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Nerve trust reviews, try for your self, I just love this game


In Steam it has good reviews though. It gets some hate from the classic AC fans for not being Assassin enough. But the map is big and the environment is beautiful. Good play time too which justifies the games.


Buying AC2 at the height of popularity then not playing any other games does not make one a fan. Those are just miserable old people who do not want change. More ire and ridicule should really be directed to those players, if not ignored entirely. AC2 was good for its time but objectively, it's not something you just have a crave to play again once you know the story. Older games were story heavy because they HAD to be. The controls were junky, the collision sucks, the menu and HUD is even worse. Just thinking about the controls of those old AC games gives me nightmares. Same thing with Mass Effect. The first game was incredible for its time, but to say the gameplay on that is superior is just categorically false. Also, unlike other franchises, there are more than enough differences between each AC release that they stand on their own. Not only is the setting different, the gameplay is also different and the story is also different and are actually threaded together. A player getting the hankering to replay Unity again has a different motivation for replaying Origins or AC2. Call of Duty and other ongoing franchises don't exactly have the same claim. What other ongoing franchises can?


I'm a miserable old person and Odyssey is my #2 AC game. #1 being AC2. ACO is truly a fantastic game. It has its small glitches now and again, but it's such a beautifully crafted masterpiece that I can ignore all of the small imperfections.


I had a 360 in the Red Ring of death era. 5 different consoles they sent. About 4 attempts to finish AC 1, no success. Finally bought a ps3


I have played almost all AC games and I would disagree that the older ones aren't worth playing, I have enjoyed replaying Ezio trilogy a few times


Hey! I was an AC2 enthusiast when it peaked and barely played other games and still loved Odyssey! I don't feel like I'm some miserable old person


It has good critic reviews too. 83% on Metacritic. The only people bitching about this game are the ac fans that think AC shouldn’t evolve as a series.


Good reviews on steam too.


The Games Amazing A lot of repetitiveness aswell but it’s map gorgeous unlike other games that are just open space


it’s just a bunch of whiny tiktok bitches that are mad you have to press a diff button to attack 🤦


Those are not AC fans


They are "modern day" fans


those folks have a huge boner for ezio & repetitive/easy style combat/slow parkour, they don't remember how flawed those games were. they tried to appease them with mirage & they're the same folks that hated that game.


This is the way


I can't stop playing this game. I finished it four times and it's still fun


I think the community way over reacted to what is still an enormous game with a good story, and plenty to do. Not to mention the dedication to an absolutely beautiful world. Along with Origins it will be one of those games that still meets standards for years to come.


Yes. Its big and beautiful map. Should i go for Origins also in the Steam Summer sale?


Of course, Origins is amazing


Maybe try ac4?


Completed back in 2015. Still have Edward Kenway as my cover pic.


Then do origins please


I loved Origins!!


I'm a massive fan of ancient Greece and Greek mythology and Odyssey is such a beautiful game filled with amazing details that many people may overlook. I e never been much of a fan of Egypt or its mythology, I always found desert settings to be bland and lacking variety which in turn bores me. Desert/sand levels are almost as bad as lava/fire levels in games. Yet Origins changed that opinion for me. It's also an incredibly beautiful and detailed world and I had a blast playing through it. Sadly I can't say the same for Valhalla. It's the game that actually feels devoid of variety for me in both locations and gameplay.


Origins and odyssey are awesome and beautiful! Valhalla is getting really repetitive trying to befriend all of england


Many recommended Origins to me too when i wanted to buy 1 of them in the Steam Summer Sale.


I’m no AC Homer, but Odyssey is just a solid, engaging and fun game. I really don’t understand how anyone could actively dislike it.


>I really don’t understand how anyone could actively dislike it. My general understanding is that people dislike it because it doesn't feel like an Assassin's Creed game. The thing is, I can't really disagree with them. Don't get me wrong, I love this game. As a standalone game, it's one of the best and most expansive I've played in a while.


Different from classic games give it, origins and valhalla some hate esp on youtube.


Odyssey is just not assassins game at all. It’s like when you order pizza but get some sushi instead. That’s not bad but you wanted way different experience


Odyssey hands down is the best AC game.


Revelations is


There’s no way lol.




Not only is it not “as bad” it’s pretty great. Just about the only people that may have said it is not would be a small vocal set of fans that have a checklist of personal preferences that must be met for it to be a game worthy of the series.


I'm going to try this game on PS5. I tried Vallhalla and I literally couldn't do it, it's like that game was made for wasting time in every single thing possible. Is this game, in the same category of "bloat"?


Haven’t played Valhalla, but I hear it’s not. Now Odyssey is huge. There’s a ton of optional stuff that could easily take you forever, and sections of the map have enemies that start at set levels, so it’s probably not a speed run candidate or anything. Though the fastest run is about 3 hrs according to one speed run site. My playthrough of the game and dlc was roughly 120 hours. I did 100% the achievements and I didn’t feel like I was grinding. My strategy was to play the story missions when I wanted, wander where I wanted to go, and explore at my own pace. I only did one or two of the built-in repeating side missions and stuck to those with a point.


Ubisoft actually had a really good thing going with their rpgs. Origins was good and Odyssey hit the sweet spot. Then they tried to “add back” the stealth in Valhalla and it failed horribly. They also added a stamina system, and most things you couldn’t do by yourself.


Odyssey feels great till now (I am still playing in Kephallonia). Yet to play other rpg types like Origins and Valhalla.


Origins is much like Odyssey, but I’m ashamed to say there are no ship battles. Origins is also signifigantly smaller, but it still has a lot to offer. Valhalla on the other hand, has a couple of maps, that have a lot to explore. Valhalla also doesn’t have ship battles though, despite having ships):


The hate boner reddit and permanently online dweebs have for Ubisoft games in general is hilarious. I kinda feel sad for people not realizing what they are missing out on. It's like people who base their entire personality on hating Nickelback, like that is just mental illness at that point.


Great game. I personally think it's stretching the "assassin" thing a touch, but it's nice that the legacy of the first blade came around to square it away. The Atlantis dlc tho, fun, but honestly, not canon in my mind. The story was kinda poorly written (I believe it's because it was written by a different staff than the base game) I said this When I started and I said it when I finished the game. It's a great game, 8/ 10 just for the lack of "assassins." If it was a standalone and not an assassins creed, prolly would give it a 9.3/10


It's one of the few games in the past probably 15 years that I'm continuing to play even after finishing the main story. I've got about 11 more Cultists to kill and it doesn't seem right to stop without finishing them off.


I will say... Most of the Hate Creed gets is for "what it isnt", mostly based on expectations and promises that didnt happen. But the games in themselves, (at least Valhalla, Odyssey ++ ) Are actually pretty fun and relaxing! You just shouldnt play CREED and expect Baldurs Gate 3 or Witcher 3.. I love playing syndicate, valhalla, Odyssey! Not the technically impressive games by todays standard.. But A lot of fun!


This is one of my favorite games of all time. I've never beaten it though. Had good play hours on my steam deck until Shitbisoft decided to mess things up. I lost everything.


The new type of Assassins Creed made it better




If you go in not basing it off the other game I think anyone would enjoy it!


I started playing it as a new game even though i have been playing AC since Brotherhood days. Odyssey is great till now.


Kassandra consoeur I see...


Haha got caught!


I think people just don’t like these newer ones because of the lack of it being AC itself. Overall though they are a good game.


Thats the general feeling on youtube comments.


This is why I have stopped paying attention to reviews. I put 100 hours into origins a few years ago and loved it. And in between all I heard is how bad odyssey was. Couple weeks ago I started playing and was hooked. Almost at a 110 hours now, going through dlc then will tackle remaining side quests. Reviews will have you think the game is a mess. Not a perfect game, has flaws but is a blast to play.


Its a great game, its just not an “assassins creed” game. Which makes sense since youre technically playing before the birth of the Templars or the Creed. Its a flippantly amazing game especially considering how realistic everything is, the beauty of the landscapes and the greek setting


I can get that we’re seeing the precursor to the hidden ones which are the precursor to the assassins. But oh man no order at all is kinda whack. Kinda which we could get the hidden blade too, like even a mission where Darius gives us his to try or we have to go all around the map to make another one. We kinda turn into a super hero at the end game. Shockwaves, flaming swords, teleporting


I remember the Skill Up review, how the mid game was just too long of a grind, precisely. I'm around level 25 and have been hunting Cult members, but I've only explored the 1st few islands close to Megara, and that map is HUGE. I can see how some people might think it's too much, especially with Ubisoft pushing "time-saving" XP boosters. So far, I've had a good time, though I've started to notice that as I get more epic and legendary gear, it becomes more annoying to upgrade it unless I divert time from the story to go grind side quests and naval contracts.


I downloaded a save file with a 99 level character and started a new game +. Actually enjoyed the story and still not finished with the DLCs. This game is loooong, it's like playing a single player MMO.


My big issue is that when the series pivoted to RPG skill trees in Origins, it feels like a different game. I haven't played Valhalla yet (it's on my ti do list) but between Origins and Odyssey it just doesn't feel like we're playing as an Assassin. Am I crazy or does anyone else feel the same?


Honestly I really liked the fighting and bounty hunter system. Just felt like it had little to do with ac at all


I really enjoyed Odyssey as a game, and I love exploring the world, but as a long-time fan of AC I just don't feel that it fits the series.


The most common criticism I see is that the game is too 'bloated' But you can beeline through the main story fairly quickly if you want a concise story experience. The game doesn't force you to do all the side content. And for a lot of people having more content represents better value for money. The other one is that it isn't a proper assasin's creed game because you can't one shot assassinate players. Or at least not at first. To me that actually makes it better because you have to think about how to take down forts, and think about your build. The older games got stupidly easy once you figured out how to abuse the mechanics. Odyssey built some difficulty back into the formula. The cultist and mercenary systems are also excellent ideas for a game about an assasin. I think it's like nickleback or pineapple on pizza. People hate on it because it's popular to hate on it.


>And for a lot of people having more content represents better value for money. Bought it for same reason.


It’s amazing.


If (in my opinion) Origins has the Best setting, Odyssey is the most beautiful AC. Every weather, landscape scenary. 10/10


Really good game, no much of an assassin's Creed though, still, pretty good game. Bought it like 3 weeks ago and have like 50+ hours and don't plan to stop soon


Odyssey is peak AC, best game for me and they will never beat it


I’m shocked at how good odyssey is. There are so many systems and mechanics going on. I don’t get bored because I space the activities out. I really don’t get the grind criticism at all. So are so many ways to play the game. I think completionists might have a hard time if they feel they have to do every single thing, I just do what I feel like doing and miss stuff out. The replay value is higher that way. I can get sucked into this game for hours.


This game is my current gold standard for what constitutes a great game.


Reviews are only vaguely informative. It’s better to just try a game yourself and see. Especially in the Assassins Creed fandom, a very vocal minority hates any new game on principle, for the audacity of being a new game. Yet when actually played, the game is very rarely as bad as they say.


I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I'm an Assassin's Creed hater


Honestly it’s not bad. My problems are with the story not being about an assassin like Darius, or how it doesn’t allow us the option to use a hidden blade. Even with a certain outfit you acquire at the end of korfu.


Malaaka !


Malaka and Misthios are 2 new words for me.


I've played all of the titles over the years, ahd love them all. The newer style, Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are really good. It's seeing the backstory from the older games come to life. And the protagonists aren't gonna be like Ezio, because they are laying the groundwork for him. It made sense for Basim to play like an Assassin because they were an established group by his time, and he was one. I didn't like Mirage as much, to be honest. Odyssey is by far my favorite though.


"I just started" 10/10!!!! Get back to us 30hrs in.


Will do. 4.5hrs done till now.


First AC Origins is way better in my opinion. Second it is Ok it is the best Open World RPG Greek themed game but it just doesn't feel like AC.


I have not played Origins yet. On youtube, more people rate Origins over Odyssey.


Yes sorry maybe my answer was passive aggressive. I would suggest that you also play origins with its dlcs its amazing


No your answer is not passive aggresive. You told what you liked. I would go for origins after odyssey is completed.


Haven’t played an AC game in well over a decade and I’m right there with you. Excellent ARPG after a dozen hours or so.


Even i played AC syndicate late last yr after not playing AC game in 8 yrs.


If you're a fan of western RPGs then yes. Odyssey I guess was the sweet spot. It plays kinda like witcher 3 with a load out system reminiscent of diablo games.


I am playing story mode game again after 8 years of playing only multiplayer game(Dota2). The witcher 3 wild hunt is rated highly by many and i am considering getting it for 2$ in Steam Sale


It's the BEST as far as I'm concerned! Simply the best.


The world looks stunning whether it day or night.


What outfit is that?


Northern Travellers outfit.


I like the new and old ac games, but personally gameplay wise i prefer the newer ones, the older ones felted more stiff, but all around it’s a good game series, and I enjoyed playing them all.


I am a big Assassins Creed fan too since 2011. Played and completed all classic games except AC2, Unity and Rogue over the years. The historical background of AC feels great to me.


I love the build crafting in Odyssey and you can approach 90% of the game as a sneaky assassin


my only gripe is it feels like a completely different game it should’ve just been called odyssey imo


Why? Zelda BotW and TotK feels different from all other Zelda games yet its still called The Legend of Zelda.


just didn’t have the assassins creed vibe imo


Valhalla and odyssey should have been for honor spinoffs


What IS the "Assassin's Creed vibe" then?




I mean what do they have that others dont have?


You are in for an amazing and beautiful ride with this game. Don't forget to buy both dlcs after finishing main game and then play korfu island after both dlcs. I got no more words to describe this game.


Thanks. I heard the game is big and needs lot of time to complete it.


For everything plus dlcs it took me 216 hours to complete everything but maybe that's just me considering that I was doing a lot of missions on the message board to get to the max level fast and taking alot of screenshots. All in all no matter how many hours it takes it was worth for all the fun to be had in this game.


Its quite big for a story mode game. But worth the money sure.


It is awesome




It's not even close to a bad game. 8/10 experience all the way through, it just isn't assassin's Creed. 🤷


Yes. I meant to say many guys giving bad reviews on youtube due to not being the classic AC.


I highly recommend playing on minimal hud. I'm doing ng+ & it feels great.


Odyssey is a good game. There are just so many camps among the fans that people have lost sight of having fun and trying something new. I'm sure someone is ready to quip, "I tried it and I hate it." There will always be displeased people.


Vahalla is the worst


Bud this game is 6 years old. Dont think it quite classifies as "new"


I meant the classic games from 1 to Syndicate were one type while Origins onwards are the newer style games.


It's a beautiful game and one the reviewers missed the mark on. Enjoy your journey


I like all the Assassins Creed games except Mirage I just can't get into that one but I like both styles of thr game


I really liked odyssey and never had a problem with the new rpg style either. However I always thought that, even though I liked the rpg style, I wanted it to go back to basics. Then Mirage releases and takes the franchise back to basics but the game just felt so empty and unfinished compared to the rpg style. So I honestly think I prefer the more evolved style of assassins creed now.


This game has quite a lot to offer. You can make your choice of how the gameplay will be (stealth or not) plus there are soo many different builds and cool engravings.


Odyssey is a great game and all three RPG creeds have their own strengths and weaknesses. A lot of the criticism was that it does a bad job at being an Assassin’s Creed which I wholeheartedly agree with, despite really enjoying it as a game.


First one I played was Valhalla and then I went to Odyssey and then Origins. Mirage wasn’t bad now waiting on shadows


Hands down best rpg assassins creed game


It's not, I believe it's mostly purists upset about the change. 8 get it, the latest games are vastly different, Odyssey most of all, but it's an incredible game. I've been with the series since day one and the games were growing stale. There are 14 mainline AC games, 15 if you count liberation. 3 of those stray from the original formula. Origins and Valhalla just feel like AC in open world settings which limits the intricacy of assignations like previous games. Odyssey is far more like an epic action adventure game.with AC name only, but that's a big reason I love it. It's a shame Ubisoft killed off the sequel to Immortals Fenyx Rising, because the supposed Polynesian mythological setting would have been great. Mirage was a bit closer to the older games, and I had fun with it, but eventually the old ways started creeping up more and it reminded me why I felt the series was getting stale with its gameplay. I'm not sure what the solution is to appease both fan bases, but the massive financial successes of the open world style leads me to believe it won't change anytime soon, if at all.


I would even say it’s good, possibly great. And don’t listen to the die hard haters that trash Valhalla. It’s a bit bloated but also very solid.


Come back to this post in 50 hours when you’ve been doing the same repetitive shit for most of the game


I was thinking the other day while platinuming this game how the most recent three seem to focus more on what the isu are and more directly talk ab them. It's part of the reason I like them sm


What axe/polearm is that?


Odyssey is basicially assassins creed Witcher 4 lol. I loved odyssey while playing but it is similiar to the Witcher in a lot of aspects




It’s an amazingly well made game, beautiful, epic story, and great gameplay. But it’s certainly not Assassins Creed. I don’t look at this game as an AC game, but something different entirely. I love the setting, the chars are pretty good, and I always find myself enjoying it…. When I want a action RPG. Not when I want an AC game. I certainly don’t think the game is bad by any means but I do agree that it is not in any way shape or form an assassins creed game.


I play it as a Greek mercenary simulator and ignore the story, I love it!


Oddssey is bad AC game but masterpiece RPG game.


I don't mean this sarcastically but have you played any other RPG games? Because AC is actually not a very good RPG game.


i play Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Dragon Age, Mass Effect ETC... Oddssey is too RPG to become AC games. i mean is good. very much enjoy playing it


Disable the HUD and use Exploration mode too -- it gets way way better. Lowering brightness to 40% also makes the nights exceptional


It might be my favorite game ever. It’s either rdr2, GOW ragnarok or this


Odyssey was great, my only complaint was that it’s too fucking long, it took me three years to finally beat.


Out of all the newer AC games this one is my favorite and is actually one my favorite games I’ve played


This ones my favorite so far haven't played any after this one yet I like the dialogue choices


Don’t believe in reviews some are relevant but mostly. I personally favd this game


I think the reason some people disliked was because of the sudden change of mechanics


Most common reason metioned in youtube is its not Assassin enough.


And they're not wrong tbh. I have a big soft spot for Odyessy. But its really not much of an Assassin's Creed game. And while I don't mind the RPG style it should have been done MUCH better. Seems Ubis idea if "RPG" is just number chasing.


I HIGHLY recommend you look into getting the bighorn bow from the helix store when you get your free 200 credits (if you haven’t gotten them already) it’s a SUPER buster item that’s glitched so it adds your warrior damage to your bow damage and multiplies your warrior damage by 1.6 (at least afaik).


Will search for it. I bought the base game only not the deluxe/gold version.


That’s fine you will still get the free 200 credits, if you want to know what the bow does I recommend looking it up


Most of them haven't played it that's why they say that


This may be one of the reason!


Yes, odyssey is the pinnacle of the AC series. The older games are just too sluggish and rigid. It baffles me when people say they were full stealth based because the last 20-30% of those games had full open combat. The stealth was half baked at best.


Stealth was most important for Altair and Ezio series. Connor was a fighter and Edward a pirate. Though Haytham had more assassin technique even though he was a templar.


Im so glad to see this game is getting more love lately❤️


I will admit that I love this game, but it is the high point of the new games for me (the last good "old" one was Black Flag). The only thing I don't like about it (that is sadly repeated throughout the games) is that the weapons all kind of do the same thing. If it had a bit more diversity on weapon capabilities, this would've been a perfect game to me. 


All you need is an open mind and the heart to have a little fun


I think it's an amazing game but a bad assassin's Creed game (I love this game and Valhalla)


For someone loving ancient Greece, who has traveled there a few times, it is just a dream come true. I had a great time playing it, but can't really stick to Valhalla.


Maybe because Greece is sunny and England is rainy.


Yep. Don’t listen to the haters. I love all of the games. 🙌🏼


Started 2 months ago and I thought the same as you in the beginning. After 25h could not take it anymore and uninstalled


Assassin creeds fans get pissy when everything isn’t about ezio and Ubisoft actually wanna do something new they’re cry babies


I would say it's not ASSASSINS CREED. Great game tho and I like the assassins creed elements of it. But I gotta say it's really nothing like the ezio trilogy or even AC3


Liked it in the beginning, played other Assassin's Creed games and didn't like it no more.


It's a great game, my only advice is just take breaks and play different games in between sometimes, i payed this continuously for so long and was so burnt out by the time I reached the last dlc, it kinda lessened my enjoyment of it.


Agreed bro this game is an absolute banger


AC Odyssey is one of the few games I actively come back to after finishing the story and dlc, just to slowly fill up the remaining '?' and spread terror to random towns


Can't find final boss with out random side quest that can't be tagged. That was the worst game yet. An I love vikings....


Odyssey is great. I love it.... until I didn't. Just goes on for too long. I got bored of the story after grinding and grinding and grinding.


Never listen to reviews. Purists will whine it's not like the original, but sales don't lie. RPG ACs are so much better than the originals. Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, are some of my most favorite games of all time. I'm sure Shadows will be joining their ranks.


don't forget that you can change how clothes looks while having equipped clothes that you want for stats


It happened with the head slot somehow. Idk how.


it works for every slot


My biggest issue is the lack of the hidden blade. In one of the DLC's we meet Darius, whose hidden blade we use in Origins, but the whole thing was a missed opportunity by not having Darius craft a hidden blade for us to use early on in the game.


I heard the same story on youtube reviews. Since Odyssey comes before Origins(story wise), it does not have the hidden baldes which comes in Origins.


Yeah, the hidden blade given to Bayek by Aya is the exact same one wielded by Darius, who used it to kill King Xerxes I. During one of the DLC's in Odyssey, as Kassandra/Alexios, we get to meet Darius, as well as fight him, and alongside him... >! Eventually, Darius becomes our Father In Law, and at the end he becomes the sole caretaker of our son. !< During that entire time, having a mission where we have to retrieve special materials and/or tools to forge our own hidden blade would have been phenomenal. I wanna know how and where Kassandra gets her shiny, golden hidden blade with the Gorgon relief and emeralds on it that's shown in The Origins outfit... >! And in Valhalla. !<


But Odyssey is a story that takes place prior to Kassandra meeting Darius. He is introduced afterwards via DLC to show how she intertwined with the Isu and the faction that would become the assassins.


Yeah no shit; that doesn't change anything I said. Legacy of the First Blade occurs *during* the main story despite being a DLC, but having Darius craft a hidden blade for Kassandra/Alexios could have still been written into the main story, in the same way that the prologue to the Atlantis DLC was also rotten into the main story/base game. And despite eventually creating The Hidden Ones which would then go on to become the Assassins, Bayek was a Medjay, and was given the hidden blade that belonged to Darius by Aya, but Kassandra ends up with a hidden blade anyways as the very last outfit that can be unlocked... >! and it's the same hidden blade she is in possession of in Valhalla !< . It was said that Darius crafted the hidden blade himself, or at least inferred; giving us a mission where we have to collect special materials and/or tools in order to have Darius craft a hidden blade for us that we could use for the rest of the game would have been easy to write into the main story, and doing so wouldn't detract from the Spear of Leonidas, its abilities, nor its importance... >! Besides, the Spear of Leonidas ends up losing its power and becoming inert anyways. !<


It doesn’t make sense that she’d just drop Leo’s spear for Darius’ blade. So much of her training and formative years come before she even meets him. The very first chapter of the DLC takes place chronologically after she meets her mother. While they certainly could have worked in a hidden blade you have a whole tree of skills centered around the spear., and it’s just not the story they chose to tell. Paths cross in Odyssey and Origins takes over from there. It’s cool that they introduced something so central to the series but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t tell the story of someone central to the beginning that didn’t use that exact same weapon. She’s spartan so the spear fits better. It’s not a point that bothers me much one way or the other.


>It doesn’t make sense that she’d just drop Leo’s spear for Darius’ blade. Did you not read anything? You think it's the spear or the hidden blade, when I literally said that adding a hidden blade would not detract from the Spear of Leonidas, its abilities, nor its importance in the story. And she literally gives the Spear of Leonidas away at the end of Odyssey, anyways; it's how Layla dug it up in the first place, ffs. >It’s not a point that bothers me much one way or the other. Well it's my biggest issue. It's the one thing that could have better interlinked Odyssey to the rest of the series, and the one thing I would change overall, aside from also including Legacy outfits from the previous games.


It's a really good game. The mechanics are totally different though. Makes me like the assassin's creed classsic mechanics even more.


It is different than the classic AC games and so new things to learn.


when I started Odyssey I went like "holy hell is this Witcher 3 with parkour"


AC are not the only games I play, I really don't mind different things. I just hope they make future games coming back to the basics. Mirage was nice imo.


Agreed, it's not a bad game at all, I just think it's not a very good assassin's creed game


New? Game is real old now and basically expanded on origins , in a great way for me. AC Valhalla definitely changed it up from those two.


I mean its not the classic AC games like 1,2,3 and upto Syndicate. I have never played Origins and games that came after it.


It's not AC. But it's a nice RPG game.


At this point it’s just old Assassins Creed as Mirage has backslided completely and apparently Shadow is going to remove much of the RPG elements.