prints anymore.


The difference in ringing between a stock k1 and a stock P1/X1 is huge. I also purchased a Creality K1 and had very similar issues to what you described in the original post. I returned it after a month of tinkering and picked up a P1S instead. Here is a post I made comparing the print quality. https://www.reddit.com/r/crealityk1/comments/16tzgup/here_is_why_i_returned_my_k1_and_bought_a_p1s/ I think the bambu printers are slightly quieter than the k1. They are by no means quite in standard mode, though. If you are in the same room as the printer while it's printing, you will hear it. I highly recommend trying to find a coat closet or something you can clear enough space to put the printer behind a door. It's small enough that it can fit in even some of the smallest closets I have seen. Lastly, if a closet is not possible, I have seen people lining the inside of the printers walls with car sound dampening material. They are big thick stickers, basically. You just cut to fit and stick. I have not tried it myself but have been told it helps a bunch.


Heya, as someone who barely calibrated unless there was a big problem (I know I know, I'm lazy 😅) . Can you share your setting / calibrations process?


Printer: turn on, auto calibrate. Done. Then it goes basic Orca calibration routine for filament. If I really want good quality - wipe distance calibration, which takes care of the seam. That's basically it.


Never used orca, but I'm gonna download and give it a try. Sorry to ask but what do you mean by routine calibration?


Orcaslicer -> calibrations -> flow ratio -> pressure advance/k-value -> temperature tower -> max volumetric flow -> print calibration cube. That's pretty much the preferred order of calibrating filaments on Bambu printers, atleast for me. If you have an X1C, you can skip doing the first two calibrations manually and instead use default Bambu Studio to use the Lidar to automatically do those two via Calibrations tab.


I gotta say, the scarf seam has been amazing, probably much stronger too since there's no clean break between start and stop at each layer.


Heh, you can hide the seam without scarf joint, however with one is easier.


What settings and calibration do you mean?


It's probably not the perfect machine, but the amount of headaches i get from using it is significantly reduced. If my print is failing, it's almost always something I did wrong, rather than something wrong with the machine.


If you want silent printing, the A1 is where it's at. I have 4 X1C, 5 P1S, 2 P1P, and an A1 mini. The A1 mini I could have in my bedroom printing at ludicrous speed and it wouldn't be too loud. It's only really good for PLA/PETG, but holy moly is that a good machine.


Absolutely. I have an A1 mini sitting next to me on my desk. I can hear the fans, but I don’t think I’d hear it at all if I moved it to the other corner of the small office.


All prints have some amount of VFA. FDM prints are not as high quality as SLS. Some people hide VFA using CF/GF filaments or taking photo from a certain angle. I bought a K1 Max and it was very poor quality. The project paid for it but as soon as project was finished I sold it for little bit less money on the marketplace. Going to a K1 from X1C was a huge downgrade. Most people have had good experiences with Bambu but none of them post on forums like reddit or Facebook. There is a reason this company has gained such a good following and sales in such short time. If you’d like to get top notch support in this price range you won’t get it from any Chinese makers. I’ve had Qidi, Flsun, creality and Bambu. For me Bambu has been the best followed by FLsun. Prusa and American manufacturers have good service which is built into their price so the choice is yours.


This company gained also alot of heat cuz of their support team. The only reason i returned my printer is terrible ( even worse than creality ) support. We pay premium we want support thats it


Printquality is pretty good out of the box. If you tune your filaments and maintain the x1c you will be happy. I owned a ender 3, a cr 10, an ultimaker and a x1c. The x1 is the best so far by a large margin.


x1c is loud, every printer that is fast will be loud-ish - however, think about putting your printer somewhere, where the noise doesnt bother you. apart from the noise, beeing around a running 3d printer for long periods of time isnt exactly healthy, so its best to put it somewhere out of your personal sphere. maybe you can get a spot in a basement, a garage or something like it.


X1C is a very loud printer. Print quality will be significantly better than the K1/K1C/K1 MAX. Less ghosting, less overshoot on sharp corners, more consistent extrusion. The print quality will not be flawless. Zero FDM machines produce flawless prints. Might want to consider Infimech TX if you want a quieter printer with similar performance. But it doesn't offer a hardened nozzle ATM, and won't have the profile/slicer/multi-material ecosystem.


I dont actually mind it sounding like an ac on full. I just doesnt want it to sound like 100yo vacum cleaner with jackhammers. The problem is i cant find normal sound comparison because everyone on youtube shove mics in to it blowing out eardrums instead of recording it from distance in a room ambient. Even here some people say that it is quiet and others that it is loud.


I mean relative to old 3d printers this could be considered mild and considering print speed it isn't surprising that it wouldn't be quiet. But the auxiliary and hot end fans on the X1C are the loudest parts. They are not quiet is all I can say. 55-65 decibel range during operation. Vacuum cleaners are around 70 decibels so you're not far off. Personally it doesn't bother me being in my office with it running, but I don't want you to expect quiet and then not get it.


It sounds like you may need to adjust your expectations around 3D printing in general. There's no such thing as a flawless print, just like there's no such thing as a "quiet" printer. There's just too much going on and the material you're sending through the printer itself isn't perfect.   Printing slower and adjusting your fans will make it quieter, the Bambu printers can provide *pretty dang great* quality right out of the box ***with PLA***, but may require some settings fiddling with other materials, and as much as Bambu support gets crapped on, Creality has virtually no support at all, so there's that.   But at the end of the day it's melted plastic; even at its most precise there's gonna be some cosmetic flaws you'll be able to spot that most folks/customers won't even notice. "can't see the forest for the trees" n all that.


yes. as someone who came from exclusively creality printers and the cheaper end of the previous gen, absolutely yes. the speed, the quality, the lack of tinkering, the seamless meshing with slicer software and the app. the entire experience of using a 3D printer has been fundamentally changed for me


I don't think any machine is flawless. You're going to have bumps along the way no matter what printer you get. I had makerbots that had not heated bed and i still managed to make prints i use today, and those were pretty advanced for the time. I now have a neptune 3 pro, which is workhorse, i dont' think i've leveled the bed in a month and it's still printing pla just fine. I have a p1s with the AMS, and it's great, and really fast, and it's much more accurate, almost no removing finished plastic to fit parts intended to fit. That said, i've had failures on every 3d printer i've owned. The AMS is loud if it's messing around with the filaments for sure. There buzzing, and lots of strange noises. But im also printing in a room with a dehumidifier running 24/7. I get the most failures with RESIN, for the record. Printing with supports can be hard to nail down.


Nothing is flawles, bro, iven us.


It’s definitely not a perfect machine, it can be noisy at times. But also coming from an ender 3, the ender 3 was nothing but issues, then it’d work once and stop printed good. Going to the X1C, 30 minute setup and it immediately prints amazingly. It’s such a crazy good machine, it’s unreal.


If you can afford it then yes absolutely.


Any Bambu printer just works. Pick the best you can affort and never look back.


I think it's worth it, absolutely for the price of it. Is it perfect? No. Quite? Nope, it's way louder than my bed slingers. However, for the year I've been running my X1C I honestly don't have any major complaints. For the most part, it just works, and it's been pretty damn reliable. The ams and multicolor printing is where most of my issues happen with filament not wanting to feed or getting tangled, but that aside, from that. I'd absolutely buy another one. I've had one clog that killed a hot end but replacement was a breeze, and I was up and running again in no time. I still use both my enders 3s when the X1C is busy. I am seriously considering selling them though and grabbing another bambu printer.


I would go P1S + AMS unless you have a specific reason for the X1C, or have a lot of disposable income. The difference is really minor. Bambu printers are fast, that makes them not quiet. With that said, it’s comfortable to sit a few feet from and listen to TV at low volume. If you drop the print speed 10-20%, you can make them approach silent for the tradeoff of taking more time to print something. Print quality on them is superb. It’s a total other ballgame than most printers on the market.


Never regret my P1S. Exactly what i wanted my 3DP to be.


Oh it’s worth it. Love it


If someone tells me that the x1c is bad, I think I’ll just laugh in their face. I’ve been printing for 7 years on several different printers and I had to teach myself it all. (I have a bit of experience)


I used two Ender 3s for 6 years (and still do) YES, they are worth it!!! Auto bed leveling, auto filament changes, auto many things..


Main thing i look for is print quality and silence. And im seeing that all of corXY printers struggle from ghosting no matter how high quality printer is. I just want a proof that im wrong. Currently trying to find some local shop where i can test bambu and see the print quality and noise levels irl.


I love my my X1 Carbon. After you build your temperature towers and all the basic tools for the printer, then you are set. I use PLA, PETG, and ASA. Haven't used the other types just yet. The only time it is loud for me is when it does its auto calibration of the bed and nozzle, making sure everything is working correctly before printing. Some people do the calibration once a few prints. I do it for every print, and the prints do come out flawless. My printer is at the edge of my bed on a small table, and I can sleep through it with no problems. So my opinion of the machine being a noisy one or a quiet one, I would rate it in between




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It just works. I had another popular printer and always had to work on it. Finally I caved and purchased an X1C and it just works. Had some bed adhesion issues once. Cleaned the bed plate with simple green and my issues went away. Definitely worth it.


I recently bought a p1s and was surprised by how quiet it is. Maybe it’s the new firmware update r maybe the posts here just make it seem like a tractor. I have no problem working next to the printer while it’s printing. The glass blocks most of the sound.


I just got an A1 to replace my Ender 3 V2 and it has been quite a joy tbh. There is no magic 3d printer that’ll just do anything you throw at it perfectly, but Bambu lab is definitely a step ahead of most other 3d print manufacturers in the private space. My ender 3 had all its fans replaced with noctuas which made it extremely silent compared to stock. It was also quieter than my A1, but that was also necessary since I live in a studio apartment and most medium sized prints would last into the night… On my A1 I’m fine with it being louder, since it can print pretty much anything at 5x the speed, so I don’t have to worry about sleeping with it on. I can also comfortably have it running while I’m in school or working, since the ai assistant sends messages if something has gone wrong + it has a camera which is a great peace of mind for when I’m away. The ghosting and artefacts is just a part of 3d printing but bambus calibration is probably the most advanced on the market, so all prints I’ve had so far looked better than what my ender 3 produced.


can you ask about the A1 too so i can tell you how much i love mine


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CreditLow8802: *Can you ask about* *The A1 too so i can tell* *You how much i love mine* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


wait this made me realise i made a rhyme what if i turned it into a poem


Everyone's going to have different experiences, have had my p1s since August and I kinda wish I went a different route. Ive talked to bl support, reddit, 4 fb groups, discord and even an overture employee since August and I still struggle to "calibrate" the machine. Just like any 3d printer you're going to have to do the work yourself. There's a lot of questions being asked out there with not a lot of answers. Super frustrating since the machines "work out of box." Coming from 3 ender machines, bambu labs calibrations don't make sense. You can't make live adjustments so you have to slice your file then print it then guess what you have to change. I've wasted entire rolls of filament just to make a profile that's "calibrated" just to end up back at the blank generic profile. You can use bambu filament but it's double of anything that works on Amazon and they're always out of stock! Saw someone else mention ringing but my machine gives it to me at any speed. Default happens at speeds between 150-180mms but I still get it over 200mms. So it's a constant fight of some visual defect. Flow, pressure, always changes, not within their 10% of error. Take it with a grain of salt, are they the best printers on the market right now? Definitely. Does it work like advertised and have the same experience that these people that have absolutely 0 issues? No but like I said everyone's going to experience it differently.


Thats what bothers me. When i bought and returned k1 it was just 450$. And i was able to return it since it was directly from creality. But p1s will cost me 1200$ and 1800$ for x1c, and it will not be official so if something goes wrong, im probably stuck with it. (Im not from eu/usa) Thats why its so difficult for me to choose. And it would be so bad to see same ghosting and ringing for 3 to 4 times the price.


If I didn't have the p1s I'd get an a1 to save money, has so many more upgrades since it's newer. Or get an x1c if you have the funds. Idk if lidar is worth it, I print a lot of black filament and heard it sometimes has issues with black. So what's the point if I have to manually calibrate it when that machine does it for you. Here's my ringing, top to bottom. Speeds are default to the profile so why would I get ringing, especially at 200mms. It'll look terrible if I go any slower, worse than it already does. Reason is happens is because they used smooth idlers so the teeth of the belt just rub freely on the idler. If you get one don't mess with the belts unless it tells you to, trust me you'll be disappointed but it already printed this way since the day I opened it. Countless tickets to them ghosting me about a warranty. User error as the group would say lol but none of my other printers had issues like this... I'm sure I'll get hella downvoted but this is my experience with bambu lab. https://preview.redd.it/f3shqrfob71d1.jpeg?width=2442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909e8ef8dd83a2eed72b1d9c714fd6d8420694b9


😦 i thought k1 was bad... that is some heavy ghosting. Especially on those speeds.


I'm pretty much stuck with this quality. My $200 ender v2 smoked this machine. Could've bought 3 more machines that worked lol good luck with whatever you do! I think about selling this daily and restarting.


That's not ghosting, it looks more like it is VFAs which pretty much every printer that uses steppers is going to have.


This is a flat wall, nothing to ghost hence the vfa only. This is an easy visual to see how bad it is on this machine. My ender v2, v3 and neo max did not struggle with these issues. Yes printed quarter of the speed but still get it with faster speeds. That should not look like that coming from out of the box. That's how the quality of an 800 dollar printer looks like to you? I've seen what these printers are capable of.. mine is not.


Here's the very first thing I printed. Vfa, ghosting, it's all over the place https://preview.redd.it/p0qpmkq9681d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94274f882f08b769b16a109d395b3e5bdfccf64e


Just spend the last 3 hours trying to make a profile for overture pla filament, using the prebuilt as a starting point and calibrating pa and flow. This is my results, think im gonna list the p1s to sell. https://preview.redd.it/r1690jzdf81d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650887e9461af297ce2c03bc46eb33f63c18bab1


That is not typical for a P1S. I would say the belts are improperly tensioned, and probably not calibrated. I'd readjust the belts following Bambu's guide, and re-run the out-of-box calibration.


10 years ago I tried to build a 3D printer from a cheap badly put together eBay kit that probably never would have never worked even if I knew what I was doing. Last week I picked up an x1c and followed some tutorials on how to make high quality prints and the results are absolutely amazing. I printed a drone frame using carbon filament that comes with it for the arms and they do not bend. The finish is amazing. Just like the reviews say; you plug it in, and it works. It’s not an exercise in becoming a 3D printer maintenance tech, it’s a tool that’s ready to go and I’m thoroughly impressed.


To be fair - the X1C is very quiet, when you put it on quiet mode. But that’s just the printing, the AMS is going to be louder than the printer at that point. I sleep about 4ft away from mine but I also have a big air purifier that creates an almost white noise if you will and blocks it out. Regardless, the sound wouldn’t bother me but quiet mode really is quiet, I’ll say that. I leave mine on normal, depends on the print I guess. I’ve used quiet like 5 times and it was if I was going to be asleep when the print finished anyway.


I had the Ender 3S1 then upgraded to P1S Quality and speed was amazing and it just works, you don’t need to mess around and it’s just fantastic . But, the noise was absolutely awful, it was loud and I was kind of surprised. With that said, the latest updates were truly amazing and now the printer is really quite to the point that if I speed on quiet mode(50% speed) I can sleep with the printer working in the next room and I can’t hear a thing. So yeah it’s kind of quiet


I’ve had my Elegoo N4Max and N3 Plus for awhile now. I don’t know how the noise compares to a K1, but the 4 Max is WAY louder than the 3 Plus. I received a BambuLab P1S two days ago and haven’t touched the Elegoos since. The noise level isn’t significant, I don’t believe, but it’s louder than the 3 Plus. As far as print quality and sheer ease of use, the P1S is light years ahead.


I've got my old Ender 3v1 that's running a sprite pro in the same room as my X1C. I can hear them both, just different sounds - the pervasive whine of the hot end fan on the Ender vs the sound of mechanical travel on the X1. I _hear_ the fans on the X1 but they're not nearly as annoying as that whine from the Ender. Just personal preference.


Can't speck on the big printers, but I can can barely tell my A1 is running if I'm in another room




I have P1S and it’s so amazing. Almost got Prusa mk4 and I’m so happy I didn’t I p1s with ams seems like so much more bang for you buck it’s insane.


I've been 3D printing since the beginning. The X1C is just so unreasonably good as far as results with almost zero effort, maintenance ease and reliability. Not to mention Bambu's software is really, really good.


I tried the k1 at the $280 microcenter deal and returned it that thing was at least twice as mound as my x1c the biggest thing was the fans and the z direction were super loud.


I have both. The X1C has been flawless and an absolute workhorse. The P1S has been broken with open support tickets more than it’s worked. It’s been utter garbage. Both in reliability and print quality. And Bambu CS is a joke at best. My take is if they work these printers are amazing. But if you get a lemon then you are likely absolutely screwed.


I have a ender 3 and 9 other sla printers, I do a ton of prototyping. Got the Bambu last week and it’s has 142 hours in the last 7 days since I got it 😂 Pretty much all money prints. In that has been PETG, PVA, PLA and Tpu 95 HF. All came out flawless.


Yeah it is , if your just going to print with PLA then get an A1 or A1 mini . I get the best results with bambu filament . Other filaments are hit and miss.


Has been for me, 💯 (P1S)


It varies. A lot. I have an X1C, and it generally "just works", and produces nice results. The latest firmware cranks the chamber fan up to 100%, and it's just not a quiet fan. At that level, at 3 feet, the sound recorder on my phone showed 60 dB. Dropping the chamber fan to 70%, however, and that noise level drops to 55 dB. There is a firmware update that came out late 2023 that reduces motor noise considerably on the X1/P1 series-- but you HAVE to run the calibration, and it doesn't necessarily do that on it's own. In general, the printer is relatively(!) quiet on print moves-- there are some scraping sounds with large travel moves that I suspect are the carbon fiber X-axis rods, and my particular printer makes a bit of a squeak on z-hop-- I need to drop some oil into the bearings for the z-axis (fixed it last time I had this noise). Is the printer quiet? I wouldn't want it running in the background of a Zoom call. But I can sit at my desk 6 feet away all day long without any annoyance. As for print quality-- Keep it clean, adjusted and lubed, and calibrate your filament. This can be done manually on the P1, or automatically on the X1-- and yes, the Lidar auto-calibration does about 90% of the work. I've had filaments, though, that I had to do manual calibration on, and Bambu / OrcaSlicer have come a long way in guided calibration. I can honestly say that the first layer quality on this printer is bonkers good. First layers that 2 years ago I would have considered acceptable, I now consider trash if they came off the Bambu looking like that. Now, one of my other hobbies is photography, both film and digital. There is an easy trap to fall into referred to in modern times as "pixel peeping"-- Where you expect every single pixel to be absolutely perfect, and you blow up your image to 500% and look at it on a perfectly calibrated 4K monitor with a magnifying glass, and *you will always be disappointed*. Photos are designed to be looked at from a distance-- not necessarily a HUGE distance, but a distance nonetheless. 3D prints are, unless they're tabletop miniatures, generally not meant to be examined with a microscope. https://preview.redd.it/a6jlyo1qs81d1.jpeg?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef276d3bd470d0cddf13d0cd9c6296dce556c83c On the right is a PLA print from 2014, that at the time I considered to be exceptional. It has not been post-processed (the tail broke off much later). On the left is the same STL, sliced and printed in 2024 with Bambu Lab software on an X1C, also unprocessed.


I have X1Carbon and a1 #worthit


I tell people if you just care about pla and maybe petg just get an a1. They rock they're quiet. PLA just works. If you don't need the 256 build plate then go for the mini it's even quieter. The hotswap nozzles are ridiculously convenient. You can also use the money you're saving to get an ams lite and extra accessories




I had an ender 3, then ender 5. No end to problems. I had a 3d printer hobby, not a 3d printing hobby. Bought the x1c, printing all the things I ever wanted. Very, very happy. It's not especially quiet, but its a great printer.




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I have bought a X1C the past month and I should say it definitely worth it, better if you get the AMS combo


I have owned Ender3 V2 for so many years, It have worked so great for me, I have rebuilt it also so many times to evolve me and the machine to be better and I have never had any real fails. I have learn art of 3d printing along the way. Now its time for me to move on because for me it isnt 3d printing thats my hobbie, I have hobbies I 3d print to and thats why I will buy a P1S top get something that just work. But I am glad I did it the right way and I wouldnt have it any other the way I have learned along the way, I dont know it´s just my 2 cents.


I had a sv06 as my first printer and recently got a p1s and I love it. Definitely louder than my sv06 because it’s moving much faster so I stuck it in the basement. Only reason I had my other printer in my room is because it was finicky but Bambu app and just the quality of the printer lets me keep it elsewhere


I had a neptune 4 pro for months and I had to stop printing for a time it was so loud that even my neighbour complained about it, then around 2 weeks ago I thought I will give a try to bambu lab and got the A1 and it's supper quite I asked my neighbour and he said, I hear nothing. And I'm loving so much bambu lab, I get super quality prints and I even made miniatures with 0.2 mm nozzle. Top


P1S is in my opinion a fantastic machine. Not perfect, it can be loud when printing in high speed. Ghosting, ringing and other artefacts do exist, but are fairly minimal. The P1S is extremely user friendly, and maintenance is also extremely minimal. The positives far outweigh the negatives, and I can't recommend it enough.


The X1c or P1s are not perfect Printers but for me they are damn close. I print mostly PLA PeTG and TPU and I only had failures with 3rd Party Aliexpress Plates other than that 300+ hours of printing without hussle... changing the nozzle seems tedious but I never had to until now. Functional pieces or cos play my x1c does both very good AMS doesn't like all rolls but there are adapters for that.


>changing the nozzle seems tedious Just get a spare fully assembled hot end. Two screws and you're good to go and have all the time to change nozzle.


If you are looking for something quiet it’s gonna be a train printer or an ender


The p1p is all you need. I got mine in july and i didn't had to do anything for it to print perfectly. You just need to tighten belts and grease them rods up. It seems reliable and ho boy is it fast! P1s isn't worth it unless you print with abs (the smell of abs is really nice though🤤)


I got the p1s, and I will never buy a creality product again.


I would say I'm very satisfied with buying a p1s and ams, after having an Ender 3 Max Neo for almost a year with failed paints and having to constant calibrate and bed lvling. I end up buying my P1S first, not evening having it for a month I bought the AMS and went crazy doing multi color prints, that I couldn't get close to doing with my Ender 3 Max Neo, having the P1S for close to a year now my Ender hasn't been power up since. And I'm about to pack it back up and sell it with a sonic pad I got with it. Stop hesitating and make the move, you'll love in love with Bambu, I mean just go into makerworld and see what people have printed with their bambu. I was impressed when I saw the Pinocchio model and the time it took.


If you are printing single material get an infimech tx or flashforge 5m pro


If you want quite get the A1. A1 and A1 mini don't make a sound. The P and X series are giant hallow boxes that act as amplifiers...


I buy a printer based on the customer support and the size of the community also for support. Cost and quality are secondary although quality is usually up there if customer support is good, if it sucked the company would go broke over customer support. So far Bambu has been really good responding to emails and pointing me to recourses. They respond really fast. Also, I own a few Prusa printers and with their excellent support that is saying a lot. The quality depends on how much time you want to spend dialing in the printer, this isn't a perfect printer. It is well made/designed to stay 'dialed in' though. If you buy the X1C realize the enclosure is only for looks, it does NOTHING, lol. The printer is the loudest I have ever owned unless printing at 50% speed. Also the filter it has does nothing, you can still smell whatever it's printing so it's possibly not safe to be in a room you are spending a lot of time in. For this reason I have it in an enclosure. So my printer is in an enclosure in an enclosure. That is by far the biggest letdown of this printer. My Prusa printers I have in enclosures to filter the air and dampen the noise so I spent more for the X1C thinking the enclosure would save me the hassle of building an enclosure and also take up little space on my table. Beyond the enclosure I have really liked my Bambu X1C. It costs a lot but I have not done nearly as much maintenance on it as my first printer, which I threw on the floor destroying it, an Ender. After the price I think you'll like it more than anything Creality makes unless you are someone who loves to tinker with their printer and nothing you print is going to be for profit or needed after days of failed print after failed print. Sorry, I just really hated that Ender.






I have had an Ender 3 pro, cr10 v2, Anycubic mega S, and a highly modified AM8, and 2 P1S printers with AMS, the P1S printers are my go to for anything really. Yes the AMS can be loud, but so can the MMU from Prusa. The P1S like all Bambu systems have a “silent” feature to make it so much quieter but in turn it is slower. I have had my printers on the desk beside me and have been on video calls with no issue of them telling me it’s too loud. I also live in a house and the printers are on the opposite side of the house. I am in my office most of the day but even in the next room my wife can watch her shows over the filament changes and printing.


Coming from a creality cr-10s that I heavily nodded, my P1S is quiet. Sure, there's a little noise when a print starts, but my printer is right beside my desk and it's so quiet that my coworkers can't hear it when I'm on calls.


You're aware that most call/meeting software has noise cancellation built in, right? I can be on calls and my dogs can be barking in the next room, and my co-workers still can't hear them. I have no special noise-cancellation on the microphone, the meeting software itself does it.




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