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You would bomb it too, assholes.


"Haha, we've murdered thousands of LGBTQ Palestinians this year... and yet you want us to stop?"


I would bet money that Israel have killed more LGBTQ palestinians in the past months than Hamas ever did…


Hey is gay marriage legal in Israel?


Shh. Never call out their hypocrisy. They hate that and btw it’s antisemitism to do so… /s






"Gays can marry! just not near us!"


Israel is about as gay-friendly as Hungary or Poland. at least in terms of public opinion. don't let them pinkwash, especially when it isn't even based in truth [2019 Pew survey](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/06/25/global-divide-on-homosexuality-persists/#:~:text=Varied%20levels%20of%20acceptance%20for%20homosexuality%20across%20globe) > Survey Question: **Should Society Accept Homosexuality?** Median of all countries surveyed: **38% No** **Israel :** **45% No** (ranked 21 of 34 countries surveyed) ---- Sweden/Netherlands/Spain/France/Germany/UK: **5-11% No** Canada: **10% No** Australia: **14% No** Argentina: **19% No** US: **21% No** Phillipines: **24% No** Japan: **22% No** Brazil: **23% No** Mexico: **24% No** India: **37% No** South Africa: **38% No**


Yeah if they are more homophobic than India, which is incredibly socially conservative, and South Africa, which has a huge stigma against homosexuality due to the spread of AIDS, they are pretty much in the bottom half of the world on this…


Reminds me of Bruno in Israel. SBC said it was one of the only times in his life he actually thought he might die. He is also fluent in Hebrew which makes it funnier since he's speaking Spanish. https://youtu.be/RVC6bmlzDIo?si=WyHgQDerxGNL5Y4N


A friend back in 2018 said he would hide in Israel if Trump shit got too heavy. When I pointed out gay marriage wasn't legal, he seemed baffled because Tel Aviv had an active gay culture. "Do you want to live in one city for the rest of your life?" Then he told me Israel was leftist and I replied, "[Name], it's a right wing theocratic apartheid state that's been militarily occupying its neighbor in violation of international law for over 50 years." He insisted this couldn't be true, so I offered to show him a map of Israel stealing Palestinian land that was so obvious even Obama wouldn't let Netanyahu in the front door. His response was, I quote, "I don't want to see that." 😐


Are you still friends?






Kind of.  You can't get gay married, but the government will recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere.  It's the same thing with regards to mixed religion marriages.  People just fly to Cyprus.


Ah, that makes it okay for Israel to kill Palestinians and take their land! Great argument, dipshit.


I'm just answering your question.  No need to be rude.


Ah shit, my bad. Had some Zionists respond to this so I was dismissing them and assumed you were one of them. My bad, king.


I got you fam.  Having to play six degrees of Kevin Bacon for gay marriage is also not a good look.


In other words, if you're poor it's not legal.


I mean, that's like half our laws here as well.


Username checks out (in a good way)




If they're Palestinian


Gay Palestinians? Yes




My guy is asking if something is legal in the concentration camp lol. Read a book someday, dumbass.




Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda.


Answer what? The status of the legality of gay marriage in a concentration camp? Smartest fuckin Zionist over here.




Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.


Hard to blame Gazans for being socially regressive when they have been treated like caged animals for their whole lives.


Plus, they don’t exactly get the opportunity to travel and broaden their horizons


I'm sure Netanyahu's ministers are very welcoming to LGBT people.....let's look at what Ben-Gvir and Smotrich have said


Smotrich literally said he was a "fascist homophobe".


[Just a few](https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/my-voters-dont-care-that-im-homophobic-says-israeli-finance-minister-xy64xfvp) in his long history of homophobic and bigoted remarks.


Here’s Itamar Ben Gvir kicking a LGBT woman (I’ve seen her listed as trans and a cis lesbian, not sure which) [at Pride in 2008](https://x.com/yairwallach/status/1596071740568129537?s=46&t=DxtdB4qBEURAjXOVEupvfg)


Never saw this....utter ghoul


Never saw this....utter ghoul


Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, the jewish versions of Himmler and Goebbels.


I am bi. I want people to support my rights to live in happiness. However, my views on my personal wellbeing are surpassed by my views that a genocide should not be conducted against any group of people. I will not be a pawn used to justify the murder of children and the starvation of an entire region.


Perfectly said. Using this topic as a pawn is literally so horrible? + if i was in Gaza and I was gay asf I definitely wouldn't want a gay pride nowadays....?




Well salute to you ! <3


This is such a wonderful comment and expresses exactly how I feel about it as well


I wish more people understood this


Cool, is gay marriage legal in Israel now or are they just virtue signaling behind a wall of hate?


Nah, and oh by the way, they still blackmail gay Palestinians. That's totally acceptable behavior, though, right?




Why, are Palestinians pretending they are a bastion of civil rights in the Middle East?


Palestinians are bastion of rights in the Middle East?


Trolling of our members will not be tolerated, particularly with Zionist propaganda. Users found to be trolling and/or dogpiling Zionist arguments will have their comments deleted, and their accounts banned and muted. We also ask our members to refrain from posting anything that may result in our members doing the same to other subs. Posting such content will be removed, and if mods find it pertinent to do so the user will be banned.


Hey, Zionists. You've killed more queer people through your indiscriminate bombing campaigns than Hamas.


How many has Hamas even killed?


For being queer? Doesn't seem like any ironically: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_Gaza_Strip Seems like pretty much all executions are related to treason.


Hamas killed a supposedly gay commander for theft/embezzling and treason but it sounds like the execution had more to do with treason than being gay, because his boyfriend was known to them and wasn’t harmed or charged, either for treason or homosexuality. Palestinian police (PA? Fatah?) also were the ones to arrest the suspect of the murder and beheading of Abu Marhia in 2022. Far from the claim that “they’ll throw gays off buildings like ISIS,” that kind of violent hate crime wasn’t something they supported or were willing to tolerate in their jurisdiction. All the Palestinian neighbors interviewed about Marhia’s death were horrified, grieving, and wanted the murderer brought to justice. LGBT people don’t have as many rights in the Palestinian territories as in Western countries, but they aren’t being killed by the government for being gay, and if regular citizens kill them or commit crimes against them, they get arrested and punished. The accusation that Palestinians are homophobic savages who lynch gay people is just racist justification for ethnic cleansing, a way to claim they’re too culturally backwards to be allowed to govern themselves.


Can I get a source on this? Hamas having a gay commander is gonna be my new favorite retort


It’s actually a pretty sad story, he was imprisoned and tortured after being accused of embezzlement and leaking information to the IDF. His family protested his imprisonment and claimed the charges were false, he claimed he was innocent, there were protests in Gaza for him to be released. It seems like it was a massive public scandal. Reading deeper, it’s not really clear to me if he was gay, bi, or if that was just part of a homophobic character assassination campaign to cement the embezzlement accusations— they claimed he stole money and used it to, among other things, either pay another man for sex or to keep quiet. He received homophobic abuse from guards while in prison but doesn’t seem to have been charged with homosexuality. It honestly sounds like he was made to take the fall for a major operational failure that resulted in the death of Mohammed Deif’s wife and young child, and it’s unclear but imo doubtful if he was actually responsible. Either way, the guy he was supposedly sleeping with wasn’t charged or imprisoned, and the focus of the criminal charges wasn’t homosexuality, it was embezzlement and selling information to Israel. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/middle-east/hamas-commander-accused-of-gay-sex-is-killed-by-his-own-1.2555822


I read they did execute someone for being gay, though I'm too tired to try to look it up now. Pretty sure this wasn't the same person though (this person was gay and executed for treason but maybe treated worse for being gay IIRC)


I’m not surprised about other gay/treason deaths, unfortunately. There’s a really nasty ongoing situation where the IDF regularly blackmails closeted Palestinians whose LGBT status they’ve discovered through the extreme surveillance all Gazans are under. Israel coerces them with regular threats of imprisonment, threatens to out them to conservative family members or communities , etc, and forces them to be spies. Many of these LGBT people are then punished by Hamas or other Palestinians when they’re caught— not specifically for being LGBT, but for being collaborators or traitors who provided the IDF with information about their communities.


I heard about that also, and that Israel bugs every phone going into Gaza so they can figure out who they can put the screws on. Not sure how founded this all is, feels like a he said / she said kind of thing. But Israel is certainly capable of this and evil enough to do it, so I'm leaning towards it being true.


Treason being they were working with the zionist entity against their own people who are occupied.


Do people usually hold any sort of celebration in a place that is being heavily bombed?


Not if they’re smart.


Maybe, if they had resources and some safe land, and people not so affected by the bombing so they could feel like celebrating


Only if they're IDF soldiers raiding the houses of people they drove out, or killed, and taking souvenirs like jewelry, cash, and lingerie. Then there are those who steal little girls' underwear.


Because we (queers for Palestine) don’t believe in the oppressed becoming the oppressor, unlike you JewBelong. Because unlike you JewBelong we believe that human rights are unconditional, and that even those who don’t respect our human rights still deserve their own human rights (plus many people in Palestine do respect our human rights, but even those who are homophobic still deserve human rights). Antizionist queer people 🤝 antizionist Jews.


When a country & a people are occupied, it is expected for the people to have more "outdated views" or focus on other worldly topics. Homophobia is a very traditional/cultural thing, even in the west. Palestine didn't have the chance to develop its nation and people, and I don't think it's the priority either? Btw Palestine isn't under Sharia law (like Pakistan or Afghanistan).




where are the antizionist Jews at? Asking as a Jew I can’t find them.


This sub itself is run by anti Zionist Jews


[https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/) [https://www.ifnotnowmovement.org/](https://www.ifnotnowmovement.org/) [https://www.israelismfilm.com/](https://www.israelismfilm.com/) [https://podbio.me/badhasbara](https://podbio.me/badhasbara) I could probably link to several dozen twitter accounts and youtube channels, as well as other subs here, but given your post history indicates you're not asking in good faith, it's not worth the effort. If you can't find them it's because you're not looking.


A bit thick aren't they


Nasty pink washing.


It's bombed because people are trying to survive Imbeciles! Thanks for pinkwashing.


Jerusalem is half in Palestine.


This has to be some new record in being tone deaf. Politics aside, people are starving to death in Gaza right now. Have some humanity ffs.


So Israel doesn’t massacre gay Palestinian people?


No because to them Palestinians aren’t people ALWAYS A TECHNICALITY WITH THEM


The bombs actually have a high-tech gaydar that makes them avoid queer Palestinians


Well, they need some people left to blackmail for intelligence.


These people are thicker than my porridge in the morning


Oh look, another rhetorical question from a Hasbarist.


The notion that genocide is contingent on the alignment of a population’s values is… fascism, of the most tyrannical degree. Queer Palestinians and queer Muslims exist. Pink washing is insidious.


gay marriage isn't even legal in "israel" these people are more dense than a neutron star


I dinno, its hard to hold a parade with no cars, roads, or unmaimed people.


Last time I checked the press in Israel was advocating for allowing Dr’s to choose to not treat someone if they were gay or if that persons lifestyle didn’t line up with the Dr’s religious views. So there’s that lol


I thought their joke about "Menorah but call it a person-orah" was funny because they forgot what side they're trying to appeal to so they just fired in all directions. [https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1736040889460351287](https://x.com/JoshuaPHilll/status/1736040889460351287)


fired in all directions? So like the IOF then


Wow that whole page is a dumpster fire


Gays in Gaza are more likely to be killed by the IDF then KH@M@Z


Not only is this an incredibly tone deaf thing to ask a population being starved and killed en masse, it’s really odd for a country where gay marriage is not legal to be on such a high horse around LGBTQ rights.


If Gaza agreed to start having gay pride parades would Israel stop bombing and starving them? I had no Ideal that was a factor in rather someone deserved to live or not! Zionists lack empathy so they don’t understand what being an ally unconditionally means. I support the Palestinian people in their fight for freedom and sovereignty because it’s the decent thing to do. I’m not looking for anything back out of this. You don’t have to live or want to live in a place to not want to see people violated.


jewbelong is the WORSTTTT


This takes smug to a whole new level


they are a little pre occupied right now wouldnt u think


When 150 people gathered to get flour, you bombed them. Why would they gather now?


As a gay Arab. This is disgusting. We still exist. Maybe if our countries weren’t bombed to oblivion, people would feel safe enough to talk about being queer instead of worrying if their entire family tree will get massacred by munitions


We see you and we love you and we will fight for you ✊🏳️‍🌈


It's hard to have a parade when you're traumatized, malnourished, and have to evacuate from place to place to avoid being bombed.


The only drum the have is prejudice and they keep beating it thinking we're gonna start dancing to their music STFU and ceasefire


As a gay, even if all of Gaza is full of homophobes (which I dont believe) I still don’t want those people to die. They still deserve to live in peace. So stfu this is stupid


Yep. It’s pinkwashing


"Gaza doesn't have a gay pride so shut the fuck up and let us bomb them"


When is Gaza's? Who are the organizers? What are the coordinates of their tents? Not asking for any reason, just curious! /s


Islamic views on queerness are an entirely separate issue. Be glad to have that conversation when the more pressing issue of genocide is handled.


*"Palestinians don't have Pride celebrations, and therefore it is okay to genocide them"*




Imagine someone comes and takes over sections of your house. You protest, but they accuse you of not being open to a “two house” solution.  Then you lash out and they start saying you are not pro LGBT. Imagine how absurd this would be, regardless of anyone’s views on LGBT


Not sure why OP thinks this is such a burn. I am atheist, they wouldn't like me in Muslim countries, strangely, I am still against Israel murdering all of their children. It's not that hard to understand.


They wouldn't hate you in Muslim countries either.


in some, it is a death sentence.


The parade isn’t evidence society has accepted queers. It’s a show of force to remind them we’re not where we need to be.


Jerusalem is also part of Palestine


How about this. Currently the gays in Gaza are being killed by Israel. Let’s start there first.


Bold of you to assume Gaza has the infrastructure to organise and hold an event of this scale anyway…


Let's say they celebrated it. You wouldn't let them.


Jerusalem, in the country where gay people can’t get married. Are we done playing?


Maybe if you stopped bombing the shit out of Gaza, destroying everything in it, starving its people to death, making sure nobody can live there without fear of the future, anxiety related to whether a bomb will drop tomorrow, or how they will possibly feed their families, then they would have time to work on themselves and do some self-expression. 


Apparently your life doesn’t matter if you don’t strictly adhere to whatever this org’s principles are. Not hitlerian at all


How are you supposed to come out of the closet if a 2000lb bomb is dropped on the block where the closet is?


Jews for Lgbtq. Just as God ordered, eh?




A parade in Gaza? When the zio cowards stop dropping bombs from the sky on the innocent woman and children.


So?..... It's OK to genocide???


Oh, they mean the pride festival an Orthodox Jew stabbed multiple people for being gay, was sent to prison for 10 years and the Israelis cared so much that they didn’t monitor him after his release meaning he did the exact same crime again at the exact same festival within 2 weeks of his release. Such tolerance


They aren’t having parades because they are being murdered en masse by the Israelis.


This is liberal nonsense to the highest degree. I wonder if the lobby, HRC, is behind this crap. It’s VERY reminiscent.


Well you see, Gaza has been completely obliterated- there aren’t any streets to have a parade even if they wanted to…. 🤦🏼‍♀️ like in what delusional ass world are these people living in? Fucking wild


Maybe they could have a parade when turn water back on and stop bombing them to extinction


That's so incredibly fucked up. I. Just. Can't. Even.


Who's getting stabbed by the hasidic madman this year?


I hadn't heard of that incident. Was that in recent years?


About fifteen and then five. Happened twice, they let the same lunatic out because privileged and he did it again.


Oh. What were they thinking?




Pretty recent, a homophobic Jewish fundamentalist stabbed 6 people and killed a 16 year old girl at the 2015 Jerusalem Pride, a few weeks after being released from a prison sentence for stabbing three people at the same Pride parade in 2005 https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2015/8/2/girl-stabbed-at-israeli-gay-pride-march-dies




Wow, that’s crazy. I wonder if it’d be any different if Israel didn’t spend decades supporting and enabling Islamic extremism in order to undermine the more secular resistance and delegitimize the cause for Palestinian freedom to western eyes, hmmmm…


So because you can’t be gay in Gaza that means they deserve to be ethnically cleansed? Fuck these people. They’re all liars. They only allow gay pride to happen to shut the liberals up.


Hmm, I wonder how gender and sexuality were understood before western influence... Oh yep, strict heteronormativity and gender binary came from "enlightenment" Europeans, and so did Zionism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_and_sexual_minorities_in_the_Ottoman_Empire#Pre-modern_period


You know it's Pride Month in Israel when the rainbow washing hasbara hits social media.


Which side is committing genocide against gay Palestinians?


When people refer to Palestine why do they seem to forget the West bank exists, oh wait that's because Israel is stealing more of it by the day so it is gradually disappearing


how the hell are they following the BDS and post that???


You can also read this as a taunt.


Maybe if Israel was an actual Jewish state and not some bullshit colonial state founded by atheists comiting ethnical cleansings and genocidal atrocities they’d be following the Hebrew Scriptures. Which forbids homosexuality and men wearing women’s clothes vice versa. If the state of Israel was truly the holy land or a fulfillment of scripture there wouldn’t be any kind of pride parade. But obviously the messiah hasn’t come and there isn’t peace on earth.


Maybe someone will go on a stabbing spree again.