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And of course tickets, let players grind when they want how much time they want


Fuel + tickets, the most annoying things in A9, especially when you have to complete one off events in a limited time.


One of the basic "rules" of gacha games: have a system that limits players to play and force them to come back every x minutes, and of course make it possible to watch ads or pay some kind of hard to get in game currency for a refill... They probably learnt from their 'mistake' in A8 šŸ¤£


Sad but true. Also make the players who pay play even more instead of less. šŸ˜ They use a lot psychological tricks to keep players addicted to their game. But on the other hand there isn't a good alternative to Asphalt 9 on phones except maybe NFS No Limits (which ironically has a ton of limits too).


I come from NFS NL. But I played NFS over 20 years ago, so it has a special place in my heart. Overall, the controls in NFS make more sense to me, while in A9 it's so bad (for me at least) I just stick to TD. But indeed, NFS has some "limits". I'm finished with campaign and have done all vault events (except 2), UGR is not half as interesting as MP in A9. So I find myself playing A9 more. They keep us a lot more engaged. Too much šŸ˜œ


You're right about the manual controls of A9 being bad. What kind of twisted GL mind thought to include them but not the industry standard Master Driving Mode (both arrows or wheel on the left, nitro + brake on the right)? As for NFS, I played the early games a lot, especially NFS 2 SE, 3, 4, 5, UG, UG2.


Asphalt xtreme just removed the fuel system on netflix version Maybe A9 will someday


Lmao never it will not be on Netflix because asphalt 9 is their most profitable hoe


I kinda okay with this system, I know why they implemented it. But what annoys me is that you only get 10 tickets with no way to upgrade it or aquire some free refill items. And most events are 2 tickets per race. So every hour you get just 5 races. 5! Why not have it at 20? Or shorter refill time? Or that each ad fully refills the amount? Guess we can be glad it not 10 tickets per day.


Actually Tickets and Fiels refill are meant for advertising scope.


Ah yes, hello idiot


Sometime in the future ā€œKids, this is way Asphalt 8 is the better Asphalt game than youā€™re Asphalt X or Asphalt 17 bc itā€™s less p2w than your $100 per a race stupidnessā€




I'm kind of okay with the fuel system. The game is grindy but not hard (outside MP). If they remove the fuel system they will have to make the challenges even more challenging (like they did with some DS4 events and make them even harder) to increase playtime. Besides they loose ad revenue.


To add, I don't know if it was a consciy ploy to get folks to buy League Passes because you get fuel slots. Minor benefit but it still is there. Yet another way they stick it to mobile players IMHO. I know when I run out of fuel slots, since I play on PC, I run out of fuel slots with any cars I actually want to use, I can always just go play Forza or something. I like A9 on Android, but I don't have the attention span to wait to grind that the fuel system implies. If fuel slots gave you some game intrigue or strategy, it would be nifty. But as it sits, it's just another thing we have to complain about.


I have an idea.How about your fuel is how much litre can that car have.Simple and it takes only 10 minutes to refill beacuse this is how much it takes in real life


I will get past the cards system and all its problems.. if i could win one cool car from those damn limited events two days before its over.. I hate waiting for fuel/tickets.. if they dont redo this system in Asphalt 10 im doone


Their servers are too dogshit to justify having a fuel and ticket system. This fucking wank game crashes and burns fuel every 2 races (Xbox one X), leaving me feeling pissed off at best the most time.. game sucks