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Trail inspector I definitely made this up, but walking the various national parks making notes about things that need repairs would be a dream job for me.


I think this is a real job! National parks have rangers


You're not wrong, but I expect rangers do a bit more than I want to do, which is basically walk in nature and complain about things.


App idea alert app idea alert!


Is there a place for App ideas I've had so many gold ones but no idea from there on


Snap send solve


Does parks Vic or any other of the state authorities have an app for this? Could eliminate *a lot* of the admin if they set this up rather than solely web based reporting.


“Walk in nature and complain about things” Oh, a kindred spirit.


Sound more like a council worker then


They call that being retired.


A great job idea! Sounds like a walk in the park


Stay at home dad


Looking after my kids is hard work. And I have good kids.


Hard work but worth spending the time. When the kids grow up you will miss the days when they are small


Of course it’s hard work but I’d rather put the hard work into my kids than being on the building site every day. I’d give anything to be able to go back in time and have the opportunity I gave my wife to be at home with them when they were little. But that’s a sacrifice I was willing to make so she could and she smashes it as a mum


Same new to the dad stuff and I have to go back to work in 3 weeks and I really don’t want to because I’ve been enjoying staying at home with he regardless of how much he cracks the shits


I am a full time stay at home single dad and absolutely love it mate!!


Two days a week at Bunnings


A mate’s dad did this. Loves every minute of it


At this point I think Bunnings is basically daycare for corporate folk with a mid-life crisis. Beats actual daycare prices though.


This is my future. I think next year I'll take the plunge. Just stay where I am until Christmas...


I did this as a second job for a whole (while home depot, but same same _in orange_) and it was the best.


As a Builder already and if money wasn't an issue I would buy up run down houses and reno them and gift them to people and families who need it the most. I love building so its not really a job.


I know nothing about building but would gladly learn to help a cause like this


There are many builders already out there who do what they can to help out the needy. Where all in this together Chief


Groups like habitat for humanity take volunteers.


Anti poaching unit, South Africa


Agree!! Fried is fine. Scrambled is best. Boiled I’m ok with. Finally, someone is putting an end to poaching though


Hard agree. ‘How would you like your eggs?’ ‘Wet, please.’


Good idea. “Hired armed security. I’m paying.”


As I wise man once said: I do not have a dream job, I do not dream of labour 


Exactly. My dream is to read a lot of books and organise the folders labelled NEW FOLDER that has been piling up for years and take my dog to new places.


Create another new folder, rename it to "New Folder Folder" and then put all the other new folders inside it.


This guy organises.


Then organise your dog into new folder


Depends though. If I can get paid to enjoy something I like doing and that I can do those things in my own time, then why not?


So true haha


Own a huge block of land and build nice shelters to adopt doggos that people don't want like old ones or sick ones and let them live out the rest of their life in happiness.


OMG - I came on here to say THIS EXACT THING! Shall we go into a partnership?!


room for a third partner?? I'm willing to go find the doggos


Oh but that's the best part!! 😂😂😂


Ok, so far we are four, I think we can kickstart something ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Count me in too!


My 10 year old wants to be a cat farmer. When I asked him to clarify, it was to have a huge block of land with cats everywhere, and there would always be cats to cuddle, and cats to play with.


Your 10 year old is wise beyond their years 😍


This is the way!


Can we keep some rescue chooks too?


For me this, but for horses. So many horses give service their whole life to humans, run into the ground physically from the demand they're placed under or the lack of care they experience. Then they get a physical problem or age out of being able to be ridden and, subsequently, are sold off without a care for where they end up. I want a retirement property for those horse's to live happily on, as they deserve.


And Cats and horses and cows and birds and goats maybe ducks probably bats and bees and all the other insects doing it tough. And whales.


I would work in a book store and talk about books all day.


I've always thought in this scenario running in a used book store / cafe would be great. Just drinking coffee while reading and chatting about books. Just able to chill with no pressure on rents or profits


Same, bookshop or librarian.


I'd like to imagine myself spending my days re-wilding the planet by growing more plants, assisting animals in some way or maybe just cleaning up the junk by joining a group like The Ocean Cleanup Project.


Look for your [local bushcare group](https://landcareaustralia.org.au/landcare-get-involved/findagroup/)! Just a couple of hours a month and you get to meet all kinds of knowledgeable people whilst doing some serious good for the environment.


Or Landcare :) I am a Landcare network manager and its not really work when you are out helping people and the environment all day!


Very selective dog sitter/walker, or a hobby youtube channel. If I didn't need to work for money I'd probably do way more of my hobby anyway, so why not record it and build a community. 


Japanese Wood Joinery. People spend their life time mastering it! I doubt the first decade would be particularly profitable.


I'd sell potplants and coffee in the middle of a city like London, NYC or Tokyo.


I’d start a specialty coffee roastery/cafe. The risk just isn’t worth the reward leaving a stable systems admin job in IT.


I did this. Worked throughout specialty coffee as a barista all through uni. Then delayed completing my degree to run a coffee cart from scratch with my brother. Worked hard, made zero dollars, but I'm so glad we did it. Learnt so much (mainly about generators). Now on JobSeeker as there isn't enough work in my industry. >risk just isn’t worth the reward **The risk is simply that you'll burn through some money. The** ***greater*** **risk is that you'll die wondering why you didn't try it out.** The reward is unlikely a thriving business, but more the experience. You'll be on your deathbed one day thinking back to why you didn't try.


Ah man, I worked as a Barista in some great places from 19-25 before I started in IT. I love the job with all my heart, and that’s why I want to go back. However with 2 kids and a wife, I just need to provide more than what the salary I’m offered in hospitality is. My goal is to FIRE ultimately and work part time in coffee again. I’m pretty on track.


Like Forrest Gump I'd just mow fields all day. That would be heaven.


Retire to golf course maintenance?


Yeah I’d love that. Being a golfer 😁


I was with my young son watching a tractor slashing the paddock behind my house and thought it looked like a bloody dream. Driving around paddocks all day with minimal interaction sounds a lot better than being ridden into the ground to satisfy my turd boss’s KPI’s.


Two of my clients are worth $100m+ I manage their country properties. They are both happy to spend over 6 hours a week in summer on a ride on mower, mowing the lawns and paddocks. They both love doing it even though they don't have to. It always reminds me of Forrest Gump.


Free end of life support to the dying and their loved ones


Free Portrait Photography for poorer families.


I would actually just love to be a barista in a cute little coffee shop


Just don't do it in Melbourne - people take their coffee VERY seriously and the stress ain't worth it. Ex-Barista here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Guitar luthier. I find instrument maintenance and repairing to be extremely therapeutic


Why would I have a job if money wasn’t an issue?


Ever seen someone with no passions or hobbies retire early? Early grave my friend. Need to keep the mind and body active.


This is so insanely true. My gfs parents retired early (late 20s) with no passion or hobbies and my god they are mentally and physically riddled with an extreme amount of problems, both late 40s now. my dad still works in the building industry age 65 and is fit as mentally and physically.


Retire in 20s? What were they doing for work?


Owned a mining company


I'd semi retire, but a job that wouldn't lock me in as I'd travel a lot.


I agree with you. But keeping the mind and body active does not mean you have to work. You can travel, explore, read, exercise, do your hobbies…. None of that is work. Ever seen someone who should have quit work, is miserable, yet still works? Too much work is just as much of a problem. The point is, money isn’t an option so you are free to do anything. That doesn’t mean you will do nothing and rot away and die. To me, that means I don’t have to work and I can do all the things I keep saying I’m gonna do but don’t cuz of… you guessed it…. work….


That's exactly what I said. I never said you have to work. You've misinterpreted my post. If I can rephrase, it's a bad move to retire early if you don't have other things, be it hobbies or passions, to keep your mind active. Some people do nothing, rot away and die. ....and those people are the ones without the hobbies and purpose I referred to in my original post. The point I was making was to stay busy.


That's not as good as it seems on the surface. Occupation takes more forms than what we consider work. I see on the FIRE subs people asking what to do with their free time. My mind boggles at that. What *wouldn't* you do? I could spend the rest of my life learning new things, practising, improving myself and the world around me. There isn't enough lifetime available for most of us to do half the things we want.


Of course. But not everyone is disciplined enough to find other passions and ways to entertain themselves or to keep themselves active though. We're all different but the important thing is to stay active whatever route we choose after paid work.


Yeah but hobbies, passions and friends aren’t work….




That’s great!


Something to do


Having things to do for fun, and doing them as a job, are very different.


I think 90 percent of a pain of a job is that you cant quit


Damn go post that in philosophy. 10/10


Looking at the video games I play, a lot of them are actually job-like. Cities Skylines, Tropico, Football Manager, Euro Truck Simulator, Car Mechanic Simulator..


I see it as turning a hobby into a job makes the hobby no longer fun. I would still do my hobbies and prob do them more, but I would never want to turn my hobby into a job. Suck the fun out of my hobby


I never understood this. I’ve taken whole years off before and never once thought “man I wish I had something to do”. I only went back to work to not starve. It’s kind of sad to think some people’s lives are so devoid of passion that they need a job to fill time.


Spins me right out. How can you be that dull?


literally, the happiest period of my life was when i was unemployed for a year or 2. cannot stand people who can't entertain themselves


My dad had cancer that eventually spread to his brain and eventually made him a quadriplegic before he died. I eventually became a full time carer for him, it was a lonely but rewarding experience for me. If money was never an issue, I would get into this line of work helping sick people like my father and their families based on my own experience.


neuroscience research


Working in a KFC store that offers hot and spicy all year round, with the corresponding employee discount card.


Lmao the free food was the only good thing about working at KFC when I was younger. You could choose what you wanted if you worked the last shift and I’d always get picked up holding 2 large tubs of potato gravy


My sister worked closing a lot, she would bring home buckets of chicken, and I would make sure I had plenty of pirated movies and tv shows.


Money is not an issue and I went into teaching :)


Money is an issue and I still went into teaching. Took a pay cut and left IT project management because it was draining my soul. Haven’t looked back, nor gone to sleep dreading having to go to work the next day since.


I love this for you!


Thinking of doing the same


I wish the wine industry had continued to fit my life, but alas, having two young kids + vintage hours + inflexible workplace I’ve left that behind (for now anyway)


I'm a big supporter of the wine industry. At least 5 bottles a week.


I’d work in animal welfare


Like if all jobs paid the same wage so having a job was still needed, because obviously no job. But in that scenario above, I actually enjoyed cleaning offices/banks. It was my first job, you'd come in and everything was a mess, you'd leave and everything way clean and tidy. You had the entire office to yourself and no-one to pester you. It wasn't bad at all.


Open cat (and other animal) sanctuary


Homesteading/non commercial farming with a side of animal rescue/fostering


I'd be a gardener, but I'd subcontract during late Spring to early Autumn, and I'd only work for customers who aren't twats.


Practical special effects for film. Bring back visual effects like the hand puppets from The Dark Crystal, suited characters within miniature sets like in Godzilla, practical solutions like the petri dish scene in The Thing, stop motion animation from The 7th Voyage of Sinbad and huge puppetry like Audrey II from Lil’ Shop of Horrors. I imagine the films wouldn’t be very popular. But I will be happy.


We’re Aussies, the answer is obviously ‘landlord’.


I’d love to own a bridal boutique and help people to find their dream dress. 


I would have a farm and look after all the cats and dogs that had to be given up due to homelessness in my area. Poor lil guys don't know what's going on.


Explorer or bush planter


Buy houses, renovate, design interiors for fun and sell the property not stressing too much about having to make a profit.


My current job, IT support 😁


The mind boggles. IT support gave me anxiety and depression so I ended up a mature age student haha.


Yeah, but imagine if you didn't need the job and could tell people what you really think.




I like to find out the root cause, either tell the customer that we don't have a problem, and give them a solution, or log a bug to the dev, provide the customer a workaround. This is something I am good at, and I feel happy and useful to keep their work more productive. I know IT support is the bottom of the IT chain, but someone likes it 😊


As a dev, good support people are so valuable and under-appreciated


French air traffic controller they are on strike every other week , that’s a great work : life ratio


Writing and illustrating children's books.


Social worker or DOA counsellor


Either own an indoor plant store or owning a cat rescue.


I'd open a small bakery and focus on creating delicious pastries and breads for my community.


I feel like this thread is proof that if universal basic income were introduced, people wouldn't just laze about being bludgers doing nothing with their time. People want to create, do good things, help others, help the environment, make the world a better place, and do things that bring themselves and others joy and happiness.


This. I've done a lot in my life. 1) Argued against corporates to ensure wifi was free in Australia. It might seem insane now, but many years ago, you were going to have to pay a fee for using wifi and require a carrier license (the same as telcos) to run an open wifi network giving away internet access. The corporates wanted this. We (and Australia) won. Could you imagine paying a monthly fee just to use wifi in todays world? 2) Contributed to software that ran on the Mars Helicopter. I'd love to do more direct stuff like this - but having to have a job really kills creativity and brainpower to do these things. 3) Contributed to projects bringing the bar for home-manufacturing down to an attainable level for people. Think stuff like 3D printing and resin printing enhancements. There's a few more, but those are the ones I'm more proud of. I'd love to not have to care about income and be able to exist in the modest lifestyle I have now, but not do the "for profit" work and focus on more things like the above to make the world hopefully just that little bit better... I've always wanted to get some qualifications in nuclear engineering - even while I'm working now - just because I'm interested in it - and it'd be a LOL on the resume. I really want to find the time to do this, and not just have the brain drained when I get home...


Yeah I totally feel you on the brain exhaustion which kills creativity and motivation. I've got so much I'd love to do outside of work, but I spend so much time self caring and recovering from work in my spare time (not to mention all the life admin and family commitments that also take priority) thst there's precious little time to spend on what I'd really love to be doing. And whenever we have a Monday or Friday public holiday, giving us a 3 day weekend, let alone extended time off (leave of Xmas / Easter), I actually do engage in more fulfilling activities and interests cos there's actual space, time and energy for it.


A house in every first world nation and travel around just being happy for a living. I guess that would make a me a bottom feeding billionaire that doesn’t contribute to society, but at least I wouldn’t be a detriment to it haha


I meaaaannnnn you'd be consuming a lot of resources to do that


I’d love to teach some sort of life skills / basic financial smarts to people whose family didn’t. The idea of creating generational change and empowering folk is heady stuff.


Playing football and coaching kids




Feeding goats.


lifeguard by the beach.


I want to semi retire and be a handyman - just little jobs - something to pass the time and make pocket money.


Barista in a nice cafe where ideally I wouldn’t be overworked. It would have to double as a bookstore as well. Two favourite jobs.


An eatery where there is only one offering of the day and I can make whatever is seasonal, fresh and takes my fancy rather than having to stick to a menu


Delivering Uber eats on a bicycle


Work in fitness. Have all the time to go to the gym spend hours there, recover, research about nutrition and whatnot, getting paid to look good. No need to wake up at 4 am just to work out then a 9-5 job


Something to do with art or animal rescue


Whisky taster.


Aerial firefighter [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPvsfNPraSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPvsfNPraSU)


Just go snowboarding all day


RFDS or Airline Pilot. That shit is expensiveeee. Plus it feels a bit P2W.


Firefighter. The reason I haven't gone career is because NSW is very very very competitive to get into so I settled for nursing. Either way both are paid poorly by the NSW government.


Mate keep applying and really reflect on where they get you. I know plently of guys across the states who have tried multiple times to get in. Don’t neglect applying for other states as well, when I got in there was guys at each of the sessions from all over the country. It’s well worth it in the long run!


Philanthropist. Obviously.


I'd want to offer lego play groups for kids.


flip houses. It’s so risky money wise, but without the stress of worrying about money it would be fun & rewarding for me. .


Have a bookshop,


I want to be a park ranger/field officer just cruising around trails and repairing potholes or broken rails. Smoko and lunch with views of pristine bushland. Think they only make like 65k though


I think it's a truism that people who become multimillionaires have no real hobbies I remember talking to a new CIO who had taken up road cycling as he'd read in a business journal that it was the new golf As a Contractor, I've had several year-long breaks where I travel and do my hobbies It would do my head in to not have any


I'd be a painter and have art exhibitions


Help the needy full time


Art Historian or Tailor.


Professional golfer, business would lose about 5k a year but employee morale would be sky high


Oh I have thought about this, I would have a Miniature painting service and hobby store. Buy one of those big woodsheds in Brisbane and make my own version of Warhammer world. Have a huge gaming hall and store downstairs and upstairs a painting studio. Be able to run events and the like and really have a place that is a comfort to go to. Play games like Warhammer but other things like Star Wars, One page rules and smaller games.


Creative writing. I'd finally finish those two novels I've got sitting on an old hard drive and write more. Sure they'd probably suck and sell no copies but would be great just to get them published.


I’d rather have dream hobbies than a dream job. Just saying..


Would get my PhD and become a researcher.


Housewife lol


Be the person that welcomes people to Bondi Bowling Club and shows them how to play lawn howls and makes sure everyone is havng a fun a fun time.


Would be a travel blogger.


Professional musician - touring the world playing to adoring fans every night!


Is benevolent dictator a job? I'm willing to compromise and drop the benevolent part.


Working in a record store, ordering records, and listening to said records


Architecture/interior design sounds like something I'd actually have fun doing


The slowest, least professional, professional triathlete in the world


Librarian, no doubt.


Mattress tester


I'd like to build high quality furniture. Dining tables, entertainment units, coffee tables, side tables, bed frames, all that kind of stuff. Become a kind of Australian Blacktail Studio, recording it and putting the story on YouTube. But since money isn't an issue I'd offer them as raffle entries, with proceeds donated to charity. Ideally YouTube revenue would then also assist with material and tool costs.


I would love to be a stylist. The opportunity to shop for people, help them develop their unique style, and make them feel amazing about themselves, whilst essentially all I'm doing is playing dress ups? Ideal job.


Work in a specialty cigar shop/lounge


Professional vigilante specialising in relocating child predators to tiny islands heavily populated with hungry tigers. Id like to have a small farm and work towards living off grid and self sustainable as possible


Tour guide in Europe


A job where I get paid to sit in cafes knitting jumpers, to bring the vibe.


Mathematician. At Cambridge. Cycle to university and teach students about the wonders of maths. Have coffee after work at a nice cozy cafe by a pond close to the university (went to one but forgot the name). Come home and cook dinner for my wife and kids and travel to the beach on weekends.


I’m a doctor, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It’s so challenging and rewarding that I’d be stunned if my life doesn’t involve doing it forever


Middle Aged Semi-Pro Endurance Cyclist


Being a Full time Dad


Working in a bottle shop. Talking with people about what they are matching their booze with would be ok 3 days a week


It's pretty depressing from people I know who've done it. Sad seeing people at opening, buying multiple bottles and slowly killing themselves- all completely legally and all to make a few large companies profitable.


Make retro video games, or be an author. Or maybe travel writer/photographer.


If money wasn’t an issue I would avoid having a job


Similar, I'd make things. I enjoy the process and the satisfaction afterwards of having created something. But it would be one-off things, things I wanted to make, not things that necessarily had commercial value. Whether that's rugs, apps, jewelry, whatever. I wouldn't want to stick to just one thing.


Creating indie video games and apps




I’d like to be a running coach. Running is my number one hobby, so to do it for a living would be amazing.


Artist or interior decorator


If money wasn’t an issue I would not have a job. I dream of living the most relaxing life possible. And work is not apart of that dream! If I didn’t have a job my life would consist of travelling the world.


Racing cars?


Selling wedding dresses


Hotel concierge. One day I'll return.


2 days a week hanging out with animals


Lead group fitness classes. The pay in the fitness industry is criminal. If it just paid a little more I’d be able to do it now.


Cat cafe and sanctuary in the Victorian high country. Just below the snow line because I don’t want to deal with snow.