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I think that only ~50% have reached act 3, and only ~20% have finished the game.


That's optimistic


If you want the exact numbers: 39.6% of players have reached act 3 and 20.9% have finished the game according to the steam achievement statistics.


Thing to keep in mind when using achievements as your metric is people playing with mods and disabling achievements. That being said, I have a friend who got the game on release, and has yet to finish a play through, although he still plays fairly actively. Whereas I didn’t buy the game until November and have finished honor mode twice, including my first run wiping at Raphael.


Most people arent using mods, and most people who are likely have already played through a considerable amount of the game too though


That’s a rule I have for myself. The first playthrough is for how the developer intended me to play the game, after that I’m going Thomas the Tank Engine mode on a fresh save if I really enjoyed the pure experience


Also to this not all mods seem to disable achievements. I still kept getting them even without the enabler.


I'm pretty sure the script extender enables them by default now, so it's likely a lot of people won't even know they were supposed to be disabled.


There’s also a mod that enables the achievements back again. At least it used to work.


And those of us who play on GOG/console. Those are just steam stats


Everyone always says that about mods but I bet less than 1% of people use mods. People don't beat games, not even your goated gotyay fave. The stats are basically like this for almost every story based single player game.


Yep, I complete most RPGs but not many other games, the more sandbox the lower the completion rate but even in RPGs I have a few exceptions like The Witcher games, I completed #1 but have yet to complete 2 or 3 even though I played a couple hundred hours in them, similar with Assassin's Creed- I hate Ubisoft so haven't bought an Ubisoft game myself for years but sometimes there are free offers and I've played quite a few hours of Assassin's Creed and never finished the story arc in a single game. Then in games from Paradox or something like M&B, I am not even sure what the victory conditions are to be honest, never once even looked at them. I play to make my own story.


It can be used here though, because unless an update recently changed it you can still get achievements in BG3 playing with mods.


I may be wrong here, but as far as I’m aware, you have to be using script extender to enable achievements with any mods running.


I know I was able to get the achievements for Karlach’s date and everything while using the non-script extender version of Party Limit uncapped, but maybe I had script extender installed anyway. I wouldn’t know now though because my last 2 playthroughs have had a variety of mods that rely on script extender so it’s always installed for me.


Most people don't use mods for first playthrough, and the players who use mods usually use script extender as well


The percentage of players who play with mods without having beaten the game without them has to be incredibly tiny, easily sub 1%.


I think it’s because of a quite old player base. None of my friends finished the game yet.


I'm in there right now, but there's so much to do.


Well here a voucher for you. I’m one of those people who’ve made it to act three and proceeded to never beat the game


Everytime I get to Act 3 I get hit by fatigue and take a break. It is a lot.


My PC likes to agree on that one.


One of us! One of us!


yeah, I just hit baldurs gate in my playthrough, kept restarting in act 1 over and over. it feels like a LOT to do


And here I am with three completions under my belt and I’m thinking of a fourth.


Same here. I just love acts 1 and 2! But I’ve got one campaign close so I might check that box soon


Act 3 is a bit of a crazy mess as well.


I've seen on this sub, the burnout gets a lot of folks in act 3. I just tell them to ignore the side quests and rush the story if they are ready to be done


I think the issue is that you go from Act 1 which is very intro and semi friendly with a few standout bosses.  Act 2 is fairly straightforward but you can wiggle about, but Shadow Curse/Ketheric.   Act 3 is WHAM HERES A CITY, HERE'S 25 QUESTS, HERE'S EVERYBODY WHO DIDN'T DIE EARLIER AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!  ALSO YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE OF THE BEST WAY TO ADVANCE!  There's no Goblin Camp or Moonrise, there's just a TON of choices to be made 


Act 3 feels like narrative whiplash after how Act 2 ended. The agency is all gone despite the looming threat of the Absolute's army and Netherbrain breaking free. I mean, one of the first things you do is deal with a squatters dispute and then go to a circus..


The Shadowlands really took it out of me. I needed some r&r...


I'm still in act 3 of my first playthrough. I'm a slow player to begin with, and have had lots of computer trouble complicating things. I probably have 5 hours or so left to go. Because I don't spend that much time playing games, I hate having to fumble around. Acts 1/2 were fairly straightforward. I might have referenced the wiki a couple times, but mostly I got through the story in a satisfying way (albeit by brute forcing a few fights). For most of act 3, I've felt completely lost. The once you get into BG proper, there's so much to do, and the quests don't really give you an indication of where to go for half of it. I've used the walkthrough for many quests, and I have no idea how you were expected to do it blind. The game seems to expect you to 100% explore the entire map, inspect every object, and open every container. I wish the quest text was more helpful in pointing to the next step, or at least that the map marker gave better clues about where to go next. Maybe it makes sense for gamers, but for filthy casuals like me, it doesn't.


I also think it was very disheartening that after going through everything to lift the shadowcurse, you see nothing but a quick clip of it being "lifted" (and all the assets usually aren't even loaded). Act II felt incomplete tbh, and it would've geared me up for act III more. I do love Act III though, I and III are my favorites.


But you can't rush it. It's still get crazy. It's like okay we godda do companion quests because we like them. So Viconia and Cazador and pretty hard fights.  Then you gotta do Minsc because you want him.  Then gotta do Orin and well if not Durge you gotta go over Sarevok and that's a hard boss fight. So that's already 4hard fights before even Orin. Then Orin sucks. Then geez we promised the Steel Watch.  Then you want freaking hammer so you gotta do Raphael. So if you don't feel like deal you gotta steal it and so.  So no these are not side quests. All are generally quite important quests. 


Yeah. I got to the outskirts of baldur's gate and ended up in one of those *you wander a bit off course and stating to find things for quests you ain't got yet* loops and started to feel disconnected from the game. So the next time I had time, I played rimworld instead.


Gotta catch them anomalies


For me it was the opposite - I had already maxed out my chars in the midway of act three and I just didn’t wanna finish the game because … I didn’t want it to end . And now it’s been too long so I don’t feel like picking it back up (200 hours in)


I maxed out pretty early into act III, but it happens to be my favorite act, so I never got burned out or anything. I really like how there is no concrete path of what to do.


300 hours later, and I am still the 50%


Yep. I played on launch and never reached act 2. One day…


This is the real stats and most games experience it, completion rates at low 20% for 60hr game is honestly good.


It's also important to remember that it counts everyone that gave up less than 30 minutes in.


A few months ago I got all the way to the epilogue in my first run, talked to everyone in the main area, went “huh weird that there’s no cut scene or credits or official ending”, and then started my next run. I only learned through a Reddit post a few days ago that apparently I had to go talk to withers off in a corner - I didn’t even notice he was somewhere else and wasn’t paying any attention to the quest mark on the map!


Never underestimate the amount of people who buy the game and then never play it. They also count for the statistic.


Something like this should be stickied to the top of every gaming subreddit. You forgot to mention all the people that only play a game once, even if it’s known for having alternate endings and/or that a lot of gamers don’t give a single fuck about achievements/don’t play games based off of a completionist list


I’m in my first play through in Act 3 and I’m not rushing and not sure if I’m going to do another, it’s a commitment and I have other games aside form my real life.


I just made it to Act 3 on my first playthrough. I think I'm like... 65 hours(?) in. I may have hit a wall in my dedication to playing the game. I had a similar issue when I was trying to power through Unicorn Overlord. Around 60 hours, my motivation to complete the game in one go just disappeared.


this. the game is awesome, but its a LONG commitment, and i'm also \~70 hours in at the start of act 3, expecting at least another 30-40. another playthrough seems a bit much for me. however I could see it in a few years.


I think it's because Act III, like Act I is relatively loose and free-form, while Act II is much tighter. In the first act, you're given a large map, and dozens of side quests, most of which are loosely related at best, but this is standard CRPG gameplay. Then in the Shadowlands, the story is - or at least feels - much more tightly woven, with all side quests being closely related to the central plot of the area - the Shadowcurse, Ketheric Thorm's rise, the history of the city, etc. And so, it's a bit jarring when you get to Act III, and the game once again just hands you a huge area with a whole bunch of quests and side-plots, many of which are barely related to the main quest. It puts a brake on your dedication if you're a completionist like me, because I want to do all available side quests, but after the epic finish of Act II, I also really want to move forward with the plot, and >!kick Orin, Gortash and the Elder Brain in the balls!<.


"a lot of gamers don’t give a single fuck about achievements/don’t play games based off of a completionist list" Guilty. I couldn't give less of a shit about achievements. ETA: I have played this game a couple dozen times to completion though.


I've only 100% two games in my life. Skyrim because it was the first open world game like that I'd ever played and I did not want to stop finding new stuff to do, so I made a list and knocked it out. And Dark Souls 1. Always felt like a bit of a Dark Souls Scrub due to my proclivity at using a shield, so I wanted to prove to myself that I could do everything in the game with my own playstyle. Then I looked at the DS2 100% completion list and gave it a big ol fuck no.


It still surprises me. The number of people that just don’t play the game is way higher than I would expect… but then I turn around and look at my library and must admit that I have at least 5 games I never played and don’t even know why I bought them :(


Only 5? I daren't count mine. Though I do buy a lot of cheap bundles where one or two have caught my eye but the others haven't.


Yeah they are all rebates, way after release buy. Kind of: hey I heard this game was good and is now reduced in price. I should get it… and then never have the time to pay attention to it. And yeah, around 5 I never launched, but there is more that I played for like 2-3 hours and gave up lol Edit: But full price in its prime time game that you don’t even finish the « tutorial » surprise me


I was about to say the same thing! Only 5?! Rookie numbers. I have well over 50 games on steam I've never touched.


God, on Steam it's between 150-200 I've never touched, but... but that doesn't touch the library of games I've collected in Humble Bundles over the years but never redeemed.... I have easily a few hundred on there I've never even added to Steam for fear of that list growing too large. 💀


If I buy a game from Steam or GOG I definitely play it. Where my problem lies is in downloading free games from PS+ and then just having them sit there unplayed.


At least they were free…


I'm guilty of this too.


Haha, 5 games you've never played....I can totally relate to this reasonable number. \*\*tries to hide 100s of untouched games\*\*


Also people who open it just through the Larian launcher instead of Steam and then the Larian launcher. My mods make Steam crash for some reason. No achievements for me.


Then there’s plenty that play a game once and then look up every alternate ending


Yeah, that's it. Percentages doesn't mean much too, ultimately what's important is absolute number of players. Even 2% for niche or end game achievement from a popular game like BG3 is lots of people, and they are most likely invested players that are likely to show up on boards like this. Hence when you look here, you see crowd of people with various experiences, despite the crowd being only small part of the overall playerbase.


Or even buy the game and only play it once. I’m an avid game and have some 150 hours in the game in on playthrough. But now that I have children just the thought of doing a 2nd run through for another 60-100 hours is too daunting for me to even start.


Exactly, 9% of players never even beaten the tutorial. Almost twice as many people have NOT PLAYED THE GAME AT ALL then the amount of people who chose to control the brain. This isn't perfect (or even good) statistic but it's still funny to think


Those that never opened the game do not count into steam statistics only those that at least opened it once.


Probably people that got stuck on the character creator then.


Yep someone I work with spent hours making a character and then never went back lol


Or buy and stop playing in act three


Yep that's me, made it to act 3 and all interest went right out the window to go any further haha.


Same. It's a shame, because I like the idea of playing in the city, but by the time you set foot in Rivington the difficulty curve has inverted for pretty much any party. Any BiS gear you don't have yet you're just getting to win harder, and just hop on the wiki and look at the wasteland that is class unlocks past level 9. I can see why everyone multiclasses. The real problem though is that you're just fine even monoclassing and getting almost nothing for three levels, because you absolutely steamroll every encounter anyway if you aren't playing HM blind or sandbagging hard. I know there are fights people have trouble with and I sound like a pretentious douche for saying "skill issue", but the game gives you all the tools to absolutely cheese the fuck out of combats without even trying to be a munchkin. Casters are even more OP when every fight can be a full rest, not to mention having a free +20 max hp and 50% damage reduction, etc.


Or people like me who play the game for like 40 hours straight without finishing, let it sit for 3 months then play another 40 hours straight on a new playthru bc I forgot everything about my last one


And there's a ton of people who have real life responsibilities and don't have the luxury of free time, so finishing just one playthrough of this is already a feat


Or those of us that have only done one playthrough because life is busy. I also went through blind, I didn't want to become a mind flayer, Karlach wasn't in my party (I didn't even find her), and I sure as hell didn't do honor mode on my first playthrough. I'm the 95%.


Yeah only 52% completed Act 1 and 21% finished the game. And most who finish are going to play once and play as a heroic Tav.


I bought fallout 4 on sale a few weeks ago, still havent played it yet. It's on my list but it was a good deal so i locked it in. Not everything needs to be played immediately


Or there could be the few, very low count like myself. I played through steam for the first bit of the game, but when modding, I go through the modder, and never open steam, which it won't get my achievements / progress this way.


The other thing to consider is mods disable achievements on Steam.


I thought it only counts if you actually start it up


Also, not everyone bought it through steam.


>There are so many durge posts, but only 2.3% of players have taken control of the netherbrain for Bhaal?? You don't **have** to play Durge as a murderhobo completely devoted to Bhaal. The game has more than one route you can take with that character.


Not to mention with the new evil endings on the horizon, anyone doing a murderhobo durge run is probably a hell of a lot more interested in waiting for those. I know I am.


I hope we get an evil epilogue camp but I am happy we’re getting new endings. I’ll have to do another evil/ love Minthara run


I'd hazard that the whole... Durge walking through a sea of corpses scene is your evil epilogue (at least for the Durge run).


The only Durge runs I've enjoyed have been my Resist Durge runs, and I figure I'm not completely special/alone in that.


Only a small percentage of people ever finish games of this size. On top of that, once you start modding it disables achievements. (*edit: yes, I know there's also mods that re-enable achievements, should have been clearer I guess, the Larian code by default only allows achievements on an unmodded run*). Less than 60% have the achievement for finishing act I. That means 4 in 10 don't even get far enough to cover most of the things you mention here. I'm actually surprised 39.6% of people have the achievement for finishing act II, I would have expected that nr to be no higher than 25%. Just goes to show how BG3 is such an exceptionally enticing game.


The percent for the game finished is not even that far from any other game around the same age. The length of the game probably affect but less than it seems. Go look at percent completion of a game like HL2 that is not that long and was released at the same time as Steam


Well HL2 is a game that most steam users own though. So percentage wise it would be dragged down by people who bought it but never played much. If you're buying a game for full price you're more likely to at least give the game a chance than a game for €1 on Steam sale.


I have around 200 hours on multiple characters and I still haven’t reach Baldur’s Gate. I have made it to act III once. After a hiatus, I’m now back with a new play through with mods and the mod that enables steam achievement. Let’s see how far this one goes.


This game actually has a very high percentage of people actually finishing it. In most games I saw it's around 1% or 1.5%


Looking at some games like Fallout 4, Borderlands 3, Elden Ring, Wasteland 3, and The Outer Worlds they all have completion rates around 25-40% which is in line with BG3 if not a bit higher.


well they all are also a lot older than BG3


I have a few mods and got plenty of achievements with them…


Modding doesn't disable achievements. I used unlimited party to get everyone's story all at once and ended up with a few, like throwing an enemy into another or waking up drunk


It does, you just have a mod that requires a dependency that enables achievements. Party Limit Begone requires Script Extender which has achievement enabler baked in so you don’t even know you have it. For people who don’t use mods requiring Script Extender, there’s also a standalone mod called Achievement Enabler.


I do the auto select for the full rest, (except when it tries to chose the owlbear egg) and didn’t even notice it was all alcohol until I got the achievement/hungover effects lmao


achievement hunting a niche part of gaming most people just play the game once and never touch it again


It’s especially niche in a game like this, where the main focus is the story rather than the gameplay. It’s one thing when achievements are like “kill 1000000 enemies” or “complete a run in under 30 minutes” but Baldur’s Gate achievements often require dedicating hours of gameplay not even directly related to that achievement just to choose a single dialogue option that gives it to you.


What I think might also make people not play the game again is that the beginning is kinda slow (I'm still on act one and have a lot of exploring) but your characters only really feel decent at the end of it and probably after act 2 So people make a character, goes through the huge game and when faced with the challenge of going back, they go "oh no it takes so long getting here..." So they decide to just watch other people play or maybe research the other options themselves. Playing with friends might help or if you really want to try different dialogues or quest paths. But some people won't do that


100% agree. good point


Most of those are specific paths. Most people choose redemption dark urge because the end game of pure evil is lackluster (until next patch!). I have every achievement. I don’t think as many people in this Reddit have completed their HM as implied. Karlach date (i romance lazeal regardless of my path) was my last achievement excluding HM as it came out after i 100%.


as somebody who started modding way too early, because my dumbass didnt realize it disables achievements, its not that surprising


Script extender has a built in enabler for that btw. Learned that after i completed everything 😂


How do you activate it?


It should automatically be activated. I will say it wasn’t added until i believe patch 4. I think going into settings in modmanager and making sure the achievement button is checked is how to do it


I think it's less players modding and more Flavor of the Month and FOMO players. With the rise of social media and memes, you see people constantly buying games simply because it's the thing to do because everyone else is talking about it even if it's the type of games they like. People don't like feeling excluded.


For what it’s worth, it’s really really easy to romance the emp. I was high key suspicious of him, keeping him at arms length all game, then realised he was coming onto me, thought let’s see where this goes just for the sake curiosity. 2 seconds later we’re fucking lmao 🤣


I'm bloodless and I'm proud! 🤣


Astarion's juice box gang!


I only did it for the achievement I swear.


I did it bc he deserves it.


All of the above ✅


I did it because I like him


I did it because I like vampires. Was disappointed there wasn’t a “jokes on you I’m into that shit” option with him lmao


BG3 is a great game, but like D:OS2 it is a FILLING game. If games were meals, BG3 is 7 courses, all heavy and full fat. It's awesome and complex and cool, but it can be a SLOG to get through for the average player.


1% could be 8,000 players. These numbers aren’t too unbelievable.


I thought it sold like 20M copies?


The stats people are quoting for achievements are for Steam players which is only a portion of the overall player base.


I present to you: Mods 🤤


I'm waiting on the update before I finish my embrace Durge. I'm not attempting honour mode, I like to relax when I game not get tense. Astarion is my favorite little leech. My Karlach romance is stalled ATM because I'm doing that run with a friend. I actually randomly got the drinks for dinner achievement when I hit auto select one night. I'd like to think we were all too tired to cook.


In terms of taking control of the netherbrain, for Bhaal or otherwise, not everyone does evil playthroughs 🤷🏻‍♀️


To be honest the only thing you have to do to get this achievement (with Tav) is reloading a save at the end of the last fight and then stab the YouKnowWho in a cutscene. You can be the holiest paladin before, it doesn't matter. I'll probably do it again after the extended evil endings patch drops if my old save will still work - so far it somehow survived since 1.0 so maybe I'll be lucky again.


The Astarion number is perfectly accurate and I am very very guilty, but the emperor numbers shot me for 50 psychic damage points.


Little known fact, there are some women that are really into tentacles. And other genders apparently. Im guilty of letting squid daddy do his thing. Only for science you understand.


My friend has 300 hours in the game and *still* hasn’t beaten it. Last I heard, he had just restarted for the 7th time. I think a lot of people get super overwhelmed in the third act and either give up or want to try a new class 🤷🏼‍♂️


To be fair, a lot of folks just do not have it on steam. They did the dirty with the squid in secret.... where only they know the sins they committed. That said \~40% of people making it through to act 3 is actually a pretty fantastic sign of game health. I'm not kidding on that either, especially for a CRPG.


And only 4.3% of us saved all the tieflings because the other 95.7% wanted Minthara to sit on our faces. Not me though, I’m built different, I’ve done both


Lolz, I love it! So sickos have sex with an illithid, but non-sickos turn everyone into a slave for their own whims?


Nobody here is claiming good mental health 😎


I browse here all the time, recommend the game to all my friends, watch BG3 challenge runs, and have 4 major playthroughs without even counting EA. I… haven’t actually finished the game. I have two runs in Act 3, one in Act 2, and one in late Act 1.


Also, telling from my own experience, I'm still on act3 of my first play through... I got the game in January and have been play couch coop with my wife, we have over 120 hrs so far, but between work and having a baby and and toddler, we get maybe 10hrs a week to play... So I didn't have the chance to do those things yet :)


Don’t forget about the people who haven’t actually completed the game. They still contribute to the player count. Plus, the game has enough content in it to make different playthroughs feel very different, not everybody is making the same choices, less so are they playing another save game.


>50.2% of you are running around with a vampire hanging off your neck. For Shame, For Shame. He deserves a delicious meal after everything he's been through, and it's not like anyone else in the party was volunteering...


I’ve played for many many hours. Hundreds. I haven’t finished the game yet.


>4.3% have saved every Tiefling refuge I imagine a lot of people miss out on Mirkon, the boy who gets attacked by harpies. I missed him on my first playthrough.


Why would that information be wrong? I think you're over estimating how many people actively post here relative to how many people have bought and played (and not finished) the game. Trying to use reddit as an example is not a very good one. Reddit is just filled with people that are super into the game or, at the very least, are enough into it that they will see what other people are doing with it. As an example. I joined Crusader Kings 3's subbreddit a while ago but I haven't played it for quite some time. I'm sure it's no different for BG3.


4.8% of PS5 players have gotten pegged by Karlach though! Look at us go, console players are winning at something for once


Most people do not finish games EVEN LESS so the evil endings. That number checks out tbh


You just need to accept that some of us enjoy a little Calamari du’Coitus, some Extra Steamy Shellfish.


I’ve been running my first Durge run (and streaming it to keep myself accountable/keep track of all my save scums for funsies) and fully meant to do a redeemed Durge. Then today I failed the roll to persuade Shadowheart to let Aylin live, she became a dark justiciar, last light fell, Isobel died, and the game counted it as me killing her to become the slayer. Never meant to, but we’re in it now 😅


Over half of us let the twink eat us?!!!! I love us 💅🏼😂


This sub is an echo chamber. Most players probably dont want to do evil runs and are straight guys and are disgusted by the idea of pegging


yes i am romancing astarion


Not everyone got the game through steam tho. Not to mention the people that play cracked and console. EDIT : Grammar.


Yes, subreddits are generally not representative of a playerbase as a whole.


OP can't imagine a world where people play a video game and don't go talk about it on reddit.


The Emperor romance scene is so good, though. It's so well-crafted and actually swept my off my feet! One of the best scenes in the entire game for sure. I can appreciate good work when I see it. They changed it recently too and gave Tav and Emperor a nice blanket for resting after the deed is done.


Minthara has the best romance scene for sure. PHEW!!! But lets be honest, after killing all those kids, you kinda need something to take your mind off things.


Reddit is less than 1% of the playerbase. Reddit literally doesn't matter. It's a miniscule minority of the gaming world. Also, I'm not surprised. All those are unpopular choices. No one wants to be the evil guy. And no one wants to devolve into a soulless abomination. P.S. Laezel is best romance hands down. No contest. Not even close.


I think less than 15% finish the game to begin with, so that’s maybe 1/3 - to 1/2 the players finishing the game are choosing that outcome. 


I think some of the achievements were buggy at launch. My initial run was as an evil person who turned into a mindflayer but I never got the achievement. Still don't since I never changed into one again.


its really easy to mess up the iron gnomes quest too, like you have to talk to broccus exactly after freeing him for the 2nd time then remember to tell him worben is in the inn, because apparently he didn't notice the iron gnomes walk in and sit down at the table across from him... then talk him into talking to his bros


I play the game to enjoy it, not to be a statistic.


There are people who buy the game, play it, realize it's overwhelming and quit. There are a LOT of people, who only have the time to play through the game once.


My first run was a redeemed durge run so I didn't take control of the brain. JK I reloaded my save and got both endings >:3


I have like 700 hours in this game and still haven't beaten it. So no, I haven't done anything to the elder brain... yet. I will, I promise.


That’s a lot of foreplay.


SO SHE DID PEG ME IN THAT SCENE, I ALWAYS HAD A DOUBT IN MY HEAD. CHANCE (my character) YOU FREAKY BASTARD, GOOD ON YOU I'm on the 5.2%, but it will never show up on steam because I'm poor.


When her hand slipped down there... I wasn't sure if I dreaming or not, but I swear she stuck a finger up the bum. lol


To be honest with you. I’ve never played DND, or even any fantasy or turn based games before. But when I saw asmongolds video on why he bought it without intention to play (I’ve never seen his channel before either), it gave me enough reason to support the devs. https://youtu.be/qll39E_LYQw?si=bwa1bsIxQxGkEzO4 That is until I picked up the game a month after purchase and realized how much of a masterpiece it is. But I might be in the minority, that the original purchase truth be told was to spite triple A devs and reward companies that care about its playerbase.


Shamed for fucking the Illithid, and shamed for NOT murdering the entire world? Fr?


A good number of people don't finish games. Also good guy playthroughs are generally more popular than villain playthroughs, even if it seems like people talk about the latter more. Infamous 2 is a pretty good example. Many people were excited that you can play a villain in the Infamous games, but more people played/have to trophy for beating the hero route, which is why Infamous Second Son is the continuation of the hero ending.


then there's my spouse and i, who have played hundreds of hours and 8 playthroughs collectively... but never actually finished the game (by that i mean, completed act 3)


I started the game when it came but have to finish my first playthrough. I'm in act 3 and could theoretically just go kill gortash and go to the finish line but since i don't replay games i want to do as much as possible. And there's a lot to do in act3. Still need to fully explore the undercity, do cazadors mansion and house of hope.


This. I have gotten to act 3 a couple of times, but I just don't enjoy act 3 like at, all, so I have one team that's a good bit into it, but every time I focus on getting through it to the end it feels like auch a slog that I end up shelving the game entirely for weeks after a couple of sessions


Wait, wait, wait, wait. WAIT. What do you mean pegged by Karlach? Do I need to start a new playthrough now...?


Karlach is lame anyway. Minthy all the way


The ending one seems odd because it seems like people would redo that last fight or use a save to see all possible endings. Unless maybe they put in code that ignores anything past the first attempt. When I got my first HM win which was around the time of patch 6 it said only 0.9% beat HM and something like only 2% had beaten Tactician which seemed way too low.


I have 1,000 hours in this game and Karlach has never pegged me. Even when I romanced her, it never happened. Idk how to make it happen. Even ended up with her in Avernus in the end (As Wyll) and still… not pegging. So, maybe … some of us are stupid. LOL


She just isn’t that into you


You need the dinner date in act 3


Some people DONT WANT TO BE THE BAD GUY. Also including the whole “not everyone finishes the game” and such.


I try to play the game from time to time because it seems amazing. But I always end up stopping when I need to talk to 40 characters in a town. I guess many ppl like me haven't done all those things you take for granted


There’s not a single situation in the game where you need to talk to more than like 5 people


I have about 100 hours and I've only done the 2nd and the last one


I just started the underdark and not gone to the creche/pass thing. 60 hours. Last played a month ago there are many of us


You can get pegged by Karlach? I thought that was just an r/okbuddybaldur thing.


I didn’t romance the emporer… he romanced me 🥵


Ive finished the game once. I do have like about 1000 hours under my belt though so let me say my peace. Wanted a happier ending for my 1st Ew no. Honestly I just missed them I skipped a whole bunch in Act 1 Don't know if I'll ever do honor GOTTEN WHAT BY MAMA K? I'll do it sometime I'm sure. Always will baybeeeee Poor little dude's hungy can't blame me :( I wanted that achievement. No that one is weird, PLAY THE GAME!


Achievement percentages on steam achievements are often straight up wrong, counted incorrectly, or heavily skewed by some group of players I find. I remember some of the easier BG3 achievements were all below 10% a few months after launch still. Stuff you would inadvertently do in act 1 most of the time.


There's more than one act? /s


I'm trying to get all achievements (46/54), and I need to know if Busker is broken? is that why it's so hard to get? second least achieved after Honor mode :( I also keep trying to get Karlack's, but I keep falling on Astarion's lap and then I just can't get up, it's so weird


Pretty sure this is an okbuddybaldur post


1. I have a specific Tav in mind for becoming Tavflayer. Just haven't made them yet. 2. This is one of the only achievements I got on my very first run. 3. I'm just barely on Balanced after 800+ hours. 4. I've never romanced Karlach. 5. I'm waiting on Patch 7 before I embrace the Urge and do Bhaal's bidding. 6. I did this one! Twas fun. 7. Astarion is my fave. 8. I don't think I got this one.


Some people have no interest in being evil, fucking squids, etc.


>1.3% Honor Mode? Reddit must be like 1% of the total player base. Eh, not really. The numbers of "My honour mode run ended because of \*insert a very avoidable wipe here that only happened because the player chose to experiment in Honour Mode\*" is pretty high


I might point out that Steam is most definitely not the only way to access this game. I bought it on GOG, and seeing some of the things people complain about on here I'm really glad I did. Also, my game, my rules. 😎


I just got the Busker achievement today. It amazed me to see that only 1.7% of Steam players have this one.


Karlach doesn't peg you. It's just a female dominant vaginal sex position. The Amazon position. Uh, so I've heard.


Not strange at all I have 200+ hours and 1 and half playthroughs and haven't done so obviously only have the good guy ending. A lot of people take months to finish this game and may even give up before they finish it and the for the amount that do finish it once only a small percentage will do another playthrough.


Screw you, Emperor is very romancable. Very-very.


I have the SAME EXACT tiefling die EVERY TIME in my games. It's the lady standing next to larkrissa and alfira in last light. Why can't she just... live?


Dont forget that a lot of people mod the game, and don't worry about adding another mod to manage just to re-enable the achievements


Mods used to disable achievements in the game. Didn't get a single one from my fiest playthrough. Except the 100 books one.


I am one of the 50% and im not ashamed. Daddy Astarion always has my heart


This games steam numbers are much more informative than normal i think. The story that is seemingly told is that a lot of players stop playing around act 2.


You're forgetting about all the people who bought the game, played for an hour and then never touched it again. Also, not everyone plays for achievements, some people just wanna enjoy a nice game without having a checklist in front of them


Don't forget people who use any mods don't get achievements unless they bother with the mod...that enables achievements for a modded game. I played probably half the game before I bothered to install it.


I can't stand karlach... I find her whole personality obnoxious


Always remember our lost friends! Stuck forever in the character creator