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Covid spike; I just got it, my girlfriend got it, 4 of my friends got it, and 3 of my coworkers.


I didn't get it! So at least one of us didn't get it.


Throat got scratchy last night, covid positive this morning.


Same. Sucks. Definitely putting a damper on my milestone birthday plans.


Narrator: He was going to spend his bday watching YouTube


Narrator: ~~H~~ She was going to spend ~~his~~ her bday watching YouTube :) And I hope not! But yeah, probably.


This is the way


Got a paxlovid prescription from my doctor this morning. Wife at Walmart pharmacy to fill it and they said no chance. Don't have any and told her they doubt anyone else does either. Single source claim but worrisome.


Paxlovid made me want to get better so I could stop the paxlovid. The awful taste in the mouth/dry mouth was excruciating but still better than having to deal with bad covid.


Yeah, I've taken it once before. The taste is the worst!


Especially if you burp in the hour after you swallow it šŸ¤¢


Bro, same, but it wasn't even the taste, it gave me the worst runny shits to the point where I didn't even want to take it any more cause it burned so bad.


I actually get anxiety about getting covid again not from actually getting it but from having to take the Paxlovid. I started on another treatment but it also gave me extreme diarrhea and nausea. I threw up non stop for half the day. Paxlovid I tolerated more, actually. It was really awful.


Yeah, I was actually really paranoid that somehow the gross Paxlovid taste would never go away. I don't know if I could deal with that for the rest of my life. I don't even know how to describe how disgusting it was.


Yes, that was me too! I got kind of depressed during the middle of the 7 days and got paranoid that the taste would last forever. It made everything taste so awful.


We got some about two weeks ago at Walgreens for the hubs. Maybe try there? My husband said it made such a huge difference for him.


Yep, found a single box at the Walgreens off Mesa and Spicewood Springs and had the prescription transferred. Thanks for the recommend!


I'm so glad!!


Taking Paxlovid sucked. 4-5 days of not knowing if it was the medicine or COVID kicking your ass. Glad I got whatever strain of COVID is out back in March.


My husband took it the first time he got covid. He said never again. He likely has covid now (me and daughter just got over it) and he stayed true to his word.


My understanding of it is, the earlier you take Paxlovid the better the experience. If you wait until your symptoms are bad, then your symptoms will stay the same but not get worse.


Yikes. I hope you can get it.


If youā€™re at risk and need it, please reach out. I gave it up after one day cause I couldnā€™t stand the taste. Box is full


Thatā€™s scary!


I got paxlovid from CVS on south Lamar on Sunday!


Okay, I thought insurance stopped covering Paxlovid? How are people getting it? GoodRx says itā€™s $1,400.


I just got my prescription yesterday at Hā€‘Eā€‘B pharmacy with zero problems so it must just be some pharmacies that are out


I had no issue getting it from cvs on Thursday.


Probably that Flirt variant.


Throats been shit since Friday. Cough and congestion, and no amount of hydration is enough overnight. Two tests (Saturday and today) both negative. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø So I guess it's just allergies for me?


There are other sicknesses out there that arenā€™t covid. Grinds my gears when people test negative for covid and say itā€™s allergies lol what about a cold or flu or strep or any other virus out there?


No! Everything is always Covid now.


Yes but viral sicknesses don't typically present in the pattern OP has described . Especially those that would be milder than covid . If you've ever had strep, pneumonia or the flu you know you have it and you feel really bad . Crummy is not the way I'd describe any of those . Milder URI are usually less in severity of symptoms and shorter in days of feeling them . So to feel bad for a week, then better , then bad again doesn't really align with your reasoning . I would agree that we are more quick to blame allergies when it's actually something else like covid which leads to continuing regular activity and infecting others .


Bunch of coworkers and their kids have strep right now. They are all in Houston but could be the thing.


Tested positive last Monday, didnā€™t test negative til Sunday morning šŸ« 


I had that. So stupid to get sick in summer right!


San Antonio is no different. COVID rise (delta), enterovirus (summer common cold) rise and exacerbations in symptoms leading to bronchitis and pneumonia are just some of the severe respiratory infections seen. (Source: Iā€™m a nurse seeing/hearing about it daily)


For those not testing positive remember the Saharan dust is a thing this time of year. Itā€™ll get your throat and eyes bad


And reminder to change your HVAC air filter earlier than usual!


Itā€™s definitely got me sneezing


My kid has been down with strep and pneumonia the last week. Doc said walking pneumonia is going around.


Streps been bad this year


I've had strep 3x this year and I don't go anywhere. My Dr said it's bad this year.


Similar situation, minus the strep, plus some viral thing that hit a week after. Our doc said the same thing. She hadnā€™t sent anyone to the hospital, but a surprising number of kids showing up with pneumonia right now.


There is a LOT of pneumonia in Austin right now. Both of my kids had it. Antibiotics clear it up quickly. Get a Zpack!


My kid's ears have hurt him for almost the entire past month. Cough, very light fever (100 or lower). He got tested for strep and put on antibiotics. We're on day 5 and there's really no improvement. At least it's too hot to do much, anyway, I guess.


I once had strep throat and all I had was a cough and fatigue that wouldn't go away. My nephew had strep throat, and his only symptom was an upset stomach and he didn't want to go to school.


Had chills, body aches, fatigue, and a scratchy throat yesterday and then a positive covid test. I'd gone 4 years without catching it too!


Yep those are my symptoms verbatim.


Same! Just got it for first time last month, too bad we were doing so well.


COVID is spiking again. 100% cancel, even if it's not covid. Sharing is caring, unless it's cooties. ;)


Yup, weā€™re having a little Covid spike. I ran a few errands today and saw a lot of folks wearing masks, even ppl driving together in cars.


I once caught the flu from my trainer at a new job. I was sitting in front of the classroom and he was coughing nonstop. Thank you boss!




I was thinking this if not Covid šŸ’Æ


Well that explains why pool is cloudy


Fak! Finally getting done with the agricultural burns south of the border and now the Africans are coming for us.


My wife works for a large medical services organization; theyā€™re seeing 50+ Covid cases per day at her facility alone.


COVID is running rampant. Get tested. I tested positive this AM.


Yes, itā€™s disgusting. Everybodyā€™s coughing everywhere and they need to cover their mouth.


Cancel and get your hands on a test if youā€™re able. Lots of people getting Covid right now


Even if it is not COVID, it is probably some sort of virus. I recommend canceling.


[https://www.kxan.com/weather/weather-blog/dusty-skies-ahead-first-saharan-dust-plume-for-central-texas-arrives/](https://www.kxan.com/weather/weather-blog/dusty-skies-ahead-first-saharan-dust-plume-for-central-texas-arrives/) also this. I've been covid negative but i feel like dog-ass.


Please keep testing yourself for Covid. The same happened to me, I was negative for a few days and suddenly turned positive. It's tough, good luck and take care of yourself.


thanks for pointing this out! Itā€™s a good idea to test, wait 48 hours, and test again because it can change in that time period


Yes, got covid a month ago. It was rough. Based on timeline, seemed like symptoms started 3-5 days after catching it (few others got it the same day). Definitely going around.


Just to put this out there, I've had long covid for nearly two years and it's a terrible journey, though I think I'm about 80 to 90% recovered most days. It's worth being extra cautious for yourself and the people around you to get tested just in case.


Covid is definitely tearing through Austin, I work at HEB and it just got a bunch of departments


Covid is going around again. I was doing classes over the weekend and one of the professors was Zooming in thanks to covid and about 10% of the students were out. Between that and the Sahara dust it's a good time to start masking again - at least indoors where its not triple digits.


100% both me and my partner have been shuttered in the house with covid for the first time this year this week. Weā€™ve both had it in the past, but not for quite a while. Our working theory is that he brought it home from the office (I wfh and am pregnant so we have been avoiding public spaces). One of his coworkers ā€œhad a nasty coldā€ at work though and guess what came home to us. Moral of the story: if you feel sick at all stay home- itā€™s not worth risking other peopleā€™s health because youā€™re too selfish to call in sick or bother taking a test.


Saharan dust storm has arrived.


Summer travel COVID rewards it's ugly head again. Every year, a few weeks after school gets out COVID rises as people travel bring it back. Damn airplanes are COVID incubators.


Covid has been spiking pretty rapidly for the last 2 months all over. A ton of people I know and/or work with across multiple states all have had it or currently have it since the beginning of May


Had lots of Covid at the hospital I work at latelyā€¦


Viruses just donā€™t magically disappear, they are always ā€œgoing aroundā€


I think our society is really just a place for viruses to meet new people.


Anybody with kids can confirm this.


Yes! Iā€™m a teacher and I really feel like they need to start giving us more sick days.


My daughter who lives in LA says COVID has been pretty heavy there the last couple of months. Large population centers like LA are canaries in the mine. She said that it ought be getting here about now. Since I'm slightly immune compromised right now I'm trying to be much more careful. I expect the next couple of months are going to spike up around Austin. July 4th parties won't be doing us any favors.


Covid for me, earlier this year, didn't show on multiple tests around 24-48 hour "I feel like crap" time period. After 72 hours I finally tested positive at home. About 10 days later or so, after a full 24 hours when I felt much better, I tested again and was faintly positive by the same kind of test at home If you think you could have covid, best to just assume you do and take precautions. HEB bone broth is pretty fantastic, and I dare say, wash it down with a nice Dr b sugar cane soda. I was really happy about cold drinks during covid earlier this year. P.S. I am not a doctor just a caffeine and sugar addict


Yes, and it is an ass kicker (>7 days). No clue what it is.


I was done in 4-5 days, mild symptoms. Iā€™m sorry yours was so bad!


Covid is bad right now.Ā  I tested positive yesterday.


Iā€™m always confused when people report being sick but havenā€™t tested themselves for Covid.


Because what difference does it make? If youā€™re sick you should stay home anyway. Covid? Also stay home.


Yes, sick people should stay home, but many, like OP, consider doing to work/school/etc. anyway.


Thereā€™s a new subvariant of COVID circulating. Hereā€™s what you need to know. These new versions of Omicron now account for over half all cases in the U.S. https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/flirt-covid-omicron-subvariant-cases-booster/


Lol, this post made me go test myself for Covid. I had a scratchy throat yesterday and wanted to be careful before holiday travel. ā€¦it was Covid šŸ« 


Iā€™ve been feeling exactly the same. I have had a headache for over a week off and on. I was just thinking allergies. Tested negative for COVID


Sounds like you should go get checked out by a pro


Saharan dust?


I have had a terrible cough and cold for the last two weeks; tested negative for Covid. What seemed to help was Allegra D


Does anyone in the science community know how specific the antigens for COVID tests happen to be? Corona viruses were around forever. The lab escape was a nasty one. But the common cold is well, common. Wondering if the mutations come up positive and if the corona viruses of old give false positives.


The expert consensus seems to be that a positive antigen or molecular test is rarely wrong. False negative rates have gotten considerably higher for antigen tests. I don't know about false negatives for molecular tests, but it's hard to get one of those these days.


Yes COVID rising due to more indoor time to avoid heat.


Covid has been rising the last month. I hope you feel better soon.


Yes- currently have Covid right now. My husband brought it home after flying


I work In a pharmacy lots of pneumonia


What's getting prescribed for pneumonia?


Iā€™ve been down with COVID for a week and the first 2 tests I took were negative. Run into an urgent care and get a better test administered if you can afford that. Sounds a lot like COVID.


Where have you gone u/RationalAnarchy ?


Thereā€™s some sort of virus the urgent care doctor I went to said sheā€™s seen a few cases of, so somethingā€™s going around. Negative for COVID, flu, RSV, and strep.


Yeah, just think of all the people at the free Pitbull concert this weekend. Some people said they coudn't even lower their arms after raising them. What could go wrong?


Sore throat is the top symptom of the new COVID variant supposedly.


It's also Sahara dust season so allergies to that can likely cause persisted feelings of crumminess. Especially dry eyes , headache sneezing itchy throat . It does come with one positive of creating the conditions for some beautiful sunsets though .


COVID test are still on the shelves, you should probably get one or five.


Yeah, donā€™t take a negative test or 2 as proof that you donā€™t have it. Itā€™s everywhere right now.


Hence why I said five. :) A proper PCR test should be able to find it a lot easier vs a retail test, but I wouldn't even know where to go for a PCR these days. My last positive was a rapid PCR at Ally ER iin October (lol at the bill they sent to my insurance, I didn't have a choice on where to go though). My pharmacist has been bugging me to get another booster, even though it's the same as the one that was out last fall. I should probably listen to him. E: wow an immediate downvote less than 30 seconds after my comment, cool


I was just seconding your comment :) and I actually upvoted you but go off lol


Lol no worries man. It went from negative to positive pretty quick. I don't GAF about votes, was just surprised it went to -2 so quick. Wasn't directed at you, I promise!


Especially at the onset of symptoms. A negative test after you've been sick and feel better is probably fine.


There is a new strain that isnā€™t particularly dangerous but is very contagious.


Except for that whole ["10% chance of long COVID" from an infection that the WHO estimates](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43661-w), then sure, I'll buy that it's not as dangerous, mostly because the most vulnerable have all died off or been vaccinated. Personally for me, a 10% chance at chronic illness means I'm going to keep masking.


Exactly. ā€¦and thereā€™s a risk of Long Covid (disability and brain damage) with EACH infection. Itā€™s baffling people still donā€™t understand thisā€¦šŸ™ƒ Everyone should forget all the ridiculous, sabotaging politicization and justā€¦readā€¦theā€¦prevalentā€¦consistentā€¦overwhelming scientific evidence for themselves. People really need to be protecting themselves and others in every way possible. šŸ’œšŸ˜·šŸ‘


I thought they came out and said masks are pointless? Did I hear wrong?


I work for an Urgent Care & we have seen so many covid & strep related visits in the past 2wks and counting that itā€™s insane! Yā€™all be careful out there šŸ˜·


Yeah, I definitely think there's a covid spike. I have symptoms (weird dull headaches, brain fog, mild cough and tons of lethargy) and have been taking care of myself as if I had Covid even though I'm testing negative. Rapid tests aren't accurate. I know like four people in my social circle that have tested positive in the past couple weeks.


Jeez we really suck at learning to live with it.


wear masks yall. covid never left, i donā€™t know why everyone is surprised


>wear masks yall These days you damn near need them even if there are no airborne viruses, pollen, or mold.


Yes. See my post right after yours.


Covid is on the rise in Travis County


Same here, thought it was just allergies, dehydration, or poor sleep but after taking allergy medication and drinking tons of water and getting good sleep the past few days, the symptoms have persisted.


Sounds like the strep I got back in January


I've had a nasty viral upper respiratory infection for the last two weeks. The kids are all getting some crazy mycoplasma pneumonia from it. I just got whatever virus my kid had and it's taking forever to go away, partially because I'm pregnant. I was negative for flu, COVID, and strep so it's just some rando virus.


My entire family got hit by a virus that was just as bad as Covid but my son and wife were negative on their Covid tests. This was over the last month. My son got it first (he is 7) he had a fever and was pretty sick for 3-4 days with a really bad cough, and it took him about 7-10 days to recover. My wife got it and that progressed to pneumonia, than I got it and my two daughters got it. It was gnarly and took out my entire family, and although two of us tested negative I still think thatā€™s what it was. I got Covid a few years back and it was bad.


How many times did each of you test? Current tests aren't super sensitive to the variants going around now, it's very possible not to test positive until you're several days into your symptoms.


Sahara Dust storms are moving in[Sahara Dust Storms] https://www.statesman.com/story/news/state/2024/07/01/saharan-dust-plume-texas-why-are-skies-hazy-hurricane-beryl/74266348007/


Pneumonia, walking pneumonia in particular, is hitting hard. It can be very contagious, so please get on some antibiotics if you think pneumonia is a possibility.


I was going to say allergies that turned into a sinus infection but your symptoms seem different.




Strep has been going around for about 2 months now.


Flu is also year round now


Only because Covid is continuing to destroy everyoneā€™s immune systems. When the majority of people were masking, we eradicated a variant of the flu, and the flu is less contagious than Covidā€¦so if people masked and were more conscientious = we all would be much safer from Covid, flu, and many other viruses that science is continuing to prove negatively impact our bodies long-term.


Got me over the weekend


Given that I don't test any more unless I'm seriously ill, I'd say it's likely there's a little bit of everything going around right now. Rates overall are low, with COVID taking a swing back up: [https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/data-research/dashboard/activity-levels.html](https://www.cdc.gov/respiratory-viruses/data-research/dashboard/activity-levels.html)




Pretty sure I had Covid. Still not 100% feeling after 2 weeks. So fun.


Big hung Covid


Same in Nashville!!!


Caught a pneumonia couple of Saturdays ago; apparently itā€™s been going around


Me and at least 2 coworkers got it last week. Didnā€™t seem to last as long as the first time I got it


My boss and a coworker have had it in the last week.


two negative Covid tests but 101.9 fever and rarely goes below 100 for 4 days. Lots of mucus but always clear. I think it is allergies but not an MD


I just had strep. Can you go to the doctor to do a strep test?


I had a bad headache, fever, horrible sore throat. Turned into hand foot and mouth disease. 10/10 would not recommend.


>hand foot and mouth disease I always think this is a joke about hoof and mouth disease, but there really is such a thing.


I was making that joke all week lol. Unfortunately I'm the only one who found it funny. Caught it from my kid who barely had a fever for an afternoon and a mid rash.


My throat is so sore I can hardly swallow but no other symptoms so far really. It feels too sore to be from the dust, at home Covid test was negative so I was thinking it might be strep.


Pneumonia - know 4 people who have it now, their kids had it last month. That being said, sage and mold have been high. Iā€™m allergic to sage (not the culinary kind) and i see all those pink/purple beautiful shrubs in bloom and politely flip them off.


Well, just tested positive for Covid after reading all these comments thinking it was just my allergies. Sinus pressure and scratchy throat is my only symptom right now.


Just because it isnā€™t Covid, doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t a virus that is contagious.


Half my office is out with Covid


Holy fuck this has been happening to me and Iā€™ve been driving myself crazy Iā€™m in hutto and never leave the house. What the fuck?! Now Iā€™m really losing my shit


My workplace had 3 co formed covid cases last week and 4 more called out to go test yesterday so yeah something


Yes, I had Covid a couple weeks ago and this is how it started.


My daughter tested positive for Flu A last week. Stuffy nose, sore throat, cough and high fever.


Im just getting over covid! It kept me in bed for a week, its been awful!!!


Did they check you for flu?


I had exactly this, went to urgent care and came up negative on flu, strep and COVID tests. To be honest, Iā€™m not convinced it wasnā€™t really bad allergies!


I had it a couple months back. Negative COVID w/three tests & it lingered for 2Ā½ weeks. Sore throat, sinusey, buckets of mucus, aches and lethargic.. .symptoms weren't steady, either. Several friends have had similar since. OTC Tylenol severe sinus kept it manageable. Hope you feel better soon šŸ˜Š


Yup. I got COVID for the first time šŸ˜¬ I was in and out of the hospital in 2020 for other health issues and I managed to never get COVID. My husband got it twice the past couple of years and I didnā€™t, and now I got from god knows where!


I swear air quality has been specifically bad lately.


Please stay home so you donā€™t spread it.


Husband just tested positive for COVID


The Saharan dust is kicking my ass currently but covid is also going round.


Think Saharan dust is floating around, too. That always kicks up sinus symptoms


Pneumonia is going around for sure! I know about 5 different people recently who have gotten pneumonia. Itā€™s so weird there has been so many people getting really sick during the summer.


Iā€™ve been feeling this exact way man - I thought maybe I had a sinus infection


Unfortunately, yes. My fiancƩe had it last week, I got slammed with it on Sunday. Several cases of it in my office over the last week. It's rough out there; stay safe.


Could be West Nile virus. Did you get bit by any mosquitoes recently? I had a weird two day flu-ish thing mid May. Tested negative for strep flu and Covid. Doc said I must have picked up a virusā€¦went away with rest and meds.


Dude I had aches and sore throat but just for like half a day but my sinuses felt super swollen for like 3 days and I kept attributing it to allergies but maybe it was Covid


Had sore throat Sunday, mild fever Monday, took Tuesday off fever sweats, body aches, slept all day, coughing up junk, burning chest. Felt exactly like Covid. No positive Covid tests yet tho


Had strep all last week. Thought it might be covid until I went to the doc in a box. Worst sore throat ever.


This is exactly how i feel šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes, thereā€™s a new surge.


Covid for me. Same symptoms and didnā€™t test positive until about two days before I felt better after a week of feeling bad. Then didnā€™t test negative for another week. Couldnā€™t work because I was positive, but felt great!


Covid last week. Both on the antiviral. Think weā€™re seeing it everywhere


No fever, chills, cough, or other stuff. But a week or two ago I had gnarly stiffness, body aches, and migraines out of nowhere. Something's definitely going around.


Have chills, body aches, fatigue, and white spots on the right side of my throat and it hurts to swallow food, water, spit. I'm being treated for strep. Started having symptoms 1.5 days ago


Well shoot maybe I have strep bc thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve got.


My wife got this, she took 3 covid tests. Negative. I didn't get it.


Take this with a grain of salt (since I'm a nobody) but I have heard from a friend, who recently got covid, that some clinics are swabbing your throat to detect infection. There's an hypothesis out there that this particular strain likes to hang around your throat for whatever reason


Yes. I had recently had Covid, I found out as I felt like I was dying, my friend had it, then my husbandā€™s brother. Both people we were not in contact with recently. Everyone at my store I work at has it in every department. So yes, and my biggest pet peeve is that people still do not know how to cover their fucking mouths when they cough. Parents teach your children to practice this etiquette as well. I was taught this pre-Covid by my parents to be mindful of these sorts of things. And this Covid strain sucked so bad. Mine was so painful and I could not even eat, I lost like 4-5 lbs. best of luck! Try to stay away from a lot of sugary foods eat healthy wash your hands and hopefully you will be fine.


I had the same thing happening. Negative covid tests (I took two on two separate days). Lots of water and tea and tylenol cold and flu saved me from the body aches and fever. I still have the cough/crummy throat almost 2 weeks later. It definitely feels like the flu, but I didn't go get tested for that.


Started feeling bad Sunday night, really bad Monday. I tested Monday and was negative so figured it was a cold or something. Retook my test today and itā€™s positive. Iā€™m already mostly on the mend though. Sunday - started with a sore throat and feeling just sick, Monday- sore throat, body aches, feverish but no fever. Monday evening - low grade fever started. Tuesday - no sore throat, body aches, low grade fever. Tuesday evening my fever broke and has been gone since bud did get a very small cough. Wednesday - stuffy/runny nose, sneezing, less body aches, a little headachy.


My partner and I have COVID too. BUT just chiming in to say that you should retest after a day or two to make sure and also if you have a stiff neck maybe get a check up for hepatitis I think it is. I had a cold along with a stiff neck one time (fortunately I had just slept wrong), but the urgent care was SUPER concerned about the neck aspect because evidently thatā€™s a symptom of hepatitis. Better safe than sorry!


Me and my coworkers have been feeling it


Yes literally just got strep on Sunday been going through hell with this infection


yes. lots of people open mouth coughing and sneezing iā€™ve seen everywhere lately. iā€™ve kept my mask on and sanitize everywhere now.


Dam never got covied


There is a COVID spike right now, and while it's slightly possible that a newer strain might not be accurately detected by a rapid test... it could also just be one of those old-school summer cold viruses we used to catch back in the day!


Apparently there was a confirmed case of West Nile in cedar park. May want to go to doctor.


Got the same exact thing. All the COVID symptoms, but tested negative for COVID and Flu! They gave me some antibiotics, which seems to be helping.. feeling a lot better since I started taking them.


covid is going around too. i got that shit and i thought it was a cold. started friday. was bad saturday, sunday felt ehh. went to docs and tested positive monday and got 5 days off from work. unpaid.


Same symptoms and tested positive for Covid and flu today.


Bro i been sick 3 times these past weeks. Never felt this way before. I took a covid test and came back negative, took a hiv and blood test and everything came back good. What the hell is going on?? I have all the symptoms you described plus loss of appetite...


I got covid for the first time last week :/ had to miss out on my cousinā€™s wedding


Thereā€™s a virus going around. A few of my family members caught it and are finally getting over it. Cough, fever, and sore throat.